Table S1. Group Range of assayed temperatures (ºC) Range of pKa Range of Cw (M) 50-100 6.0-6.1 4867-5970 Chromatium tepidum 5-70 6.0-6.3 202-440 Chromatium vinosum Thiobacillus sp. (endosymbiont of Alviniconcha hessleri) Thiobacillus thyasiris 5-60 6.0-6.3 211-440 2-70 6.0-6.5 889-2383 5-77 6.0-6.3 207-385 Cyanidium caldarium 20-70 6.1-6.2 202-292 Anabaena variabilis 15-40 6.1-6.2 44-76 Synechococcus lividus 20-70 6.1-6.3 62-90 Synechococcus strain a-1 25-75 6.0-6.1 1572-2174 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 0-70 6.1-6.4 115-252 Chlorella emersonii 2-60 6.1-6.5 211-576 Chloromonas strain ANT1 0-70 6.1-6.4 115-252 Chloromonas strain ANT3 0-70 6.1-6.4 115-252 Alopecurus alpinus 0-60 6.1-6.5 978-2320 Arctagrostis latifolia 0-60 6.1-6.5 978-2320 Atriplex glabriuscula 5-35 6.1-6.3 78-192 Chenopodium album 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Dupontia fisheri 0-60 6.1-6.5 978-2320 Espeletia schultzii 5-35 6.1-6.3 80-116 Pinus sylvestris 15-60 6.0-6-2 327-492 Poa arctica 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Poa pratensis 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Solanum tuberosum 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Spinacia oleracea 5-33 6.1-6.3 86-123 Triticum aestivum 17-30 6.1-6.2 185-189 Agropyron smithii 10-40 6.1-6.3 400-460 Arachis hypogaea 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Astragalus flavus 5-72 6.1-6.4 225-487 Astragalus rafaelensis 5-72 6.1-6.4 225-487 Capsicum chinense 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Flaveria pringlei 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Glycine max 15-65 6.1-6.3 251-387 Gossypium hirsutum 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Nicotiana tabacum 25-50 6.1-6.2 372-456 Oryza sativa 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Pueraria lobata 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Solanum lycopersicum 5-72 6.1-6.4 225-487 Stanleya pinnata 5-72 6.1-6.4 225-487 Trifolium repens 10-25 6.1-6.3 164-214 Amaranthus retroflexus 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Andropogon gerardii 0-60 6.1-6.5 978-2320 Species Archaea Thermococcus kodakariensis Proteobacteria Rhodophyta Cyanobacteria Chlorophyta (green algae) Spermatophyta (C3 plants from cool habitats) Spermatophyta (C3 plants from warm habitats) Spermatophyta (C4 plants) 1 Bouteloua gracilis 1-37 6.1-6.5 79-196 Cynodon dactylon 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Digitaria sanguinalis 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Flaveria trinervia 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Muhlenbergia montana 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Portulaca oleracea 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 Sorghum bicolor 0-60 6.1-6.5 978-2320 Zoysia japonica 16-40 6.1-6.2 110-144 The ranges of temperatures available, and corresponding acidity constants of dissolved carbon dioxide (pKa) at different temperatures and the liquid phase concentrations of the dissolved CO2 in the assay media for each of the species considered in the present compilation. pKa was calculated based on the assay medium ionic strength and temperature according to Yokota and Kitaoka (1985), and these values were employed to estimate the equilibrium CO2 concentration from added bicarbonate concentration. Yokota A. Kitaoka S. (1985) Correct pK values for dissociation constant of carbonic acid lower the reported Km values of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase to half. Presentation of a nomograph and an equation for determining the pK values. Biochem Bioph Res Co 131:1075-1079. 2 Figure 1S. Values of Rubisco maximum carboxylase turnover rate (kcatc) normalized to 25ºC at a range of temperatures among (A) all phylogenetic groups, and (B) among land plants groups. Values for kcatc were obtained at discrete temperatures after applying equation 1 (see Methods); means and standard errors are presented Symbols of the phylogenetic groups in (A): empty downward triangles and dotted line, Archaea (n = 1); empty upward triangles and short-dashed line, Proteobacteria (n = 4); empty circles and dash-dotted line, Cyanobacteria (n = 3); empty squares and dash-dotted-dotted line, Chlorophyta – green algae (n = 4); diamond and long-dashed line, Rhodophyta – red algae (n = 1); filled square and solid line, Streptophyta – land plants (n = 36). Symbols of the groups in (B): solid downward triangles and dotted line, C3 cool (n = 12); solid upward triangle and long-dashed line, C3 warm (n = 14); solid circle and line, C4 (n = 10). 3 Ln kcat normalized to 25ºC c c Ln kcat normalized to 25ºC 10 6 A 8 6 4 2 0 B 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 15 25 35 45 Temperature(ºC) 4 Figure S2. Phylogenies of (A) all taxa and (B) Spermatophyta – land plants only, that were used in phylogenetic independent contrast analyses. The phylogeny (A) is a composite phylogeny based on 16S ribosomal RNA and rbcL sequences, and all branch lengths were assigned to one. The rbcL-based phylogeny (B) was reconstructed using a maximum-likelihood inference conducted with RAxML version 7.2.6 (Stamatakis 2006). 5