Poor Start in School Due To: Conduct Disorders Lack of Social Skills Lack of emotional literacy Low Academic Readiness Increases the Risk of Youth: School failure Costly Interventions Can Be… Economic Costs Substance abuse Anti-social behaviors School-Based Learning Supports School-Based Emotional Supports Mental Health Services Child Protection Services Juvenile Crime/Probation Services Out of Home Placement Emotional Toll These Costs Are Assumed by Us! Blueprints Evidence-Based Model: Incredible Years Dina Classroom Program Youth/Families Schools Communities Taxpayers Community Level Indicators Protective Factors Increased Emotional regulation Social skills & positive friendships Effective problem solving Positive relationships and teaching from parents and teachers Risk Factors Decreased Child aggressive behavior Poor problem solving skills Poor social skills & emotion literacy Early initiation and persistent conduct problems Low academic readiness Poor relationships with parents, teachers and peers Prevention Saves! Proven Outcomes: Improved youth selfcontrol Improved social problem solving Reduced youth conduct problems at school and home Improved Educational Outcomes & Social/Emotional Climate in Schools SEL has been found to improve academic attitudes (motivation and commitment), behaviors (attendance, study habits, cooperative learning), and performance (grades, test scores and subject mastery) (Zins et al., 2004). PARTICIPANT OUTCOMES XYZ County MEETING LOCAL NEEDS (Include dates IYS DINA was implemented) Number of Schools Served: 1 Number of Children Impacted: 69 Explain why IYS DINA was selected. This can include SES data, PAYS data, and other statistics from Mental Health, CYCS or Juvenile Justice System. IMPACT HIGHLIGHTS: Percent of youth experiencing positive change as reported by teachers. (#) pre & post assessments completed. INSERT AGENCY NAME OR LOGO AND CONTACT INFORMATION IN THIS BOX 100% 90% 92.75% 92.75% Improved Concentration Increased Emotional Competence 85.51% Teaching social emotional skills with IYS DINA meets the following PA Department of Education’s Early Learning Concepts/Standards. Recognize, label, & manage feelings. Respond with empathy by recognizing the feelings and perspective of others. Develop self-regulation Understand the consequences of behavior and its impact on others Resolve peer conflicts positively. Identify and set goals. Number of Youth 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Decreased Anti-Social Behavior Here is what teachers are saying about IYS DINA in their classroom (Include quotes, anecdotal statements here)