Minutes June 18 2015

Tyrconnell Heritage Society
Board Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2015 7 p.m. in the Carriage House
Present: Robert Ellis, President; Ken Reinke, Vice President; Paula Grafstein, Treasurer; Susan Chapman-Reinke,
Secretary; Janice Ellis, Austin Pitcher, Betty McLandress, Rhonda Card - MNR and Angela Bobier – Cultural Manager
Regrets: Isabel Lewis
Adoption of the Agenda – Janice moved to adopt the agenda as read and Paula seconded. Carried
Minutes from May 21, 2015 – Ken moved to accept the minutes as read and Betty seconded. Carried
Business Arising from minutes - none
Correspondence - none
Financial Report of April and May – we require an income and expense statement, a bank balance, but float and
petty cash need to be shown separate, and a separate bank reconciliation. David Ford billed us 5 hours for
Culloden weekend. No one remembers giving authority for this. If David is a volunteer at events he does not get
paid. In future Paula will count the cash otherwise David will do the counting on Tuesday. Rob moved to
approve April and May as corrected and Austin seconded. Carried
6. MNR Report – Rhonda has brought paint for the washrooms and picnic tables. Operational audit done yesterday
which covers the entire operation of the property. Read the maintenance and lease agreement we have with MNR
– president to sign off. Cut back sides of the road on bluff side. Sanitation audit being done late in month. Yellow
trail is closed – no signs back there now. Culvert washout on beginning of trail to be fixed. Rhonda will get back
to Marg Hulls on the Trans Canada Trail Signs. June 8 & 9 was the student training. Record any hands-on training
for this site. Getting quotes on house brick repair. Take the snowmobile sign down as snowmobiling is prohibited.
Rhonda will get new signs for prohibiting snowmobiles and ATV’s in park. Letter from Mr. Morrow (minister) to
ask what initiatives we think should be enabled within the management plan of 2010 – streamline it.
7. Collection Management Policy – Susan moved to make the updates as read and Rob seconded. Carried
8. Cultural Manager’s Report June 2015
Outdoor Wedding Show - I don’t recommend we hold this event in the future. We didn’t have enough businesses from
the local community participate and not enough attendance.
Spring Raffle (money goes towards Board Fundraising goal) - We sold 174 tickets for a profit of over $600. Thanks to
everyone who purchased and sold tickets.
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge throughout June, 2015. Use your social media and email to help us win $10,000.
For each dollar donated to us online at our Canada Helps account, we will be entered into the draw to win $10,000.
I can provide you all with links, Tweets, Facebook posts, flyers and more and a lesson on how to set up automatic
scheduled posts to your social media. I will do the same via all the museum accounts. I suggest we promote the preconstruction needs of the Summer Kitchen as the project the $10000 will go towards (drawings, research time,
construction advice, etc.).
August 15 Yard Sales Board Fundraiser - Sharon Burd has offered her place to host our yard sale. I have included a note
in the June Mailing requesting donation of items we can sell. Things can be dropped off anytime in Sharon’s shop at 9801
Graham Road between Eagle and West Lorne, but I would prefer people let me know prior to doing their drop off so I can
let her know. There needs to be some people to start organizing and pricing on Thursday and Friday and then to set up
and sell on Saturday. Anything that is left will need to be disposed of right away, so the board will need to coordinate that
as well.
June 17 Southwold Public School Field Trip - Was a huge success. 80 students with 3 teachers and a dozen parents
participated in 6 activities between 10am – 2:30pm. Thanks to staff and volunteers Betty Ann, Susan, and Marg for
running activity stations.
Funding Announcement - We have been approved for $7350 from Westminster College Foundation for a Children’s
Programming Project (includes 8 week full time job)
Building Communities through Arts & Heritage is funding $2000 of the Heritage Farm Show.
Veterans Affairs has approved us for $2200 for Living History Weekend through their Community Engagement
Partnership. This money is for Re-enactor Fees, Veteran Recognition, Staff Salaries, and Advertising.
Funding Applications – none
Speaking Engagements, Workshops & Education - I have attended a meeting with Joe Preston MP and other in our riding
to start working on Canada150 (the 150th Anniversary of Confederation) in 2017. Projects and infrastructure are being
funded and partnerships need to be formed. Another meeting is being held Wednesday, June 24 at 1pm at the Elgin
County Archives if any board members want to attend with me.
Deaccession - none
Accessions: Values to be Approved by Board - None yet, but lots coming soon.
Volunteers Needed
Need to set up a Maintenance Committee to get the following jobs completed before end of August.
Get 3 Masonry quotes for the museum to send to MNR
Complete the lids on the compost bins.
Seal windows in museum to prevent bats.
Build cover on A/C unit behind museum.
New beam installed on second floor of barn.
Stall door installed in first floor of barn
Paint meeting room and office walls.
Honey House place wire over openings to prevent squirrel's walnut storage. Replace bits and pieces that have
fallen off.
Cover kiosk with barn board to match other buildings.
Build wooden boxes around garbage cans to look old.
Build something to hide garbage cans and recycling bins by both washrooms.
Once a week in June, September and October to cut the grass and trim weeds in the park outlook.
Bi-weekly in June, September & October to trim weeds on trails.
Fix culvert washout at beginning of the trail.
July 10 Event Set-up at 10am
July 11-12
Living History Weekend – all hands on deck – lots of duties
Team Leaders for Food Booth, Gift Shop & Vendor Area, Garbage and Bathrooms
Aug 16th - Tent and setup, flower arrangements, décor, 8 servers, plus Food Crew for August 16 Dinner and Conversation
with the Colonel (1850’s multi course meal for 30)
Austin moved to spend $200 on the Send Out Cards Affinity Program for Tyrconnell Heritage Society and Janice
seconded. Carried
9. Discussion of Canada 150 and Library Archives Canada Funding Ideas – 2 large grants coming up (Documentary
Heritage and Canada 150).
10. Other Business - none
11. Adjournment – Susan moved to adjourn at 9:31 p.m. and Paula seconded. Carried
Next Board Meeting is July 16, 2015 at 7pm. Lunch provided by the Isabel Lewis.
June 23
Family History Club 7pm
June 24
Heritage Farm Show Committee Meeting 7pm
July 2
History Camp for Kids
July 8
Textile Arts Club 7pm
July 9
History Camp for Kids
July 11-12
Living History Weekend
July 16
History Camp for Kids
July 16
Board Meeting
July 22
History Camp for Kids
July 28
Family History Club 7pm
July 29
Heritage Farm Show Committee Meeting 7pm
July 30
History Camp for Kids
August 5 History Camp for Kids
August 12
Textile Arts Club 7pm
August 12
History Camp for Kids
August 15
Yard Sale for Board Fundraiser at 9801 Graham Road between Eagle and West Lorne
August 16
A Conversation with the Colonel – 1850s Dinner
August 19
History Camp for Kids
August 20
Board Meeting 7pm
August 25
Family History Club 7pm
August 26
History Camp for Kids
Every Tues – Fri in July is Homestead Days with tours of the museum and barn available
Every Sunday - Summer Teas 1-4 pm in the Parlour