Biology Unit 4 Computer Web Quest

Biology Unit 4 Computer Web Quest
*Click on “What Is DNA”
1. Where does DNA reside?
2. What does DNA stand for?
3. What is the twisted ladder shape of DNA called?
4. What are the “special rules” of DNA?
5. What do genes tell a cell to make?
6. What kind of bond holds the bases together?
*Click on “What is a Gene”
7. What is a gene?
8. What is the function of Red Blood Cells?
9. What protein helps the Red Blood Cell do its job?
10. A mutation in the Red Blood Cell’s protein can produce what disorder?
11. What protein is responsible for growing hair & nails?
Things you May Not Know About DNA:
List 8 Things you learned about DNA
RNA: The Versatile Molecule
1, DNA and RNA are both made of building blocks called
2. Each nucleotide is made up of a ___ attached to a piece of
4. The backbone of DNA and RNA are slightly different in
its ___.
5. The bases in DNA are:
The bases in RNA are:
3. Nucleotides in both DNA and RNA form complementary
base pairs;
C pairs with _________
A pairs with _________ (DNA) or _________ (RNA)
10. Complementary sections within a single strand of RNA
can base-pair with each other, causing the molecule to _____
in on itself and form a complex, three-dimensional shape.
6. In DNA, Each base is paired with another along the entire
length of the _____ strands.
In RNA, only some of the bases are paired with their
complement, and base pairing occurs between nucleotides in
the _____ strand.
7. DNA molecules have a _____ shape.
RNA molecules have an _____ shape.
11. The sequence of bases along the RNA strand determines
how it will fold. In this way, the sequence of _____
determines the strand's three-dimensional shape.
9. DNA Molecules are _______, typically made up of
millions of nucleotides.
RNA molecules are much smaller, typically made up of
_____ of nucleotides.
12. Changing the bases will change both the molecule's ____
and its _____.
RNA’s Role in the Central Dogma:
13. Write a statement about the function of each of the molecules. Click on each of their names to help you.
Why Do Fireflies Glow?:
14. Name 2 Reasons why fireflies glow:
15. What do fireflies do that are unable to make the glowing protein (lucibufigens)?
How Do Cells Read Genes?
16. Divide the following sentence up into 3-letter words:
17. This sentence represents a ______________________________________________.
Each letter represents a ________________________________________________.
Each word represents a _________________________________________________.
18. All protein-coding regions begin with the sequence "_____," which encodes the amino acid _____ .
Use the codon Wheel to list the 3 stop codons:
19. The following is a point mutation. Which type of point mutation?
21. Define the 3 categories of Point
Missense Mutation:
20. The following are both Frameshift mutations. Which type of frameshift mutations?
Nonsense Mutation:
Silent Mutation:
What is a protein?
22. Watch the animation What is a protein.
Write a brief summary in the space to
The right 
Types of Proteins:
23. Define each type of protein. Give examples of each.
Structural Proteins
Regulatory Proteins
Transport Proteins
Motor Proteins
Signaling Proteins
Sensory Proteins
Defense Proteins
*Click on “What is a Chromosome”
24. In meters, how long is the DNA is one human cell?
25. What is DNA wrapped around so that it forms a chromosome?
26. What two sex chromosomes make a boy?
27. What two sex chromosomes make a girl?
28. How many chromosomes are found in mosquitoes, onions, & carp?
Storage Proteins
Transcribe & Translate a Gene
“Click Here” to begin the transcription & translation process
Type in the letters of the rna bases that correctly match the open strand of dna.
Congrats, you just made mrna….this process is called transcription!
Place the green box over the letters aug and click the mouse. the ribosome looks for these letters to begin the process of
Using the chart bring the codon to the strand of mrna to make a protein chain of amino acids.
Congrats. You just made a protein chain…this process is called translation!
29. how many amino acids are there?
30. how many different possibilities does that allow for making protein?
*Click “DNA Replication” & Complete the Base Pairing Activity
31. What base pairs with A?
32. What base pairs with C?
*When completed, click on “Protein Synthesis” and make rna from the open strand of dna.
33. How long is a real RNA molecule?
34. What kind of rna molecule did you just make?
35. Where in the cell is mrna made?
Congrats! You just did the process called transcription! Click ok to proceed:
36. What organelle attaches itself to the rna to read it?
37. The anticodon is part of which kind of rna molecule?
38. What is the first amino acid that is made? (Hint: It begins with an “M”)
39. What is the second amino acid that is made?
40. What is the third (and final) amino acid that is made?
Congrats! You just did the process called translation!
*Click on “online games” at the top of the page to go back to the main menu.
*Click on “race the cell”
41. which of the following could you use to unzip the dna? (Circle) mRNA
42. how long did it take you to pair up the trna to the mrna?
43. how many proteins could a speedy cell have completed in that time?
44. what can you do to be even more successful in biology 4th quarter? 
rna polymerase