January 15th, 2015

SSN Minutes January 15, 2015
General Meeting
SERF 232 12:00-12:50
Attendance approximately 22
Submitted by Kim Kane
News & Announcements (15 mins)
Executive Board (EB) updates
- Meeting update (Sasha)
- Career Connections offer career development on campus
- The EB has been reviewing their 1st year goals
Membership (Brian)
The goal for the first year is to have 50 members we are about half way there. Brian
encouraged members to bring a friend to the next meeting. The goal for the list serv is
to have 100 subscribers, and we currently have 67.
Flyers about the SSN are being created for members to post in their work areas and
around campus to help get the word out about the group.
Events (Jen)
Members chose the events that they wanted the group to have this year, including
worm composting at the March meeting, a speaker from SDGE, tour of a green
building(s) on campus, and tabling during Earth Week, could we also host a plant sale to
raise money for SSN? Once scheduled, Jen will reach out to members to volunteer at
these events.
Upcoming campus event (Mark)
Mark encouraged members to look into The Green Office Program, a way to encourage
staff to green their work spaces and get their offices certified. Work with student interns
who help with the process and provide a report at the end of the process.
Life Science Sustainability Fair is scheduled for 3/11/15. Find out about alternative green
products in the lab. Anyone can attend, but the focus is for researchers on campus. The
SSN may have a table there. More information will be available once details are
Communications position open
Katherine Hang the EB Member at Large has volunteered to fill-in until the next election.
Staff Project: Call for entries (Brian & Jen) (5 Mins)
One staff project will be funded this year. The project should take place on campus and
must be complete by June 30, 2016. Based on the money received from membership
dues, the SSN will fund one project and be looking for other revenue streams.
Applicants will need to pitch their project at the next SSN meeting to attendees.
Selection of the project to fund will consist of two members of the SSN EB and three
dues paying SSN members, who do not have a staff project to be considered.
Application, guidelines and timeline will be coming soon and sent to all members and
will be posted on the SSN website.
UCSD Green Building Tour report (15 mins)
Sasha attended the campus green building tour and provided slides of some of the
buildings showcased. Boone Hellmann led the tour and previously held the position of
campus architect. UCSD has committed to 20% over the CA Building Code Title 24
standards when constructing new building on campus.
Working groups (10 mins)
The SSN encourages staff to create working groups on sustainable topics that interest
Currently members are in the process of creating two working groups and Zero Waste
was mentioned as potentially a third group.
Valerie has initiated the Climate Change working group and is looking for volunteers.
The group will be working on a carbon reduction pledge, and creating a carbon neutral
presentation for outreach to staff on campus.
Paul is a member of Bike SD and is creating a Transportation working group. He is also
looking for volunteers to help.
Sara McKinstry the campus Sustainability Manager, will be a consultant to the working
Working groups will be listed on the SSN website and contain contact information.
Iris Magid is heading up the Zero Waste working group.
Open member forum (5 mins)
Fungus Fair in February, more information will be posted on the SSN website soon.