Grade 11 Biology – Biodiversity Summative Assignment Research Assignment on an Endangered Species in Vietnam Endangered species are organisms that are in danger of becoming extinct. Animals become extinct for many reasons including loss of habitat, changes in environmental conditions, human trafficking etc. While this occurs all over the world, we are going to take a closer look at what is happening close to home. Vietnam is a country that has tremendous animal diversity but also has a large number of endangered species In this assignment we are going to use the knowledge learned in class to find out about a species of animal that can be found in Vietnam but is now endangered. Assignment 1) Pick an animal (you may find the sites at the bottom of this page useful) 2) Do research and give the following information on the animal Part 1 Taxonomic info (give the full taxonomic information about the animal) Give the characteristics of animals in the same phylum and class Describe the animal in terms of its morphology and physiology Part 2 Species info Nutrition (what does it eat?) Reproduction (how often does it reproduce? How many offspring per litter?) Habitat (What conditions does it require (climate, type of terrain, vegetation, etc.)? Location in Vietnam Part 3 Endangerment Information Level of endangerment (threatened, endangered, critically endangered) Number left (gene pool) Reason for endangerment Efforts to save it (what is being done to save it? Captivity information (are there many in captivity? Do they reproduce in captivity?) 3) Give your opinion on what should be done to save it What would you do to save it if you were a zoologist working for the government? This report should be written in paragraph form with each part clearly labelled. Due date: _______________________________ Minimum length – 2 pages, size 12 font, double spaced Useful sites file:///C:/Windows/system32/config/systemprofile/Downloads/traffic_pub_gen23.pdf Student Animal Mai Siamese Crocodile Julie Saola Eun Seong Red Panda Linda Black Rhinoceros James European Otter Danny Sun Bear Suli Khue Soft Shelled Turtle Monica Chinese Box Turtle Duy Elephant Mark Asian Black Bear Hazlini Tiger Ngoc Vietnamese Pond Turtle Catherine Natalie Dung Holly Vietnamese Tree Frog