The statutes of the foundation: Article 1. Name The name of the foundation is Bente Skansgårds Independent Living Fond. It is a non-commercial foundation as defined in Section 4 of the Foundations Act. Article 2. Object The object of the foundation is to strengthen the global Independent Living movement. The foundation shall increase knowledge about the Independent Living movement by providing financial support for the exchange of experience and competence between disabled people. The foundation can also grant financial support to initiatives whereby disabled people themselves contribute to improving the general population's knowledge and understanding of the oppression of disabled people. The foundation supports disabled people through grants for studies, study trips, development projects, information work, peer counselling and other work that aims to promote disabled people's possibilities for freedom, self-determination and participation in society and in the labour market. It is a precondition that the measures for which support is granted are based on the principle that disabled people are the experts on their own situation, both as individuals and as a group, and are therefore best suited to provide advice and guidance to other disabled people. (Peer) The Independent Living slogan 'nothing about us without us' shall govern measures aimed at increasing the level of knowledge about disabled people's situation in the general population. Beyond what is stated above regarding financial support for disabled individuals and groups of disabled people within the framework of the foundation's object, the foundation does not support private financial initiatives whose object is personal gain. Article 3. Founding capital The founding capital of the foundation is NOK 100,000. The founding capital cannot be touched. At the time of foundation, other equity amounts to NOK 4,900,000. Article 4. The board The foundation shall have a board consisting of three to seven members. The first board will be appointed by the founder, who will at the same time also appoint the chair of the board and two board members, all for a term of office lasting four years. Any other board members appointed will be elected for a term of office of three years. In subsequent elections, board members will be elected for terms of two years at a time. Board members can be re-elected. When the term of office expires or a board member dies, the board, including outgoing board members, can elect a new board member or board members by simple majority vote. In the event that two candidates receive the same number of votes, the chair of the board shall have the casting vote. The board makes its decisions by simple majority vote, unless otherwise stipulated in the statutes. If necessary, the chair of the board has the casting vote. The decisions of the board are binding on the foundation when all board members have been lawfully summoned and at least two board members and the chair of the board are present. No directors' fees are paid to the members of the board other than ordinary coverage of expenses. The same applies to the chair of the board. Any amendments to the statutes require a two-thirds majority. The board can grant powers of procuration. Article 5. The management of the foundation – allocation of funds The board is responsible for the management of the foundation and its day-to-day operation. The board shall endeavour to manage the foundation's funds in an efficient manner. The board shall decide how to divide the day-to-day administrative duties between the board members. The board is free to use the foundation's equity in excess of the founding capital and the return on the foundation's funds in accordance with the object of the foundation. Grants are allocated once a year, and announced on 9 May every year, Bente Skansgård's birthday. Article 6. The foundation's auditor The board shall appoint the foundation's auditor. Article 7. Conversion of the foundation Any future conversion of the foundation shall take place in accordance with the applicable rules for the conversion of foundations, currently Chapter 6 of the Norwegian Foundations Act of 15 June 2001. In accordance with the Foundations Act Section 48, the board of the foundation is authorised to convert the foundation. Article 8. Other provisions In other respects, the foundations legislation in force at all times shall apply.