Name: ______________________________________________________Date:____________________ Chapter 12: Principles of Hair Design Terms Definitions A hairstyle with only one line such as the one-length hairstyle. Area that the hairstyle occupies; also thought of as the area inside the form. Curving inward. Curving outward. Establishing equal or appropriate proportions to create symmetry. In hairstyling, it signifies the proper degree of height to width. Hairstyle design that features unequal proportions designed to balance facial features. Hairstyle design that is similar on both sides of the face. Harmonious relationship among parts or things, or the comparative relation of one thing to another. Horizontal and vertical lines that meet at a 90 degree angle. Lines on an angle, used to soften a design. Lines parallel to the floor or horizon; creates width in design. Lines positioned between horizontal and vertical lines. Lines that are straight up and down; creates length and height in hair design. Neither convex nor concave. Orderly and pleasing arrangement of shapes and lines. Outline of the face, head, or figure seen in a side view. Outline of the overall hairstyle as seen from all angles. Regular, recurrent pattern of movement in a hairstyle. Repeating lines in a hairstyle; may be straight or curved. The place in a hairstyle where the eye is drawn first before traveling to the rest of the design. Triangular section that begins at the apex, or high point of the head, and ends at the front corners; fringe. Usually curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines. Wave pattern. WORD BANK: single lines contrasting lines form space curved lines rhythm concave profile horizontal lines parallel lines convex profile diagonal lines emphasis or focus balance vertical lines bang area/fringe asymmetrical balance straight profile transitional lines symmetrical balance harmony design texture proportion profile ANSWER KEY: Chapter 12: Principles of Hair Design Terms Definitions single lines A hairstyle with only one line such as the one-length hairstyle. space Area that the hairstyle occupies; also thought of as the area inside the form. concave profile Curving inward. convex profile curving outward balance Establishing equal or appropriate proportions to create symmetry. In hairstyling, it signifies the proper degree of height to width. asymmetrical balance Hairstyle design that features unequal proportions designed to balance facial features. symmetrical balance Hairstyle design that is similar on both sides of the face. proportion Harmonious relationship among parts or things, or the comparative relation of one thing to another. contrasting lines Horizontal and vertical lines that meet at a 90 degree angle. curved lines Lines on an angle, used to soften a design. horizontal lines Lines parallel to the floor or horizon; creates width in design. diagonal lines Lines positioned between horizontal and vertical lines. vertical lines Lines that are straight up and down; creates length and height in hair design. straight profile Neither convex nor concave. harmony Orderly and pleasing arrangement of shapes and lines. profile Outline of the face, head, or figure seen in a side view. form Outline of the overall hairstyle as seen from all angles. rhythm Regular, recurrent pattern of movement in a hairstyle. parallel lines Repeating lines in a hairstyle; may be straight or curved. emphasis or focus The place in a hairstyle where the eye is drawn first before traveling to the rest of the design. bang area/fringe Triangular section that begins at the apex, or high point of the head, and ends at the front corners; fringe. transitional lines Usually curved lines that are used to blend and soften horizontal or vertical lines. design texture Wave pattern.