Digital Citizenship/Using Google Apps Syllabus

Digital Citizenship/
Using Google Apps
Instructor Information:
Mrs. L. Edwards
Belle Vernon Area High School, Room 112
Required Text:
Using Google Apps, The Goodheart-Wilcox Company, 2014
Additional Resources:
Moodle online course;
724-808-2500; ext. 2112
Course Description:
The Digital Citizenship curriculum is designed to empower students to think critically, behave
safely, and participate responsibly in our digital world. The course will include but is not limited
to Internet Safety, Privacy & Security, Relationships & Communication, Cyberbullying, Digital
Footprint & Reputation; The Google Apps curriculum is designed to give students an opportunity
to incorporate web-based software applications into daily computer use. By taking this course,
students can learn the skills needed to be productive and efficient in their use of Google Mail,
Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Presentations and Google Sites. Students
will be introduced to real-world applications of these tools.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:
Test their knowledge of digital media and talk about the role media plays in their lives
Learn that cruelty can escalate quickly online
Understand the concept of online ethics and ethical behavior
Understand the dynamics of online cruelty and how it affects all people involved
Understand the concept of privacy in their everyday lives and how it relates to the
6. Understand the concept of a digital footprint
7. Generate a 4-year plan based on one of 16 career clusters.
8. Use Google Mail to send and retrieve e-mail, organize inbox and contacts, and create
task lists
9. Use Google Calendar to keep track of events, share event information, and share
10. Use Google Drive to store and retrieve files, create and share folders and files
11. Use Google Docs to create and share documents
12. Use Google Sheets to create and share spreadsheets
13. Use Google Slides to create and share presentations
14. Use Google Forms to create and analyze information.
15. Create customized websites using Google Sites; collaborate with others to manage a
Google site
Academic Honesty:
Any work submitted by the student shall be his/her own. Work taken from others shall be
deemed as unacceptable. Any doubts will initiate the completion of an alternative assignment
or a zero on the required effort, depending on the severity of the infraction.
Class Policies and Expectations:
1. Please be in your seat and ready to begin class when the bell rings.
2. Please respect school property. No writing on desks, chairs, tables, or mouse pads.
Also, do not tamper with any of the computer equipment at your workstation. You are
responsible for the equipment at the assigned seat you are sitting in. Please notify the
teacher IMMEDIATELY if anything at your workstation is damaged or has been
tampered with. Appropriate action will be taken if you are caught destroying or
damaging any school property.
3. You can be excused from class for the restroom and nurse when necessary. Please do
not abuse this privilege. You must have your handbook to be excused.
4. No food or drinks are permitted in class.
5. Please obtain make-up assignments after being absent on the day that you return. If
possible, please check Edline for class plans. It is the responsibility of the student to
obtain any assignments that were missed.
6. Assignments missed on a day of absence become make-up work.
7. If you are absent when a test or quiz is given, you will have the following time frame to
take the make up quiz or test (different than the original): two (2) weeks for any missed
tests; one (1) week for any missed quizzes. After that time, if the test/quiz is not taken,
you will receive a zero. (This follows the student handbook).
8. Late assignments will receive only partial credit. Points will be deducted starting on the
6th school day after the due date.
9. Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating on an assignment or test/quiz,
or submitting someone else’s work as your own, YOU AND THE PERSON YOU ARE
SUBJECT TO ADMINISTRATOR DISCIPLINE. Cheating in this class is defined as:
sharing passwords; submitting someone else’s work as your own; logging in to someone
else’s files; copying work; and using cheat sheets. Don’t jeopardize your own grade to
help out another classmate!!!!
10. Keep your password to yourself. DO NOT give it out to anyone! If you suspect
someone knows your password, please alert the teacher immediately so that your
password can be changed. Your password can be changed at any time during the year.
11. The INTERNET may be used for school-related assigned work only. Use of the
Internet during class time without teacher permission is unacceptable.
If you have a disability that requires special accommodations, you need to notify the teacher no
later than the 2nd week of class.
Course Grading Criteria:
All quizzes, tests, and projects will be graded according to the Belle Vernon Area School District
grading policy. Total points will be accumulated for all evaluated efforts in this class rather than
having letter grades per each effort. The grading scale is as follows:
Assignments per Quarter:
Informal Assessments: (10% of quarter grade)
 Chapter Lesson Activities completed with instructor
 Chapter Skills Review
Formal Assessments: (90% of quarter grade)
 End of Chapter Exercises
 Chapter Tests
 Quarterly Assessments
TOTAL POINTS = 375 Points (approximate)
*Assignments or assessments may vary due to pace of class and individualized
Academic Standards:
Students will be reacquainted with the Pennsylvania Academic Standards that have been
adopted by the Department of Education, along with the Common Core Standards that are in
the process of being implemented nationwide. Students will be made aware of the importance
of the standards and the efforts to meet them.
Grades will be updated every Friday on Edline. If you lost or cannot remember log in
information, please contact our Child Accounting Department at 724-808-2500 ext. 1108.
Schoolwires (Website):
My website will be updated every Friday. Course Topics, Assignments, and Quizzes and Tests
are also posted weekly.
Course Outline:
1st Quarter
I. Digital Life 102
 My Digital Life Similes
 Life in a Connected Culture
2nd Quarter
I. Google Docs
II. Turn Down the Dial on Cyberbullying
and Online Cruelty
 Stacy’s Story
 Create “Dial it Down” Maps
II. Google Sheets
III. My Online Code
Analyze Jeff’s Profile
Digital Citizenship
Character Introduction (Friday Night
Taking Perspectives
Collaborate with others in a shared
Apply formatting to cells
Use basic formulas to obtain data
results in a spreadsheet
Manage data in a spreadsheet by
sorting and filtering
Create a chart from data in a
III. Google Slides
IV. Taking Perspectives on Cyberbullying
Create a new document
Set permissions for sharing a
Format text in a document
Format text in a document
Insert images and hyperlinks into a
Use the research tool to locate
Edit a shared document
Use revision history of a document to
revert to previous version
Download and print a document
Convert a presentation from an
uploaded file
Insert images and video
Insert tables
Draw shapes on slides
Add animations to objects &
transitions to slides
Add a theme to a presentation
Present a Google Slides slide show
Download a presentation
III. Google Slides
Convert a presentation from an
uploaded file
Insert images and video
Insert tables
Draw shapes on slides
Add animations to objects &
transitions to slides
Add a theme to a presentation
V. What’s the Big Deal About Internet
What’s Private?
Design a Privacy Policy
VI. College Bound
Review College Applications
Select a Candidate
I. Keys to Work
Keys2Work Interest Survey
Research Career Cards based on
students’ Holland Codes
Research Career Clusters based on
interests (16 possible)
Choose at least 3 favorite careers
Create a 4-year plan based on chosen
Career Cluster
Create a 4-year plan based on top
career choice
I. Chapter 1 – Sending and Receiving
Compose e-mail message
Reply to e-mail message
Send e-mail with attachment
Search for e-mails
Use e-mail signature
Select theme for Google account
II. Organizing the Inbox
Delete, archive, and restore messages
Create labels to group messages
Use stars to mark important messages
Create filters to organize messages
III. Google Drive List
 Create a folder in Google Drive
 Share a Google Drive folder
 Upload files to Google Drive
 Search for items in Google Drive
Present a Google Slides slide show
Download a presentation
IV. Google Forms
Create a Google form
Distribute a Google form to collect
Manage response data
Edit a form
Digital Citizenship/
Using Google Apps
*The syllabus for Digital Citizenship/Using Google Apps is placed in its entirety on my
SchoolWires webpage. You will find classroom policies, grading policies and how the students
will be fully evaluated for this class within its contents. The bottom portion of this form is due by
Friday, August 29, 2014.
The following signatures state that all parties are aware of the preceding syllabus.
Student Name (printed) _________________________________
Student Signature_________________________________Date_______________
Parent/Guardian E-mail ________________________________________________
Teacher Signature_________________________________Date_______________