Gallaudet University Syllabus Template/Checklist Adopted by the Senate on December 13, 2010 Preamble: An increasing number of course proposals require review by several curriculum reviewing bodies, (e.g. 500 & 600 level courses) including CUE, CGE, PEP units and online courses. For those departments having to prepare multiple syllabi for the same course, the lack of consistency in Council requirements causes significant amounts of extra work. In order to solve this issue, a syllabus template has been designed with representatives of all curriculum reviewing bodies present (CUE, CGE, PEP, online courses) that aims to align the requirements of all the Councils when it comes to designing a syllabus for a new or revised course. This jointly sponsored CUE-CGE syllabus template/checklist was adopted by the Senate at its 12/13/2010 meeting. Below List of GU Syllabus Elements is: ● Required for all new and revised CUE and CGE course proposals, regardless of the course level (undergraduate, graduate, 500- and 600-level, or other) and whether the course is onsite, online, hybrid, or whether the course is a PEP-unit course. ● Recommended for all other courses currently in the catalog. No particular format or ordering of elements is required. List of GU Syllabus Elements: I. Identifying Information _____ Course Title, Number, Dept. and/or Program Acronym, Section _____ Semester _____ Number of Credits II. Instructor Information _____ Full Name (leave blank) _____ Office Hours (leave blank) _____ Contact Information, VP, Voice, Email: (leave blank) _____ Office Location (leave blank) III. Course Information _____ Time/Day/Location of class (leave blank) _____ Catalog Description: (If the course description is changed in the proposal, then copy from the proposal; otherwise copy and paste exact language from current catalog.) _____ Pre and/or Co-requisites (If the proposal contains a proposed change in the list of pre and/or Co-requisites, copy and paste exact language from the proposal; otherwise copy as listed in current catalog) IV. Instructional parameters _____ SLO chart: see sample chart at the end. If you choose to place it at the end of the syllabus, insert a statement like “Please see below for a complete chart of SLOs, learning opportunities, assessment methods, and alignment with department/program objectives as well as Specialized Professional Association objectives, and PEP unit’s Conceptual Framework if applicable”. _____ Required Reading: provide a complete list of textbooks, articles, and other required readings with complete citations either here (if just one or two textbooks), in the weekly schedule or in an alphabetical list at the end of the syllabus _____ Course materials and how to access them: explain how materials will be accessed and add a sentence like “All handouts, policies, and updates found on course Blackboard site” Blackboard Purchase On reserve at library or ebrary/net-library On the Web Other technology (e.g. art supplies or software) _____ Writing style: (for graduate courses and professional programs only) specify the writing style that will be used in the course, e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago _____ Online courses: online participation protocol is required V. Bison Letter Grade-to-Percentage Breakdown: _____ Indicate grading practices (Letter grades or P/F) _____ For undergraduate courses, if using letter grades, provide the official percentage breakdown _____ For graduate courses, if using letter grades, provide the official percentage breakdown _____ For 500 and 600-level courses include both breakdowns VI. List of Major Assignments and Weight, and/or point system _____ Example: Reading Assignments, Blog Posts, Misc Assignments: 40%, Presentations: 20% Final Research Project and Paper and Associated Assignments: 30% Class Contribution: 10% VII. Course Schedule: _____ Class meeting times and dates _____ Topics, concepts covered, readings _____ Due dates for assignments _____ Test, quiz, final exam dates _____ Online courses: Unit Schedule is required VIII. Policies: _____ Class Policies (e.g. attendance, arriving late/leaving early, use of pagers, communication, civility) For online courses: - please add language like: “By registering for a Web-based course, you have made a commitment to participate in your online class discussions and other activities as assigned. Please plan to participate regularly. You will note in the grading scale that your online conference participation counts towards your final grade” - insert the following link on netiquette: _____ Gallaudet University Academic Integrity Policy (add a sentence like “It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize themselves and comply with the Gallaudet University Undergraduate/Graduate Academic Integrity Policy, which can be found in the Gallaudet University Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog, in the department handbook (if there is one), or on the Gallaudet University website at:”) For undergraduate courses: emic_Integrity.html For graduate courses: mic_Integrity.html ______OSWD Academic Accommodation Policy Students have the responsibility of formally requesting accommodation through the Office for Students With Disabilities (OSWD) at the beginning of the semester. s_with_Disabilities/General_Information/Academic_Accommodations_Policy.html For information on your rights under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act please see: (ask OSWD for link; if not available, then insert a statement informing students of their rights under the ADA and Section 504) _____ For Graduate Courses and 500-600-Level Courses: ADA compliance in current catalog Insert a link to the statement on ADA compliance on the current Graduate Catalog website or refer students to the page numbers where they can find the statement in the current printed version of the Graduate Catalog. _____ Add a statement about how students will be informed of any changes to the schedule or syllabus, such as “When items on this syllabus change, all students will be informed in writing.” IX. Bibliography (if used) Complete list of readings with citations, in alphabetical order and in class-consistent format (e.g. APA or MLA) X. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Assessment of Learning: Note to faculty: The idea here is to show the inter-connections among all levels and types of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs). The chart below is one way to accomplish this. Most faculty have found that by listing the course SLOs in the far left column and working to the right with the other information—this task is most manageable. _____ Include a minimum of three course SLOs. _____ Each course SLO has at least one critical assessment connected with it (for undergraduate courses) and at least two (for graduate courses), e.g. analysis, synthesis, evaluation, creation, application, authoring, essay, presentation, report, portfolio, and/or project. _____ For each critical assessment, there should be a matching scoring tool and/or list of scoring criteria to be used to evaluate that assessment product, e.g., checklists, rubrics, GU ASL Live Presentation Rubric, Graphic Design I Project Checklist, COM Internship Checklist, etc. These critical assessment tools should be included at the end of each Graduate School syllabi. _____ Levels of achievement on indicated tools, e.g., at least satisfactory in each area of the GU Writing Rubric (for undergraduate courses only). _____ Align each course SLO with program SLOs, GU SLOs (for undergraduate courses only), and conceptual framework (for PEP-unit courses only). Notes for undergraduate courses: ● All GU UG courses assess GU SLOs 1 and 2, Language and Communication and Critical Thinking ● GU GSR courses 200-300 assess all five of the GU SLOs. Recommended SLO And Assessment Chart International Studies (IST) 107* Course Student Learning Outcomes Students will analyze the international Critical Assessments (for undergraduat e courses, indicate at least one; for graduate courses, indicate at least 2 multiple & varied critical assessments for each SLO) Paper and/or Debate and/or Presentation Tools for Assessment and Expected Level (expected level required only for undergraduat e courses) Progra m SLOs (IST SLOs) GU SLOs (For Under graduat e courses) Conceptual Framewor k (For PEP courses) At least satisfactory ratings on GU 1-7 1-5 Engages in TheoryBased interconnection Rubrics for Practice s among Writing, ASL, history, Critical economics, Thinking and politics, Assignment language, Checklist culture. Students will Paper and/or At least 1-4 1,2 Engages in explain the Presentation satisfactory Theorycomplexities of ratings on GU Based living in a Rubrics for Practice highly Writing, ASL, interconnected Critical world, and Thinking, propose Social solutions to Responsibility problems and explored in the Assignment course. Checklist Students will Paper and/or At least 1-4, 6 1,2,4 Engages in demonstrate the Presentation satisfactory Theoryskills and ratings on GU Based knowledge Rubrics for Practice necessary to Writing, ASL, conduct Critical research in Thinking and international Assignment studies. Checklist *No such course, IST 107, exists Add the link to your program SLOs here and/or list them here. Add the link to the five GU SLOs here and/or list them here(for undergraduate courses only). Add the link to the Conceptual Framework here and/or list them here (for PEP-unit courses only).