Chemistry Name ___________________________________ Air Pollution Student Notes Atmosphere as a Resource o Composition • Nitrogen _____________ • Oxygen _______________ • Argon ________________ • Carbon Dioxide _____________ o Ecosystem Services • Blocks _______ radiation • Moderates the _______________ • Redistributes water in the ________________________ (water cycle) Types and Sources of Air Pollution o Air Pollution • ______________________added to the atmosphere by natural events or human activities in high enough concentrations to be harmful. o Two categories • ____________________Air Pollutant • Harmful substance that is emitted directly into the atmosphere. • ____________________Air Pollutant • Harmful substance formed in the atmosphere when a primary air pollutant reacts with substances normally found in the atmosphere or with other air pollutants. Major Classes of Air Pollutants o Particulate Material o _________________Oxides o Sulfur Oxides o Carbon Oxides o _____________________ o Ozone Particulate Material o Thousands of different solid or liquid particles suspended in air • Includes: soil particles, soot, lead, asbestos, sea salt, and sulfuric acid droplets o Dangerous for 2 reasons • May contain materials with toxic or ________________________effects. • Extremely small particles can become lodged in __________________ Nitrogen and Sulfur Oxides o Nitrogen Oxides • Gases produced by the chemical interactions between atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen at __________________________________. • Problems • Greenhouse gases • Cause difficulty breathing o Sulfur Oxides • Gases produced by the chemical interactions between ______________and oxygen. • Causes ____________________________________ Carbon Oxides and Hydrocarbons o Carbon Oxides • Gases carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2). • ______________________ gases. o Hydrocarbons • Diverse group of organic compounds that contain only ________________and _________________________(ex: CH4- methane). • Some are related to photochemical smog and greenhouse gases. Ozone o Tropospheric Ozone • Man-made pollutant in the lower atmosphere. • Secondary air pollutant. • Component of photochemical smog. o Stratospheric Ozone • Essential component that screens ____________________________in the upper atmosphere. • Man-made pollutants (ex:_________________) can destroy it! Sources of Outdoor Air Pollution o Two main sources • ________________________________ • Industry o Intentional forest fires is also high Urban Air Pollution o Photochemical ______________(ex: Los Angeles) • ____________________________haze formed by chemical reactions involving sunlight, nitrogen oxide, and hydrocarbons. Effects of Air Pollution o Low Level Exposure • ____________________________ • Causes __________________________ or respiratory tract o Can develop into _______________ respiratory ________________ o Health Effects • Sulfur Dioxide and Particulate material o Irritates respiratory tract and impairs ability of ___________ to _____________________________ • Nitrogen Dioxides o Causes _______________________ • Carbon Monoxide o Binds with iron in ________________________ o Causes _______________, __________________, drowsiness, death • Ozone o Causes burning of ______________, ____________________ and chest discomfort o Children and Air Pollution • Greater health threat to children than adults o Air pollution can restrict __________________________ o Children ____________ more often than adults • Children who live in high ozone areas are more likely to develop _____________ Controlling Air Pollution in U.S. o Smokestacks with Electrostatic precipitator o Smokestacks with Scrubbers o Phase 1 Vapor Recovery System for gasoline o The Clean Air Act o Other Ways to Improve Air Quality Ozone Depletion in Stratosphere o Ozone Protects earth from ___________________________ • UV radiation: Part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths just shorter than _____________________light. Ozone Depletion in Stratosphere o Ozone thinning/hole • First identified in 1985 over ________________________ o Caused by • Human-produced bromine and chlorine containing chemicals • Ex: ________________________ o o o o Hole over Antarctica requires two conditions: • ______________________________just returning to polar region. • ______________________________- a mass of cold air that circulates around the southern polar region. o Isolates it from the warmer air in the rest of the planet. Polar stratospheric clouds form • Enables Cl and Br to destroy __________________ Effects of Ozone Depletion • Higher levels of UV radiation hitting Earth o ________________________ o ________________________ o _________________________ • May disrupt ___________________ • May damage _____________ and _____________ Recovery of Ozone Layer Acid Deposition o ____________________dioxide and ____________________dioxide emissions react with water vapor in the atmosphere and form acids that return to the surface as either dry or wet deposition. o pH scale Effects of Acid Deposition o ____________________ aquatic animal population o Thin-shelled eggs prevent bird reproduction • Because ______________ is unavailable in _________________ o Forest decline Air Pollution Around the World o Air quality is _____________________ rapidly in _____________________ countries o Shenyang, China o Developing countries have older cars o 5 worst cities in world