Name: __________________________ Multiplying and Dividing Numbers Written in Scientific Notation Standard notation Scientific notation 20 x 300 = 6,000 2.0 x 101 x 3.0 x 102 = 6.0 x 103 1. Complete the following table below. The first row represents multiplication of numbers written in standard notation. The second row represents multiplication of numbers written in scientific notation. Standard notation Scientific notation Standard notation Scientific notation Standard notation Scientific notation Standard notation Scientific notation 25 x 100 = x = x = 2,500 2.0 x 101 x 3.5 x 10 3 = 7 x 104 0.01 x 0.003 = .00003 4.2 x 10-3 x = x = x 2.2 x 10-7 = 9.24 x 10-10 a. Look closely at all the scientific notation rows. Can you determine a simple way that we can multiply number’s written in scientific notation? If you can, list the specific rules that you can use to perform these operations. b. The problems below will allow you to test out your rule. Check your work by writing each number in standard notations and solving the problem in standard notation. Example: (3.5 x 103)(2.8 x 105) = 9.8 x 108 Standard: 3,500 x 280,000 = 980,000,000 i. (1.62 x 102)(4.1 x 106) = Standard: ii. (3.45 x 104)(1.75 x 104) = Standard: iii. (1.62 x 10-2)(3.7 x 10-4) = Standard: c. Did your method work? If not, can you adjust your rules so that it now works? d. Identify similarities between multiplying numbers in scientific notation and numbers written in exponential form. 2. Complete the following table below. The first row represents multiplication of numbers written in standard notation. The second row represents multiplication of numbers written in scientific notation. Standard notation Scientific notation Standard notation Scientific notation 400 7.0 x 105 ÷ 25 = ÷ = ÷ = ÷ 2 x 10 3 = 16 3.5 x 102 Standard notation Scientific notation Standard notation Scientific notation 0.03 4.2 x 10-3 ÷ 0.003 = ÷ = ÷ = ÷ 2.1 x 10-7 = 10 2.0 x 104 a. Look closely at all the scientific notation rows. Can you determine a simple way that we can divide number’s written in scientific notation? If you can, list the specific rules that you can use to perform these operations. b. The problems below will allow you to test out your rule. Check your work by writing each number in standard notations and solving the problem in standard notation. Example: Standard: i. (3.5 x 103) ÷ (2.8 x 105) = 1.25 x 10-2 3,500 ÷ 280,000 = .0125 (1.62 x 102) ÷ (1.35 x 106) = Standard: ii. (3.45 x 108) ÷ (2.875 x 104) = Standard: iii. (8.2 x 10-2) ÷ (2.05 x 10-7) = Standard: c. Did your method work? If not, can you adjust your rules so that it now works? d. Identify similarities between dividing numbers in scientific notation and numbers written in exponential form. 3. Sometimes when multiplying and dividing numbers in scientific notation there needs to be a correction for exponents. The following problems involve correcting for exponents. Fill in the boxes as before, and see if you can figure out what correcting the exponent means. Standard notation Scientific notation 90 Standard notation Scientific notation 5000000 𝑥 200 = 𝑥 𝑥 = 300000 = = 𝑥 1.8 x 104 1.5 x 1012 a. If you notice, the “corrected” exponent is 1 greater then you would expect. Why did we need to make this correction? Standard notation Scientific notation 4,000,000 Standard notation Scientific notation 270000 ÷ 800 = ÷ ÷ ÷ = 0.09 5 x 103 = = 3 x 106 b. If you notice, the “corrected” exponent is 1 less then you would expect. Why did we need to make this correction?