At Sanoviv

Take Control of Your Health
Gut Health
Digestive Detoxification: Good Health Begins in the Gut
The following is an article provided by Sanoviv Medical Institute’s Susan Ward, MS, CCN.
Sanoviv is a state of the art diagnostic and treatment centre in Baja California which was the
brainchild of Dr Myron Wentz, the founder of USANA Health Sciences. It is run on entirely ‘green’
principles and has excellent results for both healthy and extremely ill patients
The body has its own natural detoxification system. Detoxification is the
process by which the liver filters and removes anything that cannot become
food for our cells. There are two types of toxins: endotoxins and exotoxins.
1. Endotoxins originate inside the intestinal tract and are created from
undigested food or a by-product of bacterial and fungal overgrowth.
Normal daily metabolism also creates endotoxins.
2. Exotoxins are those that enter the body from the environment, such as
chemicals, heavy metals, drugs, alcohol, pesticides, and food additives.
Regardless of how these toxins enter the body, the liver functions to process
and filter them, preparing them for elimination through the kidneys (urine) or
colon (faeces). There are other channels of elimination that include the lungs,
skin, blood, and lymph.
Many people are not too familiar with the lymphatic system, which is like a
second circulatory system.
The lymphatic system helps eliminate toxins as well as carry immune cells
(lymphocytes), and is a very important part of the immune system.
At Sanoviv, we encourage methods of detoxification that stimulate the
lymphatic system, thus helping to eliminate toxins and strengthen the immune
system. These include:
Dry Skin Brushing — this important part of detoxification process removes
dead skin cells and opens pores to help increase the skin’s ability to remove
toxins and improve circulation and lymphatic drainage
Rebounding — bouncing on a mini-trampoline or exercise ball
Chi Machine — also called an EZ Swing, this gently stimulates the lymphatic
system by wiggling your body from side to side
ymphatic Massage — also known as Manual Lymph Drainage, this is a gentle
massage that encourages the natural flow of lymph, helping remove harmful
substances from the tissues and increase immune function Sanoviv Medical
Institute (below)
Jo Jaeckel
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Take Control of Your Health
Gut Health
Traditional Methods of Detoxification
There are several other traditional methods of detoxification utilized at
Infrared Sauna Therapy is perhaps one of the most effective methods of
removing both chemical and heavy metal toxins from the body. Each session
causes a brief, beneficial increase in body temperature. This can improve
immune system health by boosting production of infection-fighting white blood
cells (leukocytes).
Thalasso (Greek for “seawater”) Therapy has been used as a healing tool for
thousands of years. Seawater has the same basic structure as human plasma,
and is enriched with plankton and important microelements such as mineral
salts, amino acids, iodine, and other minerals. Sanoviv favors French Thalasso
Therapy protocols, allowing guests to move from pool to pool in order to
experience purified seawater of varying temperatures.
Exercise stimulates sweating, which not only increases the elimination of
toxins, but encourages oxygenation of the blood and improved circulation.
Fasting supports the body by allowing the digestive system to rest, allowing
energy to be released for use elsewhere in the body. A short-term fast may
last from 1–3 days and generally includes juices, herbal teas, and in some cases,
protein shakes. Sanoviv provides a “liquid day” fast one day each week so guests
can experience the benefits of resting the digestive system.
Green Vegetable Juices are powerful in their ability to carry off excess body
acids and neutralize the effects of pesticides, environmental pollutants, and
heavy metals. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that will satisfy
the body’s nutrient requirements with less food, and are an important part of
any detoxification program.
Wheatgrass Juice is a chlorophyll-rich “superfood” that is packed full of
nutrients including vitamins, mineral, enzymes, and phytonutrients.
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Take Control of Your Health
Gut Health
Colon Hydrotherapy is a technique by which repeated infusions of filtered
water into the colon are applied by a trained colon therapist. This is a method
of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. The
movement of water in and out of the colon is controlled by the therapist, and
waste is safely removed from the body. There is no odor or health risk with
this procedure, which is basically an extended form of an enema (a one-time
infusion of water into the colon). Unlike drugs and laxatives for constipation,
colon hydrotherapy improves bowel tone and can help “re-educate” the bowel to
function normally.
Identify, Decrease Toxins
Detoxification is an ongoing process. At Sanoviv, we assist the body in the
elimination of toxins, but for optimal health, it is best to decrease the overall
amount of external toxins in your daily environment.
Start by simply looking around your home and work environment for things that
add toxicity: drugs, chemicals, pollutants, cosmetics, cleaners, flame
retardants, etc.
Next, take good care of your liver and your digestive system.
USANA has wonderful products to support this!
Hepasil DTX™ is an amazing product that supports liver detoxification — I
believe everyone needs this product.
The new digestive health products, including Fibergy® Plus,
USANA® Probiotic, and USANA® Digestive Enzyme do a beautiful job of
supporting healthy digestive function, each in a different way.*
At Sanoviv, we use all of these USANA products regularly with our guests, as
we believe and know that the foundation of good health begins in the gut! (Two
thirds of your immune system is in your gut!)
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Jo Jaeckel
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