SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT XI Euro-latin-american workshop on engineering systems AND International Meeting – OR in Agricultural and Forest Management (IM-ORAFM) CALL FOR PAPERS 11º Euro-latin-american workshop on engineering systems and International Meeting – Operational Research in Agricultural and Forest Management XI SELASI and IM-ORAFM To be held at the Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” (UNASAM), Huaraz - Perú From November 3th to 6th, 2015 Host institution Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” - UNASAM Site for information Deadlines (Extended): Sending abstracts Abstracts acceptance Sending complete papers Event development August 31st, 2015 September 16th, 2015 October 19th, 2015 From November 3th to 6th, 2015 Contact us ORGANIZED BY: Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” – UNASAM, Perú Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echeverría” – CUJAE, Cuba Universidad de Holguín “Oscar Lucero Moya”, Cuba Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú Universidade do Porto, Portugal Universidad de Talca, Chile Universidad de Cantabria, España Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España Universidad de Lleida, España Universidad Autónoma de entre Ríos, Argentina INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE President: Jesús Edilberto Espinola Gonzales, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” – UNASAM, Perú Honour President: José Arzola Ruiz, Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echeverría” – CUJAE, Cuba Vice-presidents: Obidio Rubio Mercedes, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú Ángel Cobo Ortega, Universidad de Cantabria, España Rafael Pérez García, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España Lluis Miquel Plá Aragonés, Universidad de Lleida, España Other members Alfredo Enrique Candia Véjar, Universidad de Talca, Chile Adriano da Silva Carvalho, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Rolando Simeón Monet, Universidad de Holguín, Cuba Joseph Zarka, École Polytechnique Palaiseau, París, Francia Eduardo Roberto Gutiérrez Gualotuña, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, Ecuador LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Esmelin Niquín Alayo, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” - UNASAM Carlos Reyes Pareja, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” - UNASAM Ángel Deciderio Mendoza López, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” UNASAM Alexander Pacheco Castillo, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” UNASAM Erick Giovanny Flores Chacón, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” UNASAM Alberto Marín Medina Villacorta, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” UNASAM Heber Luis Hinostroza Encarnación, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” -UNASAM Alfonso Rossell Rurush Rosas, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” UNASAM Eugenio Macedo Guerrero, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” UNASAM SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE President: Ángel Cobo Ortega, Universidad de Cantabria, España Vice-presidents: Joaquín Izquierdo Sebastián, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España Lluis Miquel Plá Aragonés, Universidad de Lleida, España Edmundo Vergara Moreno, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, Perú Rolando Simeón Monet, Universidad de Holguín “Oscar Lucero Moya”, Cuba José Soeiro Ferreira, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Marcela González Araya, Universidad de Talca, Chile. Other members: Jaime Puig-Pey Echebeste. Universidad de Cantabria, España. Eliana Rocío Rocha Blanco. Universidad de Cantabria, España. OBJECTIVES It is hard to overestimate the economic and scientific repercussion of engineering task solutions (classes of problems). Particularly, the analysis and synthesis of preparation systems and decisions making under multiple criteria in design, technologies generation,production planning, logistics and maintenance and its integration to the economic management are considered of great importance to improve companies economic efficiency. The main objective of this workshop is to meet researchers, engineers and mathematicians with the purpose of reviewing and discussing the recent advances in the development of methods and approaches devoted to solve engineering problems. Moreover, it will be an important opportunity as well as an effective communication forum between the research and industrial communities. PREVIOUS SELASI WORKSHOPS I SELASI - Trujillo, Perú II SELASI - Porto, Portugal III SELASI - Talca, Chile IV SELASI – La Habana, Cuba V SELASI, Quito, Ecuador VI SELASI, La Habana, Cuba VII SELASI, Valencia, España VIII SELASI, La Habana, Cuba IX SELASI, La Victoria, Venezuela X SELASI, La Habana, Cuba WHO SHOULD ATTEND THE WORKSHOP?: The Science Faculty of the Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo and the Euro-latin-american Group on engineering systems invite engineers, mathematicians and researchers occupied in the solution of engineering problems and others related to participate in The XI European Latin American Workshop on Engineering Systems, taking into account the systemic complexity derived from the concatenation elements and functions in time as well as multiple objectives present in any engineering system. This reality determines the criterion intra and interdisciplinary of preparation processes, the decision making in engineering, the necessity of these processes decomposition into optimization under multiple criteria, solutions simulation and graphic representation of interrelated systems. The event can be also useful to managers interested in optimizing its work assisted by mathematicians, engineers and specialists in complex systems. Some questions to which those managers can find answers in the workshop: • How can I find solutions to my problems considering all the related objectives, including my subjective preference? • Who can help me to automate the searching of solution to the engineering problems existing in my company, and its integration with the company management? • How can I organize the solution to decision-making problems existing in my company? • When and how can I use the entire knowledge existing in my company for making better decisions? • Is there any successful industrial application already applied related to my specific problem? • How can I use what I learned in the workshop when returning to my company? The workshop could answer some of these questions and will ensure that immediately after that, the participants will be able to apply many of the principles and tools they have learned in their profession. THEMATIC AREAS 1. Analysis and Synthesis of Engineering Systems 2. Direct and Inverse problems in Engineering 3. Classic metaheuristic-based methods, hybrid optimization and its application to engineering 4. Preparing and Making Decisions under Multiple Criteria 5. Optimal under Multiple Criteria Design and Manufacture 6. Computers aided Geometric Design 7. Optimal Planning and Processes Operation under Multiple Criteria 8. Reliability Engineering 9. Optimization and Control Systems Energy 10. New technologies in water and energetic resources evaluation and management 11. Operational Research in Agricultural and Forest Management SESIONES ESPECIALES Y SUS ORGANIZADORES PRINCIPALES 1. Analysis and Synthesis of Engineering System: José Arzola Ruiz, Centro de Estudios de Matemáticas para las Ciencias Técnicas, Instituto Superior Politécnico “José Antonio Echeverría”, Cuba 2. Decisions Making, Optimization Methods, Metaheuristics Applied to Engineering: Ángel Cobo Ortega, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad de Cantabria, España 3. Processes Operation and Control: Esmelin Niquín Alayo, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” (UNASAM) , Perú. 4. Design, Fabrication and Mecatronics: Jesús Edilberto Espinola Gonzales, Universidad Nacional “Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo” (UNASAM), Perú. 5. Management water and energetic resources: Obidio Rubio Mercedes, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT), Perú. 6. Agribusiness Supply Chain: Lluis Miquel Plá, Universidad de Lleida, Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Lleida (UdL), España. 7. INTERNATIONAL MEETING – OR IN AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST MANAGEMENT (IM-ORAFM): Lluis Miquel Plá, Universidad de Lleida, Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Lleida (UdL), España. SENDING ABSTRACTS AND PAPERS The abstracts and papers will be made in English or Spanish according to format given in and sending to: Note: Full papers will be published in an indexed journal. REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fees of participants include the accreditation module with the digital report of the participation in the academic activities and presentations, its opening and closing ceremony, attendance certificate and presenter certificate: Participant / Speaker Reduced(*) Companion IX SELASI (solamente) IM-ORAFM (only) S/. 220 Nuevos Soles 80 Euros IX SELASI and IM-ORAFM 100 Euros S/. 80 Nuevos Soles S/. 70 Nuevos Soles 40 Euros 30 Euros 60 Euros 30 Euros (*) The reduced fees are applied to undergraduate and postgraduate students. This must be accredited with some certificate of your center study. Grants are available to cover the cost of registration, for three Peruvian students and three European students. Request it by sending an email , attaching a brief description of your Resume: The registration fee for companions includes opening and closing activities, coffee breaks, and cultural gala of XI SELASI The cash payment will be credited at the beginning and on the place of the XI SELASI. You must perform a pre -registration at the following link : GETTING TO HUARAZ - PERÚ In the site the information about how to get to Huaraz, hotels, restaurants and tourist places is given