CO-AMP NEWS Volume 2, Issue 1 January 2011 CO-AMP Students to Travel to Conferences and Africa Rachel Raguindin Wins $1000 COAMP Scholarship This spring, four chemistry students will be using the CO-AMP travel grant to attend the American Chemical Society national meeting in Anaheim, CA. The students going with COAMP funding are Reyna Reyes, Jeremy Schaffer, Tyler Christensen, and Rachel Raguindin. Reyna and Rachel will be presenting a joint poster on research that they have been working on in the past year here at Adams State College. Their poster is entitled: Characterization of products and potential uses of by-products from a small-scale biodiesel plant. Last spring Rachel Raguindin was selected as one of ten recipients in the state of Colorado to receive a $1000 COAMP scholarship. She was nominated by Drs. Renee Beeton and Martin Jones. Rachel is a Senior chemistry major and has aspirations of getting a least a M.S. and possibly a PhD in some area of chemistry. While she is not sure which specific area of chemistry she would pursue further, she is interested in areas that are related to environmental chemistry. Rachel was nominated because “She is a good student with a sunny disposition that has put forth considerable effort to gain experiences in chemistry.” Congratulations Rachel! This summer, Joseph Vigil, awarded in the first international travel grant, will be partially funded by COAMP to travel to Tanzania with Dr. Tim Armstrong as part of the biology course “The Natural and Cultural History of East Africa”. These are only a few of the opportunities that COAMP has money to fund. If there is a conference, course, field experience, etc. that you would like to attend, please Renee Beeton at There is money still available. Rachel Raguindin presenting in the undergraduate poster session at the National American Chemical Society Meeting in San Francisco, March 2011 INSIDE THIS ISSUE (L. to R.) Reyna Reyes, Mario Padila, David Gurule, and Rachel Raguindin at the National American Chemical Society meeting last March in San Francisco. 1 1 2 2 CO-AMP Students Travel to Conferences Rachel Ragiundin Wins $1000 COAMP Scholarship Many Summer Research Opportunities Upcoming Events – Science Fairs Judges Needed CO-AMP News 1 Many Summer Research Opportunities UPCOMING EVENTS SAN LUIS VALLEY REGIOAL SCIENCE FAIR MARCH 10 (PM) -11 (AM) Judging the science fair is a rewarding experience that looks great on a resume. (and if you haven’t done it before, it is a lot of fun!) This year, COAMP will compensate student judges $25 for their time and effort. You will most likely be asked to judge by some of your science and math professors, but if you are not, please contact me at Every area of science, mathematics, and engineering needs more judges! This is an official college function, so you will be excused from your classes on those days. In order to receive the money, you will need to fill out a few forms, which I can send to you by e-mail and then give them to me at the science fair. I hope to get a good COAMP representation this year – remember you are role models for future mathematicians, scientists, and engineers! COAMP UNDERGRADUATE POSTER SESSION APRIL 8 (ALL DAY) PUEBLO, CO This year, there will be a COAMP meeting in Pueblo, CO, in which representatives from other COAMP universities and colleges in Colorado will present at an undergraduate poster session. If you have a poster or a project that could be presented as a poster (even one done in class), please let me know ( I would love to have a strong representation from ASC. You will be compensated for this event and transportation will be provided. I will e-mail more information to interested individuals at a later date. Now is the time to start thinking about your summer plans. Regardless of your future career goals, summer research is a very valuable experience. Not only does it help you get a better feel of what work in your major field would be like and get a foot in the door for graduate school and future jobs, it also often pays better than other summer jobs. Why flip burgers this summer when you could be living somewhere different and padding your resume? All of the flyers for these opportunities are on the CO-AMP bulletin board. Please contact me if you would like more information about any of these opportunities – note: these are only highlights there are many more out there. If anyone did anything last summer, please let me know so I can mention you in future reports. Also, I would like to know if you get into any summer programs for this summer! Good luck! GOOGLE SCHOLARSHIP FOR HISPANIC COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS The Google Scholarship Program offers funds to students studying computer science or computer engineering who are juniors or seniors in college, or pursuing a Master's or PhD. Selected scholars will be invited to an all-expenses paid trip to the Google Headquarters in California in the summer of 2011 Application Deadline: March 1, 2011 Amount of Each Scholarship: $10,000 How to Apply: Complete the Google Scholarship Program Application General HCF Eligibility Requirements: •Must be of Hispanic background •Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident residing in the United States or Puerto Rico •Must be studying at an accredited university in the U.S. or Puerto Rico for the upcoming academic year •Must be (or plan to be) enrolled full-time for the upcoming academic year •Must have a minimum GPA of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale •Must demonstrate financial need Google Scholarship Eligibility Requirements: •Must be pursuing a Computer Science or Computer Engineering degree, or a degree in a closely related field (such as Software Engineering)* •Must be a maintaining a record of strong academic performance •Must be entering junior or senior year of undergraduate study or enrolled in a graduate program in the 2011-2012 academic year at a university in the United States or Puerto Rico CO-AMP News 2 continued from page 2 ECOLOGY AT HARVARD Each student will participate in an ongoing study with senior researchers from Harvard University, the Ecosystems Center of the Marine Biological Lab, University of New Hampshire, University of Massachusetts, Boston University, and other collaborators. Responsibilities generally include field and laboratory studies, data analysis, and scientific writing. In addition, students attend weekly research seminars given by nationally known scientists, workshops on research and ecological ethics, and career and graduate school panels. At the end of the summer, students will develop their research results and present their findings at a student research symposium. Visit education/reu/reu.html for project descriptions and our on-line application. TRUST SUMMER FELLOWSHIP FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJORS The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure Technology (TRUST) will sponsor 12 undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds and cultures, to participate in the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience located at TRUST partner campuses: UC Berkeley, Cornell University, Stanford University, Vanderbilt University. These students will be working with graduate student and faculty mentors throughout the summer performing research and supporting activities in the area of information technology and TRUST related topics. The application deadline is March 1, 2011. For application materials and additional information go to: ( SROP AT BERKELEY – ALL DISCIPLINES The University of California, Berkeley is pleased to announce its 2011 Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), offering students opportunities for facultymentored research in the fields of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Chemistry, Computer Science, Earth & Planetary Science, Geology, Geophysics, Mathematics, Physics, and Statistics. The eight-week program will be held on the UC Berkeley campus from June 5 through July 30, 2011. Participants are provided with round-trip airfare, room & board, stipend, graduate school preparation workshops, GRE prep course, UCB application fee waiver, and more. Basic eligibility requirements include: U.S. citizenship or permanent resident status; sophomore, junior, or nongraduating senior status; a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA; demonstrated potential for success and an interest in pursuing graduate study. The SROP selection committee follows a comprehensive review and weighs each applicant’s academic and personal achievements, preparation for research, and the availability of faculty mentors in their field of interest. You may access the 2011 program description and application online at: AMGEN SCHOLAR SUMMER RESEARCH UC Berkeley is pleased to announce the 2011 Amgen Scholars Summer Research Program in Science and Biotechnology. This national program provides participants with the opportunity to conduct research with a faculty member, obtain college research units, and receive a stipend, housing, meal plan, and transportation to and from the UC Berkeley campus. Program dates are May 30 - August 5, 2011 and the application deadline is Tuesday, February 1, 2011. Berkeley welcomes applications from your students and appreciates if you would forward this information to your colleagues. For more information about the program, please visit the following sites: UC Berkeley Amgen Scholars Program Website at CO-AMP News 3 Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates RESOURCES FOR STUDENTS Sensing and Signaling PURSUING DEGREES IN SCIENCE Dates: June 6 through July 29 Benefits: $3200 stipend, housing, insurance and travel allowance FOR UNDERGRADUATES: Paid Summer 2011 Undergraduate Research Placements!!! Over 400 programs -Undergraduate REU and Other Summer Research Opportunities: See asp The Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, is hosting a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates with the theme of “Sensing and Signaling.” It is open to current sophomores and juniors, and priority given to juniores. The program runs from from June 6 through July 29, 2011. This comes with a nice stipend for the summer, and housing on campus (which you would not need I suppose). Note that the official deadline March 30. SUMMER PROGRAM IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES IN PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMER RESEARCH – INTERDISCINEPINARY, ENVIRONMENTAL Clarkson University is offering a Research Experience for Undergraduates program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). This program in Environmental Sciences and Engineering has a theme of “Advancing Sustainable Systems and Environmental Technologies to Serve Humanity (ASSETs to Serve Humanity)”. Students of diverse backgrounds will come together for a 10-week intensive summer research experience, professional development, and graduate student preparation. The program incorporates professional development and multidisciplinary research activities in three focus areas: (1) sustainable energy and infrastructure for the built environment, (2) sensing, identifying, and mitigating emerging pollutants and other risks, and (3) transformation of social policy: infrastructure, energy, and environment. Students will be provided with a generous stipend; a travel allowance; field trips focused on the REU theme; workshops related to sustainable energy, sustainable infrastructure, and sensors; and other professional development opportunities. More information and an online application are available at The deadline for applications is March 1, 2011. OBJECTIVES: Interns apply state-of-the art technology in their own research projects under the direction of a Harvard faculty member. Research projects focus on biological science questions that are important to the prevention of disease. Disease areas include infections (malaria, TB, parasites), cancer, lung diseases, multifactorial, multigenic and common diseases of aging, diabetes, obesity, etc. Scientific approaches include regulation of cell growth and gene regulation, cellular metabolism, DNA modification, cellular signaling, structure-function analyses, etc. ELIGIBILITY: To qualify for this program applicants must be a US citizen or permanent resident (proof of permanent residency must be provided) from a member of a group that is underrepresented in graduate education (African American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaskan Natives, Pacific Islander or Multiracial/Biracial); OR a firstgeneration college student(neither parent or legal guardian has a bachelor's degree) as defined by the U.S. Department of Education; OR a low-income student as defined by the U.S. Department of Education. FUNDING: Financial support over the course of 9 weeks includes a stipend of $3,460, a travel allowance of up to $475 and free dormitory housing. CO-AMP News 4