ALUMNI BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2015-2016 The mission of the Alumni Association is to foster a spirit of loyalty and connection between Campbell Hall and its 3,500 alumni around the world. The Alumni Association serves its graduates by providing them with avenues to connect with fellow alumni both professionally and socially. The Alumni Association maintains a LinkedIn Alumni Professional Network page featuring a Job and Internship Board. The Association also hosts a variety of mixers throughout the year in locations such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, and New York City. The social calendar culminates with the on-campus Alumni Reunion. Every May, graduates enjoy the opportunity to reunite, reminisce and network in person. The purpose of the Alumni Association Board of Directors is to promote an awareness of Campbell Hall and its current programs. The Board is responsible for encouraging volunteer service to their alma mater and providing social and professional networking opportunities to alumni through various events and programs. They also assist Campbell Hall in support of programs through fundraising, outreach and community efforts. ALUMNI BOARD MEETING SCHEDULE - Alumni Board Meets on campus five time a year: o September 8th o November 10th o January 12th o March 8th o May 10th - Committee Meetings are held independently and based on group availability o Committees are encouraged to utilize Message Boards Executive Board: (Includes President, Vice President, Secretary, Committee Chairs, and Alumni Director): Meets in the “off” months o October 13 o December 8th o February 9th o April 18th EXPECTATIONS FOR EACH ALUMNI BOARD MEMBER - Actively participate in a committee: Events, Professional Network, Student Engagement, Advancement and Scholarship (responsibilities below) - Make a personal pledge to the CH Fund before October 1 [Alumni Board of Directors: 2015-2016] 1 - Provide names of 15 individuals who you project will send in a gift by the end of the school year. Attend Alumni Reunion (June 4, 2016) & lead class RSVPs when it’s your reunion year Help promote and attend at least one local mixer Provide 1 topic for the Alumni Newsletter (assigned on a rotating basis)—A personal anecdote or experience you or a fellow alumnus has had recently (e.g., A philanthropic trip, business venture, vintage photo of you at CH). ALUMNI BOARD COMMITTEES Events Committee - Plan, coordinate, market and execute all local alumni events throughout the year, including alumni mixers, fundraising events, alumni speaking engagements, All Campus BBQ (tbd on Alumni booth) and Alumni Reunion. - Alumni take over social media for the day; provide pictures, memories, quotes to share on Facebook, Instagram and Alumni Newsletter. - Participate in Alumni College Care Package campaigns (College Kick Off/ Summer Mailing, Valentines Mailing, Finals Week Mailing). - Help to create a LinkedIn Happy Hour tradition with the Professional Network Committee that happens organically after a few months. Professional Network Committee - Continue development and refinement of online professional networking platform, which is currently hosted on LinkedIn. - Promote migration to the alumni group on LinkedIn to increase professional network through the Campbell Hall website. - Identify potential alumni speakers for the Events Committee and to enhance classroom experience throughout the year. - Identify potential internship and job opportunities for young alumni. - Identify potential “shadow day” opportunities for current students to see what a career in a particular field is like – Alumni Director will help coordinate with College Counseling and Faculty. - 4 Year Young Alumni Graduation Party for alums who just graduated from College: resume workshop, dressing for an interview, motivational speaker. Student Engagement Committee - Develop activities and programs to engage HS/JH students and make them aware of alumni program and benefits (Class Time Capsule). - Work with Campbell Hall student leaders to bring awareness to the student body about the Alumni Association. - Coordinate ice cream truck for Seniors’ last day of school with Alumni Director. - Work with Alumni Director and Advancement Committee to initiate a senior giving program ($20.16 from the class of 2016). [Alumni Board of Directors: 2015-2016] 2 Advancement Committee - Continue to build institutional stability and stewardship with an emphasis on increasing alumni giving to the Campbell Hall Fund. - Identify, create and enhance relationships with prospective major donors. Develop individualized strategies to cultivate or strengthen those relationships. - Arrange and attend lunches/coffee with prospective major donors. - Alumni Director will share donor email contacts with Executive Committee. - Track progress towards individual Alumni Board Members’ 15 gifts fundraising goals. Provide guidance for Alumni Board members on meeting fundraising goals. - Report back to the full Alumni Board during board meetings regarding progress toward fundraising goals for the Board as a whole. - Work with Student Engagement Committee to initiate a senior giving program. - Work with Scholarship Committee to highlight stories of past scholarship recipients who are willing to share with the Campbell Hall community the impact that our support had on them. Scholarship Committee (SPRING) - Make recommendations to the Executive Committee and Alumni Director regarding the number and amount of alumni scholarships to be awarded. - Explore feasibility of establishing new and/or expanding scholarship awards. - Assist in promoting scholarship programs. - Implement the selection and awarding of scholarships: Develop questions Conduct interview Select recipients - Provide secondary support to Fundraising and Professional Networking committees. - Work with Advancement Committee to highlight stories of past scholarship recipients who are willing to share with the Campbell Hall community the impact that our support had on them. [Alumni Board of Directors: 2015-2016] 3