CURRICULUM VITAE DANIEL R. SCHMEHL, PH.D. Phone: 814.470.1632 507 NW 39th Road, Apt. 130 Gainesville, FL 32607 EDUCATION Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Florida Feb. 2013 - present Supervisor: Dr. Jamie Ellis, Associate Professor of Entomology Research foci: o Detoxification gene activity of honey bee larvae o Impact of pesticides on honey bee adult longevity o Impact of diet on honey bee pesticide sensitivity and Nosema virulence o Development of RNAi control mechanisms for Varroa mites o Distribution of honey bee pathogens in solitary bee and wasp species Ph.D. The Pennsylvania State University, Entomology May 2013 Dissertation: “Genomic, physiological, and chemical analysis of the impacts of environmental stressors on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) workers and queens” Committee: Dr. James Frazier (co-advisor), Dr. James Tumlinson (co-advisor), Dr. Christina Grozinger, Dr. Christopher Mullin, and Dr. Tracy Lankilde Research Foci: Impacts of pesticides on queen pheromone chemistry and queen-mediated worker interactions Honey bee physiological and behavioral changes due to nutritional and pesticide stress o Stress-induced changes in genetic phenotype o Sub-lethal impacts of individual and combinations of pesticides on larval development and adult learning and behavior o Impact of pollen on pesticide detoxification and tolerance GPA: 3.92 B.S. Messiah College, Biology May 2007 Senior Research Project: “Seasonal fluctuations of the Fall, Winter, and Spring photosynthetic rates of two species of dimorphic ferns” Research Advisor: Dr. David Foster RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Domestic Research Collaborations Dr. James Cuda, Dr. Emma Weeks, and Dr. Bruce Stephens Feb. 2014 - present Schmehl - 1 Performing honey bee toxicity bioassays on the two amino acids methionine and proline Dr. Jay Evans- USDA-ARS Beltsville Mar. 2013 - present Identifying candidate detoxification genes in Varroa, a pest of honey bee colonies which has developed widespread resistance to miticide control Dr. Ramesh Sagili- Oregon State University Mar. 2011 - May 2013 Investigated the role of single-source pollen (almond) and multi-source pollen (wildflower) on queen-worker pheromone-mediated interactions and on worker behavior and physiology Dr. Peter Teal, USDA-ARS, Gainesville Mar. 2011 - May 2013 Investigated the levels of Juvenile Hormone III (JH) and Methyl Farnesoate (JH precursor) in pesticide and nutrition-stressed honey bee workers International Research Collaborations Dr. Aleš Gregoric Aug. 2013 - present Veterinary Faculty at the University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Measuring the histological and genomic impact of pesticides on honey bee larva reared in vitro. Dr. Baldwyn Torto Jan. 2009 International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology, Nairobi, Kenya Investigated the learning capabilities of African honey bees in response to pesticide exposure Measured changes in sucrose sensitivity between African and European honey bees at different ages. Research Internship The Pennsylvania State University, Landisville, PA May - Aug. 2007 Southeast Research and Extension Center Supervisor: Steve Bogash, Horticultural Cooperative Extension Educator Monitored and recorded fungicide trials for tomatoes and cut annuals PUBLICATIONS Refereed Journal Publications Zhu, W., D. Schmehl, C. Mullin, and J. Frazier. (2014) Four common pesticides, their mixtures, and a formulation solvent in the hive environment have high oral toxicity to honey bee larvae PLoS One 9(1):e77547 Schmehl - 2 Ciarlo, T.J., C.A. Mullin, J.L. Frazier, and D.R. Schmehl. Learning Impairment in Honey Bees Caused by Agricultural Spray Adjuvants PLoS One 2012; 7(7):e40848. M. T. Frazier, E. Muli, T. Conklin, D. Schmehl. B. Torto, J. Frazier, J. Tumlinson, J. D. Evans, S. Rania (2010) A scientific note on varroa mites found in East Africa; Threat or Opportunity? Apidologie 41: 463-465. Refereed Journal Publications accepted pending revisions Schmehl, D., P. Teal, J. Frazier, and C. Grozinger (2014) Genomic analysis of the interaction between pesticide exposure and nutrition in honey bees. (Journal of Insect Physiology). Refereed Journal Papers in preparation Schmehl, D., E.L. Nino, R. Sagili, and C. Grozinger (2014). Queen/worker communication is remarkably buffered from viruses, nutrition, and pesticide stress. (Apidologie). Bustamante, T., D. Schmehl, A. Mortensen, C. Kimmel, J. Graham, and J. Ellis. The Worldwide health status of honey bees (Journal of Apicultural Research). Fleming, C., D. Schmehl, and J. Ellis. Characterizing the impact of commercial pollen-substitute diets on the level of Nosema spp. in Apis mellifera L. (Apidologie). Schmehl, D., M. Allsopp, T. Bustamante, M. Dykes, A. Mortensen, and J. Ellis. A scientific note on the distribution of Varroa destructor in the Republic of South Africa (African Invertebrates) Schmehl, D. and J. Ellis. Geographic susceptibility of Varroa destructor to miticide exposure in the Southeastern United States (Florida Entomologist) Non-refereed publications Mortensen, A., D. Schmehl, and J. Ellis. (2013) Featured Creatures: European Honey Bee (Apis mellifera Linnaeaus). University of Florida College of Ag. and Life Sciences. Anderson, R.D., Bachmann, A.C., Bentley, T.G., Irwin, B.A., and Schmehl, D.R. (2010) Genetically modified insect disease vectors should be incorporated into vector-borne disease control programs because they decrease disease transmission and spread to humans and livestock with fewer environmental risks than conventional control methods, con position. American Entomologist 56: 108-109. Schmehl - 3 Schmehl, D.R. and Foster, D. K. (2007) Fall, winter, and spring photosynthetic rates for the evergreen dimorphic fern, Dryopteris marginalis (Abstract). Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 80: 124-125. Press Releases Schmehl, D.R. New Postdoctoral Researcher in the Honey Bee Research & Extension Laboratory (HBREL). Published in the Melitto Files quarterly newsletter (April 2013). Schmehl, D.R. “Is that a Pollinator in your Patch?” Published in 2010 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings (February 2010). Schmehl, D.R. and Conklin, T.C. African Honeybees: Establishing a CCE-icipe collaboration in Kenya. Published in PSU Center for Chemical Ecology Newsletter (July 2009) and PSU Friends of the Frost Newsletter (October 2009). RESEARCH GRANTS AND AWARDS Research Grants ($182,180.93 USD Total) Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ($20,364.30) Aug. 2014 “Determining the level of resurgence of Varroa mite populations after in-hive miticide applications” Bayer CropSciences ($68,845.00) June 2014 “Characterizing pesticide exposure in honey bee hives located in urban and suburban environments National Honey Board ($37,299.00) Jan. 2014 “Characterizing the contribution of supplemental feeding to honey bee (Apis mellifera) colony strength, Nosema virulence, and detoxification gene activity Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services ($45,672.63) “Characterizing differential miticide susceptibility in Varroa mites” Dec. 2013 North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) research Apr. 2009 grant ($10,000) “Sub-lethal effects of pesticide combinations on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) larval development and adult associative learning” TEACHING AND MENTORING EXPERIENCE University of Florida, Entomology and Nematology Department, Gainesville, FL Co-Instructor, Pollination Ecology Seminar Aug. - Dec. 2013 Schmehl - 4 Presented lectures, led field trips and guided class discussions on topics related to pollinator diversity, ecology, conservation, and economic value Co-instructors: Dr. Jamie Ellis, Dr. Jaret Daniels, Dr. Daniel Schmehl, and Dr. Cory Stanley-Stahr Graduate Research Mentoring Visiting scholar- Hudson Tomé May 2013 – Jul. 2014 Acting supervisor of visiting PhD student from the Federal University of Vicosa, Brazil (Jamie Ellis- supervising faculty advisor) Project title, “In vitro methods for larval breeding and pesticide exposure of queens and drones of Apis mellifera” Undergraduate Research Mentoring Independent Honors Thesis- James Christian Fleming May 2013 – Aug. 2014 College of Agricultural and Life Sciences honors thesis project titled, “Characterizing the impact of commercial pollen-substitute diets on the level of Nosema spp. in Apis mellifera L” Penn State University, Department of Entomology, University Park, PA Teaching Assistant, Insect Natural History Aug. 2010 Assisted students with collection methods, curation, and identification of insects Designed, implemented, and graded lab practical Teaching Assistant, Insect Natural History Aug. 2009 Assisted students with collection methods, curation, and identification of insects Designed, implemented, and graded lab practical Teaching Assistant, Insect Pests of Ornamentals Mar. - May 2009 Instructed lectures and labs Assisted in creating syllabus, updating curriculum, course grading Teaching Assistant, Apiculture Aug. - Dec 2008 Instructed several lectures, field labs, and review sections Assisted in designing syllabus and curriculum, assisted in course grading Teaching Assistant Apprentice, Intro. to Entomology Jan. - Mar. 2008 Introduced Ag. majors to insect natural history and trained them to identify insect orders in Pennsylvania Assisted TAs and faculty in facilitation of lab and review sessions High School Research Mentoring Pennsylvania Governor’s School for the Agricultural Sciences Jul. 2008 Schmehl - 5 Mentored two high school students in research and honey bee biology o Designed two experiments involving behavioral bioassays o Taught several honey bee lectures and taught students how to keep a lab notebook o Reviewed data from projects and assisted in their research presentations Undergraduate Research Mentoring Independent Research Project- Charles Cascio Oct. 2009 - May 2010 Mentored Charles Cascio in honey bee research o Examined the sub-lethal effects of combinations of pesticides on honey bee behavior o Guided and supervised Charles in numerous laboratory techniques (including Proboscis Extension Reflex) and in the scientific method Messiah College, Department of Chemistry, Grantham, PA Teaching Assistant, Organic Chemistry Aug. - Dec. 2005 Aided students in laboratory procedure and evaluated students’ performance Awards William Yendol Memorial Research Award Travel award given to supplement expenses to attend workshops and national conferences 2012 Harold F. Martin Graduate Assistant Outstanding Teaching Award 2011 University award given to a graduate assistant demonstrating outstanding teaching skills and abilities 1st Place- ESA- Eastern Branch Linnaean Games 2010 Penn State Team- Daniel Schmehl, Rob Anderson, Amanda Bachmann, and Ian Grettenberger Entomological Foundation’s 2010 National Science Project Competition Awarded for one of the top insect science project ideas for grades K-12 o “Does floral color or size influence pollinator visitation” 2010 1st Place- ESA- Eastern Branch Linnaean Games Penn State Team- Daniel Schmehl, Rob Anderson, Paul Ayayee, and Ian Grettenberger 2010 William Yendol Memorial Research Award Travel award given to supplement expenses to attend workshops and national conferences 2010 Schmehl - 6 Vartkes Miroyan Memorial Award Departmental award given to a graduate student who has achieved exemplary academic excellence and leadership qualities 2009 William Yendol Memorial Research Award Travel award given to supplement expenses to attend workshops and national conferences 2009 Entomological Society of America Student and Early Professional Award Awarded for active participation in ESA national meeting in Reno, NV 2009 2nd Place- ESA- Eastern Branch Linnaean Games 2009 Penn State Team- Daniel Schmehl, Rob Anderson, Scott Geib and Ezra Schwartzberg Penn State Tag Along Travel Award Travel funds for international travel to Nairobi, Kenya 2008 1st Place- ESA- Eastern Branch Linnaean Games 2008 Penn State Team- Daniel Schmehl, Rob Anderson, Jim McNeil and Maya Nehme William Yendol Memorial Research Award Travel award given to supplement expenses to attend workshops and national conferences 2008 Dean’s Scholarship for Leadership Messiah College, Grantham, PA 2006 PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED LECTURES (PRESENTED BY DANIEL SCHMEHL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED) Invited Research Presentations (9) “Preserving honey bee health in the face of pesticides” Dec. 9, 2014 University of Florida Entomology/Nematology Dept. Seminar- Gainesville, FL Authors: Daniel Schmehl “The current status of the science as it relates to pesticides and their impacts Aug. 26, 2014 on bee health” Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials- Missoula, MT 58th Annual Meeting Authors: Daniel Schmehl “The race to save the honey bee” Dec. 9, 2014 Schmehl - 7 Everglades Research and Extension Center Departmental Seminar- Belle Glade, FL Authors: Daniel Schmehl “Understanding pests, pathogens, and pesticide stress on honey bees” Northeast Florida Honey Bee Association- Clay, FL Authors: Daniel Schmehl and Jamie Ellis Oct. 14, 2013 “Pesticides and honey bees: what we know thus far” Feb. 20, 2010 2010 Western PA Beekeepers Seminar- Cranberry, PA Presented seminar and led a breakout session titled “The role of pesticides on honey bee health” Authors: Chris Mullin, Maryann Frazier, James Frazier and Daniel Schmehl “CCD: have we found a solution for the honey bee decline?” Sept. 14, 2009 The North Museum, Lancaster, PA Authors: Chris Mullin, Maryann Frazier, James Frazier and Daniel Schmehl “The effect of oral-fed pesticide combinations on in vitro larval Aug. 22, 2009 development” National Honey Bee Awareness Day- Penn State Apiary, State College, PA Authors: Daniel Schmehl and James Frazier “Chemical residues, declining honey bee populations, and CCD” Jan. 8, 2009 Delaware Ag. Week, Harrington, DE Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Chris Mullin, Maryann Frazier and James Frazier “The effect of pesticides on honey bees: acute and chronic toxicity” Nov. 8, 2008 Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association Annual Meeting, Lewisburg, PA Authors: Daniel Schmehl and James Frazier Invited Extension Presentations (16) “Pesticide residues in urban and suburban environments” Pinellas County Beekeeper’s Association- Pinellas, FL Author: Savannah Nease* and Daniel Schmehl *Presented by Nease Aug. 27, 2014 “Varroa biology, monitoring and control” Aug. 15, 2014 2nd annual South Florida Bee College, Davie, FL Lecture designed to educate beekeepers on Varroa distribution, life history, monitoring, and control strategies Author: Daniel Schmehl “Controlling Varroa Workshop” 2nd annual South Florida Bee College, Davie, FL Aug. 15, 2014 Schmehl - 8 Workshop to provide hands-on experience and training on Varroa monitoring and control Author: Daniel Schmehl “Honey Bee Nutrition” Aug. 14, 2014 nd 2 annual South Florida Bee College, Davie, FL Lecture designed to provide the background of the nutritional needs of the honey bee and how beekeepers can identify nutrient deficiencies and deliver the correct nutritional supplement to the hive Author: Daniel Schmehl “Beginner’s Overview” Aug. 14 & 15, 2014 nd 2 annual South Florida Bee College, Davie, FL Lecture designed to introduce beginner beekeepers to honey bee biology, components of the hive, and resources available to beekeepers in the state (lecture delivered twice) Author: Daniel Schmehl “Controlling Varroa Workshop” March 8, 2014 7th annual Bee College, St. Augustine, FL Workshop to provide hands-on experience and training on Varroa monitoring and control Author: Daniel Schmehl “Varroa biology and control” March 8, 2014 th 7 annual Bee College, St. Augustine, FL Lecture designed to educate beekeepers on Varroa distribution, life history, monitoring, and control strategies Author: Daniel Schmehl “Beginner’s Overview” March 7 & 8, 2014 th 7 annual Bee College, St. Augustine, FL Lecture designed to introduce beginner beekeepers to honey bee biology, components of the hive, and resources available to beekeepers in the state (lecture delivered twice) Author: Daniel Schmehl “Pests and Diseases” March 6, 2014 Master Beekeeper Advanced Training Lecture designed to educate advanced-level beekeepers on how to monitor, identify , and treat pests and pathogens in the hive Author: Daniel Schmehl “Diseases of the Honey Bee” March 6, 2014 Master Beekeeper Apprentice Training Lecture designed to educate apprentice-level beekeepers on how to monitor, identify , and treat pests and pathogens in the hive Schmehl - 9 Author: Daniel Schmehl “Pheromones of the hive” Aug.16, 2013 st 2013 1 annual South Florida Bee College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lecture designed to educate beekeepers on the diversity and function of honey bee pheromone communication Author: Daniel Schmehl “Honey bee pests and pathogens” Aug.16, 2013 2013 1st annual South Florida Bee College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lecture designed to educate beekeepers on how to monitor, identify , and treat pests and pathogens in the hive Authors: Daniel Schmehl and Jamie Ellis “Varroa biology and control” Aug.17, 2013 st 2013 1 annual South Florida Bee College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lecture designed to educate beekeepers on Varroa distribution, life history, monitoring, and control strategies Author: Daniel Schmehl “Honey bee pests and pathogens” Aug.17, 2013 st 2013 1 annual South Florida Bee College, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Lecture designed to educate beekeepers on how to monitor, identify , and treat pests and pathogens in the hive Authors: Daniel Schmehl and Jamie Ellis “Is that a pollinator in my patch?” 2010 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA Author: Daniel Schmehl Feb. 4, 2010 Oral Research Presentations (15) “Impact of field-level concentrations of pesticide exposure on in vitro May 27, 2014 reared honey bee survival and development” 51st North American Chemical Residue Workshop, St. Pete Beach, Florida Authors: Hudson V. V. Tome, Daniel Schmehl, Gustavo Martins, and Jamie Ellis “Impact of field-level concentrations of pesticide exposure on in vitro May 27, 2014 reared honey bee survival and development” 7th Caribbean Beekeeping Congress, Kingshill, Virgin Islands Authors: Hudson V. V. Tome, Daniel Schmehl, Gustavo Martins, and Jamie Ellis* *Presented by Ellis “Caribbean Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Health Report” 7th Caribbean Beekeeping Congress, Kingshill, Virgin Islands May 27, 2014 Schmehl - 10 Authors: Ashley Mortensen, Tomas Bustamante, Chase Kimmel, Daniel Schmehl, and Jamie Ellis* *Presented by Ellis “Are honey bees negatively affected by field-relevant doses of pesticides Sept. 30, 2013 in the hive?” Apimondia International Congress, Kiev, Ukraine Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Ashley Mortensen, Ales Gregoric and Jamie Ellis “Genomic, physiological, and chemical analysis of the impacts of Dec. 10, 2012 environmental stressors on honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) workers and queens” Penn State University departmental seminar- PhD defense Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Peter Teal, James Frazier, James Tumlinson, Ramesh Sagili and Christina Grozinger “The effects of pesticide exposure on gene expression, chemical Nov. 12, 2012 communication, and hormone production in honey bees” 2012 ESA National Meeting, Knoxville, TN Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Christina Grozinger, Peter Teal and James Tumlinson “The effects of pesticide exposure on gene expression and chemical Jun. 21, 2012 communication in honey bees” 2011 ESA-Eastern Branch Meeting, Harrisburg, PA Authors: Wanyi Zhu*, Daniel Schmehl, Chris Mullin and James Frazier *presented by Zhu “Are we underestimating the impacts of pesticides on honey bees?” Mar. 20, 2011 2011 ESA-Eastern Branch Meeting, Harrisburg, PA Authors: Wanyi Zhu, Daniel Schmehl, Chris Mullin and James Frazier *presented by Zhu “Are we underestimating the impacts of pesticides on honey bees? Jan. 7, 2011 measuring and predicting honey bee larval survival after chronic pesticide exposure” 2011 North American Beekeeping Conference and Tradeshow, Galveston, TX Authors: Wanyi Zhu, Daniel Schmehl, Chris Mullin and James Frazier *presented by Zhu “Are we underestimating the impacts of pesticides on honey bees? Nov. 13, 2010 measuring and predicting honey bee larval survival after chronic pesticide exposure” 2010 Pennsylvania Beekeeper’s Meeting, Lewisburg, PA Authors: Wanyi Zhu, Daniel Schmehl, Chris Mullin and James Frazier *presented by Zhu “Impacts of pesticides on honey bee development?” 2010 ESA-Eastern Branch Meeting, Annapolis, MD Mar. 7, 2010 Schmehl - 11 Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Wanyi Zhu and James Frazier “Sub-lethal effects of pesticide combinations on Apis mellifera?” 2009 ESA National Meeting, Indianapolis, IN Authors: Daniel Schmehl and James Frazier Dec. 13, 2009 “Sub-lethal effects of pesticide combinations on honey bee larval development?” Cornell-Penn State Chemical Ecology Joint Symposium, Ithaca, NY Authors: Daniel Schmehl and James Frazier Oct. 23, 2009 “Fall, winter, and spring photosynthetic rates for the evergreen Apr. 20, 2007 dimorphic fern, Dryopteris marginalis” Senior undergraduate research symposium, Messiah College, Grantham, PA Authors: Daniel Schmehl and David Foster “Fall, winter, and spring photosynthetic rates for the evergreen Apr. 1, 2007 dimorphic fern, Dryopteris marginalis” Pennsylvania Academy of Science annual conference, Monroeville, PA Authors: Daniel Schmehl and David Foster Poster Research Presentations (5) “Characterizing the impact of commercial pollen-substitute diets on the Level of Nosema spp. in Apis mellifera L.” 7th Caribbean Beekeeping Congress, Kingshill, Virgin Islands Authors: James Fleming, Daniel Schmehl, and Jamie Ellis* *Presented by Ellis May 27, 2014 “Unlocking pesticide resistance in Varroa destructor” Apimondia International Congress, Kiev, Ukraine Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Jay Evans and Jamie Ellis Sept. 30, 2013 “Exposure to pesticides alters expression of genes involved in Aug. 17, 2013 detoxification, immunity, and nutrition in honey bee workers” 2013 Center for Pollinator Research International Conference, University Park, PA Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Peter Teal, James Frazier and Christina Grozinger “Determining the changes of queen honey bee pheromone composition Dec. 13, 2010 when exposed to the commonly encountered in-hive miticides coumaphos and tau-fluvalinate?” 2010 Entomological Society of America annual meeting, San Diego, CA Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Christina Grozinger and James Tumlinson “Fall photosynthetic rates for the evergreen dimorphic fern, Dec. 6, 2006 Schmehl - 12 Dryopteris marginalis” Fall senior undergraduate research symposium, Messiah College, Grantham, PA Authors: Daniel Schmehl and David Foster Oral Extension Presentations (1) “Honey bee pests and pathogens” Mar. 14, 2013 2013 Master Beekeeper Program, St. Augustine, FL Instructed participants in the Master Beekeeper program on honey bee pests and pathogens in the hive Authors: Jamie Ellis and Daniel Schmehl Project Sponsor Symposium Presentations (5) “Status of the Ellis Lab” (oral presentation) July 17, 2014 Presented research conducted in the Ellis lab to the Florida Department of Agricultural Service and the Honey Bee Technical Council Authors: Daniel Schmehl and Ashley Mortensen (co-presented) “Status of the Ellis Lab” (oral presentation) Aug. 28, 2013 Presented research conducted in the Ellis lab to the Florida Department of Agricultural Service and the Honey Bee Technical Council Authors: Daniel Schmehl, Jason Graham and Ashley Mortensen (co-presented) “Controlling Varroa destructor with RNAi” (oral presentation) 2013 Pam-Monsanto Joint Summit, St. Louis, MO Authors: Daniel Schmehl and Jamie Ellis (presented by Ellis) Jun. 13, 2013 “Behavioral, physiological, and molecular effects of multiple stressors on Nov. 5, 2012 Honey bee health” (poster presentation) USDA-NIFA grant report Authors: Elina Lastro Nino, Daniel Schmehl, James Tumlinson, and Christina Grozinger (presented by Grozinger) “Sub-lethal effects of pesticide combinations on honey bee larval development and adult associative learning” (oral presentation) North American Pollinator Protection Campaign Annual Conference o U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC Authors: Daniel Schmehl and James Frazier Oct. 22, 2009 Invited Class Guest Lectures and Panel Discussions (9) “Tips for succeeding in graduate school” Panelist for class discussion Sept. 5, 2014 Schmehl - 13 Course: Entomology Graduate Professional Development Seminar, University of Florida “Honey bee biology and beekeeping” Oct. 17, 2013 Led discussion on bee biology and taught a hands-on hive demonstration Course: Principles of Entomology, University of Florida “Tips for succeeding in graduate school” Aug. 30, 2013 Panelist for class discussion Course: Entomology Graduate Professional Development Seminar, University of Florida “Bees for Teachers- Bees: background and biology” Co-instructors: Daniel Schmehl and Cory Stanley-Stahr Jul. 30, 2013 “Introduction to Entomology” Master Gardener Training Instructor: Daniel Schmehl Sept. 7, 2010 “Introduction to Entomology” Master Gardener Training Instructor: Daniel Schmehl Sept.10, 2009 “Honey bee anatomy” Course: Apiculture Instructor: Daniel Schmehl Sept. 21, 2009 “Honey bee visual, olfactory, and gustatory associative learning,” Course: Field Ecology Instructor: Daniel Schmehl Sept. 16, 2009 “Honey bee visual, olfactory, and gustatory associative learning,” Course: Field Ecology Instructor: Daniel Schmehl Sept. 17, 2008 TEACHER EDUCATION AND WORKSHOPS Teacher’s College, University of Florida Aug. - Nov. 2013 Participant, UF College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Course designed to instruct post-docs on the topics of: physiological principles that affect learning, instructional objectives, course and syllabus design, assessment strategies, instructional aids for the classroom, and course evaluation procedures Schreyer Institute Course for College Teaching, Penn State University Feb. - Apr. 2011 Participant, Penn State University Instruction and activities focused on student-focused learning, course design, and assessment strategies, and teaching philosophies Schmehl - 14 RESEARCH WORKSHOPS Center for Pollinator Research Symposium Participant and presenter, Penn State University May 2012 The Chemical Ecology of Insects that Control Behavior Workshop Participant, Penn State University May 2012 Competitive Grants Workshop Participant, Penn State University- College of Ag. Sciences Feb. 2011 International Center for Chemical Ecology- Chemical Analysis Day Co-organizer, Penn State University Jun. 2010 Ultramicrotomy Workshop Participant, Penn State Microscopy Center for Research Nov. 2008 Native Bee Identification Workshop Participant, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Center Feb. 2008 ORGANIZED SYMPOSIA Fragmented Glimpses into the Paleoentomological Past (Co-organized with Akito Kawahara) ESA-EB Student Affairs Committee Symposium Mar. 2009 Pollinator Health and Biodiversity: Unlocking the Key to Society’s Future ESA-EB Student Affairs Committee Symposium, Mar. 2010 DEPARTMENTAL AND PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP Faculty advisor- The Honey Bee Club, University of Florida Liaison- Married graduate student forum, Penn State Graduate Student Association Committee member- Awards, Penn State Entomology Department Past-president- Friends of the Frost Entomological Museum, Penn State Student representative, Entomology Graduate Student Association Committee member- Instruction, Penn State Entomology Department President- Friends of the Frost Entomological Museum, Penn State President- Entomology Graduate Student Association, Penn State Chair- Entomological Society of America EB Student Affairs Committee Student mentor- Student-to-Student Departmental Mentorship Program Vice-president- Friends of the Frost Entomological Museum, Penn State Co-chair- Entomological Society of America, EB Student Affairs Committee 2013-present 2011-2012 2011-2012 2010-2011 2010-2011 2010-2012 2009-2010 2009-2010 2009-2010 Aug. 2009 2008-2009 2008-2009 Schmehl - 15 Secretary- Entomology Graduate Student Association, Penn State Committee member- Acceptance and Recruitment Committee, Penn State Entomology Committee member- Public Outreach, Penn State Entomology 2008-2009 2008-2010 2008-2009 COMMUNITY EVENT VOLUNTEERING AND OUTREACH Critter Care- Penn State Dept. of Entomology Feb. 2008 - Dec. 2012 Frost Entomological Museum Tour for Corl Street Elementary, 1st grade May 2012 th 18 Annual Penn State Great Insect Fair Sept. 2011 Frost Entomological Museum Tour for Centre Christian Academy Apr. 2011 “The Chemical Ecology Experience” for Home School Chemistry Mar. 2011 Frost Entomological Museum Tour for Huntington High School Feb. 2011 17th Annual Penn State Great Insect Fair Oct. 2010 Children’s Advanced Bug Camp Staff- Penn State Entomology Jun. – Jul. 2010 Frost Entomological Museum Tour for Homeschoolers Apr. 2010 Ferguson Elementary Tours of Penn State Honey Bee Apiary Nov. 2009 16th Annual Penn State Great Insect Fair Oct. 2009 Master Gardener Bee Identification Training- Penn State University Aug. 2009 Children’s Bug Camp Leader- Penn State Entomology Jun. - Jul. 2009 Exploration Days- Penn State Apr. 2009 15th Annual Penn State Great Insect Fair Oct. 2008 Fourth Fest Insect Outreach- State College, PA Jul. 2008 Children’s Bug Camp Staff- Penn State Dept. of Entomology Jun. 2008 St. Mary’s Children’s Library Insect Outreach, St. Mary’s, PA Jun. 2008 Schlow Children’s Library Insect Outreach- State College, PA Jun. 2008 Exploration Days- Penn State Apr. 2008 14th Annual Penn State Great Insect Fair Sept. 2007 PROFESSIONAL VOLUNTEERING AND OUTREACH University of Florida South Florida Bee College, Davie, FL University of Florida Bee College, St. Augustine, FL Master Beekeeper Program, St. Augustine, FL University of Florida South Florida Bee College, Davie, FL University of Florida Bee College, St. Augustine, FL Master Beekeeper Program, St. Augustine, FL 82nd Annual ESA- Eastern Branch Entomology Conference- Assistant ESA National Conference Directional Assistant 81st Annual ESA- Eastern Branch Entomology Conference- Registration ESA National Conference Videographer 80th Annual ESA- Eastern Branch Entomology Conference- Registration 79th Annual ESA- Eastern Branch Entomology Conference- Registration Aug. 2014 Mar. 2014 Mar. 2014 Aug. 2013 Mar. 2013 Mar. 2013 Mar. 2011 Dec. 2010 Mar. 2010 Dec. 2009 Mar. 2009 Mar. 2008 Schmehl - 16 PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES International Apimondia International Congress XXXXIII Kiev, Ukraine COLOSS Conference on Bee Health Kiev, Ukraine International Conference on Pollinator Biology, Health, and Policy State College, PA, USA International Symposium for Olfaction and Taste San Francisco, CA, USA Sept. 29-Oct. 4, 2013 Sept. 27-29, 2013 Jun. 24-28, 2010 July 21-26, 2008 National and Regional 58th Association of Structural Pest Control Regulatory Officials Aug. 24-27, 2014 Missoula, MT 51st North American Chemical Residue Workshop Jul. 20-23, 2014 St. Pete Beach, FL 60th Entomological Society of America annual conference Nov. 10-14, 2012 Knoxville, TN 58th Entomological Society of America annual conference Dec. 12-15, 2010 San Diego, CA 81st Annual ESA- Eastern Branch Entomology Conference Mar. 7-9, 2010 Annapolis, MD 2010 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Feb. 4-5, 2010 Hershey, PA 57th Entomological Society of America annual conference Dec. 13-16, 2010 Indianapolis, IN 9th Annual North American Pollinator Protection Campaign Conference Oct. 21-23, 2009 EPA headquarters, Washington D.C. th 80 Annual ESA-Eastern Branch Entomology Conference Mar. 20-23, 2009 Harrisburg, PA 56th Entomological Society of America annual conference Nov. 15-20, 2008 Reno, NV Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association annual meeting Nov. 8, 2008 Lewisburg, PA 79th Annual ESA-Eastern Branch Entomology Conference Mar. 11-13, 2008 Syracuse/Liverpool, NY Penn State University Center for Chemical Ecology Student Retreat Sept. 27, 2007 State College, PA 2nd Annual School of Health and Natural Sciences Scholarship Symposium Apr. 20, 2007 Messiah College, Grantham, PA 83rd Pennsylvania Academy of Science annual meeting Mar. 30 - Apr.1, 2007 Schmehl - 17 Monroeville, PA Messiah College Research Symposium Grantham, PA Dec. 7, 2006 SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS Entomological Society of America, National Chapter Entomological Society of America, Southeastern Branch COLOSS Entomological Society of America, Eastern Branch Friends of the Frost Entomological Museum International Society of Chemical Ecology Association for Chemoreception Sciences The Pennsylvania Academy of Science Sigma Zeta National Science and Mathematics Honor Society Feb. 2008 - present Feb. 2013 - present Sept. 2013 - present Feb. 2008 - Jan. 2013 Aug. 2007 - Dec. 2011 Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2011 Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2008 Mar. 2007 - Feb. 2008 Aug. 2005 - May 2007 SPECIALIZED SKILLS Molecular techniques including RNAi, qRT-PCR, endpoint PCR, and microarrays Honey bee in vitro larval development Honey bee proboscis extension reflex (PER) Honey bee cage bioassays Gas chromatography (GC-FID, -MS) Honey bee husbandry Teaching REFERENCES Dr. Jamie Ellis (Postdoctoral research supervisor, University of Florida) Dr. Jim Frazier (PhD research co-advisor, Penn State) Dr. Christina Grozinger (Senior PI of research grant, PhD committee member, Penn State) Schmehl - 18