The Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness October 2012 The Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness documents how business and education will collaborate to create regional career pathways strategies, college and career readiness strategies, assign responsibilities for key components and develop an agreed upon sustainability plan for pipeline efforts. The plan has been jointly authored under the direction of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) Board of Directors through the board’s Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee with direct input from over 75 stakeholders, including Coachella Valley Unified School District, Desert Sands Unified School District, Palm Springs Unified School District, Riverside County Office of Education, College of the Desert, Riverside County EDA/Workforce Investment Board and industry leaders from across the Coachella Valley. Development of the plan was launched in November 2011 by CVEP’s Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee under the leadership of former College of the Desert President, Jerry Patton. Dr. Christine Anderson, Superintendent of Palm Springs Unified School District and Don Perry, immediate past chairman of the CVEP Board of Directors currently chair CVEP’s Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee. The committee will provide ongoing oversight for plan implementation and will also conduct an in-depth annual review to chart plan progress, recommend revisions and assure ongoing partner engagement. Grounded in research from the Ford Motor Company Fund and the Ford Next Generation Learning national network, this five-year plan is structured around the three pillars of Next Generation Learning: Transforming Teaching and Learning, Transforming Secondary Schools and Sustaining Change through Business and Civic Leadership. In addition, the Coachella Valley is creating and piloting a fourth strand, which is focused on College and Career Readiness. Focusing on these goals aligns the resources of the business community and education partners to support targets which will assure improved student outcomes. There are currently 15 California Partnership Academies (CPA) in Coachella Valley high schools, serving approximately 2,500 of the region’s 20,000 high school students. This plan sets a target of a minimum of 30% of area high school students being enrolled in career or interest-themed academy, pathway or similar programs in five years. Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 1 Strand 1: Transforming Teaching and Learning: Creating meaningful learning experiences that enable students to apply academic knowledge to real-world challenges. Essential Practice 1.1 – Learning Pillars – The essential knowledge and skills for college and career readiness Description: The Ford PAS Learning Pillars articulate essential knowledge and skills that have been identified by both employers and college faculty as necessary for young people to be fully prepared for success in both college and careers. GOAL 1 of 1: Professional Development: In 5 years, career- and interest-themed academy, pathway and related program teachers, counselors, and administrators will have participated in professional development based on a needs assessment of academy-related competencies. Strategies Professional development will be provided for all career and interest themed academy, pathway and related program teachers, administrators, and counselors. Action Steps/Objectives Districts will work collaboratively with school sites to develop and conduct an academy/career interest-themed related professional development needs assessment. Administrators, counselors, and teachers will receive training on academy based competencies such as the following: Building master schedules that support academy based courses of study. Project Based Learning strategies Use of technology in the classroom 21st Century Skills Faculty externships Co-teaching, inclusion, interdisciplinary teams Types of data and data analysis School and district participation in Cal-PASS PLC (IEBC – Institute for Evidence Based Change) Train teachers, counselors and administrators in transition opportunities and competencies to be prepared to help students advance to next educational segment of the pathway. Higher education will support the professional development of teachers pursuing pathway certification. Districts will work with higher education partners to provide teachers with opportunities to secure CTE certification, credentialing and specialized training. Measurable Outcomes Professional Development Calendar, Records, i.e. agendas, sign-in sheets, etc. Results of annual needs assessment Implementation tools, data, expectations Formative assessments in place in each district Courses of study that support certifications Lead Person(s)/Team District and Site Administrators, Coaches COD, UCR, CSUSB District administration Start Date End Date Yearly Goals July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014 Year 1: Planning Team Create a common needs assessment Conduct needs assessment Prioritize PD offerings July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014 Year 1 and Ongoing Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 2 Essential Practice 1.2 – Teaching Pillars – Teaching principles that develop students’ knowledge and skills for college and career readiness. Description: The Ford PAS Teaching Pillars describe the instructional principles – based on rigorous research and professional experience – that are essential for facilitating learning of the essential knowledge and skills that students need. These principles help students meet and exceed stateestablished benchmarks for academic performance, and meet expectations for college-level work and future employment. GOAL 1 of 3: Curriculum: In 5 years, a rigorous and relevant curriculum will be in place that prepares pathway students to be college and career ready. Strategies A sequenced program of study Is developed, approved and maintained for each pathway within an academy. Action Steps/Objectives Articulate with ROP to align course offerings and/or increase student opportunities Expand post-secondary articulation and dual enrollment agreements Measurable Outcomes Appropriate courses of District ROP liaisons Post-secondary liaisons Completed articulation District curriculum administrator(s) District curriculum administrator(s) District curriculum administrator(s) study in Master Schedule agreements Create and regularly review and update course guides. Explore online learning options Lead Person(s)/Team Completed course guides A completed list of online providers Develop 10 year plan with counselor(s) and other academy staff Course curriculum incorporates service or work-based learning, internships and/or capstone projects Curriculum is project based, interdisciplinary, integrated and focused around relevant themes. Create courses of study that support work-based learning and internships and include capstone projects that are relevant to each academy/pathway focus Develop business/community partnerships to facilitate effective work-based learning, internships and capstone projects Embed into curriculum: o 21st century skills Technological skills Contextualized learning Collaboration skills Global Awareness Problem-solving Critical thinking Creativity & Innovation Completed course list includes work-based learning experiences District curriculum administrator(s) District curriculum administrator(s) District admin Counselors Teachers District curriculum administrator(s) Start Date 2013 Annually 2013 Annually 2013 Annually 2013 2013 Annually Yearly Goals Year 1: Articulation agreement with ROP drafted, approved and in place. Year 1: Articulation agreement(s) with post-secondary partners drafted, approved and in place. Year 1: Program written, reviewed and approved Year 1: List of acceptable online courses is established. Annually 2013 2013 Annually Annually Partnership agreements Site academy staff and business partners 2013 Completed curriculum maps District curriculum administrator(s) 2013 are interdisciplinary and reflect 21st century skills End Date Annually Year 1 and Ongoing - Internships and other work based learning experiences in place Year 2: Students have been placed in internships Year 1 and Ongoing Site academy staff and business partners Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 3 GOAL 2 of 3: Instruction: In 5 years, Inquiry-, Project- and Challenge-based learning will be an integral part of career and interest-themed academy, pathway and related program instruction that includes strategies for differentiated instruction and usage of instructional technology. Strategies Teachers engage students in learning that is relevant to both the career and interest-themed academy, pathway, or related program, and their own lives. Lead Person(s)/Team Start Date End Date Yearly Goals Expose elementary students to career-themed learning opportunities; facilitate exploration of career-themed learning opportunities for middle school students; and offer experiences for high school students in career-themed programs. Completed course District administrators 2013 2014 Year 1 and Ongoing: Academy and pathways teachers receive PD in inquiry, project and performance based learning and assessments. Utilize the following instructional methods: o Inquiry based o Project based o Contextual o Performance based o Problem-based o Technology-integrated o Integrate community/business speakers Completed Professional District administrators Academy, pathways teachers and staff Site and district administrators 2013 Annually Year 1 and Ongoing Integrate community speakers, field trips job shadowing experiences mentorships student internships and community service opportunities into classroom instruction Records showing District and Site Admin Teachers Community Partners 2013 Annually Year 1 and Ongoing Teachers differentiate instruction to meet the needs of individual students o o Measurable Outcomes Action Steps/Objectives Using a variety of assessment data to differentiate instruction with content, process and product Provide timely academic intervention through teacher teams outlines/ guides, and syllabi for appropriate elementary, middle and high school courses Development (PD) documentation Classrooms observed with evidence of desired teaching strategies in place Classroom monitoring tool(s) evidence of community speakers, mentorships, field trips, and community service Student portfolios and time logs evidence internships and community service Certificates of completion from businesses GOAL 3 of 3: Assessment: In 5 years, the data driven assessment system will include tools to authentically assess students in their college and career readiness. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Measurable Outcomes Lead Person(s)/Team Start Date End Date Faculty will use formative District Administrators July 1, 2013 June 30 Teachers will provide students, in groups and Professional assessments to monitor student and staff as individuals, with authentic assessment Development learning, assess student mastery opportunities as formative assessments Calendars and of 21st century skills, and guide School Administrators Agendas future instruction. Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Yearly Goals Year 1: Assessments in place Year 2: Staffs trained Year 2: Assessments in Use 4 Ensure relevant data is easily accessible for all stakeholders Identify essential data elements including: Standards mastery – CTE, academic and industry Individual Course Academy Schools District Region Establish systems for collecting and assessing data such as: Data Dashboards Published assessments Preidentified data is easily accessible, timely, and accurate District Staff Site Administrators July 1, 2014 Year 1 – Relevant data identified Year 2 – Systems for collecting and accessing in place Strand 2: Transforming Secondary Schools - Creating and maintaining the career academies (and similar career- and interest-based programs) and the collaborative culture, structures, and practices necessary to transform teaching and learning and to facilitate community engagement. Essential Practice 2.1 – Students have choices among high-quality career academies and similar career- and interest-themed programs. Description: Schools offer a variety of career academies and similar career- and interest-themed programs, designing them according to rigorous standards so that they are challenging and accessible, phasing them in across the district to reach a critical mass of students GOAL 1 of 2: In 5 years, a minimum of 30% of students across the valley will be enrolled in career or interest-themed academy, pathway or similar programs. Strategies Annually, districts will conduct an analysis of resources and support required to implement academies, pathways and programs and share summary with CVEP WE Oversight Committee. Districts will develop a local action plan to build and sustain student enrollment in CTE/Academy/Pathway programs. Districts develop list of needs Districts share Needs Analysis with CVEP WE Oversight Committee Annually CVEP WE Oversight Committee will facilitate development of common, local definitions for “academy”, “pathway”, “program,” flexible scheduling, distance learning, and other college and career readiness terminology, resulting in a common language glossary. Common questionnaire/protocol will be developed by CVEP WE Oversight Committee. subcommittee to assist in analysis of program and census of programs (Oversight, or Partnership?) Districts will conduct an annual CTE/Academy/Pathway census of programs and students, utilizing standardized data collection informed by a common definition Lead Person(s)/ Team Start Date End Date Yearly Goals Needs List Subcommittee established District admin/staff January 2013 June 2013 Year One First needs analysis is conducted and presented to CVEP WE Oversight Committee Year Two – Ongoing Needs Analysis is updated and shared with CVEP WE Oversight Committee Annual CTE census document District admin/staff January 2013 June 2013 Year One Annual CTE / Academy /Pathway census will be Measurable Outcomes Action Steps/Objectives CVEP WE Oversight Committee Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 (first draft Sept 5 Pathway census will be shared with CVEP WE Oversight Committee Census data will inform next-step elements of district plans Local plans will address: o Training strategy o Placement system development, ensuring adequate placement opportunities o Recruitment plan development 2013/final Dec 2013) Local district implementation plans completed by January 2013. CVUSD, DSUSD, PSUSD will share implementation plans in June 2013. Year Two – Ongoing Annual census will be conducted and shared annually. Districts will update plans and share progress reports annually. Goal 2 of 2: Economic Development targets will inform and guide development of school career and interest-themed program development. Strategies CVEP will host an annual Education Summit (or collaborate to augment existing RCOE event) and provide annual summary of economic outlook for district and school administrators Action Steps/Objectives Business leaders will attend and be recognized at high school graduation ceremonies to showcase their impact on academy/SLC/career programs (i.e. CCHS graduation) CVEP will work with RCOE to explore potential of collaborating on an economic outlook for educators (CTE Advisory council dinner, UCLA economic summit) o Plan structure (lunch, dinner, breakout session) CVEP will develop an annual economic outlook specifically geared to Coachella Valley educators and business partners Collect economic data and workforce development trends (future jobs and economic growth sector – industry) Use data to propose adding and deleting and expanding CTE course/academies/pathways High schools identify key business, civic partners engaged with their school. High schools develop recognition protocol for business partners. High schools invite business partners to attend graduation ceremonies. Measurable Outcomes Summit Agenda Number of business participants Lead Person(s)/ Team Start Date End Date CVEP Workforce Excellence January 2013 October 2013 Site Principals, District Administrators Academy / Pathway faculty Business partners January 2013 June 2013 -- Ongoing Yearly Goals Year 1: Organize and host Education Summit Number of principals, site admin, pathway faculty and counselors attending High School Graduation ceremony programs Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 6 Essential Practice 2.2 – School staff form a learning community committed to transforming their practice. Description: The high school staff team operates as a collaborative learning community, where school leadership establishes and supports a vision for transforming secondary schools. GOAL: No specific goals yet suggested. Essential Practice 2.3 – School leaders have flexible use of resources. Description: The school creates structures and uses flexible schedules to support personalization, strengthen teacher-student relationships, and improve the learning environment. Goal 1 of 1: In 5 years, all districts will align available resources to assist with the implementation of flexible scheduling, extended learning opportunities, and/or other credit structures to support pathways and career-and-interest themed academies. Strategies Districts will address the needs of students requiring additional support college and career preparation. Measurable Outcomes Action Steps/Objectives Each district will develop a plan to address flexible scheduling and extended learning opportunities. Each district will research current board policies and union contract language regarding scheduling, and obtaining credit(s) Plans as established by each district. Lead Person(s)/ Team District admin / CVUSD, DSUSD, PSUSD Start Date End Date Yearly Goals January 2013 December 2013 Year One First draft of plans due to CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee by September 2013 Final plan is ready by December 2013 Year Two - Ongoing Plans will be updated annually June 2013 Essential Practice 2.4 – Adults and students are accountable for results. Description: Each school is held accountable for the effectiveness of its teaching and learning. Goal 1 of 1: In 5 years, all pathways, career-and-interest themed academy students will have a personalized graduation plan to guide their college and career development. Strategies Identify leading college and career ready indicators at all levels (K-5+, 6-8+, 9-12+) and regularly monitor student progress towards established targets via a data dashboard, transcript evaluation or other tool. Measurable Outcomes Action Steps/Objectives Possible College and Career Readiness indicators: o Career interest survey o CTE enrollment o Exposure to college and career options o WBL experience o FAFSA completion o A-G completion rates – o Proficiency on state tests o Increase in proficiency on standardized tests Lead Person(s)/ Team Site admin, teacher, counselor, or career center in conjunction with RCOE Start Date End Date January 2013 December 2013 Ongoing Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Yearly Goals Year 1: A list of leading college and career ready indicators are established by November 2013, and shared with the CVEP WE Oversight Committee at their December 2013 meeting. 7 o School sites will develop their own process on development of personal graduation plan, making personal connections with students. Select and adopt college and career survey tool Students take career interest survey Essential Practice 2.5 – School district supports and sets expectations for transforming secondary schools. Description: The school district actively supports and holds leaders accountable for high school redesign around career academies and similar career- and interest-themed programs. GOAL: No specific goals yet suggested Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 8 Strand 3: Sustaining Change Through Business and Civic Leadership – Engaging employers, educators, and community leaders to collaborate in building and sustaining educational programs that promote community growth and prosperity by preparing students for future work and citizenship. Essential Practice 3.1 – Business, civic, and education leaders create a master plan for sustainable workforce competitiveness and community prosperity built on education transformation. Description: A senior-level business-civic-education partnership CVEP’s Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee) creates a master plan for promoting sustainable workforce competitiveness and community prosperity – economic prosperity for individuals and businesses in the Coachella Valley - through Transforming Teaching and Learning, Transforming Secondary Schools, Sustaining Change Through Business and Civic Leadership, and Advancing College and Career Readiness. GOAL 1 of 1: In one (1) year, the CVEP WE Oversight Committee has completed and launched a master plan for promoting sustainable workforce competitiveness and community prosperity through Transforming Teaching and Learning, Redesigning High Schools (“Focusing Secondary Schools”), Sustaining Change through Industry Councils (Business and Civic Leadership), and promoting College and Career Readiness. Strategies CVEP WE Oversight Committee connects business and community members to educators through the CVEP Industry Council structure. Action Steps/Objectives Measurable Outcomes Communicate business/education engagement goals to CVEP Board of Directors and mobilize board members in recruiting additional businesses and individuals to support students in region’s career pathways programs Number of new committed Industry Partner Members Existing and future Industry Councils serve as official industry advisory resources for the Coachella Valley region to inform labor market and workforce strategies for: o Workforce Investment Board (WIB) Eastern Regional Committee o Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE) ROP/CTE programs o K-12 Academies and CTE pathways and programs o COD, UCR, CSUSB programs List of objectives and goals Number of new Industry Councils Assure regular business input on current industry needs. Develop councils in other targeted business/industry sectors as appropriate. Clusters of interest include: Government/Civic Planning/Leadership; Non-Profit Management; Business and Entrepreneurship Start Date End Date Workforce Excellence Vice President 9/12 6/13 Year One: Increase business partners by 10% Work-Based Learning Coordinator 9/13 6/14 Year Two: Increase business partners by 10% Workforce Excellence Vice President 9/12 6/13 Year One: 3 Active Industry Councils that meet on at least a quarterly basis 9/12 6/13 9/13 6/14 Yearly Goals List of specific Industry needs Continue facilitation of current Industry Councils; increase capacity of Industry Councils to more fully meet the needs of career-themed programs in local school districts Facilitate bi-annual meetings with Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce CEOs to describe economic development and workforce goals and define role of chambers in partnership. Establish business/education objectives for existing Industry Councils. Lead Person(s)/ Team RCOE ROP programs at K-12 districts Industry Council Chair(s) Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Annual review to assure alignment of all regional academy /CTE /pathways programs to CVEP Master Plan Year Two: 9 Ensure RCOE ROP programs/teachers are employed to support CVEP Economic Blueprint Identified Career Priorities 4 active Industry Councils that meet on at least a quarterly basis 9/14 6/15 Year Three: 5 active Industry Councils that meet on at least a quarterly basis 9/12 6/13 Annual review to assure alignment of all regional academy/CTE/pathways programs to CVEP Master Plan Essential Practice 3.2 – Business and civic leaders support and sustain the master plan. Description: Once the master plan is in place, business and civic leaders representing each prioritized career sector constitute an ongoing Business-Civic Advisory Board (currently CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee – to be called Master Plan Partnership) to align business support for redesigned high schools. GOAL 1 of 1: Within one year the Master Plan Partnership (CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee) has proportional representation by industry, education, workforce, civic partners, parents and students. Measurable Outcomes Strategies Action Steps/Objectives The Composition of CVEP’s Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee is comprised of the following representation from each prioritized career sector: a. 51% employers /business partners (22) b. 10% labor & professional associations (4) c. 10% K-12 school & county district /leaderships (4) d. 10% College and Post-secondary partners (4) e. 19% students and parents community partners/ agencies (7) CVEP WE Oversight Committee will be created (existing CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee could form the core group) and maintained to ensure composition is correct Oversight Committee Roster Potential composition Healthcare: 5 Energy/Clean Tech: 5 AME: 5 Banking/Finance: 2 Hospitality: 3 Transportation: 1 Ag/Natural Resources: 1 Annual review of master plan Meeting dates and minutes Lead Person(s)/ Team Workforce Excellence Vice President Start Date 9/12 CVEP WE Oversight Committee Chair(s) End Date 6/13 Yearly Goals Year One: CVEP WE Oversight Committee meets monthly to review plan progress Share and report on updated annual plan at annual stakeholder summit Professional Associations composition IBEW IATSE Healthcare Union District leadership composition: Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 10 CVUSD superintendent DSUSD superintendent PSUSD superintendent RCOE Superintendent Post Secondary composition: COD president CSUSB president UCR chancellor RCC/IVC/MSJ president CVEP will facilitate district and business collaboration to address procurement and allocation of resources required to support sustain this effort. Community, parents, students composition: 2 city reps RivCo EDA/WIB 2 students 3 parents –one from each district 1 non-profit CVEP will convene roundtable of business and education leaders to develop plan to meet district program needs CVEP’s Legislative Committee will work with education partners to review policy governing teacher credentialing and work to shape/change credentialing policies CVEP’s Legislative Committee will work with California Commission on Teacher Credential (CCTC) Identify common concerns about credentialing, etc. Agenda, meeting minutes, signin sheets for Roundtable meeting(s) Local Definition Glossary Action list developed CVEP Workforce Excellence Staff January 2013 Ongoing January 2013 June 2013 – Ongoing CVEP WE Oversight Committee District admin CVEP WE Oversight Committee CVEP Leg Committee Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Year One At least 20 business partners will participate in initial Business/Education Roundtable event CVEP Business Roundtable partners will develop plan and secure at least 25% of identified program needs. Year Two Business partner participation in CVEP Business Roundtable will increase by minimum of 10% over Year One numbers. CVEP Business Roundtable plan will address at least 35% of identified program needs. Year 1: CVEP Legislative Committee will advocate on at least one education related issue 11 Lobby, on behalf of local districts, to change current CTE credentialing criteria Essential Practice 3.3 – Career academies address skilled workforce priorities. Description: The CVEP WE Oversight Committee and Business/Civic Advisory Board use regional economic and workforce projections to prioritize career academies that lead to skilled employment and postsecondary education. GOAL 1 of 1: The CVEP WE Oversight Committee will conduct or secure updated Workforce/Labor Market Studies every three (3) years to define projected labor market needs/trends and college and career readiness skills in targeted industry clusters specific to the Coachella Valley. Strategies Secure workforce/labor market data to reflect local projections and trends. Action Steps/Objectives Disseminate existing workforce projections available for current career sectors. Measurable Outcomes Lead Person(s)/Team Updated labor market survey data CVEP WE Oversight Committee Start Date 9/12 End Date 6/13 Workforce Excellence Vice President CVEP WE Oversight Committee will annually survey plan board members and at least 5 additional major employers in the Coachella Valley who collectively represent at least 20,000 employees to capture a current snapshot of college and career readiness in the local workforce. Yearly Goals Year One: Complete a review of current labor market studies completed in targeted industry clusters to identify current needs and trends for each industry cluster and identify skill gaps in those industry clusters Year One: Share information gathered from major employers at annual meeting Year One: Share the trends and projections with school leaders/counselors/CTE leadership CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee will connect business and community members to educators in order to provide experience with current industry standards and practice. CVEP, with assistance from districts, will host a roundtable with industry partners for open exchange of current industry standards and practice, to inform districts of need for professional development: Career relevance Meeting calendar CVEP Workforce Excellence staff District staff July 1, 2013 Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 June 30, 2014 Year 1 Create a meeting calendar Assure ongoing communication 12 Partner with Riverside County EDA/Workforce Investment Board to align Master Plan efforts with regional workforce structures and strategies. Meet with Riverside County EDA/WIB to identify ways to mutually support efforts, leverage funding and staffing opportunities. Meeting summary and outline of action steps Explore potential to designate CVEP Workforce Excellence Industry Councils as workgroups of the WIB Eastern Region Committee. CVEP WE Oversight Committee 9/12 6/13 Workforce Excellence Vice President Year One: Riverside County EDA/Workforce Investment Board and CVEP/ CVEP WE Oversight Committee have drafted document describing how they will collaborate for mutual support Essential Practice 3.4 – Employers are actively engaged in guiding and supporting career academies and similar career- and interest-themed programs. Description: As career academies grow, designated staff (“Career Sector Entrepreneur – in Coachella Valley, “Industry Council Coordinators”) are hired and deployed to maintain and expand employer engagement, support the region’s career academies, suggest updates to the master plan, and help convene Career Sector Advisory Teams ("Industry Councils”). GOAL 1 of 1: In two (2) years, the CVEP WE Oversight Committee will hire an industry council coordinator for each of the prioritized career sectors. Each Industry Council Coordinator will assure that 51% of the major employers/businesses in their respective sector will be represented on their industry council. Strategies Secure funding to hire and support Industry Council coordinators for prioritized Industry Councils. Action Steps/Objectives CVEP WE Oversight Committee will write grants or secure private funding to hire Industry Council Coordinators. Measurable Outcomes Amount of Money secured Number of Industry Council Coordinators Lead Person(s)/Team Workforce Excellence Vice President CVEP WE Oversight Committee Chair(s) Start Date End Date 9/12 6/13 Year One: Secure five-year funding for 3 Industry Councils 9/13 6/14 9/12 6/13 Year Two: Secure five-year funding for 2 additional Industry Councils Year One: Annual Perkins Advisory meetings are convened by the CVEP Healthcare, AME and Advanced Technology Industry Councils CVEP personnel Industry Councils will convene at least once annually as the formal Perkins Advisory for all academy/CTE pathway programs within the council’s focus cluster. Education partners will collaborate through the Master Plan Partnership (CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee) to coordinate combined industry advisory meetings for common industry clusters when a formal Industry Council is not yet established. All academy, pathway and related program coordinators, participate in annual Perkins program review through appropriate Industry Council. Commitment to attending advisory meetings Number of annual meetings held. Industry Council Coordinators Number of programs reviewed. Academy/ Pathway/CTE faculty leads Yearly Goals Number of Industry Councils business partners participating. Industry Council education and business partners define Business partners commit to provide WBL 80% of Industry CVEP WE Oversight 9/12 Work Based Learning needs for career themed programs experiences for students – ie: job shadows, Council members Committee Chair(s) and develop a coordinated approach to provide students mentoring, internships, etc. have made a with relevant job shadows, internships, mentoring etc. commitment to Industry Council Targets/outcomes indicators are provide WBL Coordinators established and met for increased experiences for industry/employer support for students in students Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 6/13 Year One: Establish WBL needs for academy/pathway programs in three clusters Year Two: 13 CVEP’s targeted industry clusters (i.e. 30 new business partners per year in each of three industry clusters have made commitment to supporting students in job shadows, internships, career explorations or scholarship support Businesses provide regular opportunities for educators to participate in Work-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning program development and implementation. Businesses partners are secured to support quality workforce / externship experiences for faculty. Each year, a minimum of 5 faculty, per district, in each targeted industry cluster participate in faculty externships exposing them to labor market needs, emerging trends in skills, training and technology. Number of Hours Invested Educator lesson plan/curriculum design Work-Based Learning Coordinator 9/13 6/14 Increase WBL opportunities by 10% Industry Councils 9/12 6/13 Year One: Faculty Externship program is available for 12 faculty 9/12 6/13 CVEP WE Oversight Committee Year Two: 10% increase in the number of faculty who participate in Faculty externship Essential Practice 3.5 – Parents, guardians, and key family members are actively engaged on behalf of student success. Description: Parents, guardians, and other key family members (e.g., adult siblings, aunts and uncles, grandparents) play an important role in supporting students’ educational achievement and postsecondary participation. In light of this reality, the education, business, and civic partners work together to develop and implement outreach strategies that specifically aim to build on inherent family strengths and enhance the capacity of families to support and improve students’ educational achievement. GOAL 1 of 1: The CVEP WE Oversight Committee will implement effective parent engagement strategies across the Coachella Valley. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Develop regional campaign for parents, guardians, and students with an emphasis at elementary and middle school grades which addresses career pathways, college and career readiness and workforce development efforts to “grow our own” local high quality workforce. Provide marketing materials and information to K-12 school districts and other community partners for parents and students. Study effective models for engaging parents in support of student success, and develop and/implement programs for the Coachella Valley. Conduct parent events, career fairs, parent meetings, and community events to share information with families. Measurable Outcomes Lead Person(s)/Team Campaign and Marketing materials CVEP WE Oversight Committee Number of events held Number of parents that attend CVEP WE Oversight Committee Start Date End Date Yearly Goals 9/12 6/13 Year One: Program developed and approved 9/13 6/14 9/12 6/13 Year Two: Program implemented Year One: One parent event at each district school 9/13 6/14 Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Year Two: One parent event at each district school with 10% increase in attendance 14 Each participating district is responsible for providing training to parents and students in regards to career- and interest-themed academy, pathway and related programs. Middle school counselors provide 8th grade students and parents with information regarding A-G course requirements Establish outreach plan to Completed connect parents and students outreach with academy opportunities. plan Middle school outreach to parents Middle school counselors will All 8th graders develop a delivery system to demonstrate ensure all 8th graders are aware knowledge of of the A-G requirements A-G courses upon 8th grade promotion by an exit survey CVUSD, DSUSD, PSUSD July 1, 2013 June 30, 2014 Year 1 and Ongoing Assigned by school site January 2013 On-going By June 2014 all 8th grade students will demonstrate their knowledge of A-G requirements. On-going: Middle school counselors will establish a method in which to deliver career exposure to middle school students. Essential Practice 3.6 – The broader community is aware and actively engaged Description: The CVEP WE Oversight Committee and the Business Civic Advisory Board make it an ongoing priority to raise awareness and engage students, parents, employers, postsecondary educators, and political leaders in active support for the districts’ high school transformation. These community leaders also actively participate to strengthen the management and leadership skills of education leaders, enrich the professional growth of teachers, and deepen the learning experience for students GOAL 1 of 1: The CVEP WE Oversight Committee will implement marketing outreach and communication to assure awareness in the Coachella Valley regarding regional College and Career Readiness. Business leaders will actively participate with educational leaders and teachers to strengthen programs for students. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Measurable Outcomes Lead Person(s)/Team Develop regional campaign for employers/business, community members and K-12 educational partners which addresses career pathways, college and career readiness and workforce development efforts to “grow our own” local high quality workforce. Provide marketing materials and information to K-12 school district and community members. Campaign and Marketing materials CVEP WE Oversight Committee Provide update to educational partners and the broader community on marketing plans, workforce development needs, local job opportunities, etc. – specifically demonstrating the return on investment that workforce excellence/business-education partnerships hold for employers. Emphasize value of developing entrepreneurship themes and skills for students CVEP WE Oversight Committee will host a CEO Leader Roundtable in partnership with all high school principals to strengthen relationships regarding workforce development. Principal participation CVEP WE Oversight Committee Start Date End Date 9/12 6/13 9/13 6/14 9/12 6/13 CVEP and senior-level industry partners will participate and conduct professional events and host a Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Yearly Goals Year One: Program developed and approved Year Two: Program implemented Year One: Increase attendance by 10% Year Two: Increase attendance by 10% 15 recognition dinner/event to recognize K-12 teachers working in master plan. CVEP WE Oversight Committee board members will actively promote the plan within their own organizations. Essential Practice 3.7 – Stakeholders are mutually accountable for implementation of the master plan. Description: The master plan is one of mutual accountability, in which everyone – students, teachers, administrators, families, and business and community partners – participates in collecting and reviewing data in order to measure progress, works collaboratively to build a climate of trust that welcomes the perspectives of all stakeholders, and maintains a commitment to continual learning and improvement. GOAL 1 of 1: Each year, the CVEP WE Oversight Committee will facilitate an annual review of goals and outcomes pertaining to each constituent/stakeholder’s perception and actual return on investment from the Regional Master Plan. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Measurable Outcomes The Master Plan Partnership (CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee) will meet annually for an in-depth review and assessment of Master Plan to chart progress and update progress targets. Determine what will be measured. 30% of students in each district enrolled and participate in career- and interest themed academies, pathways and related programs Determine partner responsibilities. Master Plan data/research steering committee guides measurement of outcomes for all plan components. Lead Person(s)/Team CVEP WE Oversight Committee Workforce Excellence Vice President Start Date 9/13 End Date 6/14 Yearly Goals Year One: Annual Master Plan review meeting/retreat is held and progress review update is completed. Number of students who are locally employed Number of students who graduate from high school Number of students who enroll in COD, CSUSB – PD, and other postsecondary study Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 16 Strand 4: College and Career Readiness Essential Practice 4.1 – Building Aspirations – Build a college-going culture based on post-secondary awareness, eligibility and preparedness. Description: Schools, Districts, business and regional partners collaborate to identify and publicize the requirements and processes associated with postsecondary admissions and workplace needs. Goal 1 of 4: In five years, the region’s high school graduation rate will increase by 10%. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Methods will be identified and used to track the number of students on target for graduation. High school graduation data will be collected based on the determined method and shared with stakeholders (i.e., RCOE, oversight committee) in order to monitor progress on goal. Strategies to increase the graduation will be identified and used valley-wide. 2014 graduating class will be used as baseline data. The data collection process will be refined during the 2014-2015 school year based on best practices during the pilot year. Measurable Outcomes Lead Person(s)/Team Start Date January 2013 School districts and post-secondary partners will produce a report annually and share with stakeholders End Date December 2018 Yearly Goals By July 2014 each school district (by high school) will have determined a baseline percentage of graduating seniors Districts will develop strategies to increase the graduation rate by 10%. GOAL 2 of 4: The region will increase its college-going rate by 10%. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Measurable Outcomes Methods will be identified and used to track the number of college-going students annually. College-going data will be collected based on the determined method and shared with stakeholders (i.e., RCOE, oversight committee) in order to monitor progress on goal. School districts and post-secondary partners will produce a report annually and share with stakeholders Strategies to increase the college- going rate will be identified and used valley-wide. 2014 graduating class will be used as baseline data. Increase in the number of students taking PSAT, EAP The data collection process will be refined during the 2014-2015 school year based on best practices during the pilot year. Lead Person(s)/Team Start Date January 2013 End Date December 2018 Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Yearly Goals By July 2014 each school district (by high school) will have determined a baseline percentage of graduating seniors who have met the collegegoing criteria In October 2014: School institutions will follow-up with postsecondary educational partners on collegeenrollment number from each area high school. 17 Districts will develop strategies to increase the college-going rate by 10%. (i.e., taking PSAT, EAP, etc.) Year 5: Each school district and COD will increase their collegegoing rate by 10%. GOAL 3 of 4: The region will increase its FAFSA completion rate to 85% within 5 years. Strategies CVEP WE will collaborate with Master Plan Partnership to conduct annual regional FAFSA Advancement campaign Action Steps/Objectives Lead Person(s)/Team CVEP WE Staff FAFSA competition results are documented Revenue generated by FAFSA fundraiser Media coverage of the program Start Date January 2013 End Date December 2018 Yearly Goals Master Plan Partnership Annual FAFSA targets are met as established through annual CAFC grant agreement. GOAL 4 of 4: The region will increase Cal-Grant award “uptakes” by 10% annually. Strategies CVEP WE will collaborate with Master Plan Partnership to study issues around Cal-Grant award qualification and acceptance by PTS students, to inform development and implementation of strategies to maximize Cal-Grant award resource for students. Annual FAFSA Completion Competition will be conducted, building upon model and success of 2012 campaign Annual FAFSA Completion Competition Fundraiser will be held to raise funds to support annual FAFSA competition Media outreach plan specific to annual FAFSA Completion Competition will be completed and executed Parent Engagement plan specific to FAFSA completion will be implemented annually Measurable Outcomes Action Steps/Objectives Research Cal-Grant award history for valley students and identify opportunities and barriers. Develop and implement a Cal-Grant “uptake” strategy. Measurable Outcomes A Cal-Grant “uptake”” plan is written Percentage of students who qualify for CalGrant awards increases Lead Person(s)/Team CVEP WE Staff Start Date January 2013 End Date December 2018 Yearly Goals Annual Cal-Grant “uptake” targets are met Master Plan Partnership Essential Practice 4.2 – Building Support Systems for Post-secondary and Career Readiness – planning, preparation, participation and performance in a rigorous academic program that connect to students college and career goals. Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 18 Description: Planning, preparation, participation and performance in a rigorous academic program with adequate support systems will help prepare students for post-secondary education or for the world of work. Goal 1 of 3: In 5 years each school district will train school counselors in college going and career ready opportunities for students. Strategies Use pre-established counselor collaboration opportunities (i.e. COD Counselor Conclave, CVEP Pathways to Success counselor outreach) to deepen and broaden counselor understanding of their role in sustaining and recruiting CTE academy/pathway students. Action Steps/Objectives CVEP WE staff will research and list existing programs. List will be shared with Master Plan Partnership (CVEP WE Oversight Committee) Counselors will be included in academy/pathway teams Counselors will share financial literacy information with parents and students Lead Person(s)/Team CVEP WE Staff List of established programs CTE information included on counselor collaboration agendas Start Date December 2012 End Date February 2013 Yearly Goals Year One List of existing programs will be developed by February 2013. Year Two – Ongoing List will be updated and shared annually GOAL 2 of 3: In 5 years, each school district and/or RCOE will increase the number of CTE A-G courses in pathways and interest themed academies. Strategies Each district will collect current data to establish a baseline A-G completion rate Measurable Outcomes Action Steps/Objectives Identify a person at each school site level to track and provide this information Collect data Use data to identify strategies to promote the completion of A-G sequence of courses. Measurable Outcomes Number of CTE A-G courses in pathways Lead Person(s)/Team Assigned by school district Start Date September 2012 End Date June 2013 Yearly Goals By June 2013 a baseline report on A-G completion will established for each high school in the Coachella Valley GOAL 3 of 3: In 5 years, each school district will increase number of students passing or “Conditionally Ready” on the Early Assessment Program (EAP). Strategies Seniors who have above a 2.0 GPA and do not place into college level English as determined by the EAP will be required to take Expository Reading and Writing during their senior year. Action Steps/Objectives CVUSD, DSUSD, and PSUSD will look into the adoption of Expository Reading and Writing as a senior English class as well as appropriate training for teachers assigned to teach the course. Students and parents will be informed about the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP), including: What it is, how to take it, what the scores mean, etc. – including essential Measurable Outcomes EAP score results Number of students who are enrolled in Expository Reading and Writing Parents and Students will be aware of the CSU EAP program their EAP results Adoption of the Expository Reading and Lead Person(s)/Team Director of Secondary Education for each school district. Start Date January 2013 End Date June 2015 Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Yearly Goals By June 2015, all school districts will adopt and offer the Expository Reading and Writing course 19 All EAP, EPT,ELM scores are placed on students’ transcripts to help counselors, parents, and students understand their placement level Students will take EAP to assist placement of students in math and English their senior year. websites – and All students will take the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP) during their Junior year of high school Counselors will review all scores and place students into the appropriate course based on score results Writing by each school district Students will be made aware of the online support offered through CSU for the English and math placement tests (i.e., English Placement Test (EPT) and Entry Level Math (ELM) – and Students and parents will be informed about the EPT and ELM, including: What it is, how to take it, what the scores mean, etc. Students and parents will be informed about community college placement tests. All EAP, EPT, ELM scores will be placed on student transcripts Registrar at each school site January 2013 November 2013 By November 2014 all EAP scores will be located on district dashboards (This is pretty quick) Counselors use EAP results to assist in placeman of students in English and math. Teachers are informed of the significance of the EAP, and other placement exams Teachers will implement strategies in their classroom that will help students be successful on these placement exams. Number of students who take the EAP Number of teacher who offer strategies in their classroom to help students be successful on college placement exams Testing coordinator at each school site EAP regional coordinator January 2013 On-going By May 2013, all juniors will take the EAP exam By May 2015, all juniors will take the COD placement exam Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 20 Essential Practice 4.3 – Regional Commitment to College and Career Readiness Description: The CVEP WE board Oversight Committee will work collaboratively to find resources to support and publicize the regional commitment to College and Career Readiness for all students. GOAL 1 of 3: In 5 years, the region will execute a comprehensive, multi-language media campaign that spreads the message of college and career readiness to families. Strategies Regional media outlets will execute a media campaign that informs the community about College going, FAFSA, Careers, Scholarships, etc. Action Steps/Objectives A committee will be formed to begin discussing how this media campaign will be carried out Each regional media outlet will take a responsibility for a piece of this campaign Measurable Outcomes Radio, television, internet and print media campaign Mobile ready Multi-language Lead Person(s)/Team Desert Sun Time Warner KMIR KESQ Telemudo Univision Desert Radio Group CVEP Students Parents School Media/Entertainment Academies Start Date January 2013 End Date September 2015 Yearly Goals By September 2014, the committee will produce a timeline of when this campaign will be launched as well as the content that will be included in the campaign By September 2015, the media campaign will be launched regionally GOAL 2 of 3: In 5 years, education, business and community partners will begin to develop a sustainable scholarship program that will benefit graduating seniors and college students with a permanent residence in the Coachella Valley, who decide to pursue post-secondary education. Strategies Action Steps/Objectives Measurable Outcomes Lead Person(s)/Team Start Date End Date Yearly Goals Sustain and grow the existing Pathways to Success (CVEP’s scholarship program) regional scholarship initiative, including scholarship funding plus operational program costs Within 3 years, at least 60% of scholarship giving will be aimed at targeted industry sectors. Increase the total number of matching scholarship partners that provide operational funding support, in addition to scholarship funds. An increase in the total amount of scholarship funds and operational support committed regionally. CVEP Staff Matching Partners January 2013 December 2018 By January 2013 increase the amount of scholarship funds awarded regionally, by 5%. An Increase in the total number of industry specific matching partners. CVEP Staff Matching Partners January 2013 December 2018 Within 3 years, 50% of scholarship funding is coming from partners within the Coachella Valley. Refine the selection of matching partners to ensure there is a stronger alignment of scholarship funds with targeted industry sectors. Engage business partners to support scholarship-giving programs that are industry specific. An increase in the number of business partners that support a scholarshipgiving program for their company or industry sector. CVEP Staff Matching Partners January 2013 December 2018 By January 2013, increase the number of matching partners by industry sector by 10%. By January 2013 increase the total amount of non-matching scholarship funding by 10%. Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 21 Establish a fixed endowment to assure sustainability of the scholarship giving structure. Collaborate with community partners to develop a capital campaign to establish and support a regional scholarship endowment of $20 million, to generate an annual return of $1 million in scholarship funds. Develop a scholarship endowment and capital campaign plan for the region. CVEP Staff Matching Partners January 2013 December 2018 By August 2013, establish an endowment and create a capital campaign plan. GOAL 3 of 3: In 5 years, the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership will implement a job placement program that focuses on connecting post-secondary graduates from the Coachella Valley with internship and employment opportunities. Strategies Develop a comprehensive job placement program that focuses on connecting post-secondary graduates from the Coachella Valley with internship and employment opportunities. Action Steps/Objectives Create inventory of available jobs Develop a way for students who graduate to communicate to CVEP that they have graduated and are ready to look for a job Provide workshops related to getting a job in the desert and highlight the opportunities that exist in the Coachella Valley Develop Job placement services that students can access Measurable Outcomes Number of individuals who graduate from a Coachella Valley High School, graduate from college, and return to work in the Coachella Valley Lead Person(s)/Team CVEP Staff Business Partners Start Date January 2013 End Date January 2018 Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 Yearly Goals By February 2013, a committee will be formed to begin to develop this program By 2014 secure funding for this initiative By January 2018, this program will be fully implemented 22 California Partnership Academies (CPA) in the Coachella Valley and Pipeline Feeder Programs – Fall 2012 CVUSD Coachella Valley High Academy Industry Sector Related Industry Council Health Careers Academy Health Science and Medical Technology Hospitality, Tourism and Recreation Arts, Media, and Entertainment Public Services Energy and Utilities Healthcare Industry Council Healthcare Industry Council Coachella Valley High Coachella Valley High Coachella Valley High Desert Mirage High DSUSD Indio High Hospitality Recreation and Tourism Academy Digital Design and Production Academy Public Service Academy Green Technology Academy La Quinta High Medical Health Academy La Quinta High Shadow Hills High PSUSD Cathedral City High Cathedral City High Public Service Academy Academy of Technology and Landscape Management Health Science and Medical Technology Health Science and Medical Technology Public Services Agriculture and Natural Resources Digital Arts Technology Academy (DATA) Health and Environmental Health Academy of Learning Public Safety Academy Arts, Media, and Entertainment Health Science and Medical Technology Public Services Arts Media Entertainment Industry Council Healthcare Industry Council Renewable Energy Academy of Learning (REAL) Energy and Utilities Advanced Technology Industry Council Money, Marketing and Management Academy Palm Springs Academy of Learning Medicine (PALM) Finance and Business Health Science – Sports Medicine/Therapeutic Services Focus Healthcare Industry Council Desert Hot Springs High Desert Hot Springs High Palm Springs High Palm Springs High Health Science Academy Arts Media Entertainment Industry Council Advanced Technology Industry Council Healthcare Industry Council Advanced Technology Industry Council Emerging Academy/Pathway Programs High School DSUSD Palm Desert High PSUSD Cathedral City High Rancho Mirage High Rancho Mirage High Rancho Mirage High CVUSD Academy/Pathway Industry Sector Health Careers Health Science and Medical Technology ACES Performing Arts Culinary Arts Alternative Fuels/Auto Related Industry Council Healthcare Industry Council Advanced Technology Industry Council Arts Media Entertainment Industry Council Advanced Technology Industry Council Coachella Valley Regional Plan for College and Career Readiness // CVEP Workforce Excellence Oversight Committee Approved – September 19, 2012 23