tests (new window)

In Blackboard Learn, you can use tests to measure
student knowledge, gauge
progress, and gather information from students.
In this workshop, the main focus is on creating tests and questions, choosing appropriate
settings, and adding tests to course areas. Along the way, you will learn some best practices
for using tests as teaching tools and encouraging academic honesty.
The Big Picture
Create a Test
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Table of Contents
ACCESS TESTS .............................................................................................................................. 4
LEARN the LINGO ....................................................................................................................... 6
STEP ONE: CREATE the TEST ....................................................................................................... 7
ACCESS the TESTS TOOL ............................................................................................................ 8
ADD a TEST .................................................................................................................................. 9
SPECIFY QUESTION SETTINGS ................................................................................................... 10
OFFER PARTIAL CREDIT............................................................................................................. 10
USE NEGATIVE POINTS .............................................................................................................. 11
AWARD EXTRA CREDIT ............................................................................................................. 12
ADD QUESTIONS ....................................................................................................................... 14
QUESTION TYPES ....................................................................................................................... 16
ASSIGN POINTS ......................................................................................................................... 18
BEST PRACTICE ......................................................................................................................... 19
ORDER the QUESTIONS ............................................................................................................ 20
TRY IT ................................................................................................................................. 21
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BEST PRACTICE ......................................................................................................................... 22
STEP TWO: DEPLOY the TEST .................................................................................................... 24
ADD TESTS to CONTENT AREAS ............................................................................................... 25
TEST OPTIONS PAGE ................................................................................................................. 26
BEST PRACTICE ......................................................................................................................... 27
TRY IT ................................................................................................................................. 28
REUSE QUESTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 29
QUESTION POOLS ..................................................................................................................... 33
TRY IT ................................................................................................................................. 34
FREQUENTLY ASKED .................................................................................................................. 34
SPOTLIGHT on YOUR COURSE ................................................................................................. 35
GOING FURTHER ....................................................................................................................... 36
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Students typically access tests from a content area and click the title of the test
to access it. You can choose to provide information following the test title.
Next, students click Begin and the test appears. If the test is timed, the timer starts when
Begin is clicked.
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Take Test Page
Along with the information you write in the Description and Instructions area when creating
the test, students are given information about the test options you chose, such as whether
they can take the test multiple times, how long the time limit is, and whether they can
continue beyond the specified time.
Students see a collapsible status bar above the test questions, showing which questions they
answered. If you set a timer for the test, it also appears in the status bar.
Student View: Taking a Test
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Deploy a test
Adding a test to a course area, such as a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or
folder where students click its title to access it.
Extra credit
An extra credit correct answer results in adding the points listed in the question's Points box to
the points earned for the test. An incorrect answer does not result in a point deduction.
Questions designated as extra credit are removed from the total points calculation for the
purpose of grading.
Negative points
You can penalize students' incorrect answers with negative points. This feature is most often
used in Multiple Choice tests to discourage guessing.
Partial credit
When you enable partial credit, a portion of the total points for a question is awarded when
an answer is not entirely correct.
Question pool
A collection of test questions that you can include in tests.
Question set
A collection of test questions retrieved from selected tests and pools. From this set, you
specify how many questions to display.
Question Settings
After creating a test, you can determine the options available for creating test questions on
the Question Settings page. For example, you can set options for scoring, feedback, images,
metadata, and how questions are displayed to students.
Random block
A set of test questions retrieved at random from one or more question pools to be presented
each time the test is taken.
Test Canvas
As you create a test, first you add the test information. Then, the Test Canvas appears,
displaying the test name, description, and instructions. From this page, you create or find
questions, select question settings, determine point values, and reorder questions.
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The first step in a test’s lifecycle is to create
the test.
When creating a test, you need to do the following actions:
Add the test.
Specify the question settings.
Add the questions.
Order the questions.
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On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and select Tests, Surveys, and Pools.
On the Tests, Surveys, and Pools page, click Tests.
The Tests page displays all existing tests. The Deployed column lists where you added the test
in your course. You can also build new tests.
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Quick Steps
The Facts
When you add a test, you can include
the following basic
Name of the test.
Description, which appears under the title in a content
area and at the top of the test after it is started.
Instructions, which appear at the top of the test after it is
Do It
1. On the Tests page, click Build Test on the action bar.
2. On the Test Information page, type a Name, Description, and
Instructions. You can use the content editor functions to
format the text and include files, images, web links,
multimedia, and mashups.
3. Click Submit.
NOTE: A description and instructions are optional, but
After adding the test information, the Test Canvas appears,
displaying the test name, description, and instructions. The next
step in the test creation process is selecting the question settings.
Create Tests
Test Canvas
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Quick Steps
The Facts
The second step in creating a test is to specify the test’s
question settings. Question settings control the options available
when creating test questions. Your selections include whether to
provide the following information when creating questions:
Feedback for individual answers
Images, files, and web links in feedback and answers
Question metadata, such as categories, topics, levels of
difficulty, and keywords
Scoring defaults, such as a default point value, or partial or
negative credit for answers
Specifics for how answers are displayed, such as random
ordering of answers
Do It
1. On the Control Panel, expand the Course Tools section and
click Tests, Surveys, and Pools.
2. On the Tests, Surveys, and Pools page, click Tests.
3. On the Tests page, access the test's contextual menu and
click Edit.
4. On the Test Canvas, click Question Settings on the action bar.
5. On the Test Question Settings page, make your selections.
6. Click Submit.
Question Settings
Question Metadata
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Quick Steps
When you enable partial credit, a
a question is awarded when an answer is not entirely correct.
portion of the total points for
You can enable partial credit during question creation or when
editing a question.
Partial credit is available for the following question types:
Calculated Formula
Fill in Multiple Blanks
Jumbled Sentence
Multiple Answer
Multiple Choice
Opinion Scale/Likert Question
Quiz Bowl
For example, you include the following Multiple Choice question with
four answers: "What is on a beach?" If the correct answer, "sand," is
awarded 5 points, but another choice is "the ocean," you can set
partial credit to 40%, awarding 2 points for that answer.
If partial credit is enabled, but negative points is not, valid percentage
values for a question are 0.0 to 100.0.
Do It
1. On the Test Question Settings page, select Specify partial credit
options for answers and click Submit.
2. For each appropriate question, select the check box for Allow
Partial Credit.
3. For each incorrect answer, type a percentage in the Partial Credit
% box and click Submit.
Question Settings
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Quick Steps
The Facts
You can penalize students' incorrect answers with
negative points. This feature is most often used in Multiple
Choice tests to discourage guessing. For example, you might use
negative points when creating a test in the medical field where a
student’s incorrect answer could result in patient injury or death.
You can enable the negative points option during question
creation or when editing a question.
Negative points for incorrect answers is available for the following
question types:
Multiple answer
Multiple choice
For example, if a Multiple Choice question awards 5 points for a
correct answer and 0 points for skipping it, you can set -20% (or -1
point) for each of the incorrect answers.
Valid negative point percentage values for a question are -100.0
to -0.0.
Do It
1. On the Test Question Settings page, select Specify negative
points options for answers.
NOTE: The negative points option appears only if you enabled
the Specify partial credit options for answers option and click
2. For each appropriate question, select the check boxes for
Allow Partial Credit and Allow Negative Scores for Incorrect
3. For each incorrect answer, type a negative percentage in the
Partial Credit % box and click Submit.
Question Settings
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Quick Steps
The Facts
When you enable extra credit and apply it to an individual
question, a
correct answer results in adding the points
listed in the question's Points box to the points earned for the
test. An incorrect answer does not result in a point deduction.
Questions designated as extra credit are removed from the total
points calculation for the purpose of grading. If a student answers
all questions correctly on a test with an extra credit question, he
or she is awarded a score greater than 100% on the test. You
enable extra credit after you create questions.
Do It
1. On the Test Question Settings page, select Provide option to
assign questions as extra credit and click Submit.
2. For each appropriate question, click the Points box.
3. In the pop-up box, select the check box for Extra Credit and
click Submit.
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Question Settings
You can add new questions to your test in two ways.
1: Create Question Drop-down List
On the Test Canvas, point to Create Question on the action bar to access the drop-down list.
The questions are listed in alphabetical order. Select the type of question you want to add to
your test. The question is added to the bottom of the list of questions.
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2: Add Question Feature
You can add new questions exactly where you want them on the Test Canvas. Click the plus
sign before or after another question and choose a question type.
You can also reuse questions from other tests or pools, and upload questions from your
computer. These functions are presented last in this workshop.
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The following table summarizes the question types available in Blackboard Learn. To learn
more about each question and see an example in Blackboard Help, click the link in the
Question Types column.
Question Types
Calculated Formula
Students are required to make a calculation and respond with a
numeric answer.
NEW: You can select the number of decimals or significant figures for
the correct answers generated by the system.
Calculated Numeric
Students are required to make a numeric answer.
Students are asked to respond using a selection of predefined twochoice answers.
Students write a detailed response to a question or statement.
File Response
Students are required to upload a file from their computers or from
Course Files/Content Collection as the answer to the question.
Fill in the Blank
Students type text or numbers to complete a statement.
Fill in Multiple Blanks
Students complete the sentence by typing the appropriate word or
phrase for each blank.
Hot Spot
Students are presented with an image and are asked to select a
particular area.
Jumbled Sentence
Students complete a sentence by selecting words or phrases from a
drop-down list.
Students are presented with two lists of items and must pair items from
one list with the other list.
Multiple Choice
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Students select the single correct answer from a series of answers.
Question Types
Multiple Answer
Students select one or more correct answers from a series of answers.
Opinion Scale/Likert
Students answer based on attitudes or reactions using a comparable
Students are presented with a list of items to place in order according
to criteria specified in the question.
Quiz Bowl
Students are presented with an answer they must provide the
question to.
Short Answer
Students enter an answer into one or more text boxes.
Students select the validity of a statement.
The process for adding questions to tests is similar for each question type.
At a minimum, you must add the following information:
Question text
Point value
Depending on the test’s question settings, you may add more information for each question.
For example, you may also select the display order for the answers of a specific question.
NOTE: You can associate rubrics with Essay, File Response, or Short Answer questions.
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Quick Steps
The Facts
After selecting the questions, you can assign or edit point values.
Do It
1. On the Test Canvas, click a question’s current point value to
access the Update Points pop-up box.
2. Edit the points.
3. Click Submit.
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Add Questions
Test higher levels of learning by adding videos to your tests. Video is ideal for
providing visual cues and testing observation skills, evaluation skills, and comprehension.
Use the mashups function in the content editor to add YouTube™ videos to your test
A mashup combines elements from two or more sources. When you view a
YouTube video in a Blackboard Learn course as part of the course content, you are
experiencing a mashup. Mashups also include Flickr® photos and SlideShare presentations.
TIP: After selecting a YouTube video, choose No for the Show YouTube Information option if
you do not want to show YouTube’s suggested videos at the end of playback.
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The final step in creating a test is to order the questions. By default, questions
are presented to students in the same order you added them to the test. If the order of the
questions is not important, skip this step.
After you deploy
a test—add it to a course area for student access—you can
change the order of questions without affecting grades on existing submissions.
In addition, when you deploy a test, you can choose to display the questions randomly each
time the test is taken.
On the Test Canvas, reorder questions by pointing to a question to show the double-tipped
arrow and then dragging
it to its new location.
Alternatively, use the keyboard
accessible reordering tool (
) on the action bar.
Select a question, and use the up and down arrows below the title box to adjust the order.
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For this activity, use your Practice
Use the tests tool
Create a test.
Select the test’s question settings.
Add four to six questions. Add at least one of the questions using the “plus sign”—the
add question feature.
Reorder your questions.
Optionally, edit the point value for one or more questions.
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Use Tests as a Teaching Tool
In online teaching, the role of an instructor often shifts toward guide and mentor. By using
online assessments, you have the opportunity to use a test as a teaching tool, rather than
purely as an evaluation mechanism.
Looking at Tests in a New Way
Traditionally, assessments measure knowledge at a specific point in time. However,
assessments can be used as tools to improve subsequent learning.
Pre-tests provide a snapshot of students’ current understanding of a topic and prime
them for receiving new knowledge. Students can derive personal satisfaction by
comparing their pre-test scores with a post-test score.
Tests that allow students more than one attempt provide opportunities for relearning
and reassessment. Instructions can improve retention and comprehension by
providing students with answer feedback and special assignments between test
Frequent Testing and Motivation
Frequent tests not only assess what students know, but also enhance later retention, a
phenomenon known as the testing effect. In an experiment, students either took repeated
quizzes or were permitted to study the material repeatedly. Students in the former group
performed better on a delayed test of their knowledge. The study-only group had read the
passage about 14 times, but recalled less than the repeated testing group, which had read
the passage only 3.4 times.
“Clearly, testing enhances long-term retention through some mechanism that both
different from and more effective than restudy alone.” 1
Many studies show similar results, including one that shows frequent testing resulted in higher
examination grades, especially for students with low GPAs and high levels of procrastination
behavior.2 Frequent tests give students the motivation to study at regular intervals during the
semester, which results in better long-term retention than cramming.
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Frequent opportunities for students to test their knowledge can be especially effective in an
online course. Inform students they will be tested often with less emphasis placed on the
grades obtained and more emphasis on the learning process.
Students often state they need timely and high-quality interaction with their instructors. In
Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education, Chickering and Gamson
(1987) identify prompt feedback as one of the principles. One efficient way to accomplish
this interaction is by creating feedback for online test questions. While the score itself is
feedback, students will find your comments valuable.3
In Blackboard Learn, you can provide automatic feedback for each answer, such as:
Praise for correct answers.
Reasons why an answer is incorrect—a teachable moment.
References to textbook pages or online course content to help students learn the
material for incorrect answers.
Appropriate humor.
By developing a testing strategy that uses frequent opportunities for students to test
themselves, feedback for learning, and an emphasis on long-term retention, you may see
improved student outcomes.
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Now that you have learned how to create tests and add questions, the
next step is to
deploy the test:
1. Add the test to a content area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder.
2. Make the test available to students by editing test options.
In addition to setting availability, you can also edit the self-assessment, presentation, and
feedback options. Carefully selecting the options most appropriate for your course can
enhance student learning and encourage academic honesty.
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Quick Steps
The Facts
You can add each test only once to a specific content
area, learning module, lesson plan, or folder.
In the Grade Center, a column is created automatically for each
test you deploy in your course.
Do It
1. Change Edit Mode to ON and access the content area where
you want to add the test.
2. On the action bar, point to Assessments and click Test.
3. On the Create Test page, select a test from the Add Test box.
4. Click Submit. The Test Options page appears.
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Deploy Tests
Test options allow you to edit the name and description of a test. Other options control the
availability, presentation, and feedback. These options are available only after a test is
deployed to a content area. Reminder: When you add a test to a content area, it is
To edit options for a deployed test, access a test's contextual menu and select Edit the Test
If you change the name or description of the test, the changes appear in the content area
and the Grade Center column is updated with the new name.
Test availability is set after you add a test to a content area. When you make a test
unavailable, it is deployed to a content area, but a link does not appear to students.
When Edit Mode is ON, instructors and course builders can see unavailable tests.
All the test options are discussed in the following Blackboard Help links.
Test Options
Edit Tests
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Instructors are often concerned about academic
honesty when considering online
assessment. While you may not be able to prevent cheating completely, you can take steps
to minimize it.4
Have students sign an academic integrity policy that defines cheating and outlines
expectations for honesty.
Use email or chat to verify the level of a student’s test content knowledge after an
unexpectedly good performance.
Test Construction
Limit both duration of the test’s availability and time limit for taking it.
Randomize the order in which the questions appear and the order of each question’s
Provide a different test for those taking the test late.
Use a test as a learning tool, rather than as a measure of fact recall. Allow students
more than one attempt with the intent they will return to the course content to learn
what they missed the first time. Create a follow-up assignment requiring them to
demonstrate knowledge in areas not mastered at the time of the test.
Pair online objective tests with subjective measures, such as writing assignments,
projects, applied problems, and group work.
Administer tests in a proctored location, if possible.
If you suspect two students of collaborating on tests, compare the times the tests were
taken, and their answers and grades.
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For this activity, use your Practice
From the Assessments content area, access the following tests and edit the settings as
Practice Quiz
Make the test available to students.
Allow three attempts.
Do not include the score in the Grade Center.
Change the test results and feedback options.
Unit 4 Quiz
Add an announcement to alert students to its availability.
Set the timer and turn on Auto-Submit.
Change the Test Presentation mode to All at Once.
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You can add existing questions to a test using the Reuse Question function on a test’s action
From the drop-down list, you can add the following items:
Questions sets: Collections of test questions retrieved from selected tests and pools.
From each question set, you specify how many questions to display.
Random blocks: Sets of test questions retrieved at random from one or more question
pools to be presented each time the test is taken.
Existing questions: The Find Questions feature allows you to add any questions that you
have already created in other tests and pools.
Pools are discussed after this section.
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The Find Questions Feature
The Find Questions page consists of the active filter area that displays all the questions that
meet your search criteria. This is a dynamic list that changes automatically as you select or
clear criteria.
Make your selections in the Browse Criteria section in the left panel. You can select questions
from pools and tests, or narrow by question type or metadata. You can also use the Search
current results box to type a phrase, word, or part of a word to find matching questions.
In the right panel, select the check boxes for the questions you want to add to your test. They
are added to the Selected Questions area at the bottom of the screen. You can expand the
area to view your list of questions or delete questions you don’t want to add to this test.
Find Questions
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Question Sets
You can specify a random selection of questions to be presented each time a test is taken.
To do this, you create a question set or random block.
A question set is a collection of questions retrieved from existing tests and pools. From this set,
you specify how many questions to present in the test. The specific questions displayed are
randomly chosen each time the test is taken.
Question sets can draw questions from both tests and pools.
When added to a test, a question set shows the total number of questions in the set, and the
currently set number of questions to display to a student taking the test. The default is one.
You can change the number to display at any time. To be sure students are presented with a
question set each time, enter a number less than the total number of questions.
NOTE: When you add questions to a test using the question set feature, each question is
linked, not copied. Therefore, if you change the original question, the revised version of the
question appears.
Questions Sets
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Random Blocks
Rather than selecting specific questions to include in a test, you can specify that a random
selection of questions be presented each time the test is taken.
Unlike question sets, random blocks draw questions from pools only. You cannot draw
random blocks of questions from tests. Question selection for random blocks does not have a
search function or the capability to browse by metadata.
You assign a point value to each question in the block. You cannot assign separate point
values for individual questions in the same random block.
NOTE: When you add questions to a test using the random block feature, each question is
linked, not copied. Therefore, if you change the original question, the revised version of the
question appears.
Random Blocks
Upload Questions
You can write test questions offline in a specially formatted text file and upload it into your
tests and question pools. Once uploaded, you can edit and use the questions exactly like
the questions that you create inside Blackboard Learn. Visit the following topic in Blackboard
Help to learn how to format the questions and file.
Upload Questions
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A question pool is a collection of questions that is stored for repeated use. Questions in a pool
are almost identical to test questions. They can contain feedback, metadata, and all the
other elements of a test question, but they do not contain point values. When creating pools,
you may want to only include questions of approximately the same difficulty.
Instructors typically use pools to create a database of questions they can reuse in multiple
tests. For example, an instructor for a Sustainable Living course might create a question pool
for each of the central topics in the course. In the following illustration, the instructor created
three pools: Diet, Housing, and Energy.
You cannot deploy pools or make them visible to students. However, during test creation,
you can find questions to include by searching pools.
When you select pool questions for a test, links are created between the test and the pool
questions. Changes to linked questions produce a warning message that the changes take
effect everywhere the question appears.
TIP: You can export a pool of questions from one course, and then import into another
Questions Pools
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For this activity, use your Practice
If you experience any issues with finding questions, check that you have allowed pop-up
windows for your server and try again.
Reuse questions
Build a pool.
Access the tests tool and create a new test with a random block that uses questions
from two pools. Select the check box for the Multiple Choice question type and
On the Test Canvas, change the point value for the questions in the random block
and display at least five questions. Reminder: All questions in a random block must
have the same point value.
Preview the questions in the random block.
Next, use the find questions feature to add two more questions to your test. Select the
check boxes for All Tests, and the Essay and True/False question types. Select all the
questions that appear in the right filter area. Expand the Selected Questions area to
view the list. Now, Submit.
Assign different point values to these new questions.
Feel free to experiment with the question set feature.
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What is proctoring?
Local proctoring is a common practice when an online test is being used for formal
evaluation purposes, such as in the case with a midterm or final exam. Students can
arrive at a computer lab at a designated time where a proctor checks
identification and ensures students do not collaborate or cheat on the test.
Proximity and common geographic areas are typically necessary factors to
organize local proctoring of tests. If students are geographically dispersed,
proctoring becomes more challenging, but not impossible. In some cases,
instructors are able to set up local proctoring by making arrangements with
professors or instructors at a local college, school, or library.
You can also learn about online proctoring and restricting test taking by location in
the following Blackboard Help topics.
Kryterion Konnect Online Proctoring
Restrict Tests by Location
Can I reuse a test given at the beginning of the course? What is the best way
to achieve this?
Yes. You can copy the test. Access a test’s contextual menu and click Copy. The
copied test appears in the list and has a number appended to the name, such as
Unit 1 Quiz(1). You can edit this name, if needed. If you want to use a test in
another course, you can export it and import it to the other course.
Now that you have experienced an online test, it’s time to think about implementing tests in
your course.
Begin by taking an inventory of the resources already available to you.
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Print exams from a face-to-face
Create new test questions based on your print materials.
course you have already taught
Find out if assistance for this task is available.
Textbook test banks
Import them into Blackboard Learn.
Other instructors
Are there other instructors in your department who can
collaborate with you?
Online resources
Be discriminating—fully assess the quality of any online
resource you find.
After you create your online assessments, test
your tests. Before deploying your test,
preview it, answer questions as a student, and have a volunteer do the same.
Keep the following questions in mind:
Have your students been notified of the time and date and location of the test?
Are the instructions clear?
Is the formatting easy to read?
Is any of the wording unclear or ambiguous?
Are the correct answers selected?
Are appropriate points given for correct and incorrect answers?
Are the test settings correct? Double-check settings such as dates available and
number of attempts.
Has feedback been added to continue the learning process?
To continue learning about the tests tool, visit these Blackboard Help topics. Presently, survey
information is included with the tests topics as they share many of the same workflows. If you
want to learn more about surveys, visit the combined tests and surveys topics.
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Blackboard Help
Test Question Status
Test Results
Grade Tests
Resolve Student Issues With Tests
My Grades
Student View: Tests
Roediger, H. L. & Karpicke, J. D. (2006). Test-enhanced learning: Taking memory tests improves long-term
retention. Psychological Science, 17, issue 3.
B. (2000). Using frequent testing to increase students’ motivation to achieve. Paper presented at the
7th biannual International Conference on Motivation, Leuven, Belgium.
A. W. & Gamson, Z. F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education.
American Association of Higher Education Bulletin, 3-7.
N. C. (2004). Cheating in Online Student Assessment: Beyond Plagiarism. Online Journal of Distance
Learning Administration Volume 7, Number 2.
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