. – Classical philology PROFF. SILVIA BARBANTANI, MARIA PIA PATTONI First semester: Professor Maria Pia Pattoni COURSE AIMS The aim of the course is to teach students the critical and interpretive know-how required for studying ancient literary works – in critical modern editions and, even more significantly, manuscripts and parchments – with complete historical awareness and methodological precision. In order to provide the best possible philological education, the course is divided into two modules. The first general section focuses on the general principles of ecdotics and means of handing down ancient writings in manuscript form; for this purpose students will read and study certain classical works in manuscript form exemplifying the principles outlined in the general section. COURSE CONTENT The handing down of ancient writings: issues related to tradition and textual criticism. READING LIST M.L.WEST, Critica del testo e tecnica dell'edizione, L'Epos, Palermo, 1991. M.L.REYNOLDS - N.G. WILSON, Copisti e filologi, Antenore, Padua, 1987(3). TEACHING METHOD Lectures. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examination. NOTES 1) The first module of the general section on Classical Philology will be held during the first semester. The syllabus to be studied for the examination on the single semester course worth 6 CFUs (for students able to attend): lecture notes; the works of classical authors that will be read during the course, photocopies of which will be handed out to students; reading of the two essays by West (pp. 13-59 and 137-159) and Reynolds-Wilson (chaps. I, II, VI) referred to on the reading list. Further material will be available online from the lecturer’s homepage. The syllabus to be studied for the examination on the single semester course worth 5 CFUs (for students able to attend): as opposed to the syllabus worth 6 CFUs, students will only read the following parts of the essay by Reynolds-Wilson: chaps. I, II 1-2, VI. Students are advised to attend the course. Students, who, for serious reasons, are unable to attend are requested to get in touch with the lecturer as soon as possible. 2) Professor M. P. Pattoni will see students in her office (second floor, east wing) on lecture days. Tutoring times both during the lectures period are posted both on the lecturer’s homepage and on the office noticeboard (2 nd floor, east wing): any alterations to these times and, more generally speaking, information about tutoring times when lectures are not being held, are available from the lecturer’s homepage. Second semester: Professor Silvia Barbantani COURSE AIMS The aim of the course is to teach students the critical and interpretive know-how required for studying ancient literary works –in critical modern editions and, even more significantly, manuscripts (esp. papyri) – with complete historical awareness and methodological precision. COURSE CONTENT - The book in antiquity: scriptural supports and transmission of literary texts. Philology and literary papyri. - Alessandria, the Library and the first “critical editions” of ancient texts. - Reading and philological/papyrological commentary of a selection of passages from Callimachus’Aitia and of other contemporary texts transmitted through papyri. READING LIST - R.PFEIFFER, History of Classical Scholarship I: From the Beginning to the End of the Hellenistic Age, Oxford 1968, pp. 85 e segg.: Part Two–The Hellenistic Age [Italian translation available from the library: Storia della Filologia Classica dalle origini alla fine dell’età ellenistica, edited by Marcello Gigante, ed. Macchiaroli, Naples 1973] - E.G.TURNER, Papiri Greci. Edizione italiana a cura di M.Manfredi, NIS-La Nuova Italia Scientifica (reprinted several times), chapter 7: I Papiri e la letteratura greca. Apart from the books listed above, photocopies of the texts read to be read and other material will be handed out during the course: students are strongly advised to attend the lessons. All the texts will be read in the original language: knowledge of Greek and Latin is required. TEACHING METHOD Lectures. ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral examination. NOTES To contact Prof. Silvia silvia.barbantani@unicatt.it. Barbantani please use the e-mail address