B13 6151 Disclaimer — This paper partially fulfills a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering. This paper is a student, not a professional, paper. This paper is based on publicly available information and may not be provide complete analyses of all relevant data. If this paper is used for any purpose other than these authors’ partial fulfillment of a writing requirement for first year (freshman) engineering students at the University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering, the user does so at his or her own risk. MULTI-JUNCTION PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS FOR THERMOPHOTOVOLTAIC ENERGY SYSTEMS David Lloyd (dil24@pitt.edu, Sanchez 10:00), Yasmin Daukoru (yad20@pitt.edu, Mahboobin 10:00) Abstract— In 1954, Bell Laboratories developed the first silicon based solar cell.[1] This early attempt was merely a novelty, as it was far too expensive to be used widespread, but it demonstrated that the power carried by light could be harnessed. As shown by the many places solar power is utilized today, from powering homes to aerospace applications, Bell laid the path for the growth of a field with great potential. Solar power is the most bountiful alternative energy, as the sun is constantly showering the earth with light. Yet as of 2012, almost 60 years after the development of that first system, only about 1.1% of the world’s energy needs were filled by solar power.[2] This is because the majority of solar cells in use are only capable of converting 10-15% of the energy carried in photons of light into usable energy.[3] The energy is there for the taking, but collecting methods need to be improved. To be a viable source of energy, solar cells need to be either inexpensive enough to justify low efficiency, or efficient enough to lower the cost of the cell within an energy-generating system. A promising means of reducing fossil fuel use and promoting the use of alternative energies is through the generation of electricity by a thermophotovoltaic system (TPV). TPVs have the potential to deliver energy on a utility and industrial scale.[5] Realizing this potential relies on increasing energy conversion by improving the efficiency of photovoltaic cells. Multi-junction cells, by using several materials and REFERENCES [1] G. Knier. (2002). “How do Photovoltaics Work?” NASA Science. (online article). http://science.nasa.gov/sciencenews/science-at-nasa/2002/solarcells/ [2] “2014 Key World Energy Statistics.” (2014). International Agency of Energy. (online publication). http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/ keyworld2014.pdf [3] K. Pickerel. (2015). “What are the different types of solar modules?” Solar Power World. (online article). University of Pittsburgh Swanson School of Engineering 1 2016/01/29 arrangements, address sources of energy loss, allowing for recorded efficiencies upwards of 40%.[4] Further development of multi-junction photovoltaic cells in turn lowers barriers to large scale electrical generation by TPVs. Like traditional photovoltaic systems, multi-junction cells convert the energy carried in photons of light into electric current when the photons strike the cell, knocking free electrons. The idea behind multi-junction cells is that by using multiple (typically 3-5) base materials in a cell and linking them together, more energy in the light spectrum can be converted to electricity.[1][6] With such impressive efficiency, this technology needs to be further explored and developed. With the ability to harness considerably more power from the sun, it would be possible to lower the world’s dependence on fossil fuel, therefore preventing further pollution and harm to the environment. This paper will describe the capabilities of TPVs, establishing the solar cell as the primary component for improvement in a photovoltaic energy generating system. The structural and material properties of multi-junction cells will be compared to popular silicon-based cells and cells reliant on a narrow range of materials selection. Finally this paper will discuss the economic and social benefits of advancing TPVs. http://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2015/07/what-arethe-different-types-of-solar-modules/ [4] M. A. Green, K. Emery, Y. Hishikawa, W. Warta, and E. D. Dunlop. (2016). "Solar cell efficiency tables (version 47)." Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. (online article). http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pip.2728 [5] C. Ferrari, F. Melino, M. Pinelli, P. R. Spina, and M. Venturini. (2014). "Overview and Status of Thermophotovoltaic Systems." Energy Procedia. (online article). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187661021 4000198 p.161 David Lloyd Yasmin Daukoru [6] S. Chen, L. Zhu, M. Yoshita, T. Mochizuki, C. Kim, H. Akiyama, et al. "Thorough subcells diagnosis in a multijunction solar cell via absolute electroluminescenceefficiency measurements." (2015). Scientific Reports. (online article). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296303/ requirements to be met by solar cells for use in a TPV system. The solar cells suggested by the author (Silicon, GaSb, etc) are based on material properties such as low band gap and ease of cooling. The advantages of these materials make will be used to describe the multi-junction cell an ideal candidate since it can combine the best of different several materials and configurations. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Datas. (2015). "Optimum semiconductor bandgaps in single junction and multi-junction thermophotovoltaic converters," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. (online article).http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S092 7024814006461 This research article discusses multi-junction thermophotovoltaic cells as a means “to maximize both the efficiency and the power density” of thermophotovoltaic systems (TPVs). The article gives the advantages of TPVs. We will use the article’s analysis of TPV power density and efficiency needs to describe why multi-junction cells can improve both needs by providing the optimal band gap of light absorption. A. Bagher, M. Vahid, M. Mohsen. (2015). “Types of Solar Cells and Application.” American Journal of Optics and Photonics. (online article). doi: 10.11648/j.ajop.20150305.17 This article provides an overview of all different solar cell types to date by material, material properties (light absorption, cost, method of production, band gap, etc), and configuration. Since the article includes upcoming solar cell types, its breadth will be used to compare the electrical and economic performance of multi-junction cells with existing and newer solar cells. C. Breyer and A. Gerlach. (2013). "Global overview on gridparity." Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. (conference paper). http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pip.1254 This article describes the photovoltaic industry’s trend towards a lower cost per energy in energy production versus fossil fuel power plants. In our paper, we will integrate the advantages of TPV electrical generation with the potential in reach of PVs in general. Since TPVs can cogenerate electricity and heat with varied energy inputs, TPVs are as capable of displacing fossil fuels as other PV systems. C. Ferrari, F. Melino, M. Pinelli, P. R. Spina, and M. Venturini. (2014). "Overview and Status of Thermophotovoltaic Systems." Energy Procedia. (online article). http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187661021 4000198 p.161 This article provides an overview of the current status of TPVs and how their components work. We will use this article to describe how TPVs work and explain the difference between TPV systems and PV systems. L. M. Fraas. (2014, June 8-13). "Economic potential for thermophotovoltaic electric power generation in the steel industry." 2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC). (conference paper). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arnumber=69 25031 This article gives advantages of thermophotovoltaic cells over solar cells—namely 24-hour operation from non-solar thermal energy inputs and generation of electricity from recovered thermal energy. This article will be used in our paper to present an industrial application of TPVs. S. Chen, L. Zhu, M. Yoshita, T. Mochizuki, C. Kim, H. Akiyama, et al. "Thorough subcells diagnosis in a multijunction solar cell via absolute electroluminescenceefficiency measurements." (2015). Scientific Reports. (online article). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4296303/ This article proposes a new method for measuring the current-voltage relationship within individual subcells, and various sources of energy loss without referencing previous measurements. In addition to providing an assessment of multi-junction cells’ capabilities, we will use this article to provide details of how multi-junction cells can be evaluated to avoid overly optimistic efficiencies. M. A. Green, K. Emery, Y. Hishikawa, W. Warta, and E. D. Dunlop. (2016). "Solar cell efficiency tables (version 47)." Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. (online article). http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pip.2728 This article provides the recorded efficiencies of PV cells by type. We will use this article as in our comparison of multi-junction cells to other PV cells as well as to explain why multi-junction cells are the best choice of converter within a TPV. H. Daneshvar, R. Prinja, and N. P. Kherani. (2015). "Thermophotovoltaics: Fundamentals, challenges and prospects." Applied Energy. (online article). http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthTyp e=ip,uid&db=aph&AN=110511533&scope=site While the article prioritizes the radiator and emitter over the solar cell as key components, the article does give K. Kaygusuz. (2009). “Environmental Impacts of the Solar 2 David Lloyd Yasmin Daukoru Energy Systems.” Energy Source, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. (online article). http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/155670308020 89664 This article endorses solar energy systems as an alternative to conventional fossil fuels in meeting increasing energy demands and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. By anticipating criticisms and negative impacts of solar systems, this source will allow us to recommend actions to minimize the negative effects of implementing solar systems such as increasing cell efficiency to offset the energy and materials intensive processes used to manufacture the solar cells. bandgap not being absorbed, and absorbed light above the bandgap producing heat. We will use this article to articulate common pitfalls faced by PV cells and how a multi-junction architecture partially alleviates these pitfalls. R. Singh, G. F. Alapatt, and A. Lakhtakia. (2013). "Making Solar Cells a Reality in Every Home: Opportunities and Challenges for Photovoltaic Device Design." IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Societ. (online article). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/icp.jsp?arnumber=6589128#se c7 This article presents current barriers to solar cells (apart from silicon and thin-film cells) entering widespread use. The authors review current research trends in solar cells technology in boosting efficiency beyond that of single cell architecture, with an eye towards self-proposed guidelines for emerging solar cell types to displace silicon cells. This source provides evidence, from economic and performance-based standpoints, of the utility of developing multi-junction cells independently of our focus on TPVs. “2014 Key World Energy Statistics.” (2014). International Agency of Energy. (online publication). http://www.iea.org/publications/freepublications/publication/ keyworld2014.pdf This publication provides multiple statistics of the world’s energy usage broken down by region, fuel types, prices, fuel use, and much more. Of particular interest are the sections dealing with electricity generation by fuel type and CO 2 emissions by fuel type. The electricity section will be used to provide a quantitative measure of how much electricity TPVs will have to generate either alone or coupled with other energy processes to provide electricity and reduce fossil fuels’ share of greenhouse gas emissions. G. Knier. (2002). “How do Photovoltaics Work?” NASA Science. (online article). http://science.nasa.gov/sciencenews/science-at-nasa/2002/solarcells/ This article provides a basic overview of how PV cells work. In light of more detailed sources within our bibliography, this source will be used as an introduction preceding a more detailed explanation of how PV cells function. K. Pickerel. (2015). “What are the different types of solar modules?” Solar Power World. (online magazine article). http://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2015/07/what-arethe-different-types-of-solar-modules/ This magazine article for a general, consumer audience briefly discusses silicon PVs and their market dominance. As explained in the article, silicon based PVs are the most costeffective given their efficiency and durability. We will incorporate this source in a comparison of advantages and disadvantages of multi-junction cells versus other PV cells. A. Polman and H. A. Atwater. (2012). "Photonic design principles for ultrahigh-efficiency photovoltaics," Nature Materials. (online article). http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmat3263 This article discusses factors limiting the efficiencies of current photovoltaic cells to below their thermodynamic limits. Sources of energy loss within a PV cell are due to insufficient concentrated light, light below the cell material’s 3