Name__________________________ Mrs. Goux Living Environment 2 COPY THESE NOTES AND RETURN THIS TO MRS. GOUX CH.11.4 MEIOSIS & SEXUAL REPRODUCTION MEIOSIS Also known as _______gametogenesis____, the making of gametes(sex cells) Occurs ONLY in the ___gonads_______ (sex glands) to produce __gametes____ (egg & sperm) --- Male gonads = __testes________ ---Female gonads=____ovaries ___ ---___Spermatogenesis___ production of sperm through meiosis --- __Oogenesis_______ production of eggs through meiosis Meiosis 1 is known as “reduction division” because each gamete produced by meiosis has ___half___ the normal # of chromosomes --Therefore, in sexually reproducing organisms, meiosis followed by __fertilization____ maintains the __normal chromosome___ number In HUMANS there are 46 chromosomes (called the __2n___ or diploid #) All _body___ cells have the diploid # (2n) of chromosomes Diploid # is 2n= the number of chromosomes in each cell of a species The haploid # (_n_) is found ONLY in egg & sperm cells (gametes) Hint: diploid =double(2n) & haploid=half (n) Meiosis is the process of equal division. reduction division. tetrad formation. 1 Name__________________________ Mrs. Goux Living Environment 2 COPY THESE NOTES AND RETURN THIS TO MRS. GOUX MEIOSIS involves __2__ CELL DIVISIONS: - Meiosis 1____ the reduction stage followed by second division is same as mitosis called ___Meiosis 2____ Meiosis 1 Primary or __stem __cell of the sex cell of ovary or testis is the same as a body cell Replication of each chromosome occurs Each chromosome is _copied__ There are _2___ chromatids for each type of chromosome This is called ____sister__ _ chromatids__ Prophase 1; chromatin winds into chromosomes as nuclear membrane disappears chromosomes find and line up with their ____homolog___ in a process call ____synapsis__ homologues form ___tetrads___ and touch one another other chromosomes trade pieces in a process called __CROSSING OVER__ this particular __stem___ cell has a diploid number of 4 in Figure 1. Metaphase 1; spindle fibers attach to chromosomes as centrioles appear homologs line up in PAIRS along the ___equator___ of the cell INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT occurs Mendel's law of independent assortment, states that allele pairs separate independently during the formation of gametes. This means that traits are transmitted to offspring independently of one another. Anaphase 1; homologous chromosomes __separate___ , moving one to each side of the cell in a process called segregation the process will effectively __ reduce___ the chromosome number from (in humans) 46 doubles to 23 double chromosomes 2 Fig. 1 Name__________________________ Mrs. Goux Living Environment 2 COPY THESE NOTES AND RETURN THIS TO MRS. GOUX Telophase 1; cell membrane starts to ___pinch___ inward nuclear membrane reappears Cytokinesis 1 (overlaps with Telophase 1); cell membrane continues to pinch in, __dividing__ _cytoplasm__ equally between daughter cells notice the 2 new cells are now two haploid (2 chromosomes instead of 4) Review Quiz 1: unique features of meiosis Meiosis 2 -EACH of the resulting two haploid daughter cells from Meiosis 1 undergoes a __SECOND___ cell division that is the same as __Mitosis____ Prophase 2 (like mitosis); nuclear membrane __disappears___ chromosomes remain _condensed_ from Telophase 1 Metaphase 2 (like mitosis); chromosomes line up on ___metaphase__ __plate___ __centrioles appear and move toward poles spindle fibers start to___stretch__across cell from centrioles spindle fibers attach to __centomere________ of each chromosome Anaphase 2(like mitosis); the __sister__ chromatids now separate & move toward opposite poles Each of the resulting 4 cells has the ____haploid__ (n) number of chromosomes Telophase 2(like mitosis); except the ovum in females produces _one__ __large__ _egg__ and three discarded "_polar__ _bodies__" by unevenly distributing cytoplasm. Spermatogenesis make 4 viable ___sperm___, however cell membrane pinches in as ___nuclear__ __membrane__ reforms Cytokinesis 2 (like mitosis overlaps with Telophase 2); 3 Name__________________________ Mrs. Goux Living Environment 2 COPY THESE NOTES AND RETURN THIS TO MRS. GOUX cytoplasm finishes dividing creates _4_ DIFFERENT haploid (n) __gamete__ cells (egg or sperm )for sexual reproduction HW: Chapter 11 Introduction to Genetics Section Review 11-4 pg. 134 Review Quiz 2: ver.html 10/18 MITOSIS produces cells with the normal ___diploid____________ # of chromosomes (2n) WHILE MEIOSIS produces cells with the _haploid_____________ # (n) Remember, meiosis only occurs in the ___gonads____________ to produce gametes The disadvantage of ASEXUAL reproduction is that there is _no__ variation ( __diversity___) all offspring are identical to the parent SEXUAL reproduction, however, relies on genetic contributions from __two____ parents (instead of just one) There is also variation in the gametes produced by each parent since “__crossing_____ __over_______” can occur during Meiosis I Variation allows a population, as a whole, to ___adapt_________ to a changing environment What is this called??? Section 11-4 Self-Assessment Page 5 2 Types of Sexual Reproduction __Conjucation____ = the __exchange_____ of genetic material (DNA) between 2 different _organisms______ of the same species Ex. Paramecium, spirogyra, bacteria this is how __antibiotic_ __resistance__ occurs, a BIG PROBLEM in treating infections such as tuberculosis, MRSA and VRE infections __Fertilization____ = egg + sperm __offspring______ 4 Name__________________________ Mrs. Goux Living Environment 2 COPY THESE NOTES AND RETURN THIS TO MRS. GOUX --- Fertilization occurs when the ____nucleus__ of an egg & sperm fuse, producing a zygote (= a single _fertilized____ cell) --- Millions of sperm are attracted to an egg, but only __1__ can fertilize it 2 Types of Fertilization a) External = gametes fuse ___outside___ the body of the female Occurs in many __aquatic_______ animals (fish, amphibians) (water keeps eggs from drying out) Since the eggs have less chance of being fertilized, __many__ are produced b) Internal = gametes fuse ___inside___ the moist reproductive tract of the female Occurs in most _vertebrate____ animals (reptiles, birds , mammals) FEWER eggs are produced because they are well __protected___ & have a greater chance of being fertilized Section 11-4 Self-Assessment 1. During meiosis, the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of A. daughter cells. B. homologous chromosomes. C. gametes. 2. The formation of a tetrad occurs during A. anaphase I. B. metaphase II. C. prophase I. 3. In many female animals, meiosis I and II result in the production of A. only 1 egg. B. 1 egg and 3 polar bodies. C. 4 eggs. 11.4 Section Assessment 1. Key Concept Describe the main results of meiosis. 2. Key Concept What are the principal differences between mitosis and meiosis? 3. What do the terms diploid and haploid mean? 4. What is crossing-over? 5. Critical Thinking Applying Concepts In human cells, 2N = 46. How many chromosomes would you expect to find in a sperm cell? In an egg cell? In a white blood cell? Explain. 5 Name__________________________ Mrs. Goux Living Environment 2 COPY THESE NOTES AND RETURN THIS TO MRS. GOUX Sexual and Asexual Reproduction In asexual reproduction, mitosis occurs, but not meiosis. Which type of reproduction—sexual or asexual— results in offspring with greater genetic variation? Explain your answer. 6