Tila Hidalgo, Hastings High School, Alief ISD, AP Biology, Grades 11-12, 13-day lesson plan End of Summer Report The core elements being used in my mentor, Dr. Chen’s lab are that of genetic engineering and protein purification. They are engineering proteins in bacteria for specific purposes, and then using the bacteria to produce those proteins. They then purify the proteins to use in lab tests. I already incorporate many of the ideas in genetic engineering in my AP Biology class, but will be extending into protein purification for my class project. In addition to lab and research skills the following College Board objectives will be used. Essential knowledge 4.A.1: The subcomponents of biological molecules and their sequence determine the properties of that molecule. Essential knowledge 2.B.2: Growth and dynamic homeostasis are maintained by the constant movement of molecules across membranes. Essential knowledge 3.A.1: DNA, and in some cases RNA, is the primary source of heritable information. Essential knowledge 3.C.1: Changes in genotype can result in changes in phenotype. d. Phenotypes are determined through protein activities. To foster student understanding of this concept, instructors can choose an illustrative example such as: Enzymatic reactions Transport by proteins Tila Hidalgo, Hastings High School, Alief ISD, AP Biology, Grades 11-12, 13-day lesson plan Synthesis Degradation e. Genetic engineering techniques can manipulate the heritable information of DNA and, in special cases, RNA. To foster student understanding of this concept, instructors can choose an illustrative example such as: Electrophoresis Plasmid-based transformation Restriction enzyme analysis of DNA Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Protein Purification Objective: Students in groups will research, develop and implement and present a protocol to purify a protein produced by transformed bacteria. Students will engage in the following to complete their project: o o o o o o o o Independent activities Cooperative learning Visuals Whole group instruction Technology integration A project Lecture Lab Tila Hidalgo, Hastings High School, Alief ISD, AP Biology, Grades 11-12, 13-day lesson plan Day 1 • Pre-test • Teacher lecture introducing the project and presenting my summer E3 experience and engineering as a field of study. • Homework assignment: Identify units we have studied throughout the year that connect to my summer research. What ways is your life better because of what engineers do? Day 2-3 Students will perform the bacterial transformation. I plan to use the Biorad pGlo transformation. Day 4-6. Research days. I want students to do a literature review of protein purification. They will do this in the library using the internet to access journals. They will use this to write a presentation answering the questions: • Why is protein purification important? • What are ways that it is done? • What are limitations to these protocols? • What properties of the pGlo protein could be used to purify it? • What is your proposed protocol to purify pGlo? Tila Hidalgo, Hastings High School, Alief ISD, AP Biology, Grades 11-12, 13-day lesson plan • The protocol will include a cost projection, specific steps to follow to purify the protein, and a method to calculate a percent yield. Day 7-8- “Lab Meeting” • Students will present their findings, and after will develop a final protocol to purify the pGlo. • The collective answer should be that the cells need to by lysed, and using the hydrophobic properties of the pGlo protein it can be purified on a column that address that property. • Methods of cell lysis can vary from group to group as well as specific reagents to wash and elute the protein, but they should all have common chemical properties. • I will purchase a kit from biorad, and will make necessary material available to students, but they design their own protocol to purify the protein. Day 9-11. Protein Purification. • Students will perform their experiments. • They will then analyze their results using electrophoresis, and calculate a percent yield. Day 12-13 • Final Presentations • Class discussion Tila Hidalgo, Hastings High School, Alief ISD, AP Biology, Grades 11-12, 13-day lesson plan • Post Test I expect my students to do and present a power point that will address their process in developing, executing and evaluating their protocol. I will also ask them to make a class decision on what group designed the best protein purification protocol and support that decision with evidence. Project Rubric Requirement Points Methods Clearly Stated 20 Quantative and Qualative Data was included. (picture of the gel and yield) 20 Cost of protocol/g of product 10 Percent yield calculated 10 Error analysis (where can your project be improved and why? What would your next step be?) 20 Citation, organization, general presentation 10 OER What was the best protocol, or mixture of protocols to purify the pGlo protein? Why?