CHARLES PATTERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETIC HANDOUT 1. Athletes will be model students at all times. You will be expected to RESPOND TO YOUR COACH IN A RESPECTFUL WAY -- say yes ma’am/yes sir and no ma’am/ no sir. No foul language will be tolerated. 2. All athletes will be expected to maintain a passing grade in all their classes to remain eligible to participate in the extracurricular events of their choice. Periodic checks are made during the year to determine if the athlete is eligible. 3. Athletes will be on time to all classes. 4. The coaches will deal with athletes receiving disciplinary action from the office for infraction(s) of the rules. If an athlete receives ISS: 1ST OFFENSE - Athletic Probation, suspension from all athletic activities for the duration of the ISS assignment and conditioning drills for each day of ISS. 2ND OFFENSE - Possible suspension from all athletic activities and conditioning drills for each day of ISS. 3RD OFFENSE – Possible removal from athletic program. If an athlete receives detention, he/she will have a prescribed amount of conditioning drills for each day assigned. First type II 20 laps, 40 laps, 60 laps etc…Repeated detention assignments will result in a more severe action taking place. 5. Athletes will be at all practices. Whenever you miss practice you need to bring a note from your parent or guardian stating why you were absent. Prior notice of an absence is appreciated ( i.e. doctor, dental appointment, etc. ) A prescribed amount of conditioning drills for make-up for each practice day missed will be required whether the absence is excused or un-excused. This is not a punishment. It is a make up. If an athlete misses school/practice the day before a game, other than for the reason they were sick, they will more than likely not play in the game. Exceptions will be at the coach’s discretion. If an athlete leaves school sick he/she will need to notify their coach. 6. Be on time for practice. This means dressed and at the appropriate place. If you are late there will be a prescribed amount of conditioning drills. If you are more than 10 minutes late, appropriate action will be taken. 7. Athletes are expected to be at all scheduled competitions. 8. During the games, all athletes will sit in the stands together as a team. The coaches will give instructions as to where the team will sit. Do not go anywhere without the permission of your coach. If you must go to the restroom you will go only two at a time. 9. All athletes are to travel to away games and tournaments by a school bus. If your parents are going to pick you up from an athletic event, you must give your coach a alternate transportation form from your parents at least one day prior to the athletic contest. We understand that emergencies do arise and you will have to leave without prior notice. Before you are allowed to leave, visual contact must be made between coaches and parents, otherwise all athletes are expected to ride the bus back to the school. 10. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. This behavior will result in at least a one game suspension, conditioning drills and any other action deemed necessary by the coaches. 11. Fighting will not be tolerated. Conditioning drills and documentation on the KISD athletic discipline form. 12. Your coach will tell you the day before the game, an approximate return time to CPMS. You will need to make arrangements to be picked up at that time or within 15 minutes of our return. (This also applies to home games.) 13. We would like to have our athletes wear the same looking thing on game days. Ex. Spirit shirt, game jersey, etc… 14. For class and practices the uniform is the athletic practice clothes, white socks and tennis shoes. You will lose 10 points everyday that you do not dress out. A school issued practice shirt and or shorts will be issued to everyone but you may purchase additional items. (Girls for sure, boys depends on availability). Having two suits (one you bought & the one issued by the CPMS Athletics) allows you to always have a clean set to wear. This also cuts down on the possibility of an athlete having a no suit in athletics, since they should have their own clothes as well as the ones issued by the athletic department. Any clothing issued by a CPMS coach will not be worn outside the gym unless you are traveling to or from a contest. These clothes are to be worn in practice or in games only. (EXCEPTION: LADIES/GENTLEMEN ARE SOMETIMES INSTRUCTED BY THEIR COACH TO WEAR THEIR PRACTICE SHIRT ON SPECIFIC DATES TO SHOW TEAM UNITY.) This includes the sweats. They should NEVER be worn as your personal clothes. 15. You are responsible for all equipment checked out to you. If you lose or damage the uniform in any way then you must pay for it. Any equipment that is left out and picked up by a coach will require the athlete do some kind of conditioning to get it back. 16. You will be assigned a locker. Lock your stuff up. Do not share lockers. 17. Coaches and managers are not responsible for your valuables. Lock all valuables in your locker. Do not leave anything lying out. Keep YOUR locker room clean. 18. No jewelry will be worn during practice. All athletes will be required to remove earrings before they enter the field or gym. For each item worn you will do conditioning exercises. 19. No hard hair accessories may be worn during the athletic class or during a game. That includes but is not limited to beads, rollers, ponytail holders with balls, combs or bobby pins. ONLY SOFT ITEMS MAY BE WORN. 20. No sweatbands may be worn. IF A COACH DOES NOT ISSUE IT, YOU CANNOT WEAR IT. 21. GLASS CONTAINERS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE DRESSING ROOMS. CANDY OR GUM IS NOT ALLOWED IN THE DRESSING ROOMS. (any item prohibited by KISD) are NOT to be brought to school or any athletic contest for that matter. We will NOT wear headphones in the stands and we will not talk or text on our phones in the stands. If you need to contact your parents you can do so on the bus. 22. All athletes are to knock and be recognized before entering the coach’s office. 23. Whey you are given a deadline for having paperwork turned in, there will be a prescribed amount of conditioning drills for each day it is late. ALL CONDITIONING DRILLS MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO SUITING OUT AND PARTICIPATION IN A CONTEST. 24. If any athlete is not making an honest effort to do his/her conditioning drills, his/her parents will be contacted and he /she will be suspended from all scheduled competitions on any athletic team until all conditioning is completed. The athlete will be required to participate in all practices. 25. If an athlete demonstrates poor attitude or performance the following steps will be taken: 1. Parents contacted, suspended for one contest, and placed on probation. 2. Possible suspension from all competition. 3. Removal from the current sport. 4. Removal from the athletic program. 26. Athletes will support all CPMS athletic teams in a positive manner. Remember: You are ladies and gentleman first and athletes second! We are looking forward to working with you this year. CHARLES PATTERSON MIDDLE SCHOOL Coaching Staff Girls’ Office Number 336-7120 Georgia Salyer Campus Athletic Coordinator - 8th grade “A” Basketball & Track Alina Wilder 8th grade “A” Volleyball & Track Rashandre Carrier 8th grade “B” Volleyball & Track Lasma Berrouet 7th grade “A” Basketball & Track Megan Marks Patricia Newsom Jennifer Dickens Ellen Burnett Kevin Richardson 7th grade “A” Volleyball, 8th grade “B” Basketball & Track 7th grade “B” Volleyball, Boys and Girls Tennis Coach Boys and Girls Swim Coach (Ellison Varsity Coach) Girls Soccer Coach Boys’ Office Number 336-7119 Jason Duran RJ Sandoval Gary Carr Joshua Woodall Josh Fox Quincy Francis Marvin Whitfield Tyler Cochran Boys Head Coach - 8th grade Football, Track & Golf 7th grade Football & Track 8th grade Football & 8th grade “A” Basketball & Track 7th grade Football 8th grade Football & 7th grade “A” Basketball 8th grade Football & 8th grade “B” Basketball 7th grade Football & 7th grade “B” Basketball Boys Soccer Coach **You can contact all of the above coaches through our KISD E-mail. Example: THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN ADVANCE!!!!!!!! PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THIS PAGE ONLY!! CPMS MIDDLE SCHOOL ATHLETIC RULES I understand and will follow the rules as stated. I understand that if I do not follow the rules, I am subject to disciplinary action. Student __________________________________ Parent / Guardian____________________________ Phone (Home) ____________ (Work) ____________ (Cell) _____________ E-mail address ______________________________