Grace International School Long-term Plan 2015-2016 Subject English Mathematics Week 1 Genre Mystery Week 2 Genre - Mystery Number and Algebra 1: Multiplying and dividing negative numbers HCF and LCM Powers and roots Prime factors Sequences Science Genre Mystery Genre Mystery Genre Mystery Geometry and Measures 1: Alternate and corresponding angles Interior and exterior angles of polygons Geometric proof Geometric properties of quadrilaterals Constructions 8A Food & Digestion Intro to Drawing B&W Shading With Line Shading With Line Shading With Line Sport Line: Vanishing Points Week 6 Week 7 Genre – Horror Frankenstein Genre – Horror Week 8 Statistics 1: Probability Probability scales Mutually exclusive events Experimental probability Number 2: Fractions and decimals Adding and subtracting fractions Multiplying and dividing fractions Classification Keys and Ecological Concepts Line: Vanishing Points Optical Illusion Optical Illusion Tee Ball: Standing on base and strategy Tee Ball: Game Traditional dodge ball: Rules and game plan Swimming Unit 1: Striking and fielding games PE Volleyball: Basic skills IT Introduction Performing Arts History Geography Religious Studies Volleyball: Bumping Introduction French Bangla Volleyball: Setting Pronouns Volleyball: Game rules Tee Ball: Batting and strategy Introduction to Coding – TYNKER Module 1 Famille et Domicile Unit 1: Mon album de famille Familymembers Pronouns Unit 2: Au boulot Professions Pronouns Introduction to Improvisation Drama Fall of Roman Empire Improvisation Unit 3: Où habitentils ? Where people live Pronouns Improvisation Unit 4: Quel temps fait-il ? The weather Adjectives Shakespeare Byzantine Empire GIS Week 9 Genre – Horror Unit 5: Un Journée dans la vie de… Daily routine Adjectives Shakespeare Public Information Systems Module 2 Temps Libre… Unit 1: Le weekend Revision dernier & The perfect Assessment tense with « avoir » Adjectives Adjectives Shakespeare: Sword Play Buddhism Glacier Hinduism Expressions of faith: Introduction, Holy books, Ramayana, temples, worship, stages in life, festivals Shakespeare: Sword Play Special Emphasis Week Art 1st Semester – Term 1(9 weeks) August – October 2015 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Subject Week 10 Week 11 Genre – Horror Genre – Horror English Mathematics Science Art Grace International School Long-term Plan 2015-2016 st 1 Semester – Term 2 (8 weeks) October –December 2015 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Genre – Horror IT Intro to Drawing Colour Modern Art Modern Art Basketball: Dribbling and control Basketball: Passing and shooting Basketball: Rules and shooting Public Information System Module 2 Temps Libre French Bangla Performing Arts History Geography Religious Studies Silent Movie Task Week 15 Week 16 Goodbye Mr Chips – short story exploration Goodbye Mr Chips – short story exploration Week 17 Goodbye Mr Chips – short story exploration Numbers 2 Number 3: Algebra 2: Geometry and Measures 2: Algebra 3: continued Powers of 10 Algebraic shorthand The circle Linear functions Percentages Large numbers Like terms Circumference Finding a function from Percentage Estimations Expanding brackets and Area of a circle inputs and outputs increase and Working with decimals factorising Surface area and volume of Graphs decrease Efficient calculations Using algebra with shapes prisms Gradient Real-life Multiplying and dividing Index notation with algebra Imperial units Real-life graphs problems decimals 8B Respiration 8C Microbes & Disease 8D Ecological Relationships 8E Atoms & Elements Sport PE Genre – Horror Unit 2: Hiersoir The perfect tense – irregular verbs Unit 3: On regarde la télé Describing what you saw or read root verbs past tense Stage Make-Up Stage Make-Up Life in the Middle Ages Unit 4: Tu es sorti(e) ? The perfect tense with « etre » past continuous Dance Myths and Heroes Myths and Heroes Self Portrait Unit 2: Invasion games Basketball, Badminton and Football Basketball: Dribbling and Handball: Throwing and catching control Self Portrait Handball: Control and Center position Christmas Project Badminton: Serving and Rules Introduction to Web Design and Web Publishing Module 3 Les Sorties Unit 2: Unit 5: Unit 1: Désolé(e), Le weekend… Revision Tuveuxsortir ? mais… Talking about & Making and Making past events Assessment responding to excuses. using the invitations. Modal perfect tense verbs. present perfect Dance past perfect past habitual paragraph Christmas Play Practice Christmas Play Practice Christmas Play Practice Christianity Weather and Climate Hinduism Beliefs and teaching about meaning and purpose: God, deities, life after death, karma, creation and science, funerals Christmas Unit paragraph Christmas Play Practice Islam River Hinduism Ethics and values: moral decisions, human relationships, prejudice, global issues, life and death issues, other faiths Grace International School Long-term Plan 2015-2016 2ndSemester – Term 3 (12 weeks) January –March 2016 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Genre Detective Genre Detective Genre Detective Genre Detective Week 23 Subject English Mathemati cs Art Geometry and Measures 3: Congruent shapes Transformations Enlargements Planes of symmetry Shape and ratio Algebra 4: Solving equations Equations involving negative numbers Equations with unknown on both sides Substituting into expressions Substituting into formulae Statistics 2: Statistical surveys Stem-and-leaf diagrams Interpreting graphs and diagrams Scatter graphs Analysing data 8F Compounds & Mixtures 8G Rocks & Weathering 8H The Rock Cycle Intro to Painting Still Life Badminton: Serving IT French Still Life Still Life Landscape Landscape Week 25 Shakespeare: MacBeth Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespear e: MacBeth Number 4: Fractions Adding and subtracting fractions Order of operations Multiplying decimals Dividing decimals Badminton: Doubles and Serving Badminton: Games Whiffle Ball: Batting and Pitching Computer Networks Module 3 Les Sorties Unit 3: Les vêtements Clothes Unit 4: Faire les magasins Shopping Adjectives Unit 5: La cité de l’Europe Comparativ es & superlatives Landscape Solving problems: Number and measures Using algebra, graphs and diagrams to solve problems Logic and proof Proportion Ratio 8J Magnets & Electromagnets Self Portrait Self Portrait Self Portrait Self Portrait Football Whiffle Ball: Catching and Throwing Cricket: Bowling and Batting Data: Use and Misuse Module 4 Manger et Boire… Revision & Assessmen t Algebra 5: Expand and simplify Solving equations by trial and improvement Constructing equations Problems with graphs Real-life graphs Change of subject 8I Heating & Cooling Thermodynamics Unit 2: Invasion games Football and Ultimate Frisbee, Sport PE/Games Genre Detective Field Trips Science Genre Detective Week 24 Week 18 Unit 1: Bon appétit Food and drinks Unit 2: Le repas français Meals Data: Use and Misuse Module 4 Manger et Boire Unit 3: On prépare une fête Planning a party Unit 4: Au marché Shopping for food Unit 5: Au restaurant Ordering in a restaurant Revision & Assessment Module 5 Voyages et Vacances Unit 1: Les Pays Countries and nationalities Grace International School Long-term Plan 2015-2016 Bangla zero verbs Performing Arts zero verbs Script Writing Character History Geography Religious Studies Script Writing use “aacho” use “aacho” use “From” Theatre Theatre Around the Around the World World The contact Between East and west Script Writing use “Where from” Theatre Around the World Relative personal pronoun Relative personal pronoun Relative personal pronoun Relative personal pronoun Phantom of the Opera Phantom of the Opera Phantom of the Opera Book to Stage to Big Screen Relative personal pronoun Book to Stage to Big Screen The Voyage of Discovery Population Coast Buddhism Expressions of faith: Buddha; Tipitaka; worship practices; Sangha; Vihara; festivals Buddhism Expressions of faith: Buddha; Tipitaka; worship practices; Sangha; Vihara; festivals 2ndSemester – Term 4(9 weeks) April –June 2016 Subject Week 30 English Shakespeare: MacBeth Mathematics Week 31 Shakespeare: MacBeth Week 32 Week 33 Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespeare: MacBeth Statistics 3: Collecting data Solving for frequency problems: tables Number and Geometry and Measures 4: Assumed mean measures Plans and elevations and working Using algebra, Scale drawings with statistics graphs and Finding the mid-point of a line Drawing diagrams to segment frequency solve problems Map scales diagrams Logic and proof Loci & Bearings Comparing data Proportion Experimental Ratio and theoretical probability 8K Light 8L Sound & Hearing Week 34 Assessment Week Week 35 Week 36 Week 37 Week 38 Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespeare: MacBeth Shakespeare: MacBeth Statistics 3: Collecting data for frequency tables Assumed mean and working with statistics Drawing frequency diagrams Comparing data Experimental and theoretical probability 7B Reproduction Science Art Sport PE IT French Pop Art Pop Art Mixed Media Mixed Media Recreating a Master Recreating a Master Swimming Cricket: Rules and Scoring Stick Hockey: Manoeuvring and control Systems: Integrating Applications to Find Solutions Module 5 Voyages et Vacances Unit 2 : On part Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: Review SATs Science Research Project Recreating a Master Year Review Recreating a Master Swimming Football: Four a side Block-Bean games Systems: Integrating Applications to Find Solutions Module 6 Les Copains Unit 1: Unit 2 : Unit 3 : Unit 4: Grace International School Long-term Plan 2015-2016 Making travel plans Bangla present perfect continuous: Performing Arts Silent vs Talkies History Geography Religious Studies Au centre de vacances Describingaholiday centre present perfect continuous: Destination Sénégal Describing a holiday past perfect continuous: Becoming the Silent vs Talkies Director The Renaissance Voyager en ligne Finding information online La page des copains Describing people using adjectives past perfect continuous: Becoming the Director Writing ad & letter to friend, Create Your Own Movie Coast Buddhism Beliefs and teachings about meaning and purpose: life, suffering, the Noble Eightfold Path, the Wheel of Life, enlightenment, different groups of Buddhists L’argent de poche Jobs and money La technofolie ICT and gadgets Writing ad & Writing ad & letter to friend, letter to friend, Create Your Create Your Own Movie Own Movie The Reformation Présent, passé, futur Using the three main tenses together in a text Writing ad & letter to friend, End of the Year Performance Buddhism Ethics and values: moral decisions, human rights, animal rights and vegetarianism, environmental issues, careers and employment, war and conflict