About Placement Supervisors

Placement Supervisors – Overview
You have kindly agreed to supervise one of our students – thank you!
We know that placements are often very significant times for students as they prepare for ministry,
and we are grateful to you for providing this opportunity. We pray that this will be an encouraging
and positive experience for you and for them.
Our Students
The Sarum College Programme for Ministry and Mission (formally STETS) is an ecumenical training
course, though currently most of our students are Anglicans preparing for ordination. We have
Methodist and Baptist candidates as well as private students and those preparing for lay ministries.
Our students come from across the south of England. Many juggle demanding jobs as well as family
and church life with their studies. This means that they are dedicated, faithful individuals with much
life experience. They come from varied church backgrounds, and we find their diversity creates a rich
environment for learning and formation.
The placement is an extended period of reflective practice in a context unfamiliar to the student. It
takes place in the middle of the course and is a vital element in the student’s formation.
What we are asking of the students
The student needs to spend 120 hours at their placement. They will do this either full time or part
time. They are to observe and reflect on the context, and also how this affects their ideas about
God, mission and their vocation. They will need your help and support in this.
The students are also required to study their placement module and to produce a 7000 word
portfolio at the end of the placement. This will be marked by us, but the student is asked to give you
a copy as a courtesy and for transparency.
The module covers different aspects of the placement. Some will be new to the student, for example,
the discipline of Ethnography, a method of social analysis which involves being a participant
observer. Others will be more familiar, for example, Theological Reflection. The students are
required to work with set books on these subjects. The disciplines come together as they will need to
interview people (for which they will be grateful for your guidance) and reflect on their experience.
The focus of their enquiry should be two questions:
Where is God present in this place and for these people?
How can the people live faithfully towards God’s future?
Part of their portfolio is to address these questions. In order to do so they will need to identify a
particular theme, or lens, or aspect of their time on placement to focus in on. Your student will
certainly appreciate your help in discussing this focus as themes emerge.
They are also required to include a shorter reflection on something which occurs during their time on
placement which is significant, - a ‘critical incident’ which informs their understanding of themselves,
their vocation, and God. Again, this might be something they would appreciate your help in
identifying and thinking through.
What we are asking of the supervisors
When the student first arrives we ask that you show them around and introduce them to key people.
We would encourage you to share your story, the story of your place and your thoughts about
ministry there. We also ask you to select a small group (2-3) who will meet with the student and
become a resource group for them to help them understand the situation – people the student can
ask questions of and feel comfortable with.
We also ask you to meet with the student on a 1:1 basis at least weekly if possible for a full time
placement or at least fortnightly in a part time placement. In this supervision time we ask you to
make space for the student to reflect on what they are experiencing, and to talk with them about any
questions they have.
The priority for the student is to take time to observe and understand, rather than being busy in
participating in the placement. So we are assuming, for instance, students will not lead or preach in
services. However, we rely on you and the student to discern wisely what is the most appropriate
level of involvement, especially if that aids their understanding and observation. It will be helpful to
discuss expectations on this with the student before the placement starts, or early in the placement.
At the end of the placement we ask you to play a part in the reporting process and your role in this is
vital as your report will be considered in the final report we make to their sponsoring churches.
There is a form which gives you headings under which you are invited to comment on different
aspects of the student. When you have completed this you should discuss it with the student and you
should both sign it. The form should be returned to us within a fortnight of the end of the placement.
Again, thank you for offering this placement, and we pray you’ll find it a positive experience. If you
have any questions or queries, or if things do not seem to be going to plan, please contact us.
Revd Paul Burden, Director of Ministry 01722 424816 pburden@sarum.ac.uk
Mrs Annette Young, Course Administrator 01722 424820 ayoung@sarum.ac.uk
Resources such as the Reporting Form can be found at http://www.sarum.ac.uk/ministrytraining/forms-and-documents at the bottom of the page.