Woodland Ecosystems March 2014 Riverina Environmental Education Centre Table of Contents 1. Ecosystems and plant communities 21. Adaptations: cypress pine 2. Australia's vegetation 22. Adaptations: casuarina 3. Woodland or forest? 23. Adaptations: acacia 4. Woodland tree density 24. Food chains and webs 5. Shrub or grassy woodland? 25. Herbivory 6. Box gum grassy woodlands 26. Interactions: allelopathy, commensalism etc 7. Woodland trees 27. Kangaroo survey 8. Woodland, a critically endangered ecological community 28. Human impact: contour banks, reserve, fenced, signage 9. Limiting factors: soil nutrients Articles and resources The following pages are a case study of a reserve behind the Riverina EEC to assist students doing fieldwork at the Centre Grassy white box woodlands(article) Structural classes (table) 10. Case study: Red Hill Reserve Shade density (table) 11. Abiotic factors: landform Soil changes (article) 12. Abiotic factors: soil BGGW Recovery Plan (article) 13. Abiotic factors: climate Effect of soil phosphorus (research article) 14. Biotic factors: plant distribution (transect) Effect of soil phosphorus (research article) 15. Biotic factors: plant diversity (quadrat) Squirrel glider NSW Scientific Committee 16. Distribution & abundance: small-leaf pea 17. Distribution and abundance: animal squirrel glider 17b. Squirrel glider tree spacing 18. Adaptations: general Squirrel glider: recovering endangered populations Recommended resource: A guide to managing box gum grassy woodlands by K. Rawlings, D. Freudenberger and D. Carr. Commonwealth of Australia 2010 19. Adaptations: eucalypt 20. Adaptations: pea Riverina Environmental Education Centre 1. Ecosystems and plant communities You will be using the following terms during this study. Ecosystem Any given space in which plants and animals interact with each other and the abiotic or physical environment. Ecological community A group of populations of plants and animals in a given place. Plant community A group of populations of plants in a given place. The following characteristics can be measured and used to compare different plant communities. Structure: the number of vertical height layers of plants. The physical layering is important because generally the more height layers of plants, the richer the habitat and the more animals supported. Form: the shape of the plants. The main forms are: trees, shrubs, grasses, herbs, mosses and lichens. Species diversity: the number of different species. Abundance: the number of plants of each species. Some species may have large populations and others, although present may be represented by only a few plants. Dominance: not all species are equally important. Some species determine the conditions under which others live. A tall tree may shade all plants beneath it or release a chemical inhibiting the growth of other plants. 2. Australia's vegetation (Based on work by the Australian National Botanic Gardens http://www.anbg.gov.au/index.html) The most widely recognised classification system for Australian vegetation was developed by Specht (1970) and defines structural forms of vegetation in terms of the dominant plant form and the percentage of crown or foliage cover of the tallest plant layer. In this classification, a tree is defined as a woody plant more than 5 m tall, usually with a single stem. A shrub is a woody plant less than 8 m tall, frequently with many stems arising at or near the base. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Structural forms of vegetation (based on Specht 1970) Projective foliage cover Approximate crown cover % 70-100% 30-70% 10-30% < 10% > 80% 50-80% 20-50% < 20% Form and height of tallest layer Structural formation classes Trees > 30 m Tall closed-forest Tall open-forest Tall woodland Tall open-woodland Trees 10-30 m Closed-forest Open-forest Woodland Open-woodland Trees 5-10 m Low closed-forest Low open-forest Low woodland Low open-woodland Shrubs 2-8 m Closed-shrub Open-shrub Tall shrubland Tall open-shrubland Shrubs 0-2 m Closed-heath Open-heath Low shrubland Low openshrubland The vegetation classification used above can be a little confusing with the terminology used for crown and foliage cover. Crown cover is the percentage of the study site covered by crowns. The crowns are considered opaque, as though they let no light through. Foliage cover is the percentage of the site covered by crowns but adjusted for the amount of light let through by the leaves and woody branches because many crowns, particularly in woodlands let some light through. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Projected foliage cover is the same as foliage cover but takes into account seasonal variation. Some plants are summer or winter deciduous and drop some leaves. Note: when you stand under a single tree and look up, you are looking at the foliage cover of that tree. The classification used above is for the percentage of the whole site or sample area covered by crowns. 3. Woodland or Forest? Before starting, download and print two items: article, 'Grassy White Box Woodlands', 4 pages and read the first two paragraphs. table, 'Structural formation classes' by Specht The table on 'structural formation classes' classifies a plant community as a forest, woodland or shrubland etc. The classification is based on the height of the dominant layer, usually the tallest layer and the percentage crown cover for the site. Describe the vegetation community in photo one. Include: height formation dominance and structure Riverina Environmental Education Centre Describe the vegetation community in photo 2. Include: height (see scale next to tree in centre of photo) formation dominance and structure 4. Woodland tree density "Healthy box gum grassy woodlands typically have widely spaced trees (30-40 per ha) with a grassy groundcover which includes a stunning diversity of wildflowers." From 'A Guide to Managing Box Gum Grassy Woodlands'. Rawlings, Freudenberger,Carr, p4, 2010 Riverina Environmental Education Centre Below is a representation of a one hectare quadrat you are studying in a woodland. Calculate: a. tree density b. projected/percentage foliage cover of the vegetation along the transect A-A. The shade density of the trees in the transect is given below the transect. To calculate projected/percentage foliage cover, estimate the percentage crown cover along the transect and multiply it by the percentage foliage cover e.g. if the crown cover is 50% and each crown has a foliage cover of 50% then 0.5 X 0.5 = .25 or 25% When studying woodlands we normally use projected/percentage foliage cover instead of crown cover because woodland trees have a fairly open canopy, they are not opaque. Structural forms of vegetation (based on Specht 1970) Projective foliage cover Approximate crown cover % 70-100% 30-70% 10-30% < 10% > 80% 50-80% 20-50% < 20% Form and height of tallest layer Structural formation classes Trees > 30 m Tall closed-forest Tall open-forest Tall woodland Tall open-woodland Trees 10-30 m Closed-forest Open-forest Woodland Open-woodland Trees 5-10 m Low closed-forest Low open-forest Low woodland Low open-woodland Shrubs 2-8 m Closed-shrub Open-shrub Tall shrubland Tall open-shrubland Shrubs 0-2 m Closed-heath Open-heath Low shrubland Low open-shrubland Riverina Environmental Education Centre 5. Grassy or shrubby woodland Read the rest of page 1 of the article, 'Grassy White Box Woodlands'. Compare the two woodlands below and classify them as either grassy woodland or shrubby woodland. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 6. Box Gum Grassy Woodlands Distribution The map shows the original distribution of the Box Gum Grassy Woodlands (BGGW) across much of south-eastern Australia. "Now, less than 5% of the original BGGW remains in good condition. What remains exists in small, isolated patches.... From 'A Guide to Managing Box Gum Grassy Woodlands'. Rawlings, Freudenberger,Carr, p1, 2010 Describe the distribution of BGGW in more precise terms than 'south-eastern Australia'. Draw a sketch map to show it's location. Include state borders and some town names. Describe the extent of land clearing. A false colour satellite image taken by Landsat 7 which orbits approximately 700 km above the Earth in a near polar orbit. Each side of the image is approximately 180 kilometres long. The Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area and Coleambally Irrigation Area show as green areas to the west. Dryland farming areas show as light browns/mauve and light green. Areas of uncleared woodland and other remnant vegetation appear as distinct black areas, often with straight sides. Note: not all of the black areas are woodland. It includes some cypress pine and other vegetated areas. Estimate the percentage of remnant vegetation shown in the image. This also represents the amount of natural habitat left for native animals. Satellite image: Landsat 7 image acquired and processed by ACRES. 7. Box Gum Grassy Woodland trees The major tree species in BGGW are eucalypts. The word comes from the Greek eu (well) and kalyptos (concealed). There is a cap covering the flower bud which falls away on flowering in all members of this group. See flower bud photos below. BGGW is characterised by the presence of white box, yellow box and or Blakely's Red Gum. Other trees may be present such as grey box and stringybark. Riverina Environmental Education Centre White Box Yellow Box Blakely's Red Gum Eucalyptus albens Eucalyptus melliodora Eucalyptus blakelyi Bark Woody fruit Flower buds Images courtesy Toni McLeish 8. BGGW, a critically endangered ecological community "White Box-Yellow Box-Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland is listed as a critically endangered ecological community under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. The ecological community can occur either as woodland or derived native grassland (i.e. grassy woodland where the tree overstorey has been removed). It is characterised by a species-rich understorey of native tussock grasses, herbs and scattered shrubs (where shrub cover comprises less than 30% cover), and a dominance or prior dominance of White Box (Eucalyptus albens) and/or Yellow Box (E. melliodora) and/or Blakely's Red Gum (E. blakelyi) trees. To be considered part of the listed ecological community remnant areas must also: be 0.1 hectare (ha) or greater in size and contain 12 or more native understorey species (excluding grasses), including one or more identified important species (see Appendix 1) or Riverina Environmental Education Centre be 2 ha or greater in size and have either natural regeneration of the overstorey species or an average of 20 or more mature trees per ha. have a predominately native understorey (i.e. more than 50% of the perennial vegetative groundlayer must comprise native species) From: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW. 2010. Draft National Recovery Plan for White Box - Yellow Box - Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, Sydney. Download the full recovery plan (Word, 85 pages) for a comprehensive account of the BGGW and management. Definitions of threatened, endangered etc. (Word, 1 page) 9. Limiting factors: soil nutrients "Increased soil nutrient status as a consequence of fertiliser application, run-off and spray drift from adjoining paddocks, soil disturbance or stock camps causes changes in soil structure and soil biota and results in a more favourable environment for weeds. Changes to the soil nutrient status can result in a loss of native understorey species and dieback of overstorey species (Windsor 1999), with negative flow-on effects to the fauna assemblage." From: Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW. 2010. Draft National Recovery Plan for White Box - Yellow Box - Blakely's Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native Grassland. Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water NSW, Sydney, page 19. "Three of the most essential soil nutrients are phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon. When these nutrients get too high, they can disadvantage native plants. Many native Australian plants have evolved mechanisms to cope with the commonly low phosphorus levels in Australia's ancient soils. The addition of phosphorus usually in the form of superphosphate, disturbs the natural balance of phosphorus in the soil, and helps increase the availability of nitrogen to plants. This creates a competitive advantage for many weeds that have evolved in higher phosphorus environments." From 'A Guide to Managing Box Gum Grassy Woodlands'. Rawlings, Freudenberger,Carr, p57, 2010 Scientific research article on impact of phosphorus. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Scientific research article on phosphorus. Three pages have been copied, the abstract and two on data collection (methods). List the conclusions given in the abstract above. Describe the methodology, particularly the number and size of quadrats and the number of soil samples taken in each quadrat in the second article. 10. Woodland case study: Red Hill Reserve Following pages are a case study of Red Hill Reserve behind the Riverina Environmental Education Centre which is used for woodland fieldwork. Note this is a Box Gum Shrubby Woodland, not a grassy woodland. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Study site location Riverina Environmental Education Centre Draw a sketch map to show the general location of Red Hill Reserve in relation to Wagga Wagga. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 11. Abiotic (physical) factors: landform General climatic factors such as air temperature, wind and moisture don't vary much over small areas but hilly terrain causes different micro-climates. Different plants will be adapted to different micro-climates which will affect their distribution and abundance. Aspect, the direction a slope is facing, will influence the amount of sunlight the ground receives. In this region, the coolest aspect is generally south and the hottest, west. Aspect can be recorded as cardinal compass directions such north and south etc or as a bearing using the 360 degrees in a circle e.g. east has a bearing of 90 degrees. Below are photos of sites 1, 3 and 5 along the transect. The red line represents the average slope of those sites. Gradient is the steepness of a slope. Water runs down hill because of gravity. Soils higher on a slope are usually drier than soils lower down a slope where water collects. Site 1 Site 3 Riverina Environmental Education Centre Site 5 12. Physical factors (abiotic) Below are soil profile descriptions for three sites 1, 3 and 5 along the transect. These soils have formed topsoil and sub-soil layers which have different characteristics. The topsoil is dominated by the cycling of organic matter from dead plants and animals, the sub-soil by the mineral fraction from the weathered rock beneath. The geology at the three sites is the same so soil differences between the three sites are the result of micro-climate, landform and vegetation differences. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Soil texture The proportion of sand, silt and clay size particles used to classify the soil as a sand, loam or clay. Colour Iron oxides in the soil are different colours depending on the moisture status of the soil. This particularly influences the colour of the subsoil where there is more clay containing iron. Humus stains the soil a dark colour, particularly the topsoil where there is more decaying plant material. pH test pH indicates whether the soil is acidic (under 7), alkaline (over 7) or neutral (7). Describe how soil depth and colour vary between the three sites. Give reasons for the changes. 13. Abiotic (physical) factors: climate Temperature and moisture are two very important factors limiting the distribution of life on earth. Below is the average monthly temperature and rainfall data for Wagga Wagga. Monthly average climatic statistics for Wagga Wagga Ave. J F M A M J J A S O N D Temp. 23.8 23.7 20.8 16.2 11.8 9.0 ( 0 C) 7.8 9.1 11.7 15.0 18.2 21.2 Precip. 44 (mm) 53 39 43 45 54 43 54 52 65 42 35 Monthly average temperatures are obtained by adding up all the average temperatures of the days in the month and then divided by the number of days. "If temperature acts to limit a distribution, what aspect of temperature is relevant- maximum temperatures, minimum temperatures, average temperatures or the level of temperature variability?" (Ecology The experimental analysis of distribution and abundance, Charles Krebs, p67) Temperature and humidity were recorded each hour for a number of days in July and January. This data gives an idea of variability not shown by monthly averages. Was there a one off 'killer' frost or a one off extremely hot 'lethal' afternoon which exceeded a plants survival limits? Spreadsheet of data attached Graph temperature and humidity together. Describe the relationship between temperature and humidity. Riverina Environmental Education Centre The monthly average temperature for July is 7.8 degrees. What was the lowest temperature recorded by the data loggers at the three sites in July? Give the site, date and time. The monthly average temperature for January is 23.8 degrees. What was the highest temperature recorded by the data loggers at the three sites in January? Give the site, date and time. At what time of the 24 hour day/night cycle do the coldest temperatures typically occur in either summer or winter. Give reasons. At what time of the 24 hour day/night cycle do the hottest temperatures typically occur in summer. Give reasons. 14. Biotic factors: plant distribution Most areas of bush are too large to identify and count every single plant so small, randomly selected, representative areas called transects and quadrats are used to sample the woodland. Transects can be just a line such as a length of rope placed through the bush and plants touching or on either side are identified and counted. Transects show spatial changes in vegetation communities such as down a slope or across a valley. You have chosen to study the western side of Red Hill Reserve in the vicinity of the transect marked on the photo. You want to find if the tree species change down the hill. Riverina Environmental Education Centre You need to do a number of transects, by doing only one, you may miss important plant species. You also need to randomly select your transect locations so you do not have a biased survey. Three tree species are found at this site. Blakely's Red gum Yellow box White box The map below is a representation of the site. Transects will be 120m long by 10m wide. Make 3 transects at different locations. At each location record the tree species and their distance along the transect. Make the transects random. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Show your results as the distribution of trees on a landform profile diagram similar to the one below. Describe the distribution of trees at the study site. What abiotic and biotic factors may have influenced the distribution of trees? Riverina Environmental Education Centre 15. Biotic factors: plant diversity (quadrats) Quadrats are another sampling method. Quadrats can be any size or shape depending on the needs of the survey. Below is a woodland site with a small quadrat to survey the understorey. Below is an exercise in using quadrats based on the site above. One quadrat, 50m X 50m will be used to survey the trees which are more dispersed and a smaller quadrat, 20m X 20m will be used to survey the understorey and ground cover plants. Compare the abundance (number) of the different species. Randomly choose a site to place a small quadrat square on. Count the number of each species wholly inside the square or touching the sides. You need to do 3 sample areas for trees and three for ground cover. Riverina Environmental Education Centre red gum white box paper daisy kangaroo grass parrot pea Make tables of your results Trees Red Gum White box Quadrat 1 Quadrat 2 Quadrat 3 Riverina Environmental Education Centre rock fern small leaf pea paper daisy Understorey and ground cover kangaroo grass parrot pea small leaf pea Quadrat 1 Quadrat 2 Quadrat 3 Describe your methodology. Describe your results (abundance of species). Do the trees influence the distribution of understorey plants? Riverina Environmental Education Centre rock fern 16. Distribution and abundance: small-leaf pea To investigate the distribution and abundance of small-leaf pea shrubs in Red Hill Reserve, Wagga Wagga, NSW. Close up of individual leaf. Hairs (trichomes), protect the stoma from the wind. Hairs create a boundary layer of dead air over the leaf surface reducing transpiration. Small-leaf pea shrub Riverina Environmental Education Centre Quadrat 1 Q1 (0 m) Quadrat 3 Q2 (25 m) Q3 ( 50 m) Quadrat 5 Q4 (75 m) Q5 (100 m) Individual pea shrubs are shown by Comment on the adaptations of this plant to a dry environment. Comment on the distribution and abundance of the small-leaf pea. Give possible reasons for this distribution. Give several possible explanations. Riverina Environmental Education Centre General body shape: oval shape, streamlined, 11 cm long, 7.5 mm wide General parts: head, thorax, abdomen Head: 2 eyes, 2 antennae (3 mm long) Thorax: 6 legs, three each side; wings not visible but known to be present beneath outer hard covering protecting abdomen Colour: Head and thorax light brown with saddle of darker brown between eyes. Abdomen, darker brown Legs: jointed first pair smaller, 2 mm, claws on end second pair, 3 mm, claws on end third pair larger, 6 mm, many hairs, probably for swimming (guess) 17. Distribution and abundance: squirrel glider Description Make an annotated sketch of the squirrel glider in the photo and describe it in as much detail as possible. Use the example of the water beetle to guide you. Check your answer by the descriptions given in the two articles at the bottom of the page. Distribution The species is distributed widely in eastern Australia, from northern Queensland to Victoria. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Habitat (Photo: Pat Murray) "The Squirrel Glider requires hollow-bearing, floriferous eucalypt open forests and woodlands with a Banksia or Acacia shrub layer, that provide den sites in tree cavities and a good winter supply of nectar. Large trees with abundant hollows are critical elements (Holland et al. 2007; Crane et al. 2008). Preferred hollows are those with a large cavity that can house multiple gliders in a large nest, yet with a small entrance that protects the group from predators like goannas." NSW Scientific Committee (2008) Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfolcensis. Diet "The Squirrel Glider feeds on nectar, pollen, plant exudates (e.g. wattle and eucalypt sap), invertebrates, and honeydew (sugary exudate from insects), and rarely small vertebrates such as nestling birds" NSW Scientific Committee (2008) Squirrel Glider Petaurus norfolcensis. Threats Loss of mature and old-growth trees reducing the availability of hollows. Loss of food resources. Conservation actions Riverina Environmental Education Centre Retention of old growth and mature trees with hollows. Retention of shrub understorey for feed resources. Creation and maintenance of vegetation corridors between feeding areas. Read the attached scientific research articles on squirrel gliders and management. Article 1 Recovering endangered populations in fragmented landscapes: the squirrel glider, A. Claridge and R Van der Ree 9 pages. Excellent article showing distribution and abundance Article 2 NSW Scientific Committee, Review of current information, Squirrel Glider, 8 pages From the articles, describe the distribution and abundance of squirrel gliders. 17b. Squirrel glider tree spacing Squirrel gliders have a glide angle of about 28 degrees. Any steeper (over 28 degrees) and the glide is too fast to land safely. Anything under 28 degrees and the glide is too flat and the air flow over the membrane between the legs is likely to stall and the glider falls. What are the implications for squirrel glider habitat considering the glide angle and the need to stay off the ground because of predators such as cats and foxes? Riverina Environmental Education Centre 18. Adaptations: plants, general Basic Needs of Plant Plants are photosynthetic organisms so they have basic requirements of: light, water and carbon dioxide for photosynthesis; oxygen for respiration and a few inorganic ions such as phosphorus and potassium. Plants have evolved to obtain these from their particular environment. Light Absorption Photosynthesis occurs in cells containing chlorophyll. Leaves have evolved as an organ to hold the chlorophyll out to the sunlight. This has led to a number of other adaptations. To prevent leaves from being shaded out by other plants, there is an advantage in being tall. Trees with trunks have an advantage in being able to grow tall. Gas Exchange Nearly half the dry weight of most plants is carbon. Plants obtain this from carbon dioxide gas through the process of photosynthesis. A waste product of this is oxygen which is removed from the plant. Again this process occurs in the leaves. Some plants have very small leaves, others which hold their leaves out flat have most of the stomata on the underside away from the sun. All above ground plant parts are covered by cuticle, a waxy coating which retards water loss. Eucalypt leaf with thick waxy cuticle. Grevillea leaf with reduced surface area. Acacia bi pinnate leaf with reduced surface area. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Terrestrial plants have developed stomata which are openings in the leaf surface for gas exchange to occur. One problem is the loss of water from the plant when stomata are open. Plants have evolved many adaptations to reduce water loss through leaves. Electron micrographs of urn heath leaf showing how the leaf has rolled up to protect the stomata, left and closer view at right. Photos courtesy Geoff Burrows. Support Support is a problem for terrestrial plants wanting to grow tall to get more sunlight (less shading from other plants) and needing to have leaves held out for photosynthesis. Shrubs and trees have woody stems which contain cells strengthened and thickened with lignin. Sclerenchyma and xylem cells are important for this. Water Balance In terrestrial plants, the root system is well developed as it has the major function of anchoring the plant and also collecting most of its water needs. Roots also collect inorganic nutrient ions. Water loss is a big problem. A major supporting mechanism to hold leaf shape is cell turgor, water pressure within cells supports the leaf like balloons. If turgor is lost, the leaves will wilt and physically damaged. Terrestrial plants have the ability to close stomata with special guard cells. Cuticle and bark also protects the leaves and trunk from water loss. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 19. Adaptations: eucalypt Named after the covering on the seed capsule (operculum). From the Greek Kalyptos meaning well covered. The capsule is woody for fire protection. Trees may have viable capsules which are two or three years old. Seeds are released when the twig dies and the capsule dries out. This results in a slow release of seeds throughout the year. Ants eat most of the seeds. After fire, there is a massive seed release. The ants cannot eat all of these, so some germinate to become trees. There is also an "ash bed effect" of nutrients released by fires and this combined with less competition from other plants allows better survival of young trees. Eucalypts have both adult and juvenile leaves. The juveniles are usually a different shape and do not grow into adults. Often the juveniles have no petiole, are paired on the twig, are held out to the sun and are softer. Adult leaves have a petiole (stalk), a thick waxy coating and hang vertically. By hanging vertically less surface area is exposed to sunlight, reducing transpiration. Eucalypts usually have equal numbers of stoma on each side of the leaf. Trees which hold their leaves horizontally usually have nearly all stoma on the lower side. Eucalypt trees are evergreen and live for 2-3 years. Most have epicormic shoots which sprout after defoliation due to fire or insect attack. These shoots may come out of the trunk and are from dormant buds. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Epicormic shoots have juvenile leaves and indicate the tree is under stress. To endure drought conditions, eucalypts have not reduced their leaf area through evolution they have other adaptations such as scleromorphic leaves which are leathery. This tough, leathery nature comes from hard sclerenchyma tissue in the leaves which allows them to withstand severe wilting. They have a very large root system and an ability to extract water from quite dry soil. Thick bark protects the cambium (growing layer) layer from fire. Most eucalypts have a lignotuber, which is a mass of woody tissue with dormant buds and food reserves just beneath the ground as part of the root system. After a fire which has damaged the trunk several shoots may appear resulting in multiple trunks (coppicing). Go into the school grounds and find examples of the above adaptations. Take photos of them, print the photos on to a page and label them. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 20. Adaptations: pea The leaves of the small-leaf pea and the parrot pea are reduced in size. Leaves of the small-leaf pea (Pultenaea foliolosa) have many fine hairs to reduce transpiration. The hairs act like a jumper and trap a moist layer of air next to the leaf. Leaves of the parrot pea (Dillwynia sericea) are curled into a cylinder which reduces surface area and protects the stoma protected inside. Small-leaf pea (Pultenaea foliolosa) Small-leaf pea Parrot pea (Dillwynia sericea) Riverina Environmental Education Centre 22. Adaptations: black cypress pine Black cypress pine is not normally associated with Box Gum Grassy Woodland but some are found in Red Hill Reserve associated with the shrubby woodland. The leaves of the black cypress pine (Callitris endlicheri) have been reduced to 'leaf scales' with the stoma located on the underside to reduce water loss by transpiration. Electron micrographs of cypress pine leaf scales. Photo at right shows stomata protected beneath scale leaf reducing water loss. Photos courtesy Geoff Burrows. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 22. Adaptations: drooping she oak (Allocasuarina verticillata) The drooping she oak is not commonly found in box gum grassy woodlands but some specimens are found in Red Hill Reserve and they occur in the adjacent Pomingalarna Reserve as a threatened ecological community. The leaves of casuarina trees have been reduced to small "leaf teeth" to reduce the loss of water by transpiration. The green twig (branchlet) now performs the photosynthetic function of the leaf. It is cylindrical in cross-section with the stoma hidden in grooves or ribs to protect them from water loss. Photo micrograph of casuarina branchlet showing ribs Photo micrograph showing stomata protected by and grooves between. trichomes (hairs) inside grooves. Photos: courtesy Geoff Burrows. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Riverina Environmental Education Centre 23. Adaptations: acacia (wattle) There is a huge variety of leaf shapes and sizes as plants have evolved to suit their environment. The gum leaf is a simple leaf with a blade, petiole, mid-rib and lateral veins. Deane's wattle (Acacia deanei) on the right still has the basic leaf structure but the large surface area of the blade has been replaced by many small leaflets. Riverina Environmental Education Centre The 'leaf 'of the golden wattle (Acacia pycnantha, Australia's floral emblem) at right is a phyllode where the original blade has been replaced by flattening the tough petiole to act as a leaf. Some acacias have small nectary glands along the midrib. Ants are attracted to the glands for nectar. The ants also protect the plan by attacking small herbivores. This is a symbiotic relationship. Some acacias such as the varnish wattle (Acacia verniciflua) have a very thick waxy cuticle to reduce transpiration. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Above: electron micrograph of the surface of a varnish wattle phyllode showing open stomata and thick cuticle. Right: transverse (x-section) section of varnish wattle phyllode showing cells. Photos: courtesy Geoff Burrows. Deane's, golden and varnish wattles are all found in Red Hill Reserve. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 24. Food chains The movement of energy and nutrients from plant to herbivore to carnivore is termed a food chain. Feeding relationships are complex and several food chains interconnect to form food webs. Below are plants and animals found in Red Hill Reserve. Click and drag the images and arrows below the table to make a food web. Organism Trophic Level Organism Trophic Level plants primary producer beetle primary consumer chews whole leaf lerp primary consumer sap sucking insect on gum leaves cicada primary consumer sap sucking on roots of plants prior to emergence kangaroo primary consumer eats grasses secondary consumer eats mainly ants primary consumer caterpillar, eats skeletoniser green tissue of gum leaves galah primary consumer eats seeds of grasses and trees echidna possum, brushtail primary consumer eats leaves and flowers of eucalypts tertiary consumer eats other animals kookaburra including lizards and snakes The more we find out about a particular food web, the more complex it becomes. Diagrammatic representations become very complicated and it is difficult to compare different food webs. The food pyramid is a simplified, generalised model of a food web. The basic pyramid of numbers requires the counting of all plants (primary producers), herbivores (primary consumers) and carnivores (secondary consumers). This method still has difficulties when comparing different ecosystems because of the different size of plants or animals. It is partly overcome by using weight (biomass). There are different types of pyramids. The layers may show the number of organisms, the biomass (weight) or the amount of energy at each trophic level. Each method has it's advantages and disadvantages in representing the flow of energy in an ecosystem. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Plant biomass represents the amount of primary production by plants and is one way of comparing the productivity of different ecosystems. Plant biomass represents the size of the plate of food for herbivores to eat and so on down the food chain. Plant biomass is the Biomass, world average weight of plant matter. It Ecosystem Biomass (kg/m2) is usually recorded as the dry weight of plants in Tropical rainforest 45.0 kilograms per square metre of ground (kg/m2). Woodland 6.0 Alpine 0.6 Dark cave 0.002 Riverina Environmental Education Centre Riverina Environmental Education Centre 25. Herbivory Leaves are very important because they are the start of the food chain. Without them herbivores and carnivores would starve. Estimate the percentage of each of the leaves below that has been eaten by herbivores. Add up the total damage for the 10 leaves then divide by 10 to get the average damage. This type of herbivory represents the amount of energy and food passed on down the traditional food chain to traditional herbivores such as caterpillars. Where does the rest, the vast amount of uneaten food and energy go? Task: collect 10 leaves from eucalypt trees in the school grounds and estimate how much of each leaf has been eaten by herbivores. To be an unbiased sample it needs to be done randomly so select the fourth leaf from the end of each branch or do it with your eyes closed. The damage could be whole chunks eaten, brown spots from sap suckers or brown blisters where grubs have eaten the green part below the skin. Repeat this for an introduced tree or shrub and compare. Write a short report on your investigation. Include the aim, method, results table and discussion. You might include in your discussion the impact of introduced species on the food webs of native plants and animals. What happens to the population of introduced pant or animals if there are no or few predators here e.g. carp, rabbits or some weeds. Aim: to compare herbivory on native and introduced plants. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 26. Interactions Symbiosis (from Ancient Greek sýn "with" and bíosis " living ") is close and often long-term interactions between different biological species.The symbiotic relationship may be categorised as mutualistic, commensal, or parasitic in nature. mutualism where both organisms benefit. Lichens are a a fungi and algae living together. The fungi provides the structure and the algae photosynthesis food. commensalism is a class of relationship between two organisms where one organism benefits but the other is neutral (there is no harm or benefit). parasitism where one organism benefits and the other one is harmed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commensalism Allelopathy occurs when organism produces chemicals that influence the growth, survival, and reproduction of other organisms. These chemicals are known as allelochemicals and can have beneficial (positive allelopathy) or detrimental (negative allelopathy) effects on the target organisms. Eucalyptus leaf litter and root exudates are allelopathic for certain soil microbes and plant species. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allelopathy The photos for the quiz below were taken in the Box Gum Grassy Woodland in Kyeamba Traveling Stock Reserve near Wagga Wagga. Riverina Environmental Education Centre 27. Investigation: kangaroo survey You are investigating the distribution and number of kangaroos in Pomingalarna Reserve. You survey the population with a combination of direct sightings by spotlight at night and evidence by way of scats and prints you have found in sand traps placed along paths. Below are your results. You have recorded them on an air photo showing the different vegetation communities. Each picture of a roo represents three roos sighted; each footprint represents two roos and each scat represents one roo. Community Sightings No. X3 Prints No. X2 Grassland White box Red gum Casuarina Cypress pine Riverina Environmental Education Centre Scats Total Riverina Environmental Education Centre 28. Human impact on Red Hill Reserve The use of Red Hill Reserve has changed as community values change. In the early days it had a utility value and was mined for gold and gravel. The Reserve is now seen to have biodiversity and intrinsic values. A community management group has formed which has obtained government funding. The group has fenced the reserve to stop vehicle access, had earthworks done to stop soil erosion and carried out revegetation projects. In the early years gold was discovered at what is now Pomingalarna and Red Hill Reserves. This was reported in the Brisbane Courier newspaper in 1924. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Remains of early gold workings. Gold was found in quartz veins approximately 4 metres wide running along the direction of the ridge. The quartz was excavated and crushed. The mine tailings were later used as road base leaving little soil, just a stony regolith with little vegetation. Recently there was a development application to remove much of the hill, which is the reserve, for road base for the approaches for the new Gobbagombalin Bridge over the Murrumbidgee River. Local residents formed an action group which was successful in stopping the proposal Riverina Environmental Education Centre Old explosives storage sheds and vehicle track left from the mining days. The lack of soil from the mining days has caused deep erosion gullies. The gullies have been filled and water diversion banks made to take runoff away from problem areas. Riverina Environmental Education Centre Rocky ground without soil has been ripped by bulldozer to shatter the rock creating a better habitat for seeds to germinate and encourage regeneration in the Reserve. Various acacias and other shrubs are now growing in and beside a rip line. Write a report describing human impact on the original Box Gum Shrubby Woodland that existed on Red Hill Reserve and how it is being managed today. Use all of the data given in the case study. Include a location map, references to the abiotic (physical) and biotic (living) features. What values does the community place on it? What are suitable uses of the reserve given these values? Riverina Environmental Education Centre Riverina Environmental Education Centre