Geo-4Major Landforms

Major landforms
I. Choose the correct answer.(1M)
1. Which of the following is not an active agent of weathering?
a. Frost action
b. Animals
c. Wind
d. Chemical reaction
2.Which of the following is not an agent of erosion?
a. Sea waves
b. Glaciers
c. Volcanoes
d. Rivers
3. The highest waterfall in the world is
a. Salto Angle
b. Niagara
c. Gersoppa
d. Victoria
4. Ox-bow lakes are usually formed in
a. deserts
b. snowfields
c. river valleys
d. U-shaped valleys
5. Which of the following is not an erosional landform created by sea waves?
a. Sea arch
b. Beach
c. sea cave
d. Stack
6. The depositional feature of a glacier is
a. moraines
b. waterfalls
c. meanders
d. cirques
7. Mushroom rocks are mostly found in
a.flood plains
b. deserts
d. mountains
c. beaches
8. Which of the following landforms is formed by the depositional work of wind?
a. Loess
b. Cirque
c. Mushroom rock d. Moraine
II. Answer the following questions.(1M)
1.What is meander?
2.What is erosion ?
3.Which is not an active agent of weathering?
4.Which is not an agent of erosion?
5.Which is an active of erosion?
6.Which is an active agent of weathering?
7.Which is the highest waterfall in India?
8.Which is the highest waterfall in the world ?
9.Where is ox-bow Lakes usually formed? s
10.Which is not an erosional landform created by sea waves?
11.What is called the depositional feature of a glacier?
12.Where is mushroom rocks mostly found?
13.Which landforms is formed by the depositional work of wind ?
14.Who used the Greek letter (
) delta first?
15. When is lagoon formed?
16.Where is the most extensive loess deposits are formed ?
17.Where is flood plain formed?
18.Which is the most effective agent of erosion in the desert?
19.Due to wind which rock is formed?
20.What is the result of erosional work of the river?
III. Answer the following questions.(2M)
1.Name the factors and agents which help in weathering?
2.How are ox-bow lakes formed?
3.How are flood plains formed?
4.Why is the work of wind limited to a few meters above the ground?
5.Write about 1.waterfall 3.flood plain.
IV. Answer the following questions.(4M)
1.Hoe does running water carry out its work?
2.Explain the earosional and depositional work of sea waves?
3.Explain the erosional work of glacier?
4.Describe the depositional work of wind?
5.Why is wind the most important agent of erosion in the desert?