religious freedom - Reconciling Ministries Network

Total Pages: 2
Suggested Title: Rejecting “religious freedom” as a means of discrimination
Book of Resolutions: New Resolution
General Church Budget Implications: None
Global Implications: No
Add New Resolution as follows:
WHEREAS, as people of faith seeking to love neighbors as ourselves, as citizens supporting liberty and
justice for all, and as United Methodists called to lead by example, we must carefully weigh how our
behavior affects the welfare of all people; and
WHEREAS, we hold religious freedom as a core value; and
WHEREAS, religious freedom guarantees that no religion shall receive preferential treatment or power
to oppress those who hold different beliefs; and
WHEREAS, laws or actions that discriminate or harm are not expressions of “religious freedom.”
WHEREAS, our commitment to religious freedom leads us to challenge any secular or religious claim to
the right to impose one religious way onto others by political, economic, or military force; and
WHEREAS, when any religion is used to justify discrimination, violence, or hateful attacks on others, God
mourns and calls us all to repentance and to seek an end to such violence; and
WHEREAS, any policies or actions of non-profit or religious organizations, private or corporate business,
or any government entity that misuses the principle of religious freedom in ways that would do harm by
denying anyone services, honor, dignity, equal rights, or equal protection is both unjust and inconsistent
with Jesus’ teaching and example; and
WHEREAS, love does not allow a neighbor to continue doing harm even in the name of religion. Love
does not condone silence in the face of the repression of anyone’s religion, and love does not condone
silence in the face of discrimination against others in the name of religious freedom. We take the words
of Paul to heart: “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26) We are called
to speak out whenever religious freedom is denied, and whenever religious freedom is used to oppress.
We speak out in a spirit of prophetic love and respect for all humankind.
THEREFORE, the United Methodist Church, its agencies, institutions and members are called to:
1. Honor, respect, and advocate for religious freedom for all faith communities.
2. To seek and create opportunities to study and participate in interfaith sharing and listening as
expressions of our love for all.
3. Urge all government to respect the right of religious freedom in their laws and practices; and to
welcome diverse religious expressions in service to the common good.
4. Challenge the policies and actions of non-profit and religious organizations, private or corporate
businesses, and government entities that misuses the principle of religious freedom in ways that do
harm by denying services, honor, dignity, equal rights, or equal protection to anyone.
5. Extend the compassionate ministry of the church to persons who suffer when either religious or
governmental authorities seek to deny these rights.
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