Daily Plan 4.5 week 4

Region: __________________
School: ____________________________________
Unit Theme: 4.5: Non-Fiction Study: Creating a Non-Fiction Book About Me
Grade: ______________
Week: #:____4___
Date: From ________________ to __________________ 20____
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1. Each person has unique qualities that make him/her and individual.
EU3. Writers use words wisely to create characters and to guide readers through transitions.
EU4. Good readers use strategies to figure out words they don’t know.
EU5. Non-fiction texts must include real facts and information related to a certain topic
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task)
(unit projects, exams, etc.)
Non- Fiction Presentation
Non-Fiction Books
Day 1
Writing, Language Arts
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 2
Day 3
Language Arts, Speaking
Day 4
Language Arts
Day 5
Language Arts
The student will…
Create a word web for each
photograph based on information
from questions.
The student will...
Create a graphic organizer to
help him/her narrow a topic for his
non-fiction book.
The student will...
Participate in a verbal
discussion about the relative
pronouns and verbs.
The student will...
Incorporate differents verbs
and the present progressive
form of each verb.
The student will...
Incorporate differents verbs
and the past progressive form
of each verb.
The teacher will provides a word
web template and will give
example on how to make it.
The teacher and student will
begin by talking about the activity
to be done and will give
The teacher provides explicit
instruction related to these
language and grammar
conventions and the student
incorporates them into his/her
non-fiction book: Relative
pronouns and adverbs:
The teacher will begin by
reviewing the verb tenses.
The teacher will begin by
reviewing the verb tenses.
Academic Strategy
Initial Activities
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1. Each person has unique qualities that make him/her and individual.
EU3. Writers use words wisely to create characters and to guide readers through transitions.
EU4. Good readers use strategies to figure out words they don’t know.
EU5. Non-fiction texts must include real facts and information related to a certain topic
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task)
(unit projects, exams, etc.)
Non- Fiction Presentation
Non-Fiction Books
The student creates a word web
of ideas for each photograph
based on information from
questions (See Attachment: 4.5
Graphic Organizer – Word Web).
Development Activities
Closing Activities
Formative Assessment – Other
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
After creating the word web each
student will share their work with
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Once a topic is selected, the
The teacher explains that
student completes a graphic
specific, detailed writing uses
organizer to help narrow the topic relative pronouns and adverbs.
even further to focus his/her idea The teacher provides
for writing (See Attachment: 4.5
sentences to the class so that
Other Evidence – Narrowing a
more information can be
provided, using relative
pronouns and adverbs.
The teacher will verify each work
and will give recommendations
that will help the student with his
The teacher will clarify doubts
and questions related to the
theme discussed.
The teacher models the
structure of the progressive
tense, explaining that it can be
used in the present tense.
The teacher selects a verb and
the student practices using that
verb in the present progressive
tense, moving around the class.
The student then incorporates
this verb tense into his/her nonfiction writing.
The teacher models the
structure of the progressive
tense, explaining that it can be
used in the past tense.
The teacher selects a verb and
the student practices using that
verb in the past progressive
tense, moving around the class.
The student then incorporates
this verb tense into his/her nonfiction writing.
The teacher will discuss the
activity with students and will
give feedback.
The teacher will discuss the
activity with students and will
give feedback
Desired Result
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
Enduring Understanding
Example: Students will understand that ...
EU1. Each person has unique qualities that make him/her and individual.
EU3. Writers use words wisely to create characters and to guide readers through transitions.
EU4. Good readers use strategies to figure out words they don’t know.
EU5. Non-fiction texts must include real facts and information related to a certain topic
Assessment Evidence
Summative Evaluation (Performance Task)
(unit projects, exams, etc.)
Non- Fiction Presentation
Non-Fiction Books
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
___ Special Education
___ Section 504
Teacher Reflection
___ Gifted