Tournament Planning Guide

Tournament Planning Guide
The following is only a guideline for planning a tournament.
Abilities and duties may vary according to age group, coach preferences and parent decision making.
Coaches & Convener(s) Duties
Pre Tournament
Find volunteer: (1-2) to serve as tournament convener(s). If the tournament is beng playing out of 2
rinks there must be a convener at each rink.
Invite teams to participate in tournament. Tournament entry fees as per SRMH entry fee rates.
Entry fee cheques made payable to SRMH. Request approved Hockey Manitoba Rosters to be submitted
as soon as possible.
Request tournament sanction from SRMH registrar and provide a list of teams
participating in tournament.
Prepare draw, in consultation with arena management and referee in chief. Two
poster size draws are required, one for Resource Centre and one for lobby area. Dale Jersak is often
helpful with this.
Submit tournament schedule to referee in chief and arena management.
Do information sheet with tournament rules.
Order medallions for tournament participants. Invoice SRMH directly for
trophy/medallion purchases (exception Atom house is required to bill Northern Specialties directly).
Typically medallions. 2 week notice preferred.
Contact tournament sponsor(s) to present trophies to teams or make alternate presenter arrangements.
Ensure coach packages are assembled and distributed to coaches upon arrival at rink.
Tournament Weekend
SRMH Annual Tournament program, and insert participating teams, player names and tournament
draw. Programs are stored in the Resource Centre, SRMH locker. Programs are to be distributed at the
door/raffle table.
Obtain and post MAHA Sanction of Tournament from SRMH I registrar (prepaid by SRMH). May also
be helpful to post tournament rules by sanction and draw.
Ensure tournament runs smoothly. Stay at the rink. Using Resource Centre as a tournament office,
during tournament play to serve as a resource person for coaches should questions or concerns arise.
Ensure timely games.
Game sheets completed and signed by coaches prior to each game. Labels can be made up prior to
tournament to simplify this process. Game sheets are available from arena manager/staff.
Collect game sheets from score keepers and distribute carbon copies of games sheets to coaches
following completion of each game. Official game sheet are to be kept in Resource Centre for record.
Update draw as games are completed.
Organize number of trophies/medallions required for each team and deliver to score keepers box at for
final games played.
Designate coach/volunteer to thank teams and sponsors for their participation following their final
games and announce each player as they receive tournament participation trophies/medallions.
At end of tournament advise SRMH treasurer by e-mail
The following:
*Number of participating teams
*Names of participating teams
*Number of hours of ice utilized for the tournament
*Number of tournament games played
*Ensure concession bill is paid if a player's lunch is provided and other expenses are paid
Coach Packages
To include:
Tournament draw
Tournament rule sheet
Player's lunch coupons
Advertising to thank the tournament sponsors. Some sponsors may wish to offer a
special coupon valid for redemption on tournament weekend. Check with tournament sponsor if
applicable. Receive sponsor's approval for any advertising flyers/special offers prior to printing.
Tournament Fundraising and Other Initiatives
Proceeds from door prizes, 50/50, raffle table, etc are maintained by the host team to assist in covering
any tournament cost incurred above those covered by SRMH (iced rental, officials. trophies/medallions).
Remaining funds may be used as agreed upon by parent group.
Businesses are not to be solicited for door prizes or silent auction prizes. Parents are expected to
donate these.
The following is only a guideline. Improvements and new ideas are always encouraged.
Raffle Table
Designate raffle table chairperson.
Make sign-up sheet for workers, 2 per shift. Post by raffle table during tournament.
Collect $5-$20/family for purchase of prizes for the raffle table or organize for parents to donate items
of a certain value to be put into prize groups. Set up raffle table morning of tournament prior to teams
Cash box and float required. Recommended float: 1 roll loonies, 1 roll toonies, 5-five dollar bills, 1-ten
dollar bill. This float is also sufficient to be used along with a loonie stick and 50/50.
Penny auction ticket sheets to be purchased from Star and Times. Sold in bundles of 100. Sheets of
tickets are sold for $5/sheet at tournament. Binder ring for keeping auction ticket stubs in order.
Pens and tape
Posters to be made stating ticket prices and prize draw times. Signage required for any businesses that
donated raffle table prizes.
Table clothes and buckets for tickets numbered to correspond to prize/package.
Poster board to indicate prize winners on and state that prizes may be claimed at Resource Centre if not
picked up by the end of the final game on Saturday.
Clean up raffle table at end of day. Take unclaimed prizes to Resource Centre.
Phone prize winners.
Make arrangements for prize winners to receive prizes if unable to claim prizes at rink during
tournament times.
50/50 chairperson
Sign-up sheet; It workers. Post winning numbers at raffle table during tournament.
Decide on number of draws to be made ie. Each game or progressive
Decide on ticket selling price (3 for $2, 10 for S5).
Purchase rolls of tickets. Check lockers for leftover rolls from previous year's tournament. 3 rolls of
tickets should be sufficient. (Inquire when purchasing if unused rolls may be returned).
Float generally shared with raffle table. Make a note of float amount on large sheet of paper to be placed
in pail so that the float is taken out prior to counting money to determine prize amount. Make a note for
raffle table cash box as well indicating amount of float taken.
Poster required to post winning numbers, prize amount and winners names. Have scorekeepers
announce winning ticket numbers.
Count and divide money collected, minus float, to establish prize amount. Resource Centre may be used
if desired.
Envelopes needed for prize money to be given to winner.
Team's portion of proceeds remain in cash box/envelope in Resource Centre or with team
Unclaimed prizes may be kept until claimed in Resource Centre.
Loonie Stick
Purchase hockey stick or have it donated from within the team parent family.
Tickets sold, $2 each. For each ticket sold, a loonie is taped on the stick to be raffled and the other goes
in the cash box.
Sock tape to tape loonies to stick required.
Draw bucket and raffle tickets required.
Poster for Loonie Stick draw and ticket price.
Timekeepers and Scorekeepers
Sign-up sheet for shifts required. 2 people shift. Post copy of sign-up sheet by raffle table.
All tournaments; parents as volunteers work the penalty box as scorekeepers and timekeepers for all
games. there must be an adult in the penalty box.
Following game instruct players to line up at blue line and announce digger and player of the game
Thank tournament sponsors.
Sign game sheet, have ref and linesman sign game sheet. Take completed game sheet to convener
Player's Lunch
Contact concession operator to negotiate player's lunch price.
Typical player's lunch consists or hot dog. juice box and choice of puffed wheat or rice crispy cake.
Sign up sheet for volunteers to make puffed wheat and rice krispie cake. 1 piece per player required. 19x13 cut into 12 pieces, wrapped in cling wrap.
A player's lunch table may be required depending on arrangements made with concession. If so, a signup sheet for workers is also required. The table may be set up by arena management office. Post a copy
of worker sign-up sheet behind raffle table.
Notify concession of team numbers and approximate time that the coupons will be redeemed prior to
Lunch coupons to be sorted into bundles/placed in envelopes according to team numbers to be put in
coach packages.
Laminated reusable player's lunch coupons are stored with tournament decorations.
Get bill for lunch (and redeemed coupons if received by concession) from concession to then be handed
in to coach/conveyor.
Indicate on envelope or otherwise to coaches when coupons are valid for redemption (i.e. 'please
redeem following first game on Saturday' or 'redeem on Saturday between 10:30am and 2:30pm')
Digger Awards and Player of the Game
Determine how awards will be chosen (by coach choosing for own team, by scorekeepers, by parent of
opposing team, etc)
Digger and game star recipients are typically not duplicated throughout course of tournament. Decide on
method to keep track of players having received awards.
Awards (toque, dog tag, medallion, coupon, etc) paid for by team raffle table proceeds or by business
contributions from within the team family.
Certificates are typically made as a part of the digger and player of the game award.
Volunteer to serve as committee chairperson
Form committee and decide on theme. Currently 'Team Canada' decorations have been made and shared
for the past several seasons by various age groups. They are stored in Rubbermaid containers in the
Resource Centre.
Players name tags to be posted under team banner in lobby area to be made up ahead of time. These are
often done on hockey related items i.e.) pucks, sticks, mini jerseys, etc.
Welcome sign
Cover sign on north east wall in lobby area with black table cover to create a clean background for
tournament draw, sanction and rules to be posted.
Thank you sign for major tournament sponsor.
Bring masking tape, duct tape, fun tac, markers, etc that may be needed for decorating purposes. Leave
supplies at raffle table for the weekend.
Decorations must be securely fastened to the wall. Decorations may only be hung from ceiling at the
north end of the lobby area so as not to disturb the security motion detectors. Consult with arena staff to
confirm this if considering hanging items from the ceiling.
Make arrangements for player name tags to be given to appropriate teams prior to or just following their
final game
Clean up decorations at end of tournament.
Receipts for expenses to be turned into coach/convener and will be paid for out of tournament proceeds.
Any significant anticipated expenses should be discussed and approved by parent group.
Other Tournament Options
Sliced oranges, Gatorade or granola bars provided for each team following their game.
Pizza Shoot Out
If there is a home Stamps game, it is sometimes arranged to supply complimentary child stamp game
tickets or if players wear their team jersey, they receive free admission. Speak to Brad Flynn to arrange
for this. Inform ticket sellers/takers of the arrangement.
Pick a Player Draw (similar to a 50/50)
Mom's and dad's baskets at raffle table
Music during whistle stops
Other ideas__________________
Sign-up sheet
Score Clock/Announcing Duties
Note: You are also responsible for announcing & presenting the
“Player of the Game” award winners
Coaches will submit the winners to you.
Friday, Feb. 9th
Game #
Time in Penalty Box
Volunteers (2/game)
Friday, Feb. 10th
Game 1
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Game 2
8:00am - 10:00am
Game 3
10:00am - 12:00pm 1.
Game 4
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Game 5
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Game 6
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Game 7
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Game 8
8:00pm - 10:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
Game 10
11:00am - 1:00pm
**Trophy Presentations**
Game 11
1:00pm - 3:00pm
**Trophy Presentations**
Saturday, Feb. 10th
Sunday, Feb. 11th
Game 9
Sign-up sheet
Volunteers to sell 50/50's during games
Saturday, Feb. 11th
Schedule time
Volunteer names
(2 per game slot)
Friday, Feb. 10th
Game 1
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Game 2
8:00am - 10:00am
Game 3
10:00am - 12:00pm 1.
Game 4
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Game 5
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Game 6
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Game 7
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Game 8
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Game 9
9:00am - 11:00am
Game 10
11:00am - 1:00pm
Game 11
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 10th
Sunday, Feb. 11th
You will need a money bib, draw pail and tickets which can be picked up the week of.
Volunteers will be required to sell and distribute tickets to customers as well as make the draw and post
the winning number. Due to the fact there will be money handling, please,
no one younger than 18 be volunteered.
Sign-up sheet
Saturday, February 10th, 2007
Volunteers to work Chinese auction/Loonie stick table
Schedule time
Volunteer names
(2 per game slot)
Friday, Feb. 10th
Game 1
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Game 2
8:00am - 10:00am
Game 3
10:00am - 12:00pm 1.
Game 4
12:00pm - 2:00pm
Game 5
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Game 6
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Game 7
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Game 8
8:00pm - 10:00pm
Game 9
9:00am - 11:00am
Game 10
11:00am - 1:00pm
Game 11
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 10th
Sunday, Feb. 11th
Volunteers will be required to sell and distribute tickets to customers. Due to the fact there will be
money handling, please, no one younger than 18 be volunteered.
Draws can be made at 6:30pm on Saturday