ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) ACE (AE/AX) (A) EDI Messaging Standard (A1) What Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) messaging standard is used: Conventional, CBP Automated Broker Interface (ABI) proprietary 80-character ‘image’. ----- No Change ----- Multiple Entry Summary ‘transactions’ are allowed in a single B-, Y-Record envelope. ----- No Change ----- Multiple Entry Summary B-, Y-Record envelopes (blocks) are allowed in a single A-, Z-Record envelope. Multiple A-, Z-Record envelopes (batches) are allowed in a single transmission. There is no guarantee that multiple A-, Z-Record envelopes transmitted to ACS in a single data burst shall be processed and responded to in the received order. An output A-, Z-Record envelope (batch) ONLY is generated and returned. Enclosed input B-, Y-Record envelope (blocks) (or any transaction data enclosed) are not evaluated. The output batch does NOT enclose any blocks. An output B-, Y-Record envelope (block) is generated and returned (enclosed in an output A-, Z-Record envelope (batch)). Enclosed input transactions in that block are not evaluated. However, the validity of one input block has no bearing on the acceptance of any other input block. ----- No Change ----- (B) Batching and Blocking Entry Summary Transactions (B1) How Entry Summary input transactions are allowed to be ‘blocked’: (B2) How Entry Summary input ‘blocks’ are allowed to be ‘batched’: (B3) How multiple input ‘batches’ are allowed to be transmitted: (B4) How ‘batch’ syntax violations and authentication failures are returned in the output. (B5) How ‘block’ syntax violations and authentication failures are returned in the output. ----- No Change ----- (Note: ACE transaction batches may be commingled with existing ACS transaction batches.) ----- No Change ----- An output B-, Y-Record envelope (block) is generated and returned (enclosed in an output A-, Z-Record envelope (batch)). Enclosed input transactions are not evaluated. All syntax (batch, block, and transaction level) violations and all authentication failures result in a batch level rejection. Transaction level business data evaluation does not take place. (C) Entry Summary Transaction Application ID (C1) What ‘application ID’ is used (input): (C2) What ‘application ID’ is used (output): 2/8/2016 EI Response B-Record Application Identifier Code: ER Input B-Record Application Identifier Code: ACE ABI CATAIR AE Response B-Record Application Identifier Code: AX Input B-Record Application Identifier Code: Page 1 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (D) Trade Documentation ACS CATAIR: ‘Application Control’ chapter ‘Entry Summary’ chapter ‘Other Government Agencies’ chapter ACE (AE/AX) ACE CATAIR: ‘ABI Batch & Block Control’ chapter ‘Entry Summary Create / Update’ chapter ACS CATAIR: ‘Other Government Agencies’ chapter (D1) What CATAIR document contains the ABI batch and block record descriptions: (D2) What CATAIR document contains the ABI Entry Summary record descriptions: Existing ACS CATAIR ‘Application Control’ chapter. Existing ACS CATAIR – ‘Entry Summary’ chapter. (D3) How the filing rules are described in the Entry Summary CATAIR: Also includes a section on ‘Statement Delete Transaction’ (HP) and ‘Electronic Reject / Request’ (US). OGA data (FDA, DOT/NHTSA, & FCC data) described in the ACS CATAIR ‘Other Government Agencies’ chapter. In the ACS Entry Summary CATAIR chapter, generally in the record description tables and the ‘notes’ that follow each. Transitional documents: ACS EI to ACE AE Record Layout Cross Reference ACS to ACE Entry Summary Condition Cross Reference EDI ES Filing & Response Scenarios – TRADE AE Entry Summary Examples ACE CATAIR ‘ABI Batch & Block Control’ chapter. ACE CATAIR ‘Entry Summary Create / Update’ chapter; completely supersedes existing document (for an ACE filed Entry Summary). (D4) How changes to the filing rules are communicated: 2/8/2016 Additional and changed information regarding an Entry Summary submission/EDI filing is communicated via the Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS). ACE ABI CATAIR Describes the Entry Summary transaction (AE/AX) ONLY. Includes the FCC data records. FDA & DOT/NHTSA data described in the in the ACS CATAIR ‘Other Government Agencies’ chapter. Limited information is provided in the record description tables and the ‘notes’ that follow. In the AE CATAIR chapter, this information is meant to provide generic, basic filing information (i.e., that used in EVERY filing scenario). A separate Entry Summary Filing Usage Note section categorizes and describes many of the Entry Summary ‘filing’ requirements. This section, however, is not meant to be all inclusive and may not cover all ‘business rules’. Sections will be expanded and others included as needed. ----- No Change ----- Page 2 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (D5) How repeating groups of records are described in the Entry Summary CATAIR chapter: Limited information provided. The actual limit of some repeating groupings is not entirely clear. ACE (AE/AX) (D6) How related Entry Summary data elements are ‘grouped’ in the input records: Numerous record/data element modifications made between 1984 and 2008. In some cases data elements were added to existing records simply because filler was available – resulting in some illogical configurations. (D7) How ‘data class’ (e.g., alphanumeric) is specified for an individual data element: 2/8/2016 Some ambiguous and inconsistent data class usage. ACE ABI CATAIR A ‘structure map’ illustrates how the automated interface expects repeating groups to be configured (both input and response). A loop repeat limit is specified for each grouping (both a transitional ACS limit and the future ACE limit). Entry Summary data elements reorganized into more logical groupings. Unused and retired records and data elements eliminated. Some related business data elements regrouped for conditional inclusion (e.g., Bonds, ADD/CVD). Multiple tariffs regrouped into single repeating record. ‘ACS EI to ACE AE Record Layout Cross Reference’ provides a complete cross reference of all EI and AE data elements. A record layout ‘key’ is provided that unambiguously defines the data classes. The data class specified for a data element (or in some cases more than one data class) is meant to cover all reporting scenarios. Page 3 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (D8) How mandatory & conditional Entry Summary data reporting is specified: Information is provided throughout the chapter. In cases, however, it is ambiguous and inconsistent. ACE (AE/AX) Mandatory and conditional Entry Summary data reporting instructions are noted throughout the document: (D9) How the output response records are described: Three explicit types of ER output response records are described: EXX – Describes a single Entry Summary ‘error’ condition (where ‘XX’ is the input record ID in ‘error’). E0 – Describes the CBP disposition (e.g., rejected or accepted) for the Entry Summary portion of the filing. EC – Describes a single ‘error’ condition and CBP’s disposition of a request to ‘certify’ for cargo release. (Note: In EI, the input record that caused, or contributed, to the ‘error’ condition, is returned in the output response as well as an aid to identify where the ‘problem’ has occurred [i.e., a ‘signpost’].) 2/8/2016 In the input record ‘structure map’. In the designation column in each record description table. In the Entry Summary Filing Usage Note section of the chapter. Two types of AX output response records are described: ACE ABI CATAIR E0 – Unconditionally retuned to identify the Entry Summary transaction; others conditionally returned to identify the repeating group of the input where a condition (e.g., fatal, warning) arose (i.e., a ‘signpost’). E1 – Describes a single, discreet condition regarding an input validation or the final disposition of the requested action for the transaction. (Note: The result of a request to ‘certify for cargo release’ shall no longer be returned in an Entry Summary response.) Page 4 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (D10) How ‘fatal’ and ‘warning conditions are identified and how problems filings are resolved: The Narrative Text of the E0-Record provides information regarding the condition (identified by the E0-Record Error Message Identifier). A specific ‘error’ code (and accompanying text) may be used for more than one reason/condition. A comprehensive directory of Entry Summary EI filing conditions does not exist. ACE (AE/AX) With the exception of certain Census Warning codes, the existing EI codes will not be used; AE will generate completely different codes. The generated text for a condition is more specific. The text will cite the reason; not the conclusion. A condition code directory/problem resolution guide is in the planning stages. ‘ACS to ACE Entry Summary Condition Cross Reference’ provides a complete cross reference of all EI and AE generated conditions. (E) Entry Summary Transaction Syntax Evaluation (E1) SYNTAX: At what level Entry Summary transaction ‘syntax’ is evaluated: For the most part, record order and other syntax is evaluated at the transaction level (i.e., Entry Summary Header – 10-Record through 90-Record). However, the definition of syntax is somewhat unclear; application of syntax rules are inconsistent: Syntax evaluation, for ALL records included in an Entry Summary batch, is at the batch level (i.e., A- thru ZRecord): (E2) SYNTAX: How a missing Entry Summary Header (10-Record) is tolerated: (E3) SYNTAX: How an unknown record ID is tolerated: A missing 10-Record (following the B-Record or a 90Record) results in that single transaction being rejected. (E4) SYNTAX: How an illogically sequenced record is tolerated: A known record found out of sequence results in a single transaction being rejected. (E5) SYNTAX: How an excessive record in a grouping is tolerated: An ‘overflow’ of a grouping (i.e., a ‘loop limit’ exceeded) results in a single transaction being rejected. 2/8/2016 An unknown record (i.e., an unrecognized control identifier) is ignored. ACE ABI CATAIR A syntax failure encountered in ANY input record in the batch will result in the ENTIRE batch being rejected. Syntax is evaluated FIRST; business data evaluation shall not take place if syntax failure is encountered. The FIRST syntax violation causes all validation for that batch to immediately cease. (Note: Syntax does not include numeric and valid date checks – in AE, these shall be considered as a business tier validation.) A missing 10-Record (following the B-Record or a 90Record) is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. An unknown record (i.e., an unrecognized control identifier) is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. A known record found out of sequence (i.e., does not conform to the input ‘structure’ map) is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. An ‘overflow’ of a grouping (i.e., a ‘loop limit’ exceeded) is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. Page 5 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (E6) SYNTAX: How a record that contains no data is tolerated: While there are exceptions, a ‘blank data’ record (i.e., a recognized control identifier followed by blanks) conditionally results in a fatal rejection (based on a ‘missing data’ business rule). ACE (AE/AX) With one exception: A ‘blank data’ record (i.e., a recognized control identifier followed by blanks) is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. For ACS compatibility reasons, an EXCEPTION to the rule: (E7) SYNTAX: How a record that contains a ‘non-contiguous’ (side-byside) item is tolerated: In a repeating group within a single 80-character record, handling of repeating data elements not found to be left justified is handled in an inconsistent manner. (E8) SYNTAX: How data found in a Data Element defined as ‘Filler’ is tolerated: Data found in ‘Filler’ is ignored. (E9) How a missing record (other than the Entry Summary Header 10-Record) is tolerated: Handled in an inconsistent manner. Some missing records are considered as a syntax violation resulting in a fatal rejection. (E10) How non-numeric data in a numeric data element is tolerated: Non-numeric data found in a numeric data element results in a fatal rejection. (E11) How an unknown date found in a date data elements is tolerated: An unrecognizable data string found in a date data element results in a fatal rejection. 2/8/2016 ACE ABI CATAIR FD03-Record. (Note: This syntax failure is slated to be removed.) In a repeating group within a single 80-character record, repeating data elements not found to be left justified is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. (Example: Release Detail – 32-Record.) Data found in ‘Filler’ is a syntax failure and results in the entire batch being rejected. (Note: This applies to an AE filing only.) In AE, a missing record (or a missing group) (other than a case in which the record position does not conform to the input ‘structure map’) is NOT a syntax failure. The AE business data validations will ensure that all required data elements are present. A missing data ‘condition’ (fatal) may be co-mingled with other fatal and/or warning conditions. In AE, non-numeric data found in a numeric data element is NOT a syntax failure. A non-numeric data ‘condition’ (fatal), however, will be raised and may be co-mingled with other fatal and/or warning conditions. In AE, an unrecognizable data string found in a date data element is NOT a syntax failure. An unknown date ‘condition’ (fatal), however, will be raised, and may be comingled with other fatal and/or warning conditions. Page 6 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) ACE (AE/AX) (F) Other Entry Summary Data Normalization (F1) How numeric (count and amount) data elements are reported: (F2) How one-character ‘indicators’ are reported: Various data class variations recognized; depends on the data element: Data class across all count and amount data elements consistent. Two data classes allowed: All numeric (e.g., ‘0000001234’) Leading space numeric (e.g., ‘ All blank implies zero. 1234’). For various one-character ‘indicators’ (i.e., a data element that has only two choices), a variety of values supported (depends on the data element): ‘Y’ & Blank. ‘1’ & ‘0’. ‘Y’ & ‘N’. In addition, some indicators are an abbreviation for a business term (e.g., ‘E’ = an EIP Entry Summary, etc.). All numeric (e.g., ‘0000001234’) Leading space numeric (e.g., ‘ 1234’). (Note: Leading space number is being allowed because some existing trade participants submit EI data in this manner. A count or amount data element is not required to have leading spaces; if submitted however, leading spaces will be tolerated). (Note: All blanks no longer allowed.) The values accepted for a one-character ‘indicator’ (i.e., a data element that has only two choices), shall be limited and consistent: ‘Y’ (Yes) & Blank (No). (G) Entry Summary ‘Actions’ (G1) What Entry Summary ‘actions’ are supported: Four actions recognized: Three actions recognized (10-Record Summary Filing Action Request Code): A (Add). R (Replace). C (Change). D (Delete). (Note: Add, Change, and Replace can be used interchangeably to establish a new and correct/amend an existing Entry Summary.) 2/8/2016 ACE ABI CATAIR A (Add). R (Replace). D (Delete). The C (Change) action has been eliminated. (Note: Add and Replace can be used interchangeably to establish a new and correct/amend an existing Entry Summary.) Page 7 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (G2) How the Add action differs from the Replace action: Use the A (Add) action to: ACE (AE/AX) ----- No Change ----- Establish an initial Entry Summary. To correct an existing Entry Summary when the initial filing of the Entry Summary included a Broker Reference Number (10-Record). The Broker Reference Number specified in the transaction MUST match exactly that reported in the initial filing. Use the R (Replace) action to: (G3) What Entry Summary records and data elements are allowed in a Delete transaction: Establish an initial Entry Summary. To correct an existing Entry Summary without checking that the initial Broker Reference Number, if any, matches the replacement Broker Reference Number, if any. Inclusion of other records will result in a fatal rejection. The Entry Summary, however, is still deleted if found (and is in a state that allows its deletion). Data elements in the 10-Record that are not germane to the Delete action are allowed (e.g., Bond Type); no validation occurs, however. Only the 10-Record is allowed; inclusion of other records will result in a fatal rejection. Entry Filer Code, Entry Number, District/Port of Entry, and Entry Type Code are required. Broker Reference Number is allowed (but is not required to match what is on file). All other data elements in the 10-Record are NOT allowed. (H) Response to an Entry Summary Transaction (H1) How an accepted Entry Summary response can be suppressed: As an option, the Filer can specify that ONLY ‘rejected’ transaction responses are returned in the response block; successful transaction responses are suppressed. (H2) How multiple Entry Summary response transactions are ordered in the output: The order of the output response Entry Summary transactions (within a single response block) shall be the same as the input transaction. 2/8/2016 ACE ABI CATAIR The suppression feature is no longer supported. A response to each and every input Entry Summary transaction shall be unconditionally returned in the response block. ----- No Change ----- Page 8 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (H3) How the Entry Summary is identified in the response transaction: A single, consistent method shall be used: EITHER: ALWAYS, both: When a fatal or warning condition is found, the input 10-Record is returned (unchanged). The 10-Record contains Entry Filer Code/Entry Number. OR (H4) How the ‘problem’ input (record or data element) is identified in the Entry Summary response when a condition has arisen: ACE (AE/AX) Two methods are used: When the Entry Summary action has been unconditionally accepted, an E0-Record is returned (data elements Entry Filer Code and Entry Number are populated). A somewhat inconsistent method is employed: The input 80-character record (or records) that caused or contributed to the condition are returned, unchanged, in the output response. These records act as a ‘sign post’ (i.e., helps the trade participant and Client Rep to identify where the problem was found). As many input records are returned as needed to identify the hierarchy of groupings. An EXX-Record follows (where ‘XX’ is the input record ID in ‘error’). At times, however, the ‘EXX’ points to a missing record’s identifier (which can lead to confusion). An Entry Summary Condition Reference (E0-Record) where Reference Data Type Code = ‘SUMMRY’ shall be returned (as the first record for the transaction). The Entry Filer Code, Entry Number, and Broker Reference Number from the input 10-Record are included. Each Entry Summary Condition/Disposition Response (E1-Record) that denotes the disposition shall be returned (as the last record for the transaction). The Entry Filer Code, Entry Number, and Broker Reference Number from the input 10Record are included. A consistent method shall be employed. One or more E0-Records (Entry Summary Condition Reference) shall be returned that identify the grouping where a condition (e.g., fatal, warning) arose. This record acts as a ‘sign post’ (i.e., helps the trade participant and Client Rep to identify where the problem was found). As many E0-Records are returned as needed to identify the hierarchy of groupings. The individual record is NOT identified. The Reference Data Type Code data element identifies the grouping. The Occurrence Position data element identifies the relative position of the item in the group. (E.g., ‘LINITM 000007’ would point to the 7th input Entry Summary Line Item Grouping.) Variable fields on the E0-Record contain other pertinent data found in the input. (E.g. the ‘TARIFF’ E0-Record would return the input 50-Record HTS Number data element.) (Note: A copy of the submitted input record shall no longer be returned). 2/8/2016 ACE ABI CATAIR Page 9 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (H5) How a fatal, warning, or informational condition is identified in the response: The Error Message Identifier data element of the EXXRecord is returned with a code that corresponds to the Narrative Message data element. ACE (AE/AX) An E1-Record (Entry Summary Condition/Disposition Response) shall be generated and returned for each condition encountered following the E0-Record(s) that identifies the grouping(s). The Condition Code data element shall be populated with a code that corresponds to the Narrative Text data element. (H6) How the severity of a condition is identified in the response: A condition’s severity is implicit: ‘ACS to ACE Entry Summary Condition Cross Reference’ provides a complete cross reference of all EI and AE generated conditions. With the exception of certain Census Warning codes, the existing EI codes will not be used; AE will generate completely different codes. A condition’s severity is explicit: (H7) How a rejected transaction is identified in the response: 2/8/2016 The individual severity of a condition not conveyed in the output response. In some case the Narrative Message Text of the EXXRecord includes the word ‘WARNING’. The overall severity of the transaction only reflected in the final ‘disposition’ EXX-Record (i.e., ‘TRANSACTION DATA REJECTED’) or E0-Record (e.g., ‘ENT ACCPTD W/WARNING;NO DOC REQRD’. In ACS, BOTH fatal and warning ‘errors’ may be comingled in the transaction’s output response. The Error Message Identifier data element of the ‘disposition’ EXX-Record contains code ‘524’; the Narrative Message data element contains ‘TRANSACTION DATA REJECTED’. ACE ABI CATAIR The Severity Code of each E1-Record shall indicate the severity of the individual condition (F = Fatal; W = Census Warning; I = Information Only) In ACE, fatal, warning, and informational conditions may be co-mingled in the transaction’s output response. An Entry Summary Condition/Disposition Response (E1Record) that denotes the rejected disposition shall always be returned (as the last record for the transaction). The Disposition Type Code data element shall contain ‘R’; the Condition Code data element shall contain ‘998’; the Narrative Text data element shall contain ‘TRANSACTION DATA REJECTED’. Page 10 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (H8) How an accepted transaction is identified in the response: The Error Message Identifier data element of the ‘disposition’ E0-Record contains a code that corresponds to the Narrative Message data element. When the Entry Summary transaction is accepted in an Add or Replace scenario, a response is returned that reflects BOTH the CBP action and the state of the ‘documentation’: ‘PAPERLESS - FILER RETAIN RECORDS’. ‘ENTRY REPLACED - DOCUMENTS REQD’. ‘ENTRY ACCEPTED, PAPER NOW REQD’. ‘ENTRY ACCEPTED WITHOUT ERRORS’. ‘ENTRY ACCEPTED WITH WARNINGS’. ‘ENT ACCPTD W/WARNINGS; PAPER REQD’. ‘ENT ACCPTD W/WARNING;NO DOC REQRD’. When the Entry Summary transaction is accepted in a Delete scenario, a single response is returned: ‘ENTRY HAS BEEN DELETED AS REQUESTED’. ACE (AE/AX) An Entry Summary Condition/Disposition Response (E1Record) that denotes the acceptance disposition shall always be returned (as the last record for the transaction). The Disposition Type Code data element shall contain ‘A’. An acceptance response shall reflect ONLY the CBP action. The Condition Code and Narrative Text data elements are as follows: Code ‘995’; Text ‘SUMMARY HAS BEEN ADDED’. Code ‘996’; Text ‘SUMMARY HAS BEEN REPLACED’. Code ‘997’; Text ‘SUMMARY HAS BEEN DELETED’. In the case of an Add or Replace, the code/text returned will reflect ACE’s file maintenance action and may not correspond to what the Filer specified in the 10-Record Summary Filing Action Request Code. For both an Add or Replace action, the Severity Code shall reflect the most severe of the entire transaction. A ‘documents required’ or ‘paperless’ type of response shall no longer be returned. An Entry Summary Status Notification (transaction identifier: UC) will be sent to the Filer, when needed. (I) Entry Type / ACS-to-ACE Crossover (I1) What Entry Types are allowed. 2/8/2016 All conventional Entry Types (including 01, 03, and 11) are allowed in the EI transaction with the exception of Deferred Duty (08), Reconciliation (09), and Drawback (4x). These Entry Types may be submitted to ACS using an ABI transaction specifically designed for the Entry Summary’s unique requirements. ACE ABI CATAIR Entry Types 01, 03, and 11 allowed only. If other known conventional EI supported Entry Type encountered, fatal condition B19 – ‘ENTRY TYPE CODE NOT YET SUPPORTED IN ACE’ will be raised. Page 11 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (I2) What Entry Summary can be conditionally replaced (corrected) or deleted. ACE (AE/AX) An ACE initiated Entry Summary will be received from ACE for collection, liquidation, and other actions not yet supported in ACE. An ACE initiated Entry Summary will be sent to ACS for collection, liquidation, and other actions not yet supported in ACE. Conditionally, an Entry Summary initially submitted in ACE via AE cannot be corrected using EI. (Note: Only an ES initially submitted in ACE that has been deactivated in ACE and then added in ACS via the EI can be corrected or deleted via the EI.) An Entry Summary initially submitted in ACS via EI cannot be corrected or deleted using AE. When the Entry Summary is found to be an ACS Entry Summary, fatal condition B27 – ‘ACTION NOT ALLOWED - NON-ACE SUMMARY’ will be raised. When the Entry Summary is found to be an active ACE Entry Summary, fatal condition AN1 – ‘ACE: ENTRY REC. BELONGS TO ACE’ will be raised. (J) Entry Summary Program Support (J1) What ‘remote’ filing is allowed. Remote Location Filing (RLF) is conditionally allowed: ----- No Change ----- (J2) What invoice related submission is allowed: Filer must be a Broker that has a national ‘filing’ permit. Requires coordination with the Client Rep to ‘set up’ an RLF profile. B-Record Remote Filed Indicator must be ‘1’. B-Record Remote Preparer D/P, Filer must be present. An RLF filing requires that the submission is also an Electronic Invoice Program (EIP) filling as well. Electronic Invoice Program (EIP) is conditionally allowed: Electronic Invoice Program (EIP) is conditionally allowed: 2/8/2016 The 10-Record Electronic Invoice Indicator must be marked ‘E’. Filer must be authorized to participate in the Automated Invoice Interface (AII) program. The Entry Summary must have a continuous bond. The Entry Summary must initially be a statement entry. The 30-Record Summary Certification Code data element must be marked ‘1’ (i.e., “paperless”). The submission must include a 42-Record that cites the commercial invoice and invoice line number(s) on each and every Entry Summary line item. ACE ABI CATAIR The 10-Record Electronic Invoice Indicator must be marked ‘Y’. Filer must be authorized to participate in the Automated Invoice Interface (AII) program. The Entry Summary must have a continuous bond. The Entry Summary must initially be a statement entry. The submission must include a 42-Record that cites the commercial invoice and invoice line number(s) on each and every Entry Summary line item. (Note: The submission no longer needs to be marked as ‘paperless’.) Page 12 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (J3) What ‘paperless’ designation and ‘electronic signature’ is allowed: When set to a ‘1’, the 30-Record Summary Certification Code data element is an indication of the Filer’s willingness to accept a paperless designation for the Entry Summary. (J4) What payment intent methods are allowed: Three methods are supported in ANY filing: (J5) How Cargo Release Certification is supported and how cargo release related conditions are returned: (J6) How a ‘consolidating’ Entry Summary submission is supported: 2/8/2016 Single Payment. Daily Statement. Monthly Periodic Statement. The 30-Record Release Certification Code data element marked with ‘1’ is an indication that the Filer is requesting the accepted Entry Summary be used for cargo ‘release’ purposes. In the ER response transaction, following the E0Record (when the Entry Summary has been accepted) one or more EC-Records are returned that describe any fatal or warning conditions found, or the acceptance, of the ‘cargo certification’ process. The 30-Record Consolidated / Informal Indicator data element marked with ‘C’ is an indication the Entry Summary is ‘consolidating’ the ‘releases’ cited in the 32-Record(s). ACE ABI CATAIR ACE (AE/AX) An indication that the Entry Summary is ‘paperless’ has been eliminated. In its place is an ‘Electronic Signature’ (10-Record Electronic Signature data element = ‘X’). This signature is required on ALL Entry Summary ‘add’ and ‘replace’ submissions. Two methods are supported in the INITIAL filing: Daily Statement. Periodic Monthly Statement. (Note: ONLY if Filer has removed the Entry Summary from the statement using the ACS HP transaction will the Single Payment method be allowed. The Entry Summary MUST initially be a statement entry). The 10-Record Cargo Release Certification Request Indicator data element marked with ‘Y’ is an indication that the Filer is requesting the accepted Entry Summary be used for cargo ‘release’ purposes. If the Entry Summary transaction is accepted, ACE will forward the cargo release information to ACS for the ‘cargo certification’ process. The AX response output transaction will NOT contain any information regarding the success or failure of the ‘cargo certification’ process. A subsequent response will be generated and returned to the Filer from ACS (i.e., an HD response output transaction). The 10-Record Consolidated Summary Indicator data element marked with ‘Y’ is an indication the Entry Summary is ‘consolidating’ the ‘releases’ cited in the 32-Record(s). Page 13 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (J7) When FCC form data is allowed/required: (J8) When FDA form data is allowed/required: FCC form 740 information is required to be submitted at the tariff level when the HTS is marked as ‘FCC-740 required’ (i.e., ‘must’). Either the FCC form 740 information must be submitted or disclaimed at the tariff level when the HTS is marked as ‘FCC-740 may be required’ (i.e., ‘may’). For any tariff, the FCC form information will be accepted (i.e., a ‘voluntary’ submission for a tariff marked neither ‘must’ nor ‘may’). Full Entry Summary support of FDA form data submission: When FDA form 701 / BTA information (or disclaimer) is submitted and accepted at the tariff level it is conveyed to the cargo system (in a non-Line Release scenario). The information is sent to FDA and is used to determine the release of the cargo. When the cargo has already been released via a Line Release mechanism (e.g., FAST), the FDA form 701 information is required (or may be disclaimed) based on the HTS requirement. The information is sent to FDA. ACE (AE/AX) ----- No Change ----- Limited Entry Summary support of FDA form data submission: An FDA form 701 / BTA (or disclaimer) submission at the tariff level will ONLY be accepted when Cargo Release Certification has been requested. ACE will forward the FDA information to ACS for the ‘cargo certification’ process (including the validation of the data). The Entry Summary shall fatally reject when the cargo has been released via a Line Release mechanism and any tariff requires or may require FDA data. This type of Entry Summary must be submitted in ACS (using the EI transaction). (Note: An Entry Summary that correlates to a Line Release that does NOT have any FDA concerns may be submitted into ACE using the AE transaction.) 2/8/2016 ACE ABI CATAIR Page 14 of 15 ACS EI-to-ACE AE Feature Comparison ACS (EI/ER) (J9) When DOT/NHTSA form data is allowed/required: Limited Entry Summary support of DOT/NHTSA form data submission: When DOT/NHTSA form HS-7 information (or disclaimer) is submitted and accepted at the tariff level it is conveyed to the cargo system (in a non-Line Release scenario). The information is sent to DOT/NHTSA. When the cargo has already been released via a Line Release mechanism (e.g., FAST), the DOT/NHTSA form HS-7 information is required (or may be disclaimed) based on the HTS requirement. The information is sent to DOT/NHTSA. (J10) How a Census ‘warning’ condition is overridden: All legitimate Census warning ‘conditions’ are overridden manually (by the trade participant or by CBP). (J11) How a ‘documents required’ or ‘paperless’ notification is initially returned to the Filer: An indication of ‘documents required’ or ‘paperless’ is returned as part of the Narrative Message text in the E0Record as part of the ER response. (J12) How an Entry Summary can be corrected (through an unsolicited submission) once it has been paid: Historically, a Post Entry Amendment (PEA) could be presented. 2/8/2016 ACE (AE/AX) Full Entry Summary support of DOT/NHTSA form data submission: ACE ABI CATAIR A DOT/NHTSA form HS-7 (or disclaimer) submission at the tariff level will ONLY be accepted when Cargo Release Certification has been requested. ACE will forward the DOT/NHTSA information to ACS for the ‘cargo certification’ process (including the validation of the data). The Entry Summary shall fatally reject when the cargo has been released via a Line Release mechanism and any tariff requires or may require DOT/NHTSA data. This type of Entry Summary must be submitted in ACS (using the EI transaction). (Note: An Entry Summary that correlates to a Line Release that does NOT have any DOT/NHTSA concerns may be submitted into ACE using the AE transaction.) Filer may preemptively override up to seven Census warnings at the line level (using the CW02-Record). (Note: The warnings may arise at the tariff level, yet are to be overridden at the line level.) There shall be no indication as the requirement to submit paper; the filing is assumed to be ‘paperless’ until such time that CBP deems otherwise. The AX response shall indicate only if the Entry Summary data has been accepted or rejected. A subsequent message (transaction UC) will be sent to the Filer when documents are required (if needed). The UC transaction is a general purpose notification mechanism. The Entry Summary can be replaced with a Post Summary Correction. A PEA is not allowed for an ACE Entry Summary. Page 15 of 15