Gateway. - University of Sheffield

Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health
Collaborative PhD Studentships.
Sheffield Healthcare Gateway is working with the Graduate School in the
University’s Faculty of Medicine Dentistry & Health (MDH) to develop a new
programme for collaborative studentships with key commercial and other
external partners.
The purpose of these studentships for UK and EU candidates is to enable new
collaborative projects in areas which are of strategic importance to the
University and where there is potential to develop longer-term strategic
Requirements from the company or partner
Minimum £8,901 cash contribution in the first year (starting Oct
2014 or Feb 2015) with a projected 2.5% annual increment for year 2
(total £9,124) and then year 3 (£9,352) with an expected total cost of
£27,377 over the 3 year Ph.D. The other half of the student stipend and
tuition fee cost will be covered by the University of Sheffield.
Additional financial or in-kind support for specialist consumables
which are essential for the completion of the project
A collaboration agreement between the organisation and the University
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Collaborative PhD Studentships
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Version 2.5 updated 20 Nov 2013 for Oct 2014/ Feb 2015 start
of Sheffield must be in place before the project commences
University and the external partner. The external partner may increase
their financial contribution to the projects to secure foreground IP rights.
A student placement with the external partner is highly desirable, but
not an essential condition of these studentships. Next steps and schedule
MDH funding for Collaborative PhD studentships with external partners is
intended to be responsive and so applications can be made at any point in the
year depending on resource. Academics with interested external partners need
to discuss the project with your Business Manager from the Sheffield
Healthcare Gateway (contact details can be found from
To be considered for Collaborative PhD studentship, please complete the short
application form attached to this guidance and supply a letter of support from
the external partner detailing their commitment to the project, and return to
your Business Manager from the Sheffield Healthcare Gateway.
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•Academics complete the application, company supply letter of support
•Funding is confirmed by Gateway, Head of the Graduate School, FDRI
•Collaborative PhD contract is agreed and signed
•Project undergoes independent scientific review process
•Project proposals uploaded to Faculty Graduate School web pages and
advertised to students. Simultaneously, external advertisement generated
and publicised
•Student recruited and project starts
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Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Collaborative PhD Studentships
application form.
Please complete and return to a member of the Sheffield Healthcare Gateway team
1: Name, department and email of academic
2: Name and address of external partner
3: External partner contact details with position email and telephone number
4: Scope of research interests of external partner
5: Collaborative PhD project plan (approx. 500 words)
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6: Please attach a support letter from the external partner detailing financial (minimum
£8684 per year for 3 years) and in-kind contributions to the project
7: Signatures
External partner:
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry & Health Collaborative PhD Studentships
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Version 2.5 updated 20 Nov 2013 for Oct 2014/ Feb 2015 start