Unit 7 Lesson 4 Digital Lesson Companion The Digestive

Unit 7 Lesson 4 Digital Lesson Companion
The Digestive & Excretory Systems
Screen 2 - What happens?
1. Where does digestion begin?
a. the esophagus
b. the small intestine
c. the mouth
d. the large intestine
2. Why do you think that the digestive system works so hard to break food down into nutrients?
Screen 3- Digestive system
3. What is the purpose of digestion?
4. True or False: Mechanical digestion needs chemicals to break food into small molecules. Explain
your answer.
5. Suppose you haven't eaten in a long time and you desperately need energy. Do you think your
body will use more or less enzymes during digestion?
a. use more enzymes
b. use less enzymes
Screen 4- How is food digested?
6. What happens in the large intestine? Check all that apply.
___ removes water from mostly digested food
___ produces enzymes
___ turns food waste into semisolid waste
7. Why is the pancreas attached to the small intestine?
8. True or False: If there is too much acid in your stomach, and not enough food, you can get an
upset stomach.
Screen 5 - Other body systems
9. Why would digestion be affected if there was a problem with the nervous system?
10. What does the relationship between the digestive system and other body systems tell you about
the body's need for homeostasis?
Screen 6 - Trace the path
11. Which of the organs shown on this screen are hollow? Check all that apply.
___small intestine
___large intestine
12. Where is bile made?
a. liver
b. small intestine
c. large intestine
d. pancreas
Screen 7 - Which organ is it?
13. True or False: Tiny finger-like projections called Villi help the small intestine absorb nutrients
from chyme.
14. In which organ does most chemical digestion take place?
a. pancreas
b. liver
c. large intestine
d. stomach
Screen 8 - Part or not part?
15. What is the function of the urinary system?
16. Can you identify any of the parts that make up the urinary system? Check all that apply.
Screen 9 -The urinary system
17. What do people mean when they describe the kidneys as "filters"?
18. Match the term with the proper description.
__________ - carries urine from the bladder out of the body.
__________ - one of a pair of tubes that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
19. Why do you think some fluids are cleaned and reused, instead of just removed?
Screen 10- The excretory system
20. True or False: The urinary system can be considered a part of the excretory system. Explain your
21. Besides your digestive and urinary system, what are some other ways that waste products leave
your body?
Screen 11 - Check understanding
22. What does the ureter shown in the picture do?
23. What is the bladder? What does it do once the ureters move wastes into it?
Screen 12 - Kidney structure
24. How do nephrons help your body maintain homeostasis?
25. Do the digestive and urinary systems work together? Explain why or why not.
Unit 7 Lesson 4 Digital Lesson Companion
The Digestive & Excretory Systems ANSWER KEY
Screen 2 - What happens?
1. Where does digestion begin?
b. the esophagus
b. the small intestine
c. the mouth
d. the large intestine
2. Why do you think that the digestive system works so hard to break food down into nutrients?
Cells need nutrients. Food, as we eat it, is too large to cross a cell membrane. It has to be made into
small molecules that cells can actually use.
Screen 3- Digestive system
3. What is the purpose of digestion?
The purpose of digestion is to break down food and help make the energy in it available for the body to
4. True or False: Mechanical digestion needs chemicals to break food into small molecules. Explain
your answer.
Chemical digestion needs chemicals to break food into small molecules. Mechanical digestion physically
breaks food into smaller pieces - by chomping and shredding it.
5. Suppose you haven't eaten in a long time and you desperately need energy. Do you think your
body will use more or less enzymes during digestion?
a. use more enzymes
b. use less enzymes
Screen 4- How is food digested?
6. What happens in the large intestine? Check all that apply.
_X__ removes water from mostly digested food
___ produces enzymes
_X__ turns food waste into semisolid waste
7. Why is the pancreas attached to the small intestine?
The pancreas is attached to the small intestine because it produces enzymes used by the small intestine
to further break down nutrients in food.
8. True or False: If there is too much acid in your stomach, and not enough food, you can get an
upset stomach.
Screen 5 - Other body systems
9. Why would digestion be affected if there was a problem with the nervous system?
The nervous system controls the whole body - it is the delivery system for messages from the brain. So if
there is a problem with the nervous system and messages from the brain aren't reaching the digestive
system, it won't work properly.
10. What does the relationship between the digestive system and other body systems tell you about
the body's need for homeostasis?
All of the body's systems must work together to maintain homeostasis. If one system is not functioning
correctly, the body may not be able to maintain homeostasis.
Screen 6 - Trace the path
11. Which of the organs shown on this screen are hollow? Check all that apply.
_X__small intestine
__X_large intestine
12. Where is bile made?
a. liver
b. small intestine
c. large intestine
d. pancreas
Screen 7 - Which organ is it?
13. True or False: Tiny finger-like projections called Villi help the small intestine absorb nutrients
from chyme.
14. In which organ does most chemical digestion take place?
a. pancreas
b. liver
c. large intestine
d. stomach
Screen 8 - Part or not part?
15. What is the function of the urinary system?
The urinary system gets rid of liquid waste in the bloodstream.
16. Can you identify any of the parts that make up the urinary system? Check all that apply.
Screen 9 -The urinary system
17. What do people mean when they describe the kidneys as "filters"?
The nephrons inside the kidneys work together to remove wastes from the blood in a similar manner to
how a water filter removes debris from contaminated sample of water.
18. Match the term with the proper description.
Urethra- carries urine from the bladder out of the body.
Ureter- one of a pair of tubes that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder.
19. Why do you think some fluids are cleaned and reused, instead of just removed?
Some fluids are cleaned and reused in order to help the body maintain homeostasis. Sometimes it's
easier, quicker, and uses less energy to clean and reuse some fluids than to remove them from the body.
Screen 10- The excretory system
20. True or False: The urinary system can be considered a part of the excretory system. Explain your
The excretory system eliminates cellular wastes from the body through the lungs, skin, and kidneys. The
urinary system collects cellular waste and eliminates it from the body in the form of liquid waste. The
urinary system can be considered a part of the excretory system.
21. Besides your digestive and urinary system, what are some other ways that waste products leave
your body?
Carbon dioxide is a waste product that is exhaled out of the lungs. Cells make carbon dioxide as a waste
product during respiration. The skin gets rid of wastes through sweat. During exercise, the body uses
water. In order to maintain homeostasis, it needs to expel the salts. Sweat helps remove these salts
from the body.
Screen 11 - Check understanding
22. What does the ureter shown in the picture do?
It carries waste from the kidneys to the bladder.
23. What is the bladder? What does it do once the ureters move wastes into it?
The bladder is the sac that stores liquid waste - urine - until the body is ready to expel it. Eventually,
urine leaves the bladder and the body through the urethra.
Screen 12 - Kidney structure
24. How do nephrons help your body maintain homeostasis?
Nephrons are the filtering units inside the kidneys. Their job is to regulate the amount of water in the
body, and remove wastes. They maintain a stable water level in cells, and keep the blood being
overloaded with toxins.
25. Do the digestive and urinary systems work together? Explain why or why not.
The digestive system and urinary system work together, as do all body systems, to help the body
maintain homeostasis.