Rural SimCenter Scenario Template Scenario Name: Learner Preparation Exercise: Review: (Insert skills or reading students should review) High Fidelity Low Fidelity Static Model Target Group: Student Professional Level: Advanced Intermediate Beginner Learning Objectives: Primary Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Insert Scenario Summary (Basic overview of Case) Secondary Objectives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total Time Duration: Set-up Preparation Simulation Debrief Revised 7/14 1 Rural SimCenter Scenario Template Initial Subjective Data: Background Information: Past History: . Presenting History: Patient Description and Image Name Age Birthdate Gender Weight Height Allergies Select “insert picture” image-- then right click. Click on change picture and choose your image. Then delete this text box or insert details. Revised 7/14 2 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Supplies IV Set Up Saline Lock Set-up Notes: What is needed for the patient (simulator/actor) and what is needed for the patient room? Setting: IV IV Pump Second IV Fluid Type: ICU Emergency Infusion Rate: Out-Patient Medical Surgery/OR Other ________________________ Tubing: Medications Med Dispense Monitor Setup: Primary ECG Respiratory Rate Secondary ECG B/P SPO2 Pulse Temp CO2 Medication List 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Other Settings Moulage: Patient Actors Requested: Age Gender Clothing Relationship to Patient Revised 7/14 3 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Equipment: Nasal Cannula Paperwork* O2 Mask PPE (goggles, gloves, etc) EMR Suction Thermometer Chest Tube Non-Rebreather Penlight Crash Cart Accucheck NG Tube Physician Orders Chart Lab Reports *Attach Reports to the file Other Please Describe Additional Equipment Needs Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 4 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Scenario Progression: Admission Information Initial State: Frame 1 Initial Patient History Vital Signs Body System Assessment Cardiac Rhythm: Neurological/Sensory Pulse: Cardiac Respiratory Rate: Pulmonary Breathing Pattern Musculoskeletal Chest Rise Gastrointestinal Blood Pressure: Genitourinary SPO2 Skin/Wound General Conditions to be in place for Scenario: Vocal Complaint Correct Action Move to Frame: Initial Lab/Diagnostics Wrong Action Move to Frame: No Action Move to Frame: Patient Finding Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 5 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Initial State: Frame 2 Change in Patient Condition Vital Signs Body System Assessment Cardiac Rhythm: Neurological/Sensory Pulse: Cardiac Respiratory Rate: Pulmonary Breathing Pattern Musculoskeletal Chest Rise Gastrointestinal Blood Pressure: Genitourinary SPO2 Skin/Wound General Conditions to be in place for Scenario: Vocal Complaint Correct Action Move to Frame: New Lab Reports Wrong Action Move to Frame: No Action Move to Frame: Patient Finding Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 6 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Initial State: Frame 3 Initial Patient History Vital Signs Body System Assessment Cardiac Rhythm: Neurological/Sensory Pulse: Cardiac Respiratory Rate: Pulmonary Breathing Pattern Musculoskeletal Chest Rise Gastrointestinal Blood Pressure: Genitourinary SPO2 Skin/Wound General Conditions to be in place for Scenario: Vocal Complaint Correct Action Move to Frame: Initial Lab/Diagnostics Wrong Action Move to Frame: No Action Move to Frame: Patient Finding Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 7 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Initial State: Frame 4 Change in Patient Condition Vital Signs Body System Assessment Cardiac Rhythm: Neurological/Sensory Pulse: Cardiac Respiratory Rate: Pulmonary Breathing Pattern Musculoskeletal Chest Rise Gastrointestinal Blood Pressure: Genitourinary SPO2 Skin/Wound General Conditions to be in place for Scenario: Vocal Complaint Correct Action Move to Frame: New Lab Reports Wrong Action Move to Frame: No Action Move to Frame: Patient Finding Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 8 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Initial State: Frame 5 Change in Patient Condition Vital Signs Body System Assessment Cardiac Rhythm: Patient Finding Neurological/Sensory Pulse: Cardiac Respiratory Rate: Breathing Pattern Pulmonary Chest Rise Musculoskeletal Blood Pressure: Gastrointestinal SPO2 Genitourinary General Conditions to be in place for Scenario: Skin/Wound Vocal Complaint Correct Action Move to Frame: Wrong Action Move to Frame: No Action Move to Frame: New Lab Reports Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 9 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Initial State: Frame 6 Change in Patient Condition Vital Signs Body System Assessment Cardiac Rhythm: Neurological/Sensory Pulse: Cardiac Respiratory Rate: Pulmonary Breathing Pattern Musculoskeletal Chest Rise Gastrointestinal Blood Pressure: Genitourinary SPO2 Skin/Wound General Conditions to be in place for Scenario: Vocal Complaint Correct Action Move to Frame: New Lab Reports Wrong Action Move to Frame: No Action Move to Frame: Patient Finding Facilitator Notes: Revised 7/14 10 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday Scenario Progression Algorithm: Copy and use images to create your algorithm FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Rate: B/P: Temp FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Rate: B/P: Temp FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Rate: B/P: Temp FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Rate: B/P: Temp FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Revised 7/14 Rate: B/P: Temp FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Rate: B/P: Temp 11 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday FRAME: Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: FRAME: Rate: B/P: Temp Rhythm: Resp: SPO2: B/P Vocal Cue: Rate: B/P: Temp Revised 7/14 12 Scenario: Insert Condition-Patient Name-Birthday RURAL SIMCENTER MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION RECORD NAME: DOB: GENDER: PT. ID # ALLERGIES: Medication Order Revised 7/14 ROOM # PHYSICIAN: PATIENT NOTES & COMMENTS: Scheduled Time Time Administered Nurse Initials Comments RURAL SIMCENTER PHYSICIAN’S ORDERS NAME: ROOM NO: PATIENT ID NO PHYSICIAN: Drug Allergies Another brand of drug identical in form and content may be dispensed unless checked Nurse’s Initials 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Doctor Sign PHYSICIAN’S ORDERS Revised 7/14 RURAL SIMCENTER PATIENT CHART Name: GENDER: DOB: PATIENT ID: Case Details: Shift Report: Revised 7/14 ALLERGIES: PRIMARY PHYSICIAN: RURAL SIMCENTER Patient Actors Roles: Suggested Dialogue for each Actor Key Points to emphasize: Suggested Character Development: Revised 7/14 RURAL SIMCENTER DEBRIEFING Points Instructors should developed a structured debriefing and develop questions related to: 1. 2. Objectives Teamwork a. Who was the leader? b. What were the roles c. Distribute workload d. Did the team have a shared mental model? e. Mutual Performance Monitoring? f. Communicate often enough? 3. CRM Principles: How did the team do? a. Communicate effectively—Establish a shared mental model b. Anticipate and plan c. Call for Help early d. Use all available resources e. Use resources wisely—People and equipment f. Avoid fixation errors g. Use good leadership h. Be a good follower i. Mutual Respect j. Adjust strategies under stress k. Avoid and manage conflict 4. 5. 6. 7. Patient Safety Patient Teaching Systems Errors Scope of Practice Tips for Debriefing 1. 2. 3. 4. Learner focused Allow enough time for learning (2-3 times the scenario length) Focus on the process not the individual Keep the debriefing positive 17