Spring 2016 Residency Scheme Application Form

Spring/Summer Term 2016
Applications for March - August
Please fill in all relevant sections of this application form in type or black ink. Up to three additional sheets
may be attached if required, save this document as Residency Application Spring/Summer 2016 and
return it by e-mail to: admin@yorkshiredance.com or by post to:
Kirsty Redhead, Yorkshire Dance, 3 St Peter’s Buildings, St Peter’s Square, Leeds LS9 8AH
Applications should be returned by 12 Noon on Friday 15th January 2016.
Please also return the completed Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form with your application along with
any photographs and DVD/URL links of your work.
Further information, including the dates we have residency space available is in the call-out document to
support you with filling out this application form.
Name of artist/company
Name of performers/collaborators/people involved
How many weeks do you require in residence?
What would be your preferred dates?*
*Please refer to the call-out where we specify the dates that are available.
What other dates are possible if your
preferred are not available?
What do you plan to use your residency for?
Research and Development
Making work
A combination of both R&D and making work
You and your work (Please describe your practice in up to 100 words)
Please state why you are applying for residency at Yorkshire Dance in particular?
What do you hope to achieve with this residency?
Research and Development (Research question/topic/collaborative)
Making work (If touring: where and when?)
Please tell us any information we may need to know related to funders/partners/producers or venues and
collaborators. Please indicate if you are applying for funding, who you are applying to, how much you are
applying for and when you expect to hear if you are successful. (Please note if your work is funded you
will be required to pay a fee of £400 per week for studio hire.)
As part of your residency you will be required to contribute in some way to Yorkshire
Dance. Please tell us what you would like to offer (you can choose more than one):
Morning professional class (Please complete section B below)
Workshop (Please complete section B below)
Bi Monthly network meeting
Sharing/showing/lecture demonstration (Please complete section A below)
Other…please provide more details below (Please complete section C below)
Please complete only the relevant information in the following sections:
A) Please complete if you intend to do a Sharing.
Please note this information will be used to advertise your work so please be as detailed as possible.
Please affix an image if appropriate.
Dates and time:
Sharing description:
Do you have any special requirements? (Chairs, video recorder, sound etc)
Do you require a member of the Yorkshire Dance artistic team to facilitate a Questions and Answer or
feedback session as part of the sharing?
Please note not all requirements can be met but we will do our best to meet your needs. All sharing’s are free for
members of the public.
Once we receive this information we will circulate it around our mailing lists and ensure it is featured on our
website. We do advise you to do your own marketing alongside this.
B) Please complete if you intend to run a Professional Morning Class/Workshop
Please also affix an image if appropriate.
Please note this information will be used to advertise your work so please be as detailed as possible.
Dates and times:
Price of class:
Class description:
Biography of teacher:
All payment for classes will be taken through the Yorkshire Dance Box Office and there will be a 50% split from
any income generated.
Once we receive this information we will circulate it around our mailing lists and ensure it is featured on our
website. We do advise you to do your own marketing alongside this.
C) Please give us more details about what other contribution you would like to make to
the Yorkshire Dance community.
Other than space how do you see your relationship with Yorkshire Dance? (Is there any additional
support you envisage as part of your residency?)
Please provide any other information you feel would be useful in assessing your application e.g. Technical
requirements during your residence (Projector/TV/DVD Player)
Please return this form along with the equal opportunities monitoring form to:
Kirsty Redhead, Creative Producer,
Yorkshire Dance, 3 St Peter’s Buildings, St Peter’s Square, Leeds, LS9 8AH
Or via email:
CONFIDENTIAL - This information will be detached from your application before being
considered by the short listing panel.
In order to help us ensure that our recruitment publicity is reaching a diversity of people and to make
accurate reports to our funders, we would be very grateful if you could provide some information about
yourself. We have tried to use terminology which is objective but please feel free to add your own terms
if you wish. Please tick the boxes which best describe you.
16 - 25
26 - 35
36 - 45
46 - 55
56 - 65
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 defines disability as a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial
and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities. This can include not
just people with obvious disabilities, but people with hidden disabilities such as dyslexia, diabetes, epilepsy, heart
disease, multiple sclerosis, depression, liver disease and speech impairment etc.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
Yes (please give details)
Do you have any particular access requirements?
Yes (please give details)
Where/how did you hear about this opportunity?