KWRLFPD AC Minutes Date 3 December 2013 Time 4:00pm Location MW KWR Office Chairperson Bruce Turner Meeting Subject Attendees Con Raffa, Matthew Coleman, Frank Rovers, Frank Butera, Rosemary Zurrer, Ian Anderson, David Young, Mark Howard, Gavan O'Neill (GO), Jarrod Mitchell (JM), Mark Chicoine (MC) Apologies Bernard Dillon Note Taker Mark Chicoine Topic Advisory Committee Meeting 1 Presenter 1. 1. Welcome and introductions Bruce Turner Time allott ed 4.00 Di Discussion Bruce welcomed everyone to the inaugural meeting of the 2013 – 2015 Committee and thanked members for their attendance and commitment noting that this first session would be more of a ‘getting started’ meeting. Members were invited to outline their interests and expectations in joining the committee. 2. 2. Terms of Reference (TOR) Bruce Turner 4:05 Di Discussion Bruce explained that it would be beneficial to step through the TOR in order to set the stage and clarify the scope of the Committee, responsibilities, and expectations and welcomed suggestions on any changes from the group. With regard to S.1.2, the use of the term ‘common’ in reference to flooding in the area was queried. GO explained that the term was used to ensure an understanding that flooding cannot be completely prevented as large events and other factors contribute to a probability of flooding. This was acknowledged and it was agreed that substituting ‘common’ with ‘an issue’ (ie "flooding...remains an issue in the area") would be more suitable. Under S.1.3, Role and function, GO explained that MW intends to provide to the committee a more forward looking works plan (first 3 bullet points). Members queried if the works budget was fully allocated in advance and whether the Committee would be 1 Topic Presenter Time allott able to see the actual costs of the works undertaken. It was confirmed that the $1.2 ed million was fully allocated upfront and then, when necessary in response to events or other emerging priorities, could be re-prioritised. It was confirmed that the works schedule brought to the Committee will indicate costs for each work. In response to a query about the Priority Works / funds, it was advised that the priority works currently scheduled are expected to be completed by year’s end, and that the remaining recovery monies from the carrier drains (the 50% collected) is being allocated to some works now (surveys) and further allocated in the next works plan to be brought to the Committee in March. Rosemary queried whether MW attends to water quality issues. She referred to a recent significant spill in Longwarry that was attended by the EPA, but was not sure whether EPA or others were continuing to monitor the site. She suggested that significant rain could result in a holding pond for the spill running over and contaminating the Bunyip River, creating an issue for irrigation. GO advised that while MW has a responsibility to look after receiving waters and invests in stormwater quality improvement, the EPA was the lead agency in pollution spills, while MW provides a support role. With regard to S.1.4, Responsibilities, Bruce noted that a key emphasis here was the expectation that members would reach into the community and be a two-way conduit between their community networks/interests and the activities of the Advisory Committee (and Melbourne Water). It was suggested there had been a lack of transparency in financial accounting at past committees and that there was a need for regular financial reports. GO advised that MW could develop a periodic financial report and make it available to the Committee. It was agreed this would be added to the Terms of Reference (S.1.4.2). With regard to S. 1.5, Composition, Bruce noted that there was one vacancy on the Committee, being the KWR Township representative. A suggestion was made to approach Frank from SRW as this representative. GO also sought the endorsement from the membership to continue to have both a Cardinia officer and a Councillor representative on the Committee – and this was accepted. It was noted that Baw Baw Shire also expressed an interest in having a representative. Given the potential strategic importance in light of future township growth in the Shire, it was agreed to accept a representative from Baw Baw Shire. Concern was expressed that the list of Advisory Committee composition pigeon-holed people, when many members met more than one criteria. It was suggested and agreed that, rather than specifying locations or interest groups, the composition "reflects the spread of geographic and other interests from across the district, such as Koo Wee Rup and Longwarry and surrounding areas, and agricultural, community and environmental interests. Frank Rovers excused himself from the meeting at 4:55pm. With regard to S.1.6, Terms of appointment, it was advised that the Cardinia Councillor confirmations for external committees occur annually and could result in a different councillor representative year on year. Ian expressed concern that appointments to the Committee were made by MW without involvement of someone more independent. GO advised that Meegan Sullivan who was on the review and interview panel was an experienced consultant hired to provide objective independent advice and support to MW throughout the process. Bruce noted that his role as Chair (S.1.7) was as stated in the TOR and that he has no 2 Topic Presenter direct interest in the works in the District. Time allott ed With regard to S.1.8, Operation and logistics, Bruce advised that his intent and his recommendation were to encourage the committee to provide its advice and recommendations to MW by consensus since the committee has no formal decisionmaking powers. With regard to declaring financial interests, the question of whether members should leave the room or stay and participate in discussions was debated. It was agreed that an interest should be declared and the group can work through any issues at the time. It was noted that the Committee is ‘advisory’ therefore not asked to formally vote on any financial matters. It was decided that the meeting minutes would be circulated in draft for review within one week following the meeting and members would have one week to provide any comments. Once complete the minutes would be made available on the KWR page on the MW website. Actions: 1. MC to amend the TOR in track changes as noted in the above discussion and circulates for the endorsement of the Committee at the March meeting. 2. MW to liaise with Cardinia Shire to produce a good map of all assets in the area and who's responsible for what. 3. MW to develop a quarterly financial report on works spending within the District to discuss at each Committee meeting. 4. MW to approach other suitable Koo Wee Rup candidates as a potential committee member. 5. MW to contact Baw Baw Shire to confirm a spot for them on the Committee. 3. 3. History of flood protection in the District ALL 5:20 Di Discussion Bruce led the group on a reflection of the historical timeline of significant floods and other activities within the District, summarised below. 1934 flood, leading to the Royal Commission Yallock Cut in the 1950’s / 60’s 1937 Flood – major flooding State Rivers WSC evolution into the DVA and along with the Longwarry Drainage Board and KWR Flood Protection Board became MWC. 1988 flood, 1990 flood – which was more significant than 1988 1991 flood followed by about a decade of drought Minimal desilting of the drains from 2000 to 2010 during the drought. There was less programed / regular maintenance. Introduction of the Federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation 3 Topic Presenter (EPBC) Act – environmental management. Time allott ed 2011 flood, 2012 (June flood) resulting in localised flooding 2013 localised flooding – Toomuc / Cardinia Recent wins with planning and discussions with the Federal government – MW now has clarity on the scope of planning and has a standard procedure to speed up works without triggering the EPBC Act. Concerns were expressed that some drains around Longwarry had ‘fallen off the radar’ and that no one was taking ownership and that with some drains the responsibility stops just outside the District. It was advised that during the drought period focus was on grass cutting and vegetation control as a priority with the Committee. 4. 4. Current context (policy and legislation) Gavan O’Neill 5:50 Di Discussion GO provided an overview of the context within which MW operates in the District including budget, assets and works. Presentation attached and on website. The amounts spent on carrier drain works was discussed as was the $4.5 of System Improvement Works monies, the first spend of which was approximately $920k. It was noted that an extra 26% of the overall system was maintained last year. Focus moving forward was strategic, information on system hydraulic capacity to identify ‘pinch points’ that will guide future renewals program. Some of this work based on LIDA, inspections and validation by the committee. It was agreed that presentation be circulated (with final minutes). Actions: 5. - MW to report to next meeting on how the $4.5 million System Improvement Works 'refund' of regional function/role of carrier drains has been spent. 6. - Future meeting topic: how MW prioritises the work it does in the flood protection district – where and why. 7. - Committee to consider the scope of a future field trip (~April) in the light of MW's report on the priority works (Action 6 above). 8. 5. Towards a Customer Charter Gavan O’Neill 6:00 Di Discussion GO advised that MW had been drafting a Customer Service Charter (CSC) for the district aimed at improving governance and clarifying expectations regarding levels of service from MW. The process of reviewing and commenting on this draft was discussed and it was agreed that prior to the next meeting a draft of the CSC be provided to the Committee for review and comment at the next meeting. The process for community consultation on the CSC will also be discussed at the next AC meeting. 9. General Business / Next meeting Bruce Turner 4 6:05 Topic Presenter Di Discussion Time allott ed No other general business was discussed. Next meeting be scheduled for 4:00 – 6:00pm, Wednesday 12 March 2014, with Wednesdays being a preferred day for future meetings amongst the members present. Meeting Close Bruce Turner Bruce thanked the committee and brought the meeting to a close. 5 6:12