5.) September 10, 2014 GDUI Special Board Meeting Minutes

GDUI Special Board Meeting Minutes
September 10, 2014
In attendance:
Penny Reeder-President: Will Burley-First Vice President: Maria Hansen-Second Vice President: Sarah
Calhoun-Secretary and Lynn Merrill-Treasurer.
Bob Acosta, Ann Chiappetta, Vickie Curley and Jane Sheehan
Pat Hill – Guide Dog School Liaison
Excused absence: Betsy Grenevitch – Director: Nolan Crabb – Paw Tracks Editor and Debbie Grubb –
Affiliate Liaison.
Unexcused absence: Laurie Mehta - Immediate Past President
Facilitator and guest: Pat Sheehan
President Penny Reeder opened the meeting with welcoming remarks.
The role call was taken by Sarah Calhoun.
President Reeder stated: Dianne Phelps submitted her resignation to the board as a director. We all wish
her well. We thank Dianne for her hard work she has done for GDUI and she is welcome to come back
anytime and volunteer for the organization.
Jane Sheehan made a motion to accept Dianne Phelps resignation. Seconded by Bob Acosta. Discussion
took place prior to voting by acclamation. Motion carried.
Maria Hansen stated: The number of board members has now gone from 12 to 11 members. We need 6
board members present to meet the required quorum.
Agenda item:
Bob Acosta made a motion to accept the agenda. Seconded by Will Burley. Discussion took place prior to
voting by acclamation. Motion carried.
Agenda item: Discussion of funding the rebuilding and moving of the Web Site.
Maria Hansen stated: The Budget and Finance Committee discussed two proposals, one from Webtrax
and the other from VotaIT. The proposal from Webtrax was missing a lot of information and incomplete.
The committee voted to suggest to the board approval of the VotaIT proposal, which would cover web
site redesign, hosting, maintenance, etc. The original quote was for $5,000.00, VotaIT gave us a 30%
discount bringing this onetime cost to $3,500.00,
We can accomplish the funding by moving some money in our current 2014 budget. We can take
$3,000.00 from the product purchase line item and $500.00 from the life member appreciation line
item, totaling the $3,500.00 needed for the cost.
We will ask Pair Network if we may receive a partial refund for the hosting fees we recently paid them.
Maria Hansen made a motion for the board to concur with the Budget and Finance Committee in
accepting the proposal from VotaIT to have them redesign, host and perform maintenance on GDUI’s
web site. GDUI will cover the cost of $3,500.00 by moving $3,000.00 from the product purchase line
item and $500.00 from the life member appreciation line item in the 2014 budget.
Seconded by Vickie Curley. Discussion took place prior to voting by acclamation.
Will Burley stated: It will take approximately six weeks to have the web site moved and redesigned. For
the new web host server, it will take a couple of days to propagate it, but after that we will be able to
set up Emails and list, even though the front end is being worked on. All board and committee members
will have working Email addresses with gdui.org. We will be able to have a blog, calendar of events as
well as other items.
Maria Hansen stated: Nolan Crabb suggested using Dream Host. Also, since we only sell
three products, maybe we can get a discount.
Will Burley stated: On our web site the shopping cart will be ours and is included in the cost.
The web hosting is with Dream Host. The difference in what Nolan Crabb suggested is that one is
a shared hosting. On VotaIT it is a virtual hosting, which gives you more resources. On the
shared host you are sharing it with thousands of other companies and you have limited band
width. On VotaIT we will have more space. That is the difference between the two.
President Reeder called the question. Motion carried.
Agenda item: Webmaster
Will Burley stated: VotaIT offers 3 different maintenance packages costing $1,200, $2,200 and
$3,500 per year. The $1,200 option (see details of the package below), is very reasonable and will meet
our needs for maintenance and serve as web master. If approved, Mr. Ted Rodefer will be GDUI’s new
web master.
Maria Hansen stated: Our current budget has an item for webmaster at $1,000. We will have to make
some adjustments in the current budget for the remaining $200.00.
Beginning of VotaIT web master proposal:
VotaIT - Web Print Media Maintenance Package.
BASIC SUPPORT & MANAGEMENT FOR an annual fee of $1,200.00.
• 10 hours per month of content updates. (i.e. existing wording, blog updates, etc.).
Our maintenance packages include the following services:
• Updating your site's software whenever new versions are released.
• Searching for stock images based upon your criteria. (Additional fees may
• Maintaining e-commerce programs (loading new products, adjusting product information, etc...).
• Adding e-mail/CMS accounts.
• Monitoring forums and comments, checking for spam.
• Proofreading provided content for typos and grammar errors.
• Posting new links and responding to webmaster e-mails.
• Emergency repairs due to hacker attacks.
• Keeping current backups.
• Monitoring Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools.
• Installing/configuring new plugins/software that extends the functionality of the website
• Installing/configuring new 3rd party plugins/software that extends the functionality of the website
(Additional fees may apply)
• Configuring new plugins/software and integrating them into the sites layout.
• Restoring website backups in the event of a failure.
Our maintenance services do not include:
• Redesign of the site, including changing any design elements.
• Logo creation.
• Advanced SEO services.
• Creation of subdomains or new installations.
• Changing of the template.
End of proposal.
Will Burley stated: I will work with Annie Chiappetta and the Publications Committee to develop a
protocol on contacting the webmaster with updates to content. We don’t want the webmaster to get
30 emails from various people. There needs to be certain people to work directly with the webmaster
on content updates.
Will Burley made a motion to accept the VotaIT webmaster package for an annual fee of $1,200.00.
Seconded by Jane Sheehan. Discussion took place prior to voting by acclamation. Motion carried.
Agenda item: Acceptance of minutes.
Sarah Calhoun made a motion to accept the August 29, 2014 special board meeting minutes.
President Reeder asked if there were any additions or correction. Hearing none, the minutes were
Agenda item: Drop Box account.
Jane Sheehan made a motion to purchase a Drop Box Pro account for 2 months, which will cost $9.99
per month. We will get the account in time for the fall edition of Paw Tracks. Since GDUI does not have a
credit card, Penny Reeder will use her credit card to purchase the Drop Box Pro account for two months.
GDUI will reimburse Penny Reeder.
Seconded by Vickie Curley. Discussion took place prior to voting by acclamation. Motion carried.
Will Burley will set up the Drop Box Pro account.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Sarah Calhoun, GDUI Secretary