MONDAY POCOMOKE Innovating with Amime Mrs. Tobiassen TUESDAY Volleyball Ms. Frazier MIDDLE SCHOOL WEDNESDAY 1ST Hour Classes 3:15-4:15 P.M. Engineering Everywhere Put a Lid on It! Ms. Gamberoni Cheerleading Ms. Boog & Mrs. Rathel THURSDAY Read to Cook! Ms. Wright Science of Cosmetology Ms. Watson (WPMS News Team Only) Mrs. Macomber Service Learning in MD (Qualifying Students) Mrs. Binns & Mrs. Payne Session II Middle Pocomoke Pride After School Academy March 30, 2015 May 14, 2015 April 6th & 27th Mrs. Brittingham & Mrs. McQuaid Basketball Mrs. Jones POCOMOKE GOLD PERFORMERS Science of Cosmetology Ms. Watson Soccer Academy & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd K’NEX Engineering Mrs. Cummings & Mr. Roache Soccer Academy & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd SFAB(Members Only) Mrs. Mitchell Science of Cosmetology Ms. Watson Basketball: Mrs. Jones Soccer Academy & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd It’s All Debatable Mrs. Binns & Mrs. Kolwalski Naviance Mr. Stone & Mrs. Covington Player’s Club: Strategic Games Mr. Bolic Computer Lab Ms. Roberts Soccer Academy & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd Soccer Academy & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd Girls Growing Gracefully Mrs. Wright & Mrs. Richardson Engineering Everywhere Put a Lid on It! Ms. Gamberoni Builders Club Mrs. Snyder So What Do You Know? Mrs. Cormier After School Closed on… The Mystery of Fruitvale Girl Scouts: Mrs. Payne Computer Lab Ms. Roberts 2nd Hour Classes 4:15-5:15 P.M. Science of Cosmetology Ms. Watson Organic Gardening Mrs. Macomber Volleyball Ms. Frazier Computer Lab: Ms. Roberts Computer Lab: Ms. M. Blake Soccer Academy Soccer Academy & Game Statistics & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd Mr. Byrd Two Hour Classes 3:15-5:15 P.M. POCOMOKE GOLD PERFORMERS Brittingham & McQuaid Computer Lab Ms. Roberts Chunkinology Mr. Gooding Soccer Academy & Game Statistics Mr. Byrd STEM ROBOTICS Mrs. Weisner FIELD HOCKEY Girls Wanted! Ms. Pusey CREATIVE HANDS & MINDS FIELD HOCKEY Girls Wanted! Ms. Pusey STEM ROBOTICS Mrs. Weisner Ms. Gillespie Rocket Launchers Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Harsh The Worcester County Board of Education does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment, or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, marital status, color, gender identity and expression, national origin, creed, religion, age, ancestry, genetic information, or physical or mental disability. The Worcester County Board of Education does not discriminate in admissions, access, treatment, or employment in its programs and activities on the basis of race, sex (including sexual harassment), sexual orientation, marital status, color, gender identity and expression, national origin, creed, religion, age, ancestry, genetic information, or physical or mental disability.