JOHN W - University of Pittsburgh

Books Edited
Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (Eds.). (2010). Computer synthesized speech technologies: Tools for aiding
impairment. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.
Branche, J., Mullennix, J.W., & Cohn, E.R. (2007). Diversity across the curriculum: A guide for faculty in higher
education. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Johnson, K.A., & Mullennix, J.W. (1997). Talker variability in speech processing. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Book Chapters
Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (2010). Attitudes toward computer synthesized speech. In J.W. Mullennix and S.E.
Stern (Eds.), Computer synthesized speech technologies: Tools for aiding impairment (pp. 205-218).
Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Davis-Fortier, A. & Steinhauser, L. (2010). Stereotypes of people with physical
disabilities and speech impairments as detected by partially structured attitude measures. In J.W. Mullennix
and S.E. Stern (Eds.), Computer synthesized speech technologies: Tools for aiding impairment (pp. 219-232).
Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.
Mullennix, J.W. (2009). Memory for emotional tone. In K. Izdebski (Ed.), Emotions of the human voice: Volume III:
Culture and perception (pp. 35-47). San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing.
Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (2008). Computer mediated speech technology; Perceptions of synthetic speech; and
attitudes toward disabled users. In S. Kelsey & K. St. Amant (Eds.), Handbook of research on computer
mediated communication (pp. 831-844). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.
Cohn, E.R., & Mullennix, J.W. (2007). Diversity as an integral component to college curricula. In Branche, J.,
Mullennix, J.W., & Cohn, E.R. (Eds.), Diversity across the curriculum: a guide for faculty in higher
education (pp. 11-17). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Mullennix, J.W. (2007). Transformation of a course on history and systems in psychology. In Branche, J., Mullennix,
J.W., & Cohn, E.R. (Eds.), Diversity across the curriculum: a guide for faculty in higher education (pp. 241246). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Kessler, B., Treiman, R., & Mullennix, J. (2007). Feedback consistency effects in single-word reading. In E.L.
Grigorenko & A.J. Naples (Eds.), Single-word reading: Behavioral and biological perspectives (pp. 159174). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Mullennix, J.W. (2005). The perceptual processing of emotional tone of voice. In A.V. Clark (Ed.), Psychology of
moods (pp. 123-139). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Johnson, K.A., & Mullennix, J.W. (1997). Complex representations used in speech processing: Overview. In K.A.
Johnson and J.W. Mullennix (Eds.), Talker variability and speech processing (pp. 1-8). San Diego, CA:
Academic Press.
Mullennix, J.W. (1997). On the nature of perceptual adjustments to voice. In K.A. Johnson and J.W. Mullennix (Eds.),
Talker variability and speech processing (pp. 67-83). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Ralston, J.V., Pisoni, D.B., & Mullennix, J.W. (1995). Perception and comprehension of speech. In A. Syrdal, R.
Bennett, and S. Greenspan (Eds.), Applied speech technology (pp. 233-285). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Mullennix, J.W., & Pisoni, D.B. (1989). Speech perception: Analysis of biologically significant signals. In R.J.
Dooling & S.H. Hulse (Eds.), The comparative psychology of audition: Perceiving complex sounds .
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Papers Published (peer-reviewed)
Mullennix, J.W., Varmecky, A., Chan, C., Mickey, Z., & Polaski-Hoffman, L. (in press). The effect of color on
automaticity of aesthetic judgments. Empirical Studies of the Arts.
Majocha, K.L., & Mullennix, J. W. (2015). Shades of gray: An interdisciplinary approach to a constructive
understanding of diversity in the communication classroom. Qualitative Research Reports in
Communication, 16(1), 29-37.
Mullennix, J.W., Wagner, N., Hetrick, B., Malloy, N., Jerome, R., & Schminkey, M. (2015). Preference for
visual art as a function of cognitive effort. North American Journal of Psychology, 17(3), 433-448.
Mullennix, J.W., Fallier, C.L., & Mansueto, K.M. (2013). Flexible cognitive control and preferences for artistic
photographs. Psychology Research, 3(8), 425-438.
Mullennix, J.W., Foytik, L.R., Chan, C.H., Dragun, B.R., Maloney, M., & Polaski, L. (2013). Automaticity and
the processing of artistic photographs. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 31(2), 145-171.
Mullennix, J.W., Ross, A. Smith, C., Kuykendall, K., Conard, J., & Barb, S. (2011). Typicality effects on
memory for voice: Implications for earwitness testimony. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 25, 29-34.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Grounds, B., Kalas, R., Flaherty, M., Kowalok, S., May, E., & Tessmer, B. (2010).
Earwitness memory: Distortions for voice pitch and speaking rate. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, 513526.
Stern, S.E., Dumont, M., Mullennix, J.W., & Winters, M.L. (2007). Positive prejudice towards disabled persons using
synthesized speech: Does the effect persist across contexts? Language and Social Psychology, 26, 363-380.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Corneille, O., & Huart, J. (2007). Distortions in the memory of the pitch of speech.
Experimental Psychology, 54, 148-160.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2006). Persuasion and social perception of human vs. synthetic voice
across person as source and computer as source. International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 64, 4352.
Stern, S.E., & Mullennix, J.W. (2004). Sex differences in persuadability for human and computer/synthesized speech:
meta-analysis of seven studies. Psychological Reports, 94, 1283-1292.
Mullennix, J.W., Kilbey, M.M., Fisicaro, S.A., Farnsworth, L.M., & Torrento, R. (2003). The representation of
smoking expectancies by single-word adjectives. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 5, 681-694.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Wilson, S.J., & Dyson, C. (2003). Social perception of male and female computer
synthesized speech. Computers in Human Behavior, 19, 407-424.
Kessler, B., Treiman, R., & Mullennix, J. (2002). Phonetic biases in voice key response time measurements. Journal
of Memory and Language, 47, 145-171.
Mullennix, J.W., Bihon, T., Bricklemyer, J., Gaston, J., & Keener, J.M. (2002). Effects of variation in emotion and
talker on speech perception. Language and Speech, 45, 255-283.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., & Wilson, S.J. (2002). Effects of perceived disability on persuasiveness of computer
synthesized speech. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 411-417.
Mullennix, J.W., Farnsworth, L.M., Harshaw, T., Bittle, J., & Evanitz, M. (2000). Effects of speaker variability and
phoneme location on speech perception. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 91, 299-310.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Dyson, C., and Wilson, S. (1999). The persuasiveness of synthetic speech versus human
speech. Human Factors, 41, 588-595.
Mullennix, J.W., & Howe, J. N. (1999). Selective attention in perceptual adjustments to voice. Perceptual and Motor
Skills, 89, 447-457.
Mullennix, J.W., Johnson, K.A., Topcu-Durgun, M., & Farnsworth, L.M. (1995). The perceptual representation of
voice gender. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 98, 3080-3095.
Treiman, R., Mullennix, J.W., Bijeljac-Babic, R., & Richmond-Welty, D. (1995). The special role of rimes in the
description, use, and acquisition of English orthography. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 124,
Jusczyk, P.W., Pisoni, D.B., & Mullennix, J.W. (1992). Some consequences of stimulus variability on speech
processing by 2-month-old infants. Cognition, 43, 253-291.
Mullennix, J.W., Sawusch, J.R., & Garrison, L. (1992). Automaticity and the detection of speech. Memory and
Cognition, 20, 40-50.
Ralston, J.V., Pisoni, D.B., Lively, S.E., Greene, B.G., & Mullennix, J.W. (1991). Comprehension of synthetic speech
produced by rule: Word monitoring and sentence-by-sentence listening times. Human Factors, 33, 471-491.
Connine, C.M., Mullennix, J.W., Shernoff, E., & Yelen, J. (1990). Word familiarity and frequency in visual and
auditory word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16,
Mullennix, J.W., & Pisoni, D.B. (1990). Stimulus variability and processing dependencies in speech perception.
Perception and Psychophysics, 47, 379-390.
Martin, C.S. Mullennix, J.W., Pisoni, D.B., & Summers, Walter V. (1989). Effects of talker variability on recall of
spoken word lists. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 15, 676-684.
Mullennix, J.W., Pisoni, D.B., & Martin, C.S. (1989). Some effects of talker variability on spoken word recognition.
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 85, 365-378.
Tomiak, G.R., Mullennix, J.W., & Sawusch, J.R. (1987). Integral processing of phonemes: Evidence for a phonetic
mode of perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 81, 755-764.
Sawusch, J.R., & Mullennix, J.W. (1985). When selective adaptation and contrast effects are distinct: a reply to Diehl,
Kleunder, and Parker. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 11, 242250.
Papers/Abstracts Published (non-peer reviewed)
Mullennix, J.W. (2014). Automaticity, cognitive effort, and preference for visual art. In A. Kotzbelt (Ed.), Twentythird Biennial Congress of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (pp. 539-544). New York,
Kilbey, M.M., Mullennix, J.W., Fisicaro, S., Farnsworth, L., Topcu, M., & Torrento, R. (2000). Cognitive descriptors
predict nicotine dependence. Problems of Drug Dependence 1999, L.S. Harris (ed), NIH Publication No. 004737, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., p. 198.
Kilbey, M.M., Fisicaro, S., Mullennix, J.W., & Torrento, R. (2000). Smoking, nicotine dependence, and quitting in
young women: Implications for treatment. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 60 (Suppl. 1), S111.
Alessi, S.M., Kilbey, M., & Mullennix, J. (1999). Smoking and cognition in young adults. Problems of Drug
Dependence 1998, L.S. Harris (ed), NIH Publication No. 99-4395, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, D.C., p. 204.
Mullennix, J., Farnsworth, L., Torrento, R., Fisicaro, S., & Kilbey, M. (1999). Cognitive descriptors of smoking
outcomes. Problems of Drug Dependence 1998, L.S. Harris (ed), NIH Publication No. 99-4395, U.S.
Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., p. 89.
Kilbey, M., Mullennix, J., Fisicaro, S., Torrento, R., & Farnsworth, L. (1998). Drug outcome expectance prediction of
use, abuse, and dependence. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 61, 152.
Mullennix, J.W. (1995). Review of "Thinking in Sound: The cognitive psychology of audition." Contemporary
Psychology, 40, 30-31.
Mullennix, J.W., & Gates, S.F.A. (1990). Postaccess effects of word frequency and word familiarity – further
assessments. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28(6), 514.
Mullennix, J.W., & Pisoni, D.B. (1988). Detailing the nature of talker normalization in speech perception. Research
on Speech Perception Progress Report No. 14. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University.
Mullennix, J.W., Pisoni, D.B., & Goldinger, S.D. (1988). Some effects of time-varying context on the perception of
speech and nonspeech sounds. Research on Speech Perception Progress Report No. 14. Bloomington, IN:
Indiana University.
Mullennix, J.W. (1985). Attentional limitations in the perception of speech: A preliminary report. Speech Research
Status Report No. 2, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Sawusch, J.R., Opie, J., & Mullennix, J.W. (1985). Sex differences in dichotic listening: It's all in the voice. Speech
Research Status Report No. 2, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
Conference Presentations and Papers
Varmecky, A., & Mullennix, J.W. (2015). The effects of false color on judgments of artistic photographs. Presented at
the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 2015, Philadelphia PA.
Mullennix, J.W., Fallier, C., Malloy, N., Wagner, N., Albert, C., & Hetrick, B. (2014). Preference for visual art as a
function of cognitive effort. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological
Association, March 2014, Boston MA.
Majocha, K.L., & Mullennix, J.W. (2013). He called her a bimbo!: Creative solutions that teach students to
constructively understand diversity in the basic course. Paper presented at the 2013 Meeting of the
National Communication Association, November 2013, Washington D.C. (selected as a “Top Panel”
presentation for the conference).
Mullennix, J.W., Chan, C., Mickey, Z., & Polaski, L. (2013). Color as an added dimension in aesthetic processing of
photographs. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Psychological Science, May 2013,
Washington D.C.
Mullennix, J.W., Chan, C., Polaski, L., & Mickey, Z. (2013). The influence of color on the processing of artistic
photographs. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, New York
City, NY.
Mullennix, J.W., Foytik, L., & Pipchok, L. (2012). Viewer perceptions of black and white photographs. Paper
presented at the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 2012, Pittsburgh PA.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Stienstra, K., Wiley, E., Rohrabaugh, M., & Hassett, M. (2012). Pauses in speaking
disabled users of synthesized speech enhances level of credibility. Paper presented at the 2012 Annual
Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March 2012, Pittsburgh PA.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Boehm, C., Guiher, M., Mitchell, D., Rohrabaugh, M., Stienstra, K., & Wiley, E. (2011).
Effects of gender on earwitness testimony. Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Convention of the Association
of Psychological Science, May 2011, Washington D.C.
Stern, S., Mullennix, J., Grounds, B., Kalas, R., & Reilly, L. (2011). Auditory weapon focus effect: Examination
of high and low pitch voice in a crime scenario. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Society for
Personality and Social Psychology, San Antonio, TX, January 2011.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Grounds, B., & Kalas, R. (2010). Auditory weapon focus effect: Voice is
remembered better when weapon is present. Paper presented at the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, March, 2010, New York City, NY.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Fetsko, M., Reilly, L., Grounds, B., & Kalas, R. (2009). Similarity spaces of synthesized
voices varying in pitch and speaking rate. Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, March, 2009, Pittsburgh PA.
Grounds, B., Kalas, R., Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (2009). Using synthetic voices as foils in earwitness lineups.
Paper presented at the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, March, 2009,
Pittsburgh PA.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Grounds, B., Kalas, R., May, E., & Tessmer, B. (2008). Memory distortions for speaking
rate of speech. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the American Psychological Society,
Chicago IL, May, 2008.
Stern, S. E., Mullennix, J.W., Grounds, B., Kalas, R., May, E., & Tessmer, B. (2008). Implicit attitudes toward physical
and speech disability as measured by partially structured attitude measures. Paper presented at the 20th Annual
Conference of the American Psychological Society, Chicago IL, May, 2008.
Stern, S., Mullennix, J., Flaherty, M., Grounds, B., Hutchison, E., & Steinhauser, E. (2008). Stereotypes of physically
and speech disabled persons as detected with partially structured attitude measures. Paper presented at the
XXIX International Congress of Psychology Conference, July, 2008, Berlin.
Stern, S. E., Mullennix, J. W., Steinhauser, E. F., Horvath, D., & Flaherty, M. (2007). Partially structured attitude
measures used to examine stereotypes of the disabled. Paper presented at the Society for Personality and
Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Memphis, TN, January 2007.
Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (2006). Attitudes toward speech disabled users of synthetic speech. Paper presented at
the Workshop for New Directions in Speech Perception and Spoken Word Recognition, Indiana University,
Bloomington, IN, Oct., 2006
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Davis, A., Horvath, D., Corneille, O., & Huart, J. (2006). Memory accentuation for pitch
of voice: Does the effect hold for extremes? Paper presented at the 76th Annual Meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, March, 2006, Baltimore MD.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Corneille, O., Huart, J., Casey, M., Davis, A., Mahdavi, A., & Steinhauser, L. (2006).
Memory distortion for pitch of male vs. female voices. Paper presented at the 2006 Social Cognition
Preconference of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA,
January, 2006.
Mullennix, J.W. (2005). Memory for emotional tone of voice. Paper presented (videotaped presentation) at the XV
Annual Pacific Voice Conference and First International Pacific Voice & Speech Foundation / PIXAR
Animation Studios Conference on Voice Quality and Emotions, Emeryville, CA, March, 2005.
Mullennix, J.W., Pivirotto, L., Kilbey, M.M., & Fisicaro, S.A. (2005). Stroop effects for words representing cognitive
expectancies for smoking. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association conference, Chicago, IL, May, 2005.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Cornielle, O., & Huart, J. (2005). Gender differences in memory for speech rate. Paper
presented at the 17th Annual American Psychological Society conference, Los Angeles, CA, May, 2005.
Ross, A., Smith, C., & Mullennix, J.W. (2005). Do voice typicality ratings predict confusions for voice memory?
Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association conference, Chicago, IL,
May, 2005.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Dumont, M., & Yaroslavsky, I. (2005). Social perceptions of disabled and non-disabled
users of synthetic speech: Evidence for positive prejudice and Black Sheep effects. Paper presented at the
Conference on Group Processes in Computer-Supported Interaction: Technological and Social Determinism,
Oxford, OH, April, 2005.
Yaroslavsky, I., Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (2005). Positive prejudice toward disabled synthetic speech users
persists for externally attributable factor. Paper presented at the 17th Annual American Psychological Society
conference, Los Angeles, CA, May, 2005.
Mullennix, J.W., Ross, A., Socha, J., Kocsis, J.J., & Shawley, N. (2004). Evidence for male and female voice
prototypes. Paper presented at the 16th Annual American Psychological Society Meeting, May, 2004,
Chicago, IL.
Stern, S.E., Corneille, O., Huart, J., & Mullennix, J.W. (2004). Memory accentuation effects for the pitch and speed of
speech. Paper presented at the Annual Belgian Psychological Society Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, May 2004.
Kocsis, J., and Mullennix, J.W. (2004). Typicality, familiarity, and distinctiveness ratings of male voices for
understanding memory classification. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Association, April, 2004, Washington, D.C.
Yaroslavsky, I., Stern, S.E., & Mullennix, J.W. (2004). Perception of computer synthesized speech from human versus
computer sources. Paper presented at the 74th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,
April, 2004, Washington, D.C.
Mullennix, J.W., & Stern, S.E. (2003). The persuasiveness of computer synthesized speech. Paper presented at the 2 nd
Annual Computer Supported Social Interaction Conference, Oxford, OH, April, 2003.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., Winters, M.L., Martin, S.J., & Moore, L.C. (2003). Factors affecting perceptions of
computer-synthesized speech. Paper presented at the 73 rd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological
Association, March, 2003, Baltimore, MD.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Brumbaugh, E.L., Martin, S.J., & Winters, M.L. (2002). Trust and the use of computer
synthesized speech. Paper presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology,
Nov., 2002, Kansas City, MO.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Winters, L., Brumbaugh, E.L., & Moore, L. (2002). Mitigating and exacerbating negative
perceptions of computer synthesized speech. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Convention of the American
Psychological Society, June, 2002, New Orleans, LA.
Spisak, B., Mullennix, J.W., Moro, K., Will, J., & Farnsworth, L.M. (2002). Typicality ratings of male and female
voices. Paper presented at the 143rd Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, June,
Mullennix, J.W., Mascilli, M., Moxim, E., Schmadel, J., Spisak, B., & Zatorsky, J. (2002). The encoding of emotional
tone of voice into episodic memory for speech. Paper presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May, 2002.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., & Wilson, S.J. (2001). The persuasiveness of computer synthesized speech. Paper
presented at the British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section Annual Conference 2001, Surrey,
UK, July, 2001.
Gaston, J., & Mullennix, J.W. (2001). Variation in voice and emotion and recognition memory. Paper presented at the
72nd Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., April, 2001.
Mullennix, J.W., Gaston, J., & Keener, J.M. (2000). Recognition memory for voice and emotion. Paper presented at
the 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD, March, 2000.
Mullennix, J.W., Stern, S.E., Dyson, C., & Wilson, S.J. (2000). Persuasiveness of male and female computer
synthesized voice. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,
Baltimore, MD, March, 2000.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., & Wilson, S.J. (2000). Persuasiveness of disabled and non-disabled users of computer
synthesized voice. Paper presented at the 71st Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association,
Baltimore, MD, March, 2000.
Kilbey, M.M., Mullennix, J.W., Fisicaro, S., Farnsworth, L., Topcu, M., & Torrento, R. (1999). Cognitive descriptors
predict nicotine dependence. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on
Problems of Drug Dependence, Acapulco, Mexico, June, 1999.
Kilbey, M.M., Mullennix, J.W., Fisicaro, S., Torrento, R., Farnsworth, L., & Topcu, M. (1999). Factor structure of
smoking related words. Paper presented at the 107th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, Boston, MA, August, 1999.
Kilbey, M.M., Fisicaro, S., Mullennix, J., & Torrento, R. (1999). Smoking patterns, nicotine dependence, and quitting
in young women. Paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association,
Atlanta, GA, March, 1999.
Mullennix, J.W. (1999). Processing demands of perceptual adjustments to emotion. Paper presented at the 107 th
Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 1999.
Alessi, S.M., Kilbey, M., & Mullennix, J. (1998). Smoking and cognition in young adults. Paper presented at the 60th
Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ, June, 1998.
Kilbey, M., Mullennix, J., Fisicaro, S., Torrento, R., & Farnsworth, L. (1998). Drug outcome expectance prediction of
use, abuse, and dependence. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological
Association, August, San Francisco, CA.
Mullennix, J.W., Ansell, P., Bowery, R., Bracken, J., & Krause, A. (1998).
Effects of emotional tone variability
and talker variability on speech perception. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the American
Psychological Society, Washington D.C., May, 1998.
Mullennix, J., Farnsworth, L., Torrento, R., Fisicaro, S., & Kilbey, M. (1998). Cognitive descriptors of smoking
outcomes. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Scientific Meeting of the College on Problems of Drug
Dependence, Scottsdale, AZ, June, 1998.
Mullennix, J.W., Mateljan, K., & Payne, D. (1998). Effects of mismatches in talker and emotion on speech perception.
Paper presented at the 136th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Norfolk, VA, Oct., 1998.
Stern, S.E., Mullennix, J.W., & Evanitz, M. (1998). Effects of natural synthesized speech on reactions to
strong arguments. Paper to be presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society,
Washington D.C., May, 1998.
Mullennix, J.W., Farnsworth, L.M., Harshaw, T., & Inman, J. (1996). The effects of talker variability and positional
phoneme uncertainty on speech perception. Paper presented at the 37th annual meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Nov. 1996, Chicago, IL.
Topcu, M., Mullennix, J.W., Bakalis, T., Stauch, M., & Tracjevski, T. (1996). Talker variability effects on spoken
word recall: Encoding or rehearsal? Paper presented at the 131st meeting of the Acoustical Society of
America, Indianapolis, IN.
Farnsworth, L.M., & Mullennix, J.W. (1995). The effects of talker variability across CV and VC contexts. Paper
presented at the 129th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America,Washington D.C., May, 1995.
Howe, J., & Mullennix, J.W. (1994a). Recognition memory for voice and auditory intensity. Paper presented at the
1994 meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, May, 1994.
Howe, J., & Mullennix, J.W. (1994b). Recognition memory for voice and auditory intensity. Paper presented at the
35th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis Missouri, Nov.,1994.
Mullennix, J.W., & Howe, J. (1993). Auditory memory and voice perception. Paper presented at the 34th annual
meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Nov., 1993, Washington D.C.
Treiman, R., Mullennix, J.W., & Bijeljac-Babic, R. (1993). Spelling-sound relations in English and their effects on
reading. Paper presented at the 34th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Nov., 1993, Washington
Mullennix, J.W., Dudzinski, R., Farnsworth, L., Gorday, K., & Webb, M. (1993). The perceptual processing of
synthetic human voices. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society,
June, 1993, Chicago IL.
Topcu-Durgun, M., & Mullennix, J.W. (1993). The effects of a continuous distractor task on encoding voices into
memory. Paper presented at the 1993 meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL,
May, 1993.
Mullennix, J.W., Stasevich, A., Smilanetz, S., & Wade, C. (1992). The role of production factors on frequency and
familiarity effects in word naming. Paper presented at the 1992 meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, IL, April, 1992.
Mullennix, J.W., Johnson, K.A., & Topcu, M. (1991). Context effects in the perception of personal information in the
speech signal. Paper presented at the 121st meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Baltimore, MD,
May, 1991.
Mullennix, J.W., & Gates, S.F.A. (1990). Postaccess effects of word frequency and word familiarity: Further
assessments. Paper presented at the 31st annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA,
Nov, 1990.
Mullennix, J.W., & Pisoni, D.B. (1989). Detailing the nature of talker variability effects in speech perception. Paper
presented at the 117th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Syracuse, NY, May, 1989.
Ralston, J.V., Mullennix, J.W., Greene, B.G., & Lively, S.E. (1989). On-line measures of comprehension of natural
and synthetic speech. Paper presented at the 117th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Syracuse,
NY, May, 1989.
Ralston, J.V., Mullennix, J.W., Lively, S.E., Greene, B.G., & Pisoni, D.B. (1989). Comprehension of natural and
synthetic speech. Paper presented at the 118th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, St. Louis, MO,
November, 1989.
Connine, C., & Mullennix, J.W. (1988). Word familiarity and frequency in visual and auditory word recognition.
Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Chicago, IL, November, 1988.
Martin, C.S., & Mullennix, J.W. (1987). Effects of talker uncertainty II. Encoding speech into memory. Paper
presented at the 113th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, May, 1987.
Mullennix, J.W., Pisoni, D.B., & Martin, C.S. (1987). Effects of talker uncertainty I: Auditory word recognition.
Paper presented at the 113th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Indianapolis, IN, May, 1987.
Mullennix, J.W. (1985). The role of attention in selective adaptation of place. Paper presented at the 110th meeting of
the Acoustical Society of America, Nashville, TN, November, 1985.
Mullennix, J.W., & Sawusch, J.R. (1984). Automatic and controlled processes in phonetic coding. Paper presented at
the 55th meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD, April,1984.
Mullennix, J.W., Tomiak, G.R., & Sawusch, J.R. (1984). Integral processing in phoneme perception. Paper presented
at the 108th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Minneapolis, MN, November, 1984.
Sawusch, J.R., & Mullennix, J.W. (1983). Auditory and phonetic coding of speech: adaptation, anchoring, and
contrast. Paper presented at the 105th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cincinnati, OH, May,
Sawusch, J.R., Mullennix, J.W., & Garrison, L.F. (1983). Automatic and controlled processing of speech syllables.
Paper presented at the 24th meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Diego, CA, November 1983.