Aaron Martin Aaron Kidd Hunter Dailey Nick Carter Botany(Plant Life) •Plants •Rosemary •Shrubs •Acicia •Chamise •Cork Oak •Thyme •Flowers •Orange Flowers on the Tulip Tree •Red Flowers On the Redbud Tree Q. What type of plants are in this biome? •A. Rosemary, Shrubs, Acicia, Chamise •Q. What type of Flowers •A. Tulips, Red Bud. Vegetation •Grass Tall to Short. Prairie, Pampas, Steppe. •Sod Farming Grass, Sprases, Bushes •Occasional Some areas. Trees in Animals •Black Bear •Brown Bear •Mallard Duck •Muskrat •Red Fox •Red Tailed Hawk •Turkey •White Tailed Deer •Fact: The Majority of animals in this biome are major herbivores Q. What type of Animals? A. Bears, Mallard Duck, Turkey, Muskrat. Q. Are most animals Herbivores? A. Yes. Climate •The average Temperature in The Temperate Woodland/Shrubland is 75 degrees (24 Degrees Celsius) •It can get up to 86 Degrees (30 Degrees Celsius) depending on Altitude •Woodland/Shrubland get up to 2-5 Feet of Precipitation (Both rain and snow) Humidity 60 to 80 Percent Q. What is the average Temperature in Shrublands A. 75 Degrees(24 Degrees Celsius) Q. What human activities have changed the Temperate Woodland the most A. Logging, Hunting, fire Suppression. Geography Region/Distribution-Central North America, Parts of Africa, Australia, South America. Other: Most North America grasslands have been converted to agriculture fields. Wild Grazers replaced by: Cattle, Sheep. The habitat covers 20 Percent of the 48 States and is Degraded in quantity Q. What Continents have Temperate woodland? A. North America, South America, Africa, Asia. Q. How much Percent Does it Cover of the 48 States A. 20 Percent <http://www.swisher.wikispaces.com /08+temperate woodland+%26+shrubland <http://bss.sfsu.edu./geog/bholzman/courses/316lbiomes.html <http://stateofthebirds.audobon.org/shrublands.html <mrskingsbioweb.com/Biome.html