National research university “Higher School of Economics” Faculty of Psychology For the students of the MSc program “Applied social psychology” (specialization 03300.68 “Psychology”) Course syllabus for the discipline “Cross-cultural psychology” Author: Nadezhda M. Lebedeva, PhD, professor of the Department of Organizational Psychology, Endorsed by the Department of Organizational Psychology «___»_________ 20 Head of the department V.A.Stroh ______________________ Recommended by the Educational and Methodical Council (section «Psychology») «___»____________ 20 Chair V.A.Stroh ________________________ Approved by the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Psychology «___»_______20 Scientific secretary E.B.Starovoytenko ________________________ Moscow, 2013 The given syllabus cannot be used by other departments of HSE or other universities without the allowance of the author 1. Scope of application and reference to regulatory documents This syllabus establishes the requirements for the knowledge and skills of the students, and defines the content of the course and the forms of evaluation. The syllabus is designed for the teachers, teaching assistants, and the students of the MSc program «Applied social psychology». The program is designed in accordance with: Educational standard of HSE; Educational program for the specialization 030300.68 Master of Psychology; The curriculum of the university for the program «Applied social psychology». 2. Course objectives The main objectives of the course are: 1) to introduce the main theories and researches in cultural and cross-cultural psychology; 2) to develop an interest, motivation and skills of primary analysis of cultural specifics of individual and group behavior. 3. Student’s competences after the course General competencies Specific competencies Student has profound knowledge in the The student is capable to define field of modern theoretical and applied theoretical and applied aspects of cross- social psychology cultural psychology The student knows main theoretical approaches, fundamental questions and concepts of cross-cultural psychology. Student owns the system of main The student is capable to give definitions categories of social psychology and of the main categories and to estimate methods of research methods of psychological research in cross-cultural psychology. Students know different theoretical approach and methods of culture’s measurements Is able to work and do research in the Student is capable to apply the international environment knowledge of cultural specifics in verbal and nonverbal communication in international working settings Student is able to present the results of Student knows the international his/her work in the reports and standards of presenting the results of the presentations in English, both in public cross-cultural research in English in and individual communication written and verbal forms. Student has the skills of presentation of different home tasks in English. Student is able to use the specific Student knows the criteria of good cross- concepts, models, and methods to solve cultural study; the complex problems in governmental, Student has the skills to reveal and social and business organizations, explain the cultural differences administration bodies, and in the areas Student is capable to develop programs of research and consulting of intercultural migrants’ adaptation in Russian society, programs of multicultural training in various working and educational settings. 4. Place of the course in the structure of the educational program The discipline is basic (obligatory) for all 1st year master students of the MSc program “Applied social psychology” The discipline builds on the previously learned general theories within the courses: General psychology; Social psychology; Ethnic psychology. The knowledge and skills built within this course will be needed to study the following disciplines: Cross-cultural psychology of organizational behavior; Methodology of cross-cultural research; Research seminar «Cross-cultural psychology». 5. Course schedule Total № Theme number of hours 1 Introduction to cross- Class hours lectures seminars Individual work 20 4 4 12 30 4 4 22 cultural psychology 2 Measuring and mapping cultures 3 Culture and cognition 20 4 4 12 4 Personality across cultures 30 4 4 22 5 Communication and culture 40 8 8 24 6. Psychology of migration 40 8 8 24 180 32 32 116 and acculturation Total 6. Course content 1. Introduction to cross-cultural psychology Increase in scientific interest in cross-cultural psychology of the last decades: globalization and migration. What is cross-cultural psychology? Fundamental questions of cross-cultural psychology. Cultural psychology. Indigenous psychology. Relationships between culture and human behaviour. Absolutism, Relativism, Universalism. How to study the relationships between culture and behaviour? Varieties of comparative psychological research. Levels of observation and analysis in comparative psychological research. Ecocultural Framework. Transmission Variables. Cultural Transmission Framework. Equivalence and Comparability. Functional Equivalence. Conceptual Equivalence. Metric Equivalence. Emics and Etics. Topical categories including cultural coverage. Literature: Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Segall, M.N. & Dasen P.R. (2002).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications, 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press. Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A. & Sam, D. (2011).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 3d Edition, Cambridge University Press. Bock P.(1980) Continuties in Psychological Anthropology. San-Francisco, CA: Freeman. Triandis H.C. (1994) Culture and social behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. Van de Vijver,F.J.R., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A (Eds.) (2011) Fundamental Questions in Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cambridge University Press. Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Units 1-3: 2. Measuring and mapping cultures Definitions of culture. Theoretical framework for studying ecology, culture and behavior. How to “measure” a culture? Cultural Syndromes (Triandis): Cultural complexity, Tightness-looseness, Individualism-Collectivism. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions: Individualism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, Masculinity. World Values Survey (Inglehart): Traditional versus Secular-Rational values, Survival versus Self-Expression values. Cultural Value Orientations (Schwartz): Embeddedness – Autonomy, Egalitarianism – Hierarchy, Mastery – Harmony. Social axioms (Bond, Leung). Literature: Cohen, D. (2001). Cultural variation: Considerations and implications. Psychological Bulletin, V. 127, p.451-471. Gelfand, M.J. et al. (2011). Differences between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33Nation Study. Science, V. 332, p.1100-1104. Hofstede G. (1980) Culture's consequences: international differences in workrelated values, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Inglehart, R. & Baker, W. (2000). Modernization, cultural change and the persistence of traditional values, American Sociological Review, № 65, p.19–51. Schwartz, S. (2006). A theory of cultural value orientations: Explication and applications, Comparative Sociology, V. 5, p. 137-182. Schwartz, S. H. (2011). Values: Cultural and individual. In S. M. Breugelmans, A. Chasiotis, & F. J. R. van de Vijver (Eds.), Fundamental questions in cross-cultural psychology, p. 463-493. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Triandis H.C. (1994) Culture and Social Behavior. McGrow-Hill, Inc. Welzel, C., & Inglehart, R. (2010). Values, agency, and well-being: A human development model. Social Indicators Research, V. 97, p.43-63. Welzel, C., Inglehart, R. & Klingemann, H. (2003). The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis, European Journal of Political Research, V. 42, р.341-379. Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Papers: Dianne A. van Hemert. Cross-Cultural Meta-Analyses. Fons, J. R. van de Vijver Types of Comparative Studies in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Realo A. and Jüri Allik. The Nature and Scope of Intra-Cultural Variation on Psychological Dimensions. Smith, P.B. Levels of Analysis in Cross-Cultural Psychology. Triandis, H.C. Subjective Culture. 3. Culture and Cognition Perception and culture. Historical roots (Rivers’ experiments). Sensory functions. Perception of patterns and pictures. Visual illusions (Segall’s experiments). Theories of explanation of visual illusions. Depth perception (Hudson’s experiments). Face recognition across ethnic groups. Cultural patterns of drawing. Perception of color. Perception of time. Culture and Intelligence. General intelligence. Ethnic differences in IQ scores and its’ explanation. Intelligence and intelligent behavior. Contributions of biological and socio-economic factors. Cultural values of Cognition. Cognitive styles. Literature: Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A. & Sam, D. (2011).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 3d Edition, Cambridge University Press (ch.6-9). Shiryaev, E., Levy D. Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Applications.Allyn and Bacon, 2010.(ch.4-5). Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Papers: Altarriba J., Basnight, D.M., and Canary, T.M. Emotion Representation and Perception Across Cultures. Altarriba J. Bilingualism: Language, Memory and Applied Issues. Chi-yue Chiu. Language and Culture. Fleith, D.S. Creativity in the Brazilian Culture. Guess, C.D. Decision Making in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures. Guess, C.D. Planning in Brazil, India and Germany. Hofer J., Chasiotis A. Implicit Motives Across Cultures. Mpofu E. Indigenization of the Psychology of Human Intelligence in Sub-Saharan Africa. Sternberg, R.J. Cultural Explorations of Human Intelligence Around the World. Strohschneider S. Cultural Factors in Complex Decision Making. 4. Personality and Culture How culture shapes personality? Climate’s influence on Personality. ‘Culture and Personality’ School (М.Мead, R. Benedict, R.Linton, A.Kardiner). The Basic Personality Structure. Modal Personality Theory. National character. Problems with the early studies of Personality. Five Factor Theory (McCrae and Costa). Universality of genetic structure. Age trends in Personality. NEO-P-R Tests of Universability, Personality Profiles of Cultures. The Russian Character and Personality Survey. Self in Social Context. Sex Differences in Personality. Social Roles Explanation. Evolutionary Explanation. Environment Stress Explanation. Some non-western concepts. African Personality. Indian concepts of personality. Amae in Japan. Literature Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A. & Sam, D. (2011).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 3d Edition, Cambridge University Press (ch.3,5). Gudykunst W. et al. (1988) Culture and interpersonal communication. - Beverly Hills, СA: Sage. Markus, H. R. & Kitayama, S. (1991). Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation, Psychological Review, V. 98, p.224-253. Allik, J. et al. (2011). Personality profiles and the "Russian Soul:" Literary and scholarly views evaluated, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, V. 42, p. 372– 389. Realo, A., Allik, al., (2009). Mechanisms of the national character stereotype: How people in six neighboring countries of Russia describe themselves and the typical Russian, European Journal of Personality, V. 23, p.229–249. Terracciano, A. et al., (2005). National character in 49 cultures: Perceived and assessed personality traits, Science, V. 310, p.96-100. Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Lucas, R. E. (2003). Personality, culture, and subjective well-being: Emotional and cognitive evaluations of life, Annual Review of Psychology, V. 54, p.403–425. Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Papers: Cheung, F.M. and Cheung S.F.Measuring Personality and Values Across Cultures: Imported Versus Indigenous Measures. Church, A.T. and Katigbak, M.S. Studying Personality Traits Across Cultures: Philippine Examples. Eyetsemitan F. Life-Span Developmental Psychology: Midlife and Later Years in Western and Non-Western Societies. Hills, M.D. Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Values Orientation Theory. McCrae, R.R. Cross-Cultural Research on the Five-Factor Model of Personality. Schmitt, D.P. Are Sexual Promiscuity and Relationship Infidelity Linked to Different Personality Traits Across Cultures? Findings from the International Sexuality Description Project. Suh, E.M. and Oishi S. Subjective Well-Being Across Cultures. Trommsdorff G. An Eco-Cultural and Interpersonal Relations Approach to Development over the Life Span. 5. Communication and culture Factors of communication and culture. Triandis’ model of culture and communication. Cultural values (Кlackhorn, Schwartz). Cultural norms, rules, roles in communication. Culture and verbal communication. Cultural-conditioned styles of verbal communication: direct and indirect styles of verbal communication, personal and situational styles, instrumental and affective styles. Culture and nonverbal communication. Proxemics in the context of culture. Tactile interaction. Communicative competence and ways of its improvement in crosscultural communication. Intergroup (inter-ethnic communication. Theories of intergroup interaction. The concept of inter-ethnic tension and its psychological indicators. Ethnic stereotypes and prejudice. Modern theories of the origin of prejudice. Psychological paradigm of intercultural interaction. Perceived discrimination and inter-ethnic relations. Cross-cultural studies of ingroup favoritism. Interpersonal relations in intercultural communication. Literature Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A. & Sam, D. (2011).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 3d Edition, Cambridge University Press (ch.4,14). Gudykunst W. et al. (1988) Culture and interpersonal communication, Beverly Hills. CA: Sage. Hofstede G. (1980) Culture's consequences: international differences in workrelated values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Le-Vine R.A., Campbell D.T. (1972) Ethnocentrism: theories of conflict, ethnic attitudes and group behavior. NY: John Willey. Schwartz, S. H. (2006). Les valeurs de base de la personne: Théorie, mesures et applications //Basic human values: Theory, measurement, and applications,. Revue Française de Sociologie, V. 47, p. 249-288. Schwartz, S. H. (2011). Values: Cultural and individual. In S. M. Breugelmans, A. Chasiotis, & F. J. R. van de Vijver (Eds.), Fundamental questions in cross-cultural psychology, p. 463-493. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Papers: Adamopoulos J. Perception of Interpersonal Behaviors Across Cultures. Khan, S.R. Stereotyping from the Perspective of Perceivers and Targets. Kornadt, H.-J.Social Motives and Their Development in Cultural Context. Levine, R.V. Measuring Helping Behavior Across Cultures. Liu, J.H. A Cultural Perspective on Intergroup Relations and Social Identity. Segall, M.H. Why is There Still Racism if There is No Such Thing as "Race"? T. West and Levy S. R. Background Belief Systems and Prejudice. 6. Psychology of migration and acculturation The concepts of migration, emigration and immigration. Psychological problems of migration. The motivation for emigration (push - pull theory, neo-classical theory). The hypothesis of «cultural shock». The concept of cultural distance. Model of cultural learning. Stress of acculturation, strategies of acculturation (Berry). Socio-cultural, psychological, economic adaptation of migrants. Psychological adaptation to new geographical environment Migration and psychological health of migrants. The consequences of intercultural contacts (genocide, segregation, assimilation, integration). Benefits of multiculturalism. Ethnic identity and tolerance. Socio-psychological factors of ethnic tolerance intolerance. Applied research of cross-cultural psychology in the field of adaptation of migrants. MIRIPS project. Study of acculturation of migrants in Russia and the CIS. Programs for improvement of intercultural relations. Intercultural training. Cultural assimilator. Literature Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A. & Sam, D. (2011).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 3d Edition, Cambridge University Press (ch.13). Furnham A., Bochner S. (1986). Culture Shock: Psychological reactions to unfamiliar environments, NY: Methuen. Kaplan S.(1983) A model of person-environment compatibility .Environment behavior, V.15, p.1390-1400. Padilla, A. M. (2008). Social cognition, ethnic identity, and ethnic specific strategies for coping with threat due to prejudice and discrimination. In C. WillisEsqueda (Ed.), Motivational aspects of prejudice and racism. Springer: The Nebraska Symposium on Motivation Series. Pettigrew, T. F., & Tropp, L. R. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, V. 90(5), p.751–783. Tartakovsky, E., & Schwartz, S. H. (2001). Motivation for emigration, value priorities, psychological well-being, and cultural identifications among young Russian Jews. International Journal of Psychology, V. 36(2), p.88-99. Tartakovsky, E. (2009). The psychological well-being of unaccompanied minors: a longitudinal study of adolescents immigrating from Russia and Ukraine to Israel without parents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, V. 19(2), p.177-204. Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Papers: Bochner S. Culture Shock Due to Contact with Unfamiliar Cultures. Gannon M. J. Cultural Metaphors: Their Use in Management Practice as a Method for Understanding Cultures. Nippoda Y. Japanese Students' Experience of Adaptation and Acculturation of the United Kingdom Rudmin, F.W Acculturation, Acculturative Change, and Assimilation: A Research Bibliography With URL Links. Rudmin, F.W Catalogue of Acculturation Constructs: Descriptions of 126 Taxonomies, 1918-2003 Sam, D.L. and Oppedal B. Acculturation as a Developmental Pathway. Schönpflug U. Acculturation, Ethnic Identity, and Coping. Schultz, P.W. Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors Across Cultures. Sussman, N.M. Sojourners to Another Country: The Psychological Roller-Coaster of Cultural Transitions. Tyler, F.B. Transcultural Ethnic Validity Model and Intracultural Competence. Wang J. Knowing the True Face of a Mountain: Understanding Communication and Cultural Competence. 7. Education technologies The interactive forms of teaching are used in the course: group discussion, case analysis (life stories, book or video materials). Recognized and well-known professors in the field of cross-cultural psychology are invited to give «master classes». 8. Forms of evaluation for the current assessment and attestation Form of the assessment Criteria Presentations on specific topics from 1) Depth and thoroughness of material advanced cross-cultural psychology on analysis seminars (are intended to familiarize the 2) Clear structure of report (critical audience with the modern achievements parts in cross-cultural psychology, which are problem, method, substantial results beyond the lecture course). Students and conclusion) work in small groups (2-3 per each) and 3) Consistency and logical structure of prepare presentations on articles from report portal in 4) Quality of answers to the questions Psychology and Culture. International from audience (complete and detailed Association answers) “The Online for and Psychology” Readings Cross-Cultural HSE of presentation: research electronic resources. Homework (2). Home tasks allow more 1) Feasibility detailed and thorough study of particular conclusions and main theses of project topics that are not fully covered during 2) Ability to apply the theories of lectures and seminars. social and cross-cultural psychology to Homework should be done in a field the analysed problems. References to study the theories used are required. format. arbitrary interaction Students situation from of choose an cross-cultural their previous and validity of 3) Ability to apply practical aspects of theories used in the analysis to the experience and write an analytical analyzed problems. formally structured essay where they 4) Absence of elements of everyday analyze the chosen situation in terms of psychological several socio-psychological theories. journalisms. a) Choice and analysis of cross-cultural 5) Practice-oriented recommendations. situation for homework № 1 should be 6) Consistency and logical structure of related to the topic “Measuring and verbal and written report. mapping cultures”. 7) Quality of answers to the questions knowledge and b) The homework №2 is performed on from audience the topic “Psychology of migration and acculturation” and facilitates development of critical thinking and analysis of literature. The task also demands the development of student’s own view of the problem, along with suggestions on its practical aspect. Students work in small groups of 2-3 people. The task should be done as analytical essay and oral presentation with use of PowerPoint. The final examination. 1) depth and completeness of answers Students are to write answers to two on 2 theoretical questions; theoretical questions and one practical 2) correct, deep and complete case. The exam requires demonstration implementation of case of broad theoretical knowledge along with ability to apply this knowledge to the practical problems in hand. 10-value scale is used to rate all forms of control. 9. Forms of knowledge assessment and grading procedures Knowledge should be assessed in 10-point scale. Grades on the following forms of knowledge assessment constitute the final grade: Gclass – the grade for participating in the classes and being active during the dicussions Gindividual – the grade for individual work, including grades for intermediate tests and for preparing presentations for the seminars Gcurrent – the grade for homeworks = 0.5*homework1 + 0.5*homework2 Gcumulative = 0.4*Gcurrent + 0.3*Gclass + 0.3*Gindividual Gexam – the grade for the final examination Gfinal = 0,6 Gcumulative + 0,4*Gexam 10. Learning aids Course book Berry J.W., Poortinga, Y.H., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A. & Sam, D. (2011).Cross-cultural psychology: Research and applications. 3d Edition, Cambridge University Press Basic literature Allik, J. et al. (2011). Personality profiles and the "Russian Soul:" Literary and scholarly views evaluated, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, V. 42, p. 372–389. Bock P.(1980) Continuties in Psychological Anthropology. San-Francisco, CA: Freeman. Cohen, D. (2001). Cultural variation: Considerations and implications. Psychological Bulletin, V. 127, p.451-471. Diener, E., Oishi, S., & Lucas, R. E. (2003). Personality, culture, and subjective well-being: Emotional and cognitive evaluations of life, Annual Review of Psychology, V. 54, p.403–425. Furnham A., Bochner S. (1986). Culture Shock: Psychological reactions to unfamiliar environments, NY: Methuen. Gelfand, M.J. et al. (2011). Differences between Tight and Loose Cultures: A 33-Nation Study. Science, V. 332, p.1100-1104. Gudykunst W. et al. (1988) Culture and interpersonal communication, Beverly Hills. CA: Sage. Hofstede G. (1980) Culture's consequences: international differences in workrelated values, Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Inglehart, R. & Baker, W. (2000). Modernization, cultural change and the persistence of traditional values, American Sociological Review, № 65, p.19– 51. Kaplan S.(1983) A model of person-environment compatibility .Environment behavior, V.15, p.1390-1400. Le-Vine R.A., Campbell D.T. (1972) Ethnocentrism: theories of conflict, ethnic attitudes and group behavior. NY: John Willey. Markus, H. R. & Kitayama, S. (1991). Culture and the self: Implications for cognition, emotion, and motivation, Psychological Review, V. 98, p.224-253. Padilla, A. M. (2008). Social cognition, ethnic identity, and ethnic specific strategies for coping with threat due to prejudice and discrimination. In C. Willis-Esqueda (Ed.), Motivational aspects of prejudice and racism. Springer: The Nebraska Symposium on Motivation Series. Pettigrew, T. F., & Tropp, L. R. (2006). A meta-analytic test of intergroup contact theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, V. 90(5), p.751– 783. Realo, A., Allik, al., (2009). Mechanisms of the national character stereotype: How people in six neighboring countries of Russia describe themselves and the typical Russian, European Journal of Personality, V. 23, p.229–249. Schwartz, S. (2006). A theory of cultural value orientations: Explication and applications, Comparative Sociology, V. 5, p. 137-182. Shiryaev, E., Levy D. Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology: Critical Thinking and Contemporary Applications.Allyn and Bacon, 2010.(ch.4-5). Tartakovsky, E. (2009). The psychological well-being of unaccompanied minors: a longitudinal study of adolescents immigrating from Russia and Ukraine to Israel without parents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, V. 19(2), p.177-204. Tartakovsky, E., & Schwartz, S. H. (2001). Motivation for emigration, value priorities, psychological well-being, and cultural identifications among young Russian Jews. International Journal of Psychology, V. 36(2), p.88-99. Terracciano, A. et al., (2005). National character in 49 cultures: Perceived and assessed personality traits, Science, V. 310, p.96-100. Triandis H.C. (1994) Culture and social behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill Inc. Van de Vijver,F.J.R., Brugelmans, S. M., Chasiotis, A (Eds.) (2011) Fundamental Questions in Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cambridge University Press. Welzel, C., & Inglehart, R. (2010). Values, agency, and well-being: A human development model. Social Indicators Research, V. 97, p.43-63. Welzel, C., Inglehart, R. & Klingemann, H. (2003). The theory of human development: A cross-cultural analysis, European Journal of Political Research, V. 42, р.341-379. Internet-recourse: The Online Readings in Psychology and Culture. International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology.