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To be completed by the student
Students: submit your completed application electronically by January 13, 2014 , as a
Word document, to your graduate advisor (for enrolled students) and copied to your program’s graduate assistant. Name your application as follows: Program abbreviation_your last name _GRMP (or DYP, as appropriate). For example, Joe
Smith in Anthropology applying for a GRMP award would submit an application named: anth_smith_grmp.docx
Graduate Advisors: Attach the proper letters of recommendation to each application and then upload each file by January 24, 2014 following the instructions in the cover letter with this application or on the iLearn course “Graduate Division GRMP/DYP
Fellowship Program 2014-2015 ”.
Mentor/Dissertation Chair:___________________________________________
Advanced to Candidacy for PhD:
Yes_____ Date___________________
No______, which quarter do you expect to advance?________________
Fellowship Applying (select only one):
Graduate Research Mentorship Programs (GRMP)______
Dissertation-Year Programs (DYP)______
US Citizen/Permanent Resident ________ International ______
Length of Fellowship Requested : (Funds cannot be carried forward to Academic Year
2015/16) 1 Quarter____ 2 Quarters_____ 3 Quarters_____
Anticipated date of completion of the dissertation: (mm/yy)__________________
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To be completed by all domestic students
In order for Graduate Division to make best use of all funding sources, we ask all domestic students to complete this form.
First/Primary Language Spoken in the Home:___________________
Father’s Occupation_________________ Highest grade/degree completed ________
Mother’s Occupation________________ Highest grade/degree completed __________
Are you a single parent? _____ Yes _____ No
Were you raised by a single parent? _____ Yes _____ No
Did you attend an inner-city high school or impoverished high school? _____ Yes _____ No
Eligibility for a diversity award as defined by the UC Office of the President: a) Experience of situations or conditions which were an impediment to advancing to graduate study, such as the absence of a family member who attended college; matriculation at a school or schools with poor financial or curricular support; having a physical or learning disability; or having worked long hours while attending school; or b) Academic research interests focusing on cultural, societal or educational problems as they affect educationally disadvantaged segments of society; or c) Evidence of an intention to use the doctoral degree toward serving educationally
underrepresented segments of society.
Please provide any information which you believe would qualify you for a diversity award. Limit one page, single spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.
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To be completed by the student
1. What is the intellectual merit of your dissertation research?
2. What are the broader impacts of your dissertation research
3. What are your research accomplishments at UCR to date?
4. What will your dissertation activities entail during the coming year?
5. What are your career goals?
Each question should be followed by your response. All together, the questions with your responses are limited to 2 single spaced pages, 1 inch margins, 12 point font.
You may use up to one additional page to include references cited.
Your application will not be reviewed by faculty in your graduate program. Most applications will be reviewed by one scientist or engineer and by one social scientist or humanist. As part of your professional development, you need to learn to justify and explain your research to an educated lay audience. If these reviewers do not understand your responses, you will likely receive a low score and will not receive funding.
You are encouraged to seek writing assistance from the Graduate Writing Center
) in the Graduate Success office.
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Professional Activities
To be completed by the student
Please provide a timeline for completion of your dissertation, noting specifically when you expect to finish all research projects and when you expect to begin and complete writing the dissertation.
Please list PUBLISHED papers only on which you are an author. You must include the complete citation with inclusive pagination and all authors listed in the order in which they appear in the publication. Please do NOT include manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication. Do NOT include published abstracts.
Please list all talks or posters presented at regional, national or international meetings or conferences. Indicate the name, location and date of the meeting/conference. Provide the title of your presentation, the list of authors as they appear in the conference proceedings, and indicate which author presented the work. Do NOT include UCR graduate program symposia.
Provide a list of all proposals that you have written and submitted for extramural funding. For each proposal, indicate the agency to which it was submitted, the date of submission, whether the proposal has been funded, and, if so, the amount of funds awarded. If your dissertation mentor is the PI on any of these proposals, explain why you have included that proposal here.
List all honors/awards received during graduate school at UCR.
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LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION FORM for GRMP and DYP Graduate Fellowship applicants
Student: Please fill in this box and then provide an electronic copy of this page to two faculty members to complete, one of whom should be your mentor/dissertation advisor.
Name of applicant:
Ph.D program: Applying for: ____GRMP ____DYP
Graduate Advisor for the program:
(if the program has more than one graduate advisor, this should be the Graduate Advisor for enrolled/continuing students)
Recommender: If you are the applicant’s dissertation advisor, please indicate the date by which you expect the student to complete the dissertation
Name & Position of recommender:
Relationship of recommender to applicant:
The student is applying for a Graduate Research Mentorship Program (GRMP) or a Dissertation
Year Program (DYP) fellowship. These fellowships provide stipends and fees for continuing graduate students and are awarded competitively. Please evaluate this app licant’s qualifications and research accomplishments critically . Provide data to support any superlatives you use in your letter. Recipients of fellowships should be those students likely to become the successful contributors to their fields upon graduation. Please limit letters to no more than two pages.
Recommender: Submit your letter ELECTRONICALLY by January 13, 2014 to the appropriate Graduate Advisor (named in the box above) for the student’s program. Please use the student’s last name to name this file so that the advisor can readily attach your letter to the correct application.
The Graduate Research Mentorship Programs (GRMP) awards are intended to enhance the mentoring of doctoral students during their third, fourth, or fifth years of graduate study. Recipients are eligible for one, two or three quarters of support to conduct their research (includes summers).
Eligibility Criteria
1. Must be a Ph.D. student
2. Must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States
3. Must enhance the diversity of the department/graduate program
4. Must have completed 2 years of graduate school at UCR by Fall 2014
5. Must be actively engaged in scholarly research leading to the dissertation
6. Must not have more than 7 units of incomplete grades
7. Must be making acceptable progress toward the degree
8. Can be on-leave to apply but must be in regular standing during tenure of fellowship
Application Procedure
The following forms will need to be completed and submitted electronically by January
13, 2014 to the applicant’s Graduate Advisor:
1. Applicant Information Form
2. Diversity Form
3. Research Statement
4. Professional activities
5. Two letters of recommendation from faculty, one of whom must be the mentor/dissertation advisor
Support Summary
$5,100 stipend per quarter (Summer
’14, Fall, Winter, Spring); up to 3 quarters plus fees*
Students ADVANCED TO CANDIDACY for the Ph.D.:
$5,400 stipend per quarter (Summer ‘14, Fall, Winter, Spring); up to 3 quarters plus fees*
* Applicable Fall, Winter, and Spring terms only
The DYP awards are intended to provide support to graduate students who are nearing completion of their dissertation research and expect to complete their dissertation within the academic year in which the student receives the award.
Eligibility Criteria
1. Must be Ph.D. student advanced to candidacy by January 24, 2014
2. Must not have more than 7 units of incomplete grades
3. Must be able to complete the dissertation by June 2016. Priority will be given to those students able to complete the dissertation prior to Fall Quarter, 2015
4. Must be making acceptable progress toward the degree (acceptable progress for a Ph.D. student is represented by the normative time to degree for the particular program plus 1 year at time of degree completion).
Application Procedure
The applicant must complete and submit electronically the following forms to his/her
Graduate Advisor by January 13, 2014:
1. Applicant Information Form
2. Diversity Form (domestic students only)
3. Research Statement
4. Professional Activities
5. Two letters of recommendation from faculty, one of whom must be the mentor/dissertation advisor
Support Summary
$7,200 stipend per quarter (Summer
’14, Fall, Winter, Spring), up to three quarters, plus fees (fees applicable FWS only). Students in absentia receive stipend but no fees.
Both international and domestic students are eligible to apply. Some awards are funded by UCOP monies available only to domestic students who meet diversity criteria. It is important that all domestic students complete the diversity form so that Graduate Division can determine an appropriate funding source for each awardee.