Poetry Reading Assignment Okay. I will fully admit that this assignment is going to get you out of your comfort zones. However, that is not always a bad thing. The good news, is that we are all in this together; even me. One of the neat things about Poetry is how it sounds when read aloud. The words and rhythm make for a reading experience that doesn’t compare to other forms of oral reading (i.e. Stories). Here is your assignment: 1) You will pick a poem from a famous poet that you enjoy reading. - Some famous poets are: William Shakespeare, William Blake, Robert Frost, William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Edgar Alan Poe, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, T.S. Eliot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and others). Come see me if you are having a hard time finding a good poem. 2) You will practice reading it dramatically 3) You will think up a costume and props that go well with the poem. 4) You will have to read your poem, dramatically, in front of the class next week Thursday. You will be marked by your peers and by me on your performance. Here is how you will be marked: Reading of Poem Costume/Props 4 The poem was read excellently and it was captivating and it showed I tried very hard The costumes and props totally fit the poem and made the reading of the poem that much more excellent 3 The poem was read pretty well, for the most part. It could’ve been improved on some small things The costume and or props were pretty good, and it showed a tried a bit, but it could’ve been made a bit better. 2 The poem was not read with much expression. I put some emphasis into it, but not much. The person did not put much thought into the props/costume that they were using. 1 The poem was just read in a normal, monotone voice with no expression The person did not bring any costume and/or props to the reading of their poem. I will take the mark of your classmates, average it out and the add it to my mark to give you your final mark out of 8. REMEMBER: HAVE FUN WITH THIS. WE ARE ALL GOING TO BE DOING IT SO YOU AREN’T ALONE IN FEELING NERVOUS!