clothing (10 min) - Language Links 2006

Spanish 1: Adjectives, Clothing
Jeannette Fuhriman- Jan.6, 2015
Objective: Students will describe their peers and famous people by what they are wearing,
physical characteristics, and personality characteristics using the clothing and adjectives
Cognitive goal: Students will feel more comfortable with clothing & adjectives vocabulary and be
ready to take the clothing & adjectives quiz next class.
Social/affective goal: Students will feel comfortable using clothing and adjectives vocabulary to
describe people when talking to others in Spanish.
Linguistic: Students will start to feel more comfortable staying in the TL as they practice speaking
in Spanish to describe people.
Materials needed: Calentamiento on overhead (below), bucket of clothing items, clothing walk &
talk instructions (below), famous person ppt (link below), list of famous people (below), textbook
video about clothing, video worksheet, adjectives & clothing vocabulary list, hw from the workbook
1) Calentamiento y sellos (20 min) **REMINDER: ADJ. QUIZ NEXT CLASS!**
2) Bienvenida (10 min)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Clothing bucket (10 min)
Quick review of clothing by pulling out items of clothing and asking students what the
item is. Keep it interesting by putting some on, moving around, keep energy up.
4) “Estoy pensando en un estudiante quien lleva…” clothing walk and talk
Put up overhead of instructions (below). Students have 8 minutes to write their answers,
then 7 minutes of mingling with peers to try out their descriptions.
5) Game: describing famous people (15 min)
Set up: Assign students a partner (neighbor) and have them arrange their desks so that
one person can see the projector screen, and the other is facing the back wall. Each
student receives a little card with a list of 15 possible famous people answers for the
There are 10 photos of famous people- each on their own slide. The student who can
see the screen uses the pink adj&clothing vocab sheet to describe the famous person
they see on the first slide. Give students 30 seconds to guess each person. Student 1
describes the first 5 people while Student 2 guesses; then they switch seats and Student
2 describes the next 5 famous people while Student 1 guesses.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Video: clothing (10 min)
Hand out worksheet, then show the video twice: 1st time just listening, then 2nd time
students answer questions as they watch.
7) Rubber band activity: pictionary with adjectives (0-15 min)
Play in their teams for pesos. The team who writes the answer on the board correctly
first wins. Rotate who draws the word and who writes to make sure that everyone gets a
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8) Tarea: Workbook pages 19&20
Spanish 1: Adjectives, Clothing
Adaptations: There are currently no students with IEPs enrolled in these Spanish 1
courses, but for students who have vision issues, the images projected can be made
a little larger by zooming in. Making sure that these students sit closer to the front of
the classroom will also help. None of these activities should be an issue for slower or
faster learners because they can work at their own pace. Students who finish early
can just keep switching partners and get a little extra practice. If students don’t finish
writing their answers for activity 4, they can write descriptions for fewer people if I
know that it is something that they generally struggle with. I will show the video again
during lunch sometime in the next week or two for the students who were absent
today, so anyone who needs to watch the video one more time in order to fill out the
whole worksheet can come in during that time as well.
Assessment: I will informally assess how well students are remembering the
vocabulary by walking around the room and listening to students’ responses. I will
also collect the sentences from activity 4 and the video worksheet and grade them
for completion. At the end of the period, they will self-report their talking points for
the day based on a 5 point scale: 5= 100% Spanish, 4= one slip up, 3= mostly
Spanish, 2= mostly English, 1= they were here, but no effort into speaking Spanish.
They are expected to talk to their peers in Spanish for extra practice as they finish
activities and also answer questions throughout the class period in Spanish in order
to get 5 points.
Spanish 1: Adjectives, Clothing
¿Qué llevas…
1. a la escuala?
2. a la iglesia?
3. a una fiesta?
4. a un baile formal?
5. a jugar al fútbol con amigos?
6. a conocer al presidente Obama?
7. en el verano?
8. en el invierno?
9. cuando hay lluvia?
Spanish 1: Adjectives, Clothing
Estoy pensando en un estudiante quien lleva…
Describe a un otro estudiante:
1. ESCRIBE 3 oraciones.
2. Usa por lo menos 3 palabras de ROPA y describe el
COLOR de la ropa
3. Repite para describir a 3 personas
1. Levantate y escoge 1 pareja.
2. Escucha a la descripción de su pareja.
3. Adivina a quien tu pareja describe
4. Cambia de papel
5. Escoge una pareja nueva y repite
Spanish 1: Adjectives, Clothing
Lista de personas famosas (práctica con adjetivos)
Lady Gaga
Michael Jordan
Betty White
Cristiano Ronaldo
Stephen Colbert
Abraham Lincoln
Taylor Swift
George Washington
Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Phil
President Obama
Harry Styles
Justin Bieber
Hermione Granger
Ellen Degeneres
Lady Gaga
Michael Jordan
Betty White
Cristiano Ronaldo
Stephen Colbert
Abraham Lincoln
Taylor Swift
George Washington
Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Phil
President Obama
Harry Styles
Justin Bieber
Hermione Granger
Ellen Degeneres
Lady Gaga
Michael Jordan
Betty White
Cristiano Ronaldo
Stephen Colbert
Abraham Lincoln
Taylor Swift
George Washington
Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Phil
President Obama
Harry Styles
Justin Bieber
Hermione Granger
Ellen Degeneres
Lady Gaga
Michael Jordan
Betty White
Cristiano Ronaldo
Stephen Colbert
Abraham Lincoln
Taylor Swift
George Washington
Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Phil
President Obama
Harry Styles
Justin Bieber
Hermione Granger
Ellen Degeneres
Lady Gaga
Michael Jordan
Betty White
Cristiano Ronaldo
Stephen Colbert
Abraham Lincoln
Taylor Swift
George Washington
Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Phil
President Obama
Harry Styles
Justin Bieber
Hermione Granger
Ellen Degeneres
Lady Gaga
Michael Jordan
Betty White
Cristiano Ronaldo
Stephen Colbert
Abraham Lincoln
Taylor Swift
George Washington
Oprah Winfrey
Dr. Phil
President Obama
Harry Styles
Justin Bieber
Hermione Granger
Ellen Degeneres
Link to corresponding ppt game: