ARCHI 157: World Architecture History GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE

ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
1. The area in front of Notre Dame in Paris is called the
a. paradis
b. forum
c. naos
d. parvis
2. Notre Dame is located
a. In Saint Denis
b. In the center of Paris
c. In Normandy
d. In Saint Germain des Pres
3. Beauvais cathedral is a good example of
a. Early Gothic
b. Romanesque
c. High Gothic with soaring pinnacles and spires
d. Carolingian architecture
4. Saint Chapelle is a Gothic cathedral that is
a. An example of Gothic revival
b. Chapel for the kings of France for the nomination of the next monarch
c. The beginning of Gothic architecture
d. Considered the “jewel box” of Paris, with enormous glass windows and the sacred Crown of
5. Wells Cathedral, Westminster Abbey and Canterbury Cathedral are examples of
a. French Gothic
b. English Gothic
c. German Gothic
d. Italian Gothic
6. The Gothic arch has which properties
a. Works better with supporting loads
b. Is more versatile in making vaulting with irregular spans
c. Draws your attention upwards
d. All of the above
7. The Gothic churches were built
a. Over a period of hundreds of years by experienced craftsmen and guilds
b. By experienced structural engineers working in service of the king
c. By professional architects who drew extensive drawings of the cathedrals
d. By a select group of aristocratic European families
8. The Italian Gothic is
a. Not as extensively found in Italy as the Gothic style is in France
b. Uses colored marble
c. Was not as well suited to the southern light and cultural climate in Italy
d. All of the above
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
9. Gothic architecture features architectural elements such as
a. Flying Buttresses, round arches, gargoyles
b. Rose Windows, tracery and Corinthian columns
c. Gargoyles, pinnacles, flying buttresses
d. Ionic Columns, Bundled columns and stained glass windows
10. The first example of Gothic architecture is
a. Saint Denis commissioned by Abbot Suger
b. Saint Etienne, Commissioned by Cluny
c. Saint Gilles du Gard, Commissioned by the Duke of Aquitaine
d. Saint Sulpice where the first gargoyle was sighted
11. Possible explanations of the origin of the gargoyle proposes
a. That the origins of gargoyles and griffins may have been related to dinosaur bones
b. That a creature named La Gargouille lived by the river and terrorized the town
c. That the first gargoyle was originally intended to be a portrait of Louis XIV at Laon
d. Both a and b
12. What architectural element braces the cathedral from lateral forces?
a. Lanterns
b. Gargoyles
c. Flying buttresses
d. Rib vaults
e. Barrel vaults
13. What was the purpose of Sainte Chapelle?
a. To house the Holy Cross
b. To house the Holy Crown of Louis IX
c. To house the Crown of Thorns
d. To impress the British
14. What is unique about the cathedral of Sainte Chapelle?
a. it has two parts a front and a back
b. It doesn’t have an altar
c. It burned several times but the tunic was saved
d. it has two levels an upper and a lower level
15. Who restored Notre Dame and Sainte Chapelle as well as other Gothic Structures in the 1800’s?
a. Robespierre
b. Viollet-le-Duc
c. Victor Hugo
d. Bishop Sully
16. What was planned for Chartres Cathedral during the French Revolutions?
a. It was to be restored
b. A modern façade was planned
c. It was to be blown up
d. The sculpture was to be updated to show scientific figures
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
17. What happened to the Kings of Israel on the façade of Notre Dame during the French
a. They were removed and buried in a basement
b. They were smashed and never found again
c. They were modified to become the Twelve Apostles
d. They were moved to Saint Denis in the crypt
18. What is the name of the public space in front of a French cathedral?
a. Paradis
b. Protais
c. Forum
d. Triforum
e. Parvis
19. What was the island in Paris where Notre Dame is located originally called?
a. Lutetia
b. Le Techna
c. Rat world
d. Kilim a g’dansk, an old Celtic word
20. Who are the three patron saints of Paris?
a. Saint Louis, Saint Sully, Saint Denis
b. Saint Denis, Saint Marcel, Sainte Genevieve
c. Saint Denis, Saint Suger, Saint Romaine
d. Dagobert, Childebert, Hugh Capet
21. Who killed La Gargouille according to legend?
a. Saint Denis
b. Saint Eustache
c. Saint Romaine
d. Saint Genevieve
e. Saint Marcel
22. What was La Gargouille?
a. A King of France during the crusades
b. The leader of the Goths
c. A dragon that lived near Rouen cathedral
d. A type of alcoholic drink served on religious holidays
23. What is the supposed origin of the gargoyle?
a. Dinosaur bones
b. La Gargouille
c. The inferno as described by Dante
d. Alchemist lore
e. Both a and b
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
24. What is the common theme for the center door of a French Gothic cathedral?
a. it is the door of the last judgement (the apocalypse)
b. It is the door of Mary
c. it is the door of the local saint
d. it is the door of the French Kings
25. What is unique about the three doors of Notre Dame?
a. They are not the same size
b. One has a triangular roof line over it and the others do not
c. They show the life of Sainte Anne and mary
d. They show images of hell and the riders of the apocalypse
Ae. ll of the above
26. What is the structural advantage of a Gothic arch?
a. It deflects load better
b. It is lighter in weight
c. it is easier to pour in concrete
d. It is based on wooden structures which are more stable
27. What is the construction advantage of a gothic vault?
a. The ribs can be built first
b. The vault can be modified in width and height more easily than a roman arch
c. The arch is made of easily transportable stones
d. Both a and b
28. What is the charge de tas?
a. Where a gothic rib attaches to the wall
b. The duties that were given to the workers
c. An explosive charge used to break the stone
d. A fee paid for certain tasks in the construction
29. What is the name of layers of arches nested together?
a. Bundled arches
b. Architraves
c. Nested arches
d. Archivolts
30. What was the original site of Notre Dame used for?
a. it was a sacred Celtic site
b. It was a Roman armory
c. It was a site of the martyrdom of Saint Denis
d. It was the bishops palace
31. Who commissioned the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral?
a. Saint Romaine
b. Saint Louis
c. Bishop Sully
d. Abbot Suger
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
32. Who commissioned the construction of Chartres Cathedral?
a. Bishop FUlbert
b. Saint Louis
c. Bishop Sully
d. Abbot Suger
33. What important relic is held at Chartres Cathedral?
a. The True Cross
b. The Holy Tunic
c. The Crown of Thorns
d. The Holy Tabernacle
34. What happened to Chartres cathedral?
a. it burned in a fire and was rebuilt
b. It was destroyed in the French Revolution and was rebuilt
c. It was destroyed in a siege
d. It is one of the best preserved cathedrals and has never been damaged
35. What happened to the Holy Tunic that was at Chartres?
a. It was saved from the fire
b. It was lost in the fire
c. It was stolen in the crusades
d. It was given to Louis IX
36. Who purchased the Crown of Thorns?
a. Saint Romaine
b. Saint Louis
c. Bishop Sully
d. The Louvre Museum
37. What happened to Louis IX after his death?
a. He was buried in Notre Dame
b. He was canonized
c. He was buried in Chartres
d. His body was lost at sea
38. Who commissioned Saint Denis?
a. Bishop Fulbert
b. Abbot Suger
c. Bishop Sully
d. Fulcanelli
39. Who is buried in Saint Denis?
a. The Dagobert family
b. The Childebert family treasure
c. Sainte Genevieve
d. The Kings of France
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
40. What was the condition of the church of Saint Denis before it was remodeled?
a. It was in outstanding condition and considered too luxurious?
b. it was condemned by Saint Bernard
c. It was falling apart and used as shelter for criminals
d. It was spatious and too big
41. What did Abbot Suger also do besides Saint Denis?
a. He arranged a wedding for Louis IX to Marie Antoinette
b. He purchased the crown of thorns
c. He constructed the tomb of Sainte Genevieve
d. He wrote a book on the history of France
42. What were other holy relics that were sought during the crusade?
a. The Crown of Thorns, the True Cross and the Holy Lance
b. The head of Saint Denis
c. The head of La Gargouille
d. The Holy Grail
43. What style was Saint Denis originally built in?
a. Gothic
b. Romanesque
c. Byzantine
d. Medieval revival
44. Who was the architect of Saint Denis?
a. Dagobert
b. Childebert
c. Abbott Suger
d. We don’t know
45. What is one of the oldest churches in paris that is built around the same time as Notre Dame?
a. Saint Julienne le Pauvre
b. Saint Etienne
c. Saint Marcel
d. Saint Sulpice
46. What is one of the oldest churches in Paris that was destroyed by a bomb during World War I?
a. Sainte Gervais/Saint Protais
b. Saint Etienne
c. Saint Marcel
d. Saint Sulpice
47. What is a church which used to be in a field and is also one of the oldest in Paris?
a. Saint Germain des Pres
b. Saint Gervais/Saint Protais
c. Saint Julienne le Pauvre
d. Saint Eustache
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
48. What is the church which has sculptures of bulls on the towers?
a. Notre Dame de Paris
b. Notre Dame de la Vache
c. Notre Dame de Beauvais
d. Notre dame de Laon
49. What cahtedral would be considered the best example of High Gothic ?
a. Beauvais
b. Notre Dame de Paris
c. Chartres
d. Sainte Chapelle
50. What cathedral would be considered the best example of the flamboyant style of Gothic ?
a. Notre Dame de Chartres
b. Sainte Chapelle
c. Notre Dame de Laon
d. Milan Cathedral
51. What was the Italian Reaction to Gothic architecture?
a. it was considered ugly
b. It was built in brighter pink and green marble
c. it did not have gargoyles
d. All of the above
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
What was the first church to have Gothic architectural features?
What is the story of the site it is named after?
Who was in charge of this church and is responsible for the architecture?
Who is buried in this church?
What is the origin of the word “Gothic”?
1. Approximately how many workers were reported to work on a cathedral at one time?
2. What is the name of the skilled workers in france that cut stone, make stained glass and perform
other tasks?
3. What is the mythical origin of the gargoyle?
4. If a gargoyle doesn’t shoot out water from its mouth, what is it called?
5. What especially unusual figure is found on the roof of Notre Dame? Where does this figure
6. Who wrote a book on the mysteries of the cathedral of Notre Dame in the 1920’s and claimed it
was symbolic of alchemical knowledge?
7. What images do the doors of the cathedral contain?
What is the name of a gothic cathedral located just outside of Paris?
What sacred relic does this cathedral contain?
What style of architecture is the Western façade of the cathedral?
What style of architecture is the North tower?
What style of architecture is the South tower?
What is one of the oldest churches in Paris that is in both a Romanesque and a Gothic style?
When was this church constructed?
What is another one of the oldest churches in Paris that used t be in a field?
Who is presumed to be buried here?
What style is this church built in?
What happened to the surrounding structures?
Which cathedral has bulls on the towers instead of gargoyles?
Which cathedral is considered an example of High Gothic and collapsed several times?
What is the name for a style for Gothic tracery that looks like flames?
What country besides France considered Gothic to be their national style?
Who promoted the gothic style in his novel the Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Who restored Sainte Chapelle and Notre Dame Cathedral in the 1800’s?
What happened to Louis IX after his death?
What special holy relic is stored in Sainte Chapelle?
What was the purpose of the upper and lower chapels in Sainte Chapelle?
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
Write directly on the test and hand in at the end of class.
The Gothic Enterprise Part I
Chapter 1: What is the Gothic Enterprise?
1. When did the building of Gothic Cathedrals begin? Where was construction first begun? Why was
this area important for the birth of Gothic architecture?
2. How many churches were there? Give some statistics.
3. What was the first Gothic church? Where was it located? What was the character of churches that
followed? Were they exact copies?
The Gothic Enterprise Part I
Chapter 5 The Initial Vision
1. What was the cathedral used for that gave it special status?
2. What event gave the cathedral of Saint Denis and Abbott Suger a special status?
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
3. What did the Abby Church of Saint Denis symbolize?
Part III The Gothic Look
Chapter 7: What is the Gothic Look?
In order to get light into the interior of a Gothic church, what had to happen to the proportions
of the walls?
How did the flying buttresses work structurally?
What is one possible theory of where pointed arches came from according to Jean Bony?
Universe of Stone
Chapter I: The Isle Rises
1. What is the Marian Cult?
ARCHI 157: World Architecture History
2. What is the Sancta Camisa? What is its history and description? What powers is it believed to
3. What role did sacred relics play in the medieval church?
4. What was located underneath the cathedral of Chartres?
Universe of Stone
The Making of a Master
1. How did one progress from cutting stone to planning the great cathedrals?
2. What was freestone?
3. Did the master builders ever do any of the manual labor or physical work on the cathedrals
4. What type of skills did the master mason need to rise to the level of master builder in charge of
a project? What were his duties? Describe in some detail (Page 146-148)
5. How were contracts guaranteed against fraud?