Examining Antibiotic Resistance to Determine Sources of Bacterial Contamination Maya Evanitsky*, Deirdre Carlson, Katie Zinn, Allison Ng, Samantha Fortier Group 1 BIOL 110, Section 905 TA: Rachel Cortese 6 December 2012 Introduction Certain bacteria populations possess plasmids, which are small circular DNA molecules that are separate from the main bacterial chromosome1. Plasmids can be replicated independently from the main chromosome and transmitted to daughter cells during cell division or to other bacteria through conjugation. Conjugation occurs when a bacterium with an appendage known as a pilus physically joins with another bacterium lacking a pilus. Genetic material can then be transferred from the bacterium with the pilus to the other bacterium. This will result in the second bacterium developing a pilus. While not necessary for survival, plasmids may contain genes useful to bacteria under certain conditions, such as antibiotic resistance or toxin immunity, and can give bacteria a selective advantage1. In today’s world, bacteria that are antibiotic resistant have become increasingly more common due to the increased human use of antibiotics2. This is part of natural selection – since antibiotics are naturally derived from fungi and other organisms, it is logical that bacteria will evolve to resist them. Chicken farms and chicken feed suppliers add antibiotics to chicken feed to prevent bacteria contaminating meat and eggs. This can then lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria populations specific to the antibiotic used on the chickens. The antibiotic kanamycin interferes with inhibits protein synthesis in the bacteria by interfering with translation in the ribosome2. Translation is the second part of the process used to synthesize proteins and takes place in the ribosome3. Reports of severe gastroenteritis linked to eating raw or undercooked eggs have led the FDA to investigate. Salmonella enteriditis bacteria have been located from the batches of eggs that caused the food poisoning. These bacteria were found to have plasmids containing kanamycin resistant genes. The eggs are from three different chicken farms in three different states2. Thus, the purpose of this lab is to determine whether the farms have a shared source of bacterial contamination or if each case of kanamycin-resistant bacteria is distinctive to each farm. There are three different genes responsible for kanamycin resistance and each gene codes for a different enzyme that alters the chemical make-up of the kanamycin molecule in different ways. These enzymes occur in the area between the inner and outer bacterial membranes (periplasmic space). The kanamycin is disabled once it passes through the outer membrane and cannot be taken up by the inner membrane in order to reach the ribosomes and inhibit protein synthesis. Therefore, bacteria with one of these genes can grow in presence of kanamycin and administering kanamycin to chickens will not prevent bacterial infection. The different genes that cause antibiotic resistance are each a different size and are usually found in different bacterial populations. The genes can then be identified by size and their identity used to trace the source of the bacterial strain responsible for the infection2. The experiment was done in two parts. One was done by other researchers prior and involved creating serial dilutions and plating them on plates with and without kanamycin. The colonies were then counted and the data used to determine the frequency of kanamycin resistant bacteria in population. The kanamycin resistance gene was then transferred from the plasmid of Salmonella enteriditis into a specially modified E. coli plasmid. This was done so that research could be completed using non-pathogenic bacteria and the E. coli plasmid provides sites recognized by particular PCR primers needed for the PCR reactions2. PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction and is the process by which the DNA sample is amplified in order to be analyzed4. In this process, the sample DNA is first heated so it separates into two separates strands of DNA. After this, the enzyme Tag polymerase functions as DNA polymerase would to synthesize two new strands of DNA by adding complementary nucleotides to the original strands. This is repeated numerous times and results in over one billion copies of the particular DNA segment4. The second part dealt with the E. coli cultures containing the kanamycin resistance gene2. Each group was assigned to the bacteria from one of the three farms. Serial dilutions were then performed and plated with and without kanamycin present. After the bacteria grew, the colonies were counted to determine the frequency of the resistance gene. A DNA sample was then taken from the colonies and PCR performed. The final step was analyzing the DNA via electrophoresis in order to identify the specific kanamycin resistance gene at each farm2. The expected results were that the bacterial contamination was most likely due to different genes. This is based on the fact that the different genes appear to have arisen independently and usually occur in different bacteria populations2. Also, a frequency of kanamycin resistance greater than five percent was predicted since bacteria are capable of rapidly transmitting genetic material through reproduction and conjugation1. The actual results of the experiment were neither the original bacteria population size for the 10-2 dilution nor the kanamycin resistance gene frequency couldn’t be determined since a lawn was formed; the 10-4 dilution had a population size of 2.13×108 cells/mL with a frequency of .28% for the kanamycin resistance gene; the 10-6 dilution had a population size of 6.2×108 cells/mL and 0% frequency for the kanamycin resistance gene. Materials and Methods Materials The materials used for the research prior to the experiment involved with examining the E. coli cultures were plates with kanamycin and without, microtubes, Salmonella enteriditis bacteria found at the farms, and engineered E. coli bacteria. For the next part of the experiment, plates with kanamycin and without, microtubes, sterile glass beads, the genetically engineered E. coli bacteria, and an incubator were used. The PCR aspect required the use of DNA primers, three distinctive control plasmids, and the machine that performed the PCR. In the final phase, DNA ladder, agarose gel, buffer, ethidium bromide, loading dye, a gel electrophoresis rig, and a UV light with a hood were utilized. Throughout the experiment pipettes and disposable tips were made use of. Methods Throughout the experiment, sterile technique was consistently used to prevent contamination of the sample2. Gloves were worn at all times and a new pipette tip was used for each solution and substance. The amount of time that containers were open was minimized and the plate lids were only opened slightly rather than taken all the way off. Additionally, everything was properly sterilized and sealed before and during the experiment2. Serial Dilutions The first step was done by researchers prior the experiments done involving the E. coli cultures. First serial dilutions of 10-2, 10-3 10-4 10-5 of the original bacteria samples from the chicken farms were prepared. 100 microliters were then plated onto plates with and without kanamycin present. Once the bacteria had grown, the number of bacteria cultures was counted. After this, the kanamycin resistance gene found at the farms was transferred from the original pathogenic bacteria plasmid to an engineered E. coli plasmid2. The next main step involved plating the E. coli bacteria cultures for further analyzing. For this part, three serial dilutions (10-2, 10-4, 10-6) were done on the bacteria sample. These were done by adding ten microLiters of concentrated bacterial suspension to the 10-2 microtube along with 990 microLiters of water. Ten microLiters of the 10-2 dilution were then pipetted into the 10-4 microtube and diluted. The 10-6 dilution was done using ten microliters from the10-4 dilution. Each dilution was then plated onto two plates: one with kanamycin present and one without. This involved inoculating each plate with the correct dilution and using sterile glass beads to evenly distribute the bacteria across the plate. Two sets of beads were used; one for the kanamycin plates and one for the plates lacking kanamycin. The beads were first placed on the plate with the smallest concentration and transferred to the next smallest and to the largest. Once this was done, the bacteria were incubated for twenty-four hours and stored in a cold room until they could be counted. The final step was to count the bacteria colonies2. For this part only half of the 10-4 concentration of bacteria on the plate without kanamycin was counted and doubled. PCR The next section of the lab dealt contributed to identifying the gene of kanamycin resistance present in the bacteria2. The initial step was adding a bacteria colony from each plate containing kanamycin to three separate microtubes. These tubes held primers to make the sample replicable so the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) could occur. Each tube held a different primer that corresponded to a different gene so only one would work to amplify the DNA. These were then placed in the PCR machine along with three different control plasmids which served to compare to the bacteria samples. PCR was then run and the DNA sample amplified. Gel Electrophoresis The final step was to set up and perform gel electrophoresis on the amplified DNA2. The process of gel electrophoresis works to separate DNA fragments5. This is done by passing an electric current through the solution. Since DNA backbone is made up of negatively charged phosphate groups, the DNA moves towards the positively charged pole of the electrophoresis tray. The DNA separates because smaller DNA fragments travel through the gel pores more quickly than the larger DNA fragments5. Gel electrophoresis was done by dissolving agarose into a buffer and heating until the solution was clear2. Once it had cooled, ethidium bromide was added. The mixture was then poured into the gel tray (see Figure 5) and hardened. Once the gel had solidified, buffer was poured so that the gel was completely covered. The PCR DNA ladder was then added to the first well to function as a size standard. Loading dye was added to the three samples and three controls that had run through PCR. The dye functioned to allow the samples to sink to the bottom of the wells and allow observation of how far the DNA travelled. The gel electrophoresis unit was connected to the power supply and the process run until the bromophenol tracking dye has migrated at least half way. The gel was then taken out and placed under a UV light for analyzing2. Figure 1: Diagram of gel electrophoresis6 Results Table 1: Numbers of Salmonella colonies from infected chicken farms growing on +/kanamycin plates Chicken Farm Kanamycin A B C No Kanamycin A B C Dilutions 10-4 10-2 10-3 10-5 Lawn 252 Lawn 122 26 428 9 3 41 1 0 5 Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn Lawn 107 96 121 11 8 13 Table 2: Numbers of E. coli bacterial colonies on dilution plates with and without kanamycin (Farm B) Treatment Dilutions -2 Volume Plated (mL) Kanamycin No Kanamycin -4 10 .1 10 .1 10-6 .1 859 lawn 6 2130 0 62 Table 3: Frequency of Kanamycin Resistant Gene and Original Bacteria Populations of Salmonella enteriditis Chicken Farm B Frequency of Kanamycin Resistant Gene Original Population Size (cells/mL) 10-2 1.82% K1.38×107 10-3 2.26% Dilutions 10-4 3.13% K+ KK+ K2.52×105 1.15×107 2.60×105 9.60×106 10-5 0% K+ KK+ 3.00×104 8.00×106 0 Table 4: Frequency of Kanamycin Resistant Gene and Original Bacteria Populations of E. coli 10 -2 Dilutions 10-4 10-6 Frequency of Kanamycin Resistant Gene Original Population Size (cells/mL) 1.17% 0.28% K7.32×107 0% K+ KK+ 8.59×105 2.13×108 6.00×105 K6.2×108 K+ 0 Table 5: Class Plasmid Data B Kanamycin resistance gene A B C x A x Chicken Group Farm 1 Data from “orange” well matched “red” well control #1. Also had to use stock gel image. Had to use group 1’s image 2 3 4 B C Comments X x Figure 7: Photograph of electrophoresis results for Farm B Table one shows the number of Salmonella enteriditis colonies that grew for each dilution plate. The bacteria that grew in the presence of kanamycin were the antibiotic resistant bacteria and had significantly lower numbers than the bacteria that did not grow in the presence of kanamycin. The next table displays the colony counts for the engineered E. coli bacteria. The E. coli had larger colony counts when comparing the corresponding dilution plates. Table three shows the frequency of the kanamycin resistance gene for the bacteria taken from the chicken farms along with the calculated original bacteria population size for each plate. These numbers were calculated using the data in Table one. Each dilution had a kanamycin resistance gene frequency of less than five percent, equating to a relatively low frequency overall. Table four contains the kanamycin resistance gene frequency and original population size for each plate for the E. coli cultures. These quantities were calculated using the information from Table two. Comparing Tables three and four shows that the E. coli bacteria had larger original populations than the Salmonella enteriditis for each plate, but the S. enteriditis had higher kanamycin resistance gene frequencies. The last table exhibits a summary of the electrophoresis results for the class and indicates that the three farms each had a different kanamycin resistance gene. Figure seven is a photograph taken of the electrophoresis gel while under the UV light. This was analyzed to compare the DNA sample from Farm B to the three control plasmids and identify which gene was responsible for the contamination. Figure seven indicates the DNA from Farm B matched the B kanamycin resistance gene. Sample Calculations 1) Original population size B = Number colonies = 2130/10-4 = 2.13×108 cells/mL Dilution factor 2) Predicted Original Population Size (Lawn) % difference = 2130 colonies x 100% = 3435% larger 62 colonies B = (% difference) × (closest colony count) = (3435%)(2130 colonies) = 7.32×107 cells/mL Dilution factor 10-2 3) Frequency of resistance gene number of colonies on Kanamycin plate number of colonies on no kanamycin plate × 100% = 6 colonies × 100% = .28% 2130 colonies Discussion The results exhibited that Salmonella enteriditis had a significantly higher frequency of the kanamycin resistance gene than the E. coli bacteria, even though the latter had a higher colony count. This discrepancy can be accounted for by the fact that the E. coli bacteria used for this experiment were genetically engineered to be incapable of conjugation2, which limited their means of dispersing the resistance gene throughout the population. Overall, though, both bacteria had a frequency lower than five percent for the kanamycin resistant gene found at Farm B. This rejects the stated hypothesis that there would be a kanamycin resistance gene frequency higher than five percent for the bacteria population at Farm B. The second part of the hypothesis, which predicted that each farm would have a different kanamycin resistance gene, was consistent with the results of the gel electrophoresis. This suggests that each contamination arose independently and there was no shared source of contamination, such as a chicken feed supplier or source of laying hens, between the three farms. Since the bacterial contamination level at Farm B was found to be less than five percent, but greater than one percent, there are guidelines the CDC should follow when handling the bacterial contamination. The recommended plan based on this level of contamination is to diver the eggs to a pasteurization facility until the contamination levels have been less than one percent for eight consecutive weeks2. This will also involved monitoring the farm weekly and determining the original source of the contamination. The antibiotic regimen for the chickens will have to be changed as well2. During the course of this experiment, there were several possible sources of error that could have affected the results. One such source is the fact that the original bacteria from the chicken farms were not used. Instead, the kanamycin resistance gene was transferred to specially modified E. coli bacteria which were then analyzed. While this prevented the use of infectious bacteria in the lab, it also introduced error. In this process, the resistance gene was transmitted to the E. coli bacteria via transformation2. Transformation is the process by which bacteria acquire DNA from their surrounding environment1. The first step of this process was to extract the DNA from the plasmid containing the kanamycin resistant gene in the original bacteria2. The DNA fragments were then inserted into an E. coli plasmid vector. After this the E. coli plasmid was introduced into the non-infectious E. coli which were then grown on non-kanamycin broth2. There are several steps that could have failed to successfully transfer the antibiotic resistant gene from the S. enteriditis into the E. coli. First, the enzyme used to cut out the DNA from the plasmid might not have successfully extracted the DNA fragments. In this case transformation wouldn’t have occurred. Second, the E. coli plasmid might not have inserted properly into the non-infectious E. coli leading to this bacteria population not obtaining the kanamycin resistant gene. Additionally, assuming the non-infectious E. coli received the resistance gene, the bacteria may have lost this gene since they were grown in an environment without kanamycin present. This is because bacteria must use energy to keep the plasmids containing this gene and if the gene is not actively used since the antibiotic is not present, the bacteria can expel the gene to save energy2. Furthermore, both the Salmonella enteriditis and E. coli cultures may not have grown on the plates due to other factors. As a result of the inherent error possible in the process of transferring the kanamycin resistance gene to the E. coli bacteria, there are several limitations to this experiment. One is the accuracy: this is limited by the aforementioned error that arises from the transformation process. Another is the inability to obtain an exact colony count for several of the plates – due to the formation of a “lawn” on the plates, an accurate count was unobtainable. Thus a reasonable estimation based on corresponding data was made. This also was a cause of error in the experiment – neither an accurate original population size nor frequency could be calculated. Despite this, there are significant advantages to conducting the experiment in this manner. One is not having to use the original bacteria found at the farms. This lessens the risk of contamination and further spreading the pathogenic bacteria beyond the lab. The use of the serial dilution method is also a reliable and easy method to obtain a reasonable approximation of the number of viable bacteria in the sample. Serially diluting the sample means that most of the plates will yield countable results, if not all. While this experiment did establish that each of the three farms had a unique gene responsible for the kanamycin resistance, further experimentation needs to be done to determine the sources of the contamination at each farm. This will require examining each of the facilities and their suppliers. Additionally, further experiments focusing solely on the transformation of genetic material between bacteria in a lab should be done. This could establish a rate of success for this process in order to calculate a precise relative error. A third experiment could also focus on the time it would take a bacteria population to dispose of their advantageous plasmids that are not actively in use. This could be used to aid in an accurate error approximation for experiments utilizing this technique. References 1. Cyr, R., 2002. Tutorial 4: prokaryotes 1 – cellular and genetic organization. In, Biology 110: Basic concepts and biodiversity course website. Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University. http://www.bio.psu.edu/ 2. Cyr, R., Hass C., Woodward D., and Ward A., 2010. Using Genes for Antibiotic Resistance to Trace Source(s) of Bacterial Contamination. In, Biology 110: Basic concepts and biodiversity course website. Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University. http://www.bio.psu.edu/ 3. Cyr, R., 2002. Tutorial 35: from gene to protein. In, Biology 110: Basic concepts and biodiversity course website. Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University. http://www.bio.psu.edu/ 4. National Human Genome Research Institute (2012). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Retrieved from: http://www.genome.gov/10000207. 5. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Biology animation library: gel electrophoresis. Retrieved from: http://www.dnalc.org/resources/animations/gelelectrophoresis.html 6. DNA sequencing: gel electrophoresis. [Art]. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/media/40224/In-gel-electrophoresis-an-electricfield-is-applied-to-a