Dear Parents of Little Lambs, Enclosed please find a registration form for the 2015-2016 school year to be filled out and returned with your registration fee as soon as possible. This will ensure a place for your child for September placement. If you have a preference for a certain session, please return the papers quickly because placement is on a firstcome/first-served basis. Please note on the registration form the many options available to your student. We will attempt to accommodate your wishes as much as we are able, but please know that these offerings are subject to enrollment. We will contact you as soon as possible if we need to withdraw any of these programs. God bless you. Sincerely yours, Val Wojnicki Director 2015-2016 REGISTRATION FORM ST. MARY’S LITTLE LAMBS PRESCHOOL CHILD’S NAME _______________________________ (Please print clearly) DATE OF BIRTH ____________ Male____ Female ____ FATHER’S NAME __________________ OCCUPATION________________________ MOTHER’S NAME _________________ OCCUPATION ________________________ MAILING ADDRESS ________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Zip __________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ___________________________________________ HOME PHONE NUMBER _________________________________ MOTHER’S CELL PHONE NUMBER _________________________________ FATHER’S CELL PHONE NUMBER _________________________________ OTHER CHILDREN AT HOME (names, ages, relation) ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contacts (names and phone numbers): Local ____________________________________________________ Name Phone Cell Phone Other ____________________________________________________ Name Phone Cell Phone Signature ______________________________ For Office Use Only: Date Received _______________ 1st Time Registration Fee $50 _________ Returning Year Registration Fee $35 _________ Class Assignment __________ For Archdiocesan census purposes only, please indicate the following: 1. ________ Catholic or ________ Non-Catholic 2. ______American Indian ______Asian _____ Black ______ Hispanic ______Pacific Islander ______ White _______ Multiracial BACKGROUND INFORMATION Does your child have any allergies to food? __________________________________________ Other allergies? _________________________________________________ Does your child have any health problems that we should be aware of? ___________________ Please explain __________________________________________________________ Is there anything else you would like us to know about your child? vision, hearing, speech, eating problems, unusual abilities or disabilities? Is your child receiving any Early Intervention or services? Does your child have any special interests? _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ AUTHORIZATIONS EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION I hereby give consent to the school to have medical or surgical treatment of an emergency nature given to my child or children while at school or under my care as school personnel. I understand that every effort will be made to notify me as soon as possible. Child’s Physician: Name __________________________________ Office Phone ____________ Emergency Hospital Preference _______________________________ _______________________________ Parent/Guardian CLASS LISTS St. Mary’s Little Lambs Preschool distributes a class list that is furnished to all families in that class. The list includes address, home phone and e-mail address. I authorize release of this information to other class members. __________________________________ Parent/Guardian PHOTO RELEASE I understand that occasionally St. Mary’s Preschool functions and programs are covered by local news agencies. In addition, photos may appear in the St. Mary’s Church weekly bulletin and on the school web site. Last names will never be used in print to identify your child in a picture. For safety reasons, no photos of the children will be placed on Facebook. St. Mary’s Preschool has my permission to release pictures of my child for the reasons mentioned above. ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian ST. MARY’S LITTLE LAMBS PRESCHOOL Programs for Three-Year Olds Your child must be 3 by December 1, 2015. Days Time Monthly Fee Morning _________________ Tuesday, Thursday 9:00-11:30 $145.00 monthly Afternoon _________________ Tuesday, Thursday 12:00-2:30 $145.00 monthly Programs for Four-Year Olds Your child must be 4 by December 1, 2015. Days Mornings ________________ Time Monthly Fee Mon., Wed., Fri. 9:00 - 11:30 $170.00 monthly Afternoon _________________ Mon., Wed., Fri. 12:00 - 2:30 $170.00 monthly Mornings _________________ Monday through Friday 9:00 - 11:30 $300.00 monthly Afternoon _________________ Monday through Friday 12:00 – 2:30 $300.00 monthly _________________ Mon., Wed., Friday 9:00 – 2:30 $310.00 monthly Kindergarten Enriched Program Your child must be 5 by December 1, 2015. Days Mornings ________________ Mon., Wed., Fri. Afternoon ___________________Mon., Wed., Fri. Time 9:00-12:30 12:00– 2:30pm Monthly Fee $175.00 monthly $175.00 monthly ST. MARY’S LITTLE LAMBS PRESCHOOL FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. Registration Fee: A $50 fee is payable upon registration. This fee is non-refundable and will apply to a first time registration at our school. Subsequent years for the same child will be a $35.00 registration fee. All registration fees include an activity fee. 2. Security Tuition: One month’s tuition is payable by July 1, 2015. Please note that this security tuition will be applied to the June 2016 tuition. If a student withdraws from the program any time up to October 10th, a refund will be prorated, and that amount will be refunded. After October 10th, the security tuition will not be refunded. 3. Monthly Tuition: Monthly payments are due by the first of each month. The monthly tuition will not be prorated due to illness, holidays, snow days, vacations or cancellations. All checks are made payable to: St. Mary’s Church 3-year old Program (2 half days A.M. or P.M.) 4-year old Program (3 half days A.M. or P.M.) 4-year old Program (5 half days A.M. or P.M.) 4-year old Program (3 full days) Kindergarten Enriched (3 half days am/pm) $145.00 per month $170.00 per month $300.00 per month $310.00 per month $175.00 per month If you have a special concern about your child’s placement, please speak to the Director, Valerie Wojnicki. 4. Returned checks: All returned checks are subject to the service charge as indicated by our bank. WITHDRAWAL POLICY St. Mary’s Little Lambs Preschool reserves the right to remove a child from the program when tuition payments are delinquent by two months. If you are experiencing difficulty with the tuition payments, please bring that to the attention of the Director. I have read and understand the above Financial Information and Withdrawal Policy. This agreement is made on ______________________ between St. Mary’s Little (date) Lambs Preschool and_____________________________________________. (Please Print) (Parent/Guardian) ________________________________ Parent ________________________________ Director