Chris Tromborg`s Vita

Behavioral and Social Sciences
Sacramento City College
3835 Freeport Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95822
S.C.C.: (916) 558-2514
217 Baja Ave.
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 753-2763 (home)
(530) 902-2763 (cell)
SCC FAX: (916) 558-2090
Ph.D., Psychology, University of California, Davis (1999) Dissertation: Figure and
Ground Squirrels: Acoustic environments and their influence on the behavior of California
ground squirrels
M.A., Biology, emphasis Physiology and Behavior, California State University, San
Francisco (1993) Thesis: Behavioral effects of exposing captive cotton-top tamarins to
controlled auditory stimuli
M.A., Psychology, emphasis experimental, University of California, Davis (1991)
B.S., Biology, emphasis Zoology, California State University, San Francisco (1983)
B.A., Biology, emphasis Ecology & Systematics, California State University, San Francisco
Sacramento City College, Sacramento
Professor. Courses: Animal Behavior (11 semesters), Biological Psychology (30 semesters),
Cognitive Psychology (14 semesters), General Principles of Psychology (36 semesters),
Introduction to Human Behavior (4 semesters).
Lecturer. Courses: Biological Psychology (9 semesters), Introduction to Human Behavior
(6 semesters), General Principles of Psychology (17 semesters).
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University of California, Davis
Lecturer. Courses: Advanced Animal Behavior (1 quarter), Animal Cognition (4 quarters),
Cognition (5 quarters), General Principles of Psychology (10 quarters), Human Learning and
Memory (1 quarter), Perception (15 quarters), Physiological Psychology (1 quarter),
Psychobiology (5 quarters).
Associate Instructor.
Courses: Animal Learning and Motivation (1 quarter),
Comparative Psychology (4 quarters), Introduction to Psychobiology (2 quarters),
Introduction to Research in Psychobiology (1 quarter), The Teaching of Psychobiology
(1 quarter).
California State University, San Francisco
Lecturer. Courses: Communication between Humans and Other Animals (9 semesters),
Human Biology (3 semesters), The Darwinian Revolution (1 semester).
California State University, Hayward
Lecturer. Courses: Critical Thinking (10 quarters), General Principles of Psychology
(1 quarter).
California State University, Sacramento
Lecturer. Courses: Animal Behavior (2 semesters), Cognitive Psychology (1 semester),
Controversial Issues in Psychology (2 semesters), General Principles of Psychology
(1 semester), Motivation (1 semester), Perception (1 semester), Research Methods
(1 semester).
American River College, Sacramento
Lecturer. Courses: Biological Psychology (2 semesters).
Introductory Psychology, Biological Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Learning and
Memory, Cognition, Sensation and Perception, Motivation, Comparative Psychology, Animal
Learning and Motivation, Animal Communication, Animal Cognition, Human-Animal
Relationships, Research Methods, Critical Thinking, Biology, Mammalogy, Primatology,
Conservation Biology, Physiology, Captivity and Behavior.
Principal Investigator, UC, Davis (1993-95). Effects of habitat acoustics on the behavior of
two subspecies of California ground squirrel (Spermophilus beechii spp.).
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Principal Investigator, UC, Davis (1993-94). Changes in college students' attitude towards
zoo animals as a function of ambient sound conditions.
Principal Investigator, UC, Davis (1992-94). Comparative study of normative behavior in
black-and-white-ruffed and red-ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata and Varecia variegata
rubra) at the San Francisco, Sacramento, and Happy Hollow Zoos.
Principal Investigator, UC Davis (1994). Comparative study of behavioral effects of
naturalistic habitat improvements in five species of African and South American felids and
collateral changes in visitor perception of refurbished exhibits at the San Francisco Zoo.
Principal Investigator, UC, Davis (1993-94). Observational study of the behavior of three
species of South American felid: Geoffroy's cats (Felis geoffroyi), margays (Felis wiedii),
and jaguars (Panthera onca) in response to habitat improvement at the Sacramento Zoo.
Principal Investigator, UC Davis, (1993-94). Changes in social and reproductive behaviors
of cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) following a change in their physical environments.
Principal Investigator, CSU, San Francisco (1985-87). Behavioral effects of exposing captive
cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus) to controlled auditory stimuli at the San
Francisco Zoo.
Research Associate, Professors for the Future, UC, Davis (1995). Designed and
implemented a program to facilitate successful matriculation through the university by
visually impaired students.
Research Coordinator, CSU, San Francisco (1985-87); UC, Davis (1991-95). Organized,
trained, and supervised student research assistants; managed several student research
projects; mentored students in the areas of research and scientific writing.
Captivity and behavior, behavioral enrichment, reproductive physiology and behavior,
animal communication, environmental design, environmental education development,
conservation education development, developing special museum and science education
approaches for disadvantaged and disabled populations.
Cooperatively designed and executed Habicat feline environment for Genetics Saving and
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Consulted on the design of The Lowland Gorilla Project for The Lincoln Park Zoo
Consulted on approaches for enhancing accessibility for the Little Rock Zoo
Consulted on Callitrichid management and husbandry for U.C. San Francisco
Morgan, K. N. & Tromborg, C. T. (2007). Sources of stress in captivity. Applied Animal
Behaviour Science 102, 262-302.
Mitchell, G., Herring, F., Tromborg, C., Dowd, B., Steiner, S., & Obradovitch, S.
(1992). Targets of aggressive facial displays by three groups of golden-bellied mangabeys
(Cercocebus galeritus chrysogaster) at the Sacramento Zoo. Applied Animal Behavior
Science 33, 249-259.
Mitchell, G., Obradovitch, S., Herring, F., Tromborg, C., & Burns, A. (1992). Reproducing
gender in public places: Adults' attention to toddlers in three public locales. Sex Roles 26,
Mitchell, G., Tromborg, C. T., Kaufman, J., Bargabus, S., Simoni, R., & Geissler, V. (1992).
More on the influence of zoo visitors on the behavior of captive primates. Applied Animal
Behaviour Science 35, 189-198.
Mitchell, G., Obradovitch, S., Herring, F., Dowd, B., & Tromborg, C. (1991). Threats to
observers, keepers, visitors, and others by zoo mangabeys (Cercocebus galeritus
chrysogaster). Primates 32, 515-522.
Mitchell, G., Steiner, S., Dowd, B., & Tromborg, C. (1991). Male and female observers
evoke different responses from monkeys. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29, 358-360.
Mitchell, G., Herring, F. W., Obradovitch, S., Tromborg, C., Dowd, B., Neville, L.E., &
Field, L. (1990). Effects of visitors and cage changes on the behavior of mangabeys. Zoo
Biology 10, 417-423.
Tromborg, C. T. (2012). Stressors for captive exotic felines (I). Feline Conservation
Federation Journal 56, 5, 36-38, September, October.
Tromborg, C. T. (2012). Stressors for captive exotic felines (II). Feline Conservation
Federation Journal 56, 6, 37-40, November, December .
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Tromborg, C. T. (2012). Is taming domesticating captive exotic felines?
Conservation Federation Journal 56, 4, 40-46, July –August.
Tromborg, C. T. (2012). Behavioral enrichment for captive wild felines I. Feline
Conservation Federation Journal 56, 2, 8-10, March-April.
Tromborg, C. T. (2012). Behavioral enrichment for captive wild felines II. Feline
Conservation Federation Journal 56, 3, 7-13, May-June.
Tromborg, C. T. (2012). Of panthers, pumas, mountain lions, and mascots. City
Chronicles, 1, Feb. 13, 2012.
Tromborg, C. T. (2005). Shaping sound environments II. The Shape of Enrichment 14, 3-4,
(August-November), 10-11.
Tromborg, C. T., & Coss, R. G. (1995). Denizens, decibels, and dens. Annual
Proceedings of the American Association of Zoos and Aquariums, Seattle, Washington:
Tromborg, C. T. (1994). Shaping sound environments. The Shape of Enrichment 3,
(November, 7-9).
Tromborg, C. T. (1994). Talking, and other things, to the animals. U. C. Alternatives in
Education, Research, & Testing News #2, Summer, 5.
Tromborg, C. T., & Markowitz, T. F. (1994). Interactions between free-ranging pea fowl
and children at the Atlanta Zoo. International Society for Anthrozoos Newsletter #7,May, 8.
Tromborg, C. T., & Mitchell, G. (1992). You learn what you eat. Animal Keeper's
Forum 19, 277-278.
Tromborg, C. T., & Mitchell, G. (1992). Zoo food feud. Animal Keeper's Forum 19,
Mitchell, G. & Tromborg, C. (1992). The elderly in the zoo. Animal Keeper's Forum 19,
Tromborg, C., Markowitz, H., & Mitchell, G. (1991). Was Hediger wrong? Annual
Proceedings of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Portland,
Oregon: 576-585.
Mitchell, G., Herring, F., Tromborg, C., & Neville, L. (1990). The importance of
sequence of cage visitations in a zoo. Animal Keeper's Forum 17, 374-383.
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Tromborg, C. T., Mitchell, G., Markowitz, H., & Morgan, K. (1993). Sound and its
significance for captive primates. Abstract published in American Journal of Primatology
30, 352-353.
Gunderson, L, Tromborg, C., Pitman, G. & Chopyak, D. (2009). Recruiting and retaining
minority faculty at the community college. Round-table discussion held as part of a day-long
conference on diversity entitled "Embracing Change", sponsored by the F.A.C.C.C., held at
Sacramento City College on January 14, 2009, Sacramento, California.
Coss, R. G. & Tromborg, C. T. (2008). Experience shapes the assessment of California
ground squirrel alarm calls. Poster presented to the annual meeting of the
Animal Behaviour Society, August 16-20, Snowbird, Utah.
Tromborg, C. T. (2006). Science versus religion in the classroom. Presentation to the
staff and faculty of Sacramento City College as a feature of professional development
meetings held at Sacramento City College, January 12, Sacramento, California.
Tromborg, C. T. (2006). The utility of the zoological garden as a venue for studentbased research at community colleges. Presentation to the staff and faculty of
Sacramento City College as a feature of professional development meetings held at
Sacramento City College, January 12, Sacramento, California.
Tromborg, C. T. (2005). The history of behavioral enrichment in zoos. Invited
presentation to a meeting of the Sacramento Zoological Society's Education
Department, October 22, 2005.
Tromborg, C. T. (2003). The role of technology in the education of students with
disabilities. Invited contribution to a symposium entitled Technology and Education.
Held at U.C. Davis, under the auspices of the Summer Institute for Technology in
Teaching, July 22, Davis, California.
Tromborg, C. T. & Knudsen, C. (2003). Natural learning cycles and the brain. Workshop
presented to the staff and faculty of Sacramento City College, August 12, Sacramento,
Tromborg, C. T. & Bohorquez, A. S. (2001). Noise and its influence on the health and
behavior of free-living and captive marine mammals. Invited presentation to the American
Cetacean Society, March 22, Pacifica, California.
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Tromborg, C. T. (1999). Technology and the red queen hypothesis. Keynote address
presented to the staff and faculty of Sacramento City College at its Celebration of
Excellence, August 12, 1999, Sacramento, California.
Tromborg, C. T. (1999). Inherit the wind. Presentation of the film classic during the
U.C. Davis Summer Film Festival, August 5, Davis, California.
Tromborg, C. T. (1999). Zoos: Arks, Parks, or Snarks? Invited presentation at the
University of California, Davis as a part of the summer faculty Speaker Series, July 28,
Davis, California.
Tromborg, C. T., & Coss, R. G. (1995). Figure and ground squirrels. Invited paper
presented to a meeting of The Research Department of the National Zoological Park at the
Smithsonian Institution, November 3, Washington, DC.
Tromborg, C. T., & Coss, R. G. (1995). Decibels, denizens, and dens. Invited paper
presented at a symposium entitled: Maintaining behavioral competence in captivity:
Behavioral enrichment do's and don'ts. Held at the 1995 joint meeting of the Canadian
Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums and the American Association of Zoos and
Aquariums, September 15-19, Seattle, Washington.
Tromborg, C. T., Steiner, S. M., Coss, R. G., Herring, F. W., & Dowd, B. D. (1994).
Changes in attitudes expressed by students viewing animals under natural versus urban sound
conditions. Paper presented at a meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Association
for the Advancement of Science, June 19-23, San Francisco, California.
Tromborg, C. T., Burk, J., Coss, R. G., & Steiner, S. (1994). Changes in the perception of
animals viewed under urban or natural sound conditions. Paper presented at a meeting of
The Animal Behavior Society, July 22-28, Seattle, Washington.
Tromborg, C. T., & Bursten, S. N. (1994). The sound and the furry: Behavioral and
perceptual implications of anthropogenic and naturalistic acoustic environments. Invited
paper presented at a symposium of the Nature's Sounds Society on the uses and integration of
natural sounds at a meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Association for the
Advancement of Science, June 19-23, San Francisco, California.
Tromborg, C. T., Coss, R. G., Mitchell, G., Markowitz, H., & Steiner, S. M. (1993).
Sound and its significance for captive animals. Paper presented to the First Conference on
Environmental Enrichment, July 16-22, Portland, Oregon.
Tromborg, C. T., Mitchell, G., Herring, F. W., & Bursten, S. (1993). The sound and the
furry. Paper presented at a meeting of The Animal Behavior Society, July 24-30, Davis,
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Tromborg, C. T., Mitchell, G., Markowitz, H., & Morgan, K. (1993). Sound and its
significance to captive primates. Paper presented at a meeting of The American Society of
Primatologists, August 18-22, Sturbridge, Massachusetts.
Tromborg, C., Mitchell, G., & Herring, F. (1992). Learning to teach in the zoo. Invited
symposium conducted at a meeting of the Western Psychological Association, Zoo
Education and Conservation Biology section, April 26-30, Portland, Oregon.
Tromborg, C. T. (1991-96). Environmental awareness in the zoo. Annual invited
speaker for R. G. Coss, Ph.D., for Environmental Awareness (Psychology 144) at the
University of California, Davis.
Tromborg, C., & Herring, F. (1991). Behavioral effects of exposing captive cotton-top
tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus) to controlled auditory stimuli. Paper presented at a
meeting of the Western Psychological Association, April 25, San Francisco, California.
Tromborg, C, Markowitz, H., & Mitchell, G. (1991). Was Hediger wrong? Is taming
domesticating zoo animals? Invited paper presented at a meeting of the American
Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, August 25, San Diego, California.
Tromborg, C. T. (1986). Behavioral effects of exposing a captive pair of cotton-top
tamarins (Saguinus oedipus oedipus) to auditory stimuli. Paper presented at a meeting of
the Nature's Sounds Society, San Francisco, California.
Tromborg, C. T. (1986). The vocal behavior of captive cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus
oedipus oedipus). Radio interview conducted by producer Marisa Hutter for "Sounds of
Science" broadcast on National Public Radio.
Tromborg, C. T. & Coss, R. G. The sound and the furry: Captive animals, acoustics, and
artificial habitats: The relationship between waves and welfare.
Tromborg, C. T. & Coss, R. G. Developmental Deprivation Reveals Latent Antisnake
Behavior in California Ground Squirrels (Otospermophilus becheeyi)
Morgan, K. M. & Tromborg, C. T. Some animals are more equal than others: Zoo visitor
play favorites with captive zoo animals. .
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Induction into the Terra Nova Hall of Fame (2003)
Nomination for U.C. Davis Undergraduate Teaching Award (2003)
Psi Chi (Psychology Honor Society)
Sigma Xi (Science Honor Society)
Professors for the Future Fellowship (1994)
University of California Dissertation Year Fellowship (1994)
California State University Dissertation Incentive Fellowship (1993-95)
University of California Graduate Research Fellowship (1992)
University of California Graduate Opportunity Fellowship (1991-93)
California State University Educational Equity Fellowship (1991-92)
Gordon Hein Memorial Scholarship (1989-91)
Foundation for Science and the Handicapped Scholarship (1988)
Twitty-Milsap Foundation Scholarship (1987)
National Federation of the Blind Scholarship (1986)
American Council of the Blind Scholarship (1986)
National Federation of the Blind of California Scholarship (1984)
Lions Club Scholarship (1981)
Sigma Xi Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American
Psychological Association, Animal Behavior Society, Zoo Association of America, American
Zoo Association, Sacramento Zoological Society, Scientists Center for Animal Welfare,
Animals and Society, National Center for Science Education, Los Rios Community Colleges
Federation of Teachers, Faculty Association of California Community Colleges, Foundation
for Science and Disability, C.S.U. San Francisco Alumni association, U.C. Davis Alumni
Association, Nature's sounds society, League of Conservation Voters, Union of Concerned
Scientists, Center for Biological Diversity, Bat Conservation International, Sea Otter
Foundation, Mountain Lion Foundation, Cheetah Conservation Fund, Snow Leopard
Conservancy, Endangered Feline Conservation Center, Feline Conservation Federation,
Defenders of Wildlife, World Wildlife Fund, Wildlife Conservation Network, Sierra Club,
Sierra Club Mother Load, Natural Resources Defense Council, Rain Forest Action Network.
American Association for the Advancement of Science, Association for Psychological
Science, Western Psychological Association, American Society of Primatologists,
International Primatological Society, American Association of Zoo Keepers, Consortium of
Aquariums, Universities, and Zoos, San Francisco Zoological Society,
American Association for Laboratory Animal Science, National Federation of the Blind,
American Council of the Blind, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals,
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Animal Protection Institute, Humane Society of the United States, Fund for Animals,
International Fund for Animal Welfare, Sinapu Wolf Conservation, Big Cat Rescue, National
Wildlife Federation, The Nature Conservancy, National Parks Conservation Association, The
Wildlife Society, Keystone Conservation, Born Free U.S.A., Wildcat Sanctuary.
Laboratory Animal Technician, American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Assistant Laboratory Animal Technician, American Association for Laboratory Animal
Board of Directors: Mountain Lion Foundation
Board of Directors: Feline Conservation Federation
Board of Directors: African Wild Dog Conservancy
Graduate Committees: Paul Bulakowski, Orals, Ph.D.(Psychology), U.C. Davis; James
Engle, Orals, M.A. (Psychology), C.S.U.Sacramento; Althea Pena, thesis and orals, M.S.
(Psychology), American College of Applied Science.
Sacramento City College Recruitment and Hiring Committees: Lisa Gunderson, Maria
Regalado, Grace Austin, Richard Driver, Alan Keys, Mark Dennis.
Sacramento city College Peer Evaluations Committees
Sacramento City College Academic Senate
Sacramento City College Accreditations Committees: Area 2A
Sacramento City College Student Learning Outcomes Advisory Committee
Sacramento City College Institutional Equity Committee
Sacramento City College Disability Access Committee
Sacramento City College D.S.P.&S. Advisory Committee
Sacramento City College Kitty Committee
Sacramento City College Annual Fund
Sacramento City College Apple Alliance
Sacramento City College Voices of Hope Club (founding faculty Advisor)
Sacramento City College Animal Behavior and Conservation Alliance (founding faculty
Sacramento City College sponsored scholarships: Thomas A. Tromborg, Carl E. Tromborg,
Eleanor M. Tromborg, Tromborg Family Scholarship, and C.A.T. Tromborg
Scholarship (sponsor)
UCD Psychology Department Animal Care and Use Committee
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UCD Psychology Department Safety Committee
Ad hoc reviewer, Zoo Biology
Feline Lifeline Rescue and Adoption Organization
City of Davis Americans With Disabilities Act Compliance Committee
Outside Advisory Board, Lincoln Park Zoo Lowland Gorilla Project
Outside Advisory Board, Little Rock Zoo's school for the sensorally challenged
Animal Behavior and Husbandry Advisory Board, American Association of Zoological
Parks and Aquariums
Volunteer, U.C.Davis Psychology Department Animal Care Facilities
Volunteer, C.S.U.S.F. Biology Department animal Care Facilities
Volunteer, Pedro Point Veterinary Hospital
Consultant on callitrichid husbandry, U.C. San Francisco (literature review and
collation of suggested techniques)
Consultant on adaptive accessibility strategies for the blind, Sacramento Zoological
Society Education Department
Designed and prepared Braille signage for San Pedro Valley Creek Park
Contributed to Pacifica Radio's World Ear Project
Richard G. Coss, Professor emeritus, Department of Psychology, UC Davis, Young Hall,
Davis, CA 95616. (530) 752-1626.
G. D. Mitchell, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, UC Davis, P. O. Box
2101 Davis, CA 95617. (530) 756-5460.
Hal Markowitz, Professor emortitus, Department of Biology, CSU San Francisco, 1600
Holloway Ave, San Francisco, CA 94132. (415) 338-2320.
Donald H. Owings, Professor Emortitus, Department of Psychology, UC Davis, Young
Hall, Davis, CA 95616. (530) 752-1673.
Robert I. Bowman, Professor Emortitus, Department of Biology, CSU San Francisco,
1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CA 94132. (415) 338-2440.
Jennifer Breckler, Professor, Department of Biology, CSU San Francisco, 1600 Holloway
Ave. San Francisco, CA 94132. (415) 338-2340.
Robert M. Murphey, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology, UC Davis, Young
Hall, Davis, CA 95616. (530) 752-1855.
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Robert B. Post, Professor emeritus, Department of Psychology, UC Davis, Young Hall,
Davis, CA 95616. (530) 752-6988.
Bernard Goldstein, past Provost, Sonoma State College, 1801 E. Cotati Ave. Rohnert
Park, CA 94928. (707) 664-2028.
Rosemary Kraft, former Associate Dean of Graduate Studies, UC Davis, Mrak Hall,
Davis, CA 95616. (530) 752-0650.