View Syllabus - Walla Walla Community College

Walla Walla Community College
Psychology of the Environment (Psy 224)
M-F; 9:30; Room 222, 5 credits
Instructor Information:
Cindy Stevenson
Office #1
Du Nann Winter, D. & Koger, S.M. (2010). The Psychology of Environmental Problems
(3 ed.). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Course Objectives:
1. Become aware of the factors that influence decisions and actions regarding
environmental issues, including effective and ineffective methods of persuasion.
2. Explore and understand various psychological perspectives on human-environmental
3. Provide the student with an opportunity to understand the relationship between the
environment and human behavior.
4. Gain first-hand knowledge about key environment and behavior issues through hands-on
5. Provide an opportunity for Honors Students to collaborate on scholarly projects and share
Course Description:
This course provides the student with the opportunity to apply psychological theory and
research to environmental problems. Course will focus on how psychological principles may
contribute to building a sustainable culture with an applied component in which the student will
explore interventions to promote an awareness of current environmental difficulties. Prerequisite:
Enrolled in the Honors Program or instructor permission.
Additional Information:
Attendance and Participation- 10%
This class meets 5 times per week for 11 weeks (minus holidays). The
student is expected to attend each class. A maximum of 4 absences are
allowed without penalty.
This class is dependent upon the student active participation in class activities and
2 tests worth 35 points each
1 experience paper worth 35 points
2 in class essays worth 5 points each
1 group presentation worth 35 points
Missed Exams or Assignments
Tests must be completed by the due date-late tests will not be
The experience paper must be turned in by the due date-late papers will be
accepted with a 1 grade drop per day penalty.
If an in-class essay is missed, there will be no possible make up
Extra Credit Opportunities
Students may earn up to 10 points extra credit. Opportunities will be
offered based on what is available in the community and with instructor
approval. The student is encouraged to seek out opportunities that are
relevant to environmental psychology and that can be offered to all by the
Academic Honesty and Student Conduct
Please refer to the student handbook for college policy.
*Plagiarism-the buying, borrowing, or stealing of written material for the
purpose of fulfilling or partly fulfilling any assignment or task required as
part of the student’s program or instruction.
*No use of cell phones, including texting, during class. Disruptive behavior
includes, but is not limited to, the sounds of excessive side conversations, noisy
behaviors such as gum snapping, wrappers, and crunchy foods.
162-180 A
144-161 B
126- 143 C
108- 125 D
2 test@35 points each = 70 points
1 paper @ 35 points = 35
1 essay @5 points
= 5
Presentation @ 35 points= 35
Attendance &Participation=35
180 total points
Available Support Services
Americans With Disabilities Act-Contact Claudia Angus- 527-4563
Trio-Tutoring- 527-4258
Student Services-527-4262
Psychology of Environmental Problems
Course Outline
Psychology 224
Instructor Information:
Cindy Stevenson
Office #1
The purpose this week is to explore why a class in environmental psychology is necessary and
for the student to understand some of the issues of environmental psychology.
1. To define environmental psychology
2. To become aware of the 3 main reasons people don’t protect the environment
3. To become aware of 15 environmental concerns.
4. To become aware of effective and ineffective techniques of persuasion to protect the
1. Read Chapter 1-Defining Environmental Psychology.
2. Complete: consequences.
3. One article of scholarly research addressing an area of environmental concern-share a short
summary with class.
4. Comparison of 3 Youtube shorts on environmental issues.
Discussion questions
1. What is the current condition of our world?
2. How psychology can be a part of the solution to environmental problems?
3. Which Youtube presentations were effective and why?
The purpose this week is for the student to gain information from research about environmental
concerns through scholarly articles and media presentations.
1. To identify and research an area of environmental concern.
2. To articulate the concern concisely and articulately.
3. To discover effective methods of persuasion about environmental action through the media.
4. To define key concepts of Boomster vs. Doomster perspectives and exponential growth.
1. Read Chapter 1-Defining Environmental Psychology.
2. Be prepared to discuss Theoretical Orientations to Environmental psychology.
3. Discussion of areas of interest for application paper.
4. Discussion of the results of Sensual Awareness Inventory.
Discussion Questions:
1. Student led discussion based on the assignments.
The purpose this week is to begin to apply psychological theories to the environmental issue of
interest identified by the student.
1. To become familiar with the psychoanalytic approach as it applies to environmental issues.
2. To articulate application of the information to the identified environmental concern
3. To research and begin action on the application project.
1. Read Chapter 2-Freud and Implications for Environmental Psychology.
2. Student led discussion based on questions generated by the readings.
3. Generate a list of at least 10 proposed action /application cites/resources.
Discussion Questions:
How do the psychoanalytic principles apply to the identified areas area of concern?
The purpose this week is to become familiar with Social Psychology and implications for
environmental psychology.
1. To become familiar with the social psychological approach to environmental psychology.
2. To articulate the information to the identified environmental concern through class discussion.
3. To define key concepts of altruism, attribution, cognitive dissonance, norms, and factors
influencing environmental concern.
1. Read Chapter 3- Social Psychology
2. Thursday-Test over chapters 1-3, lectures, and discussions.
Discussion Questions:
How do the principles of social psychology apply to the identified areas area of concern?
The purpose this week is to become familiar with Behavioral Psychology and implications for
environmental psychology.
1. To become familiar with the behavioral approach to environmental issues.
2. To articulate the information as it applies to the identified environmental concern.
3. To articulate through discussion the key concepts of Tragedy of the Commons, positive and
negative reinforcement, punishment, and environmental contingencies.
1. Read Chapter 4- Behavioral Psychology and the Implications for Environmental Psychology.
Discussion Questions:
1. How do the principles of behavioral psychology apply to the identified areas area of concern?
The purpose this week is to become familiar with physiological and health psychology and
implications for environmental psychology.
1. To become familiar with the physiological and health approaches to environmental issues.
2. To articulate the information as it applies to the identified environmental concern.
3. Demonstration of critical thinking by writing a short essay over the announced topic.
4. To articulate understanding of the key concepts of stress and stress related physical and
psychological problems through discussion.
1. Read Chapter 5- Physiological and Health Psychology.
2. Writing of a short essay over the announced topic.
Discussion Questions:
How do the principles of physiological and health psychology apply to the identified areas of
The purpose this week is to become familiar with cognitive approaches to environmental and
implications for environmental psychology.
1. To articulate understanding of the cognitive approach to environmental psychology.
2. To articulate the information as it applies to the identified environmental concern.
3. To demonstrate through discussion the key concepts of Information-processing, heuristics,
confirmation bias, and garbage in, garbage out or GIGO.
4. To decide the order of the experience application presentations.
1. Read Chapter 6- Cognitive Psychology.
Discussion Questions:
How do the principles of cognitive psychology apply to the identified areas area of concern?
The purpose this week is to become familiar with holistic approaches and implications for
environmental psychology.
1. To demonstrate familiarity with the holistic approach to environmental psychology.
2. To articulate understanding of the key concepts of gestalt, holism, ecopsychology, and
Biophilia hypothesis.
3. To articulate the information to the identified environmental concern.
1. Read Chapter 7-Holistic Approaches: Gestalt and Ecopsychology.
2. Thursday-Take Home test handed out to students.
3. Begin student presentations on application experience, paper to be turned in at the time of
Discussion Questions:
1. How do the principles of holistic approaches apply to the identified areas area of concern?
2. Student generated questions based on presentations.
The purpose this week is to focus on what the student can do to build a sustainable world.
1. Read Chapter 8- Putting it Together: Using Psychology to Build a Sustainable World.
2. To demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of voluntary simplicity, and 6 principles.
3. Student presentations on outcome of activity.
4. Tuesday-Return completed test to instructor.
Discussion Questions:
1. Student generated questions based on presentations.
The purpose this week is to synthesize the knowledge learned over the past 10 weeks. You will
also have the opportunity to provide feedback on your experience in this course.
1. Students will be able to discuss their learning of psychology and environmental issues by
identifying at least one application for each of the theories discussed.
2. Students will articulate at least one strength and one area of improvement for the future
offering of this course.
1. Be prepared to discuss one action that you took based on the information and readings from
this class.
2. Complete feedback.
Discussion Questions:
1. How will you apply the information from this course to your life?
2. How can this course be improved for future offerings?
Psychology of Environmental Problems
Grading Rubrics
Psychology 224- 5 Credits
*2 test@35 points each = 70 points
The first test will consist of multiple choice questions (29 points) and 2 application short essays
(3 points each = 6 points total) based on the lectures readings, and class discussions to this point
in the quarter.
The second test will be a take home application essay test based on the lectures, readings, and
class discussions, due to the instructor the following Tuesday. The student will be required to
view 2 media presentations (on reserve in the WWCC Library) as the basis for the essay
responses. Grading:
5 points- Writing- spelling, punctuation, grammar
30 points- Content- applies at least 2 theoretical approaches (15 points each) in explaining the
issue presented in each video. Applies key concepts and
demonstrates understanding.
*1 paper @ 35 points = 35 points
5 points- APA Style- formatted and written appropriately including: as APA style
5 points- Writing- spelling, punctuation, grammar
5 points- Citations-references are cited within-the-text and bibliography according to
APA style, are current (no older than 2002), and are from a scholarly source
20 points- Content- applies at least 2 theoretical approaches (10 points each) in
explaining the issue and includes scholarly research source.
*1 essay @5 points =
5 points
Demonstrates through critical thinking understanding of the topic.
*Presentation @ 5 points=
5 points
Is prepared and knowledgeable on topic.
*Attendance & Participation=10 points
Misses 1 or less classes, participates appropriately through discussion and questioning skills.
*1 paper @ 35 points = 35 points
5 points- APA Style- formatted and written appropriately including: as APA style
5 points- Writing- spelling, punctuation, grammar
5 points- Citations-references are cited within-the-text and bibliography according to
APA style, are current (no older than 2002), and are from a scholarly source
20 points- Content- applies at least 2 theoretical approaches (10 points each) in
explaining the issue and includes scholarly research source.